

智慧安全讓您可以客製化, 監視器, 隨時隨地管理您的安全系統, 從您的智慧型手機. 自動化程度比較高, 監控範圍更全面, 並具有一定的安全系統防禦功能.

例如, 網路語音警報系統在家庭安全中設定防火, 防小偷, 防漏電, 照顧老人, 地震警報和安全系統之一.

同時可以訪問, 並控制自動門鎖, 自動灑水裝置, 自動瓦斯閥, ETC. 智慧安防監控系統在工業領域也廣泛應用, 與您一起讀懂智能安防!

1. 智能安防的意義是什麼?

智慧安防警報系統是家庭配備的各種感測器, 功能鍵, 偵測器, 和執行器共同構成了家庭安防系統,是家庭安防系統的大腦。警報功能包括防盜, 防火, 緊急援助, 瓦斯洩漏警報器, ETC. 警報系統由微機管理控制,實現盜匪自動警報和緊急求助.


2. 智能安防工作原理?


智慧安防技術, 指資訊服務, 影像傳輸與儲存技術, 隨著科學技術的發展與進步,21世紀資訊科技進入了一個新的領域, 智慧安防技術與電腦的界線正逐漸消失.

城市安防工程涉及建築等多個領域, 街道和社區, 道路監控, 銀行和郵局, 機動車輛, 移動物體, 船舶, 警察, 等等。特別是對於重要的地方, 例如機場, 碼頭, 水, 和發電廠, 橋樑, DAMS, 河, 地鐵等場所, 物聯網技術的引進可以透過無線移動建立全方位的立體防護, 追蹤, 和定位裝置.

尤其, 隨著 車聯網, 大眾運輸管理, 車輛事故處理, 車輛防盜可以更快速、準確地追蹤定位。還可以獲得更準確的災害和事故訊息, 道路流量資訊, 車輛位置資訊, 公共設施安全資訊, 隨時隨地透過車輛取得天氣資訊等資訊.



影像辨識技術是指對影像的物體進行識別, 為了辨識各種不同模式的目標和物體, 影像辨識基於深度學習, 那是, 透過在海量資料的基礎上持續深度訓練, 從而在實際應用上達到高精度.

在安防領域, 影像辨識技術主要應用於人體分析, 車輛分析, 行為分析, 和影像分析.


安防系統涉及的生物辨識技術主要面向識別, 指紋辨識, 虹膜識別, 聲紋識別, 人臉辨識, 指紋辨識目前應用比較廣泛.

現在, 人臉辨識技術 2 d 大部分, 但有以下限制 2 d技術, 例如對照明等外在環境因素的脆弱性, 表達, 姿勢, 的影響 3 d 人臉辨識技術將成為趨勢, 目前的 3 d Vision已經在許多場景中被應用, 例如公園, 智慧站點, 檢測異常的智慧, 監控是否有入侵, 打架和其他事件.


邊緣運算是雲端運算的延伸概念. 它是指使用計算基本功能的開放平台, 網路, 應用, 和儲存以在資料來源或物件的一側提供最近的服務.


3. 智能安防有什麼用?


智慧安防系統出現的主要原因是為了確保我們的安全. 事實上, 智慧安防系統透過提供多種功能,可以隨時保障我們家人的安全。智慧安防系統還可以遠端控制, 這意味著用戶可以隨時查看家裡發生的事情, 任何地方, 甚至可以控制千里之外的房間.

1. 自動設防

智慧安防系統充分考慮別墅業主的便利性. 業主出門回家後可撥打號碼實現電話撤回,避免進門報警. 在規定的時間內, 別墅智慧安防系統將自動開始部署.

2. 防盜系統

紅外線布幕裝置, 智慧門禁系統, 而智慧門禁系統主要是防止門的非法開啟。當有人非法進入房間時,窗簾會自動關閉並報警主人.

3. 防火, 漏氣, 防風雨的

室內菸霧濃度偵測, 氣體洩漏檢測, 外面刮風下雨的時候, 系統自動警報並採取相應的緊急措施, 智慧型檢測設備將根據檢測數據按照預先設計的計劃執行動作。

一些擁有優秀安防監控系統的公司都會有與其產品相符的免費APP軟體, 用戶可以下載到手機上並與監控系統搭配使用。這些應用程式允許用戶透過手機遠端查看他們的家。觀察您的寵物在做什麼以及您的孩子如何表現,讓您的生活更有趣.

您可以安全旅行並追蹤家裡發生的事情。即使您要長途旅行數月, 您將能夠即時看到安全攝影機正在做什麼。透過APP的截圖, 安全系統偵測到的入侵將發送到使用者的手機。在那種情況下, 您可以決定是否需要採取行動,然後致電當地警方尋求協助, 或認為這不是正確的做法.

假設你在家,有人偷偷溜進你的花園。如果您有視訊監控系統並開啟了防盜設備, 您可以抓住潛入的竊賊。在影片片段中發現可疑活動將幫助您向當地警方發出警報並防止入侵。如果你的房子被偷了, 監控系統的影片將成為幫助抓獲肇事者的最佳證據.

我們不小看智慧安防系統, 它就像我們的私人“保鏢”之一, 默默守護家園和家人的安全, 確保每位成員的人身財產安全, at the same time it didn’t have the slightest slack, conscientiously in the future market, believe in smart security systems also can have a better development.

4. 智能安防的風險



Chips from AI, AI algorithms, and intelligent hardware input, are not a small amount of investment, intelligent hardware requires a certain amount of money, and large risk, high cost of trial and error, so the threshold of the companies such as relatively high, or have other industries can be parallel to liquidate or relevant investors strong financial support.


At the present stage, data are kept and used separately between each subdivision industry and each manufacturer of intelligent security. For multi-dimensional analysis and tracking target scenarios, it is necessary to improve the system openness of each platform, 打通數據資訊共享平台, 並拓展視覺訊息的應用.

隨著AI應用的日益碎片化, 業界廠商普遍期待AI專案盡快標準化,讓專案交付更容易執行.


基於開發 物聯網, 大數據, 人工智慧和其他技術, 如何將技術與安全結合起來, 並將其實施到產品或解決方案中, 這對行業和應用場景的理解提出了更高的要求, 對不同應用場景的理解, 限制了垂直領域的勘探深度。將來, 對細分行業或應用場景的理解, and the efficient combination of a variety of technologies, will determine the practical application and landing effect of intelligent security products.


The systematic accumulation of the ability to fuse multiple single-point technologies into a holistic solution that meets user needs. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, it has become a trend to enter the field of intelligent security with algorithms and other technologies as the breakthrough point. However, how integrating a variety of single point technologies into landing products to meet user needs and improve industrial application efficiency and value is a problem that many enterprises in the industry need to consider.


物聯網, 大數據, 人工智慧, cloud computing has accelerated the intelligent transformation of the security industry, but at the same time, data leakage events have frequently broken out, and data security issues have gradually attracted people’s attention.

With the open source and wide application of face recognition technology, criminals collect face data illegally through illegal programs, causing the problem of privacy disclosure. Data cloud makes users have higher requirements for the security and credibility of enterprise data storage. Besides the constraints of laws and regulations, it is also urgent to establish a data security management system.

6. 智慧安防面臨哪些挑戰?


In addition to the progress of chips, algorithms and products, the improvement of technological capabilities, including 5G communication and sensing, also enables the “intelligence +” of security and gives birth to innovative intelligent applications. However, the development also faces many challenges:

1. 視訊資料深度融合應用有待完善

How to deeply apply the existing video and change the post-application mode of passive verification into the pre-application mode of active defense is the urgent demand of the security industry, but the application of this area still needs to be strengthened.

Now feeling the public security organs from the business practice preliminary combined with video monitoring results from artificial intelligence, but how in the lead of the big data strategy, further closely around the practical and useful, in view of the widespread integration across technology, integrated applications across lines of business, in actual combat effectiveness to energized, the public security police on the convenience of practices to reduce, the grassroots police. It is still a pain point and difficult problem of artificial intelligence in the field of the public security business, which needs to be further solved.

2. 新技術需要落地

現在, the core AI technologies in the security industry, including human recognition (face and human body), vehicle recognition and so on, have achieved good applications. Jian-huang lai professor mentioned, now face recognition, license plate recognition technology has reached a good level, the current face recognition in video surveillance with better, but a wide range of pedestrian recognition application has not yet been seen again, such as can’t see the face of it depends on the pedestrian recognition technology combined with facial recognition to do precise monitor again.

Security check in many important places, such as subway, 還是需要花費大量的金錢,浪費大量的人力物力, 由此可見,基於視訊監控的安防技術研發和應用還不到位。. 利用視訊監控技術簡化安檢流程、提高安檢水準我們還有很大的空間.

在視訊監控應用中, 當監視器系統看不到人臉或看不到人臉時, 這取決於行人重新識別技術。現在, 攝影機遍佈全城, 符合標準的人臉相機佔比較少。為了最大限度地發揮傳統平安城市和天網項目的安防攝影機的潛力, 行人重辨識技術非常重要.

另外, 音訊和視訊系統中的聲音尚未充分利用, 而應用程式中的使用者其實也有迫切的需求.

3. 應加強多演算法融合

在實際應用中, 不同演算法分析功能獨立部署的情況很常見, 會大幅降低應用效率.

目前公安機關的情報應用已經從單點延伸到“雲”, 邊, 側”全面部署, 特別是對前端設備整合智慧型裝置的選用提出了要求, 有一人臉, 人類, 車輛, 結構化的, 行為分析演算法融合以及高效的編解碼和傳輸, 有線、無線及安全保護, 和其他功能, 全面一體化的智慧相機, 完全符合GB/T25724, GB35114 and GB/T28181 standards, has become an urgent demand in the in-depth construction and application of the current “Xueliang Project”. If such a product is launched, it will certainly be welcomed by the front-line combat departments of public security, and there will be greater market space.

The algorithm analysis layer is the core of artificial intelligence technology, the quality of the algorithm determines the application effect of artificial intelligence technology. In the face of users’ problems and demands, manufacturers still need to continue to develop in the superposition of multiple functions such as the integration deployment of multiple algorithms and the coordination of panoramic multi-mirror and multi-task, so as to improve the problem of stacking analysis servers with different algorithms to meet users’ demands.

For the development of the fusion algorithm, YanJun thinks now of people, 汽車, and the fusion algorithm in the application of content analysis, with the evolution of intelligence, the fusion of the future will also include audio and video, radar, thermal imaging, ETC。, through multidimensional awareness to solve the disadvantages of single sensor data, gives rise to more dimension data to artificial intelligence or solve the level of intelligence in the specific scene.

4. 協會應引導行業佈局

現在, the security industry is regarded as one of the industries with the most market space for artificial intelligence, 這波發展軌道上擠滿了各個層面的參與者。胡傳平總裁提到安防市場應用前景非常誘人, 有許多企業進駐, 但整個產業只有一些大企業賺錢, 更嚴格意義上的中小企業不賺錢, 部分創新企業獲得資金投入支持, 因為很多企業幾乎都在做同樣的事情。從協會的角度來看, 引導企業合理佈局與產業創新, 給予企業指導, 並幫助他們獲得利潤, 因為有了利潤, 相關技術能夠取得更好的進展, 產業才能得到更好的發展.

7. 智能安防的優點和好處



Traditional security system equipment volume is large, and needs to be installed separatelyAnd small size, can be directly affixed to the wall with the base of the two-sided sticky note.


The traditional security system has a high degree of professionalism and has certain requirements for operators. Intelligent security system operating platform is mobile terminal equipment, you can view the situation at home at any timeIt is designed for ordinary users without any security knowledge.


The traditional security system has complex equipment and high cost. Intelligent security system is designed for home users to remove some parts that are not universally needed while maintaining the integrity of the system, so that the whole system is lighter and the price is suitable for most families.


The characteristic of smart home security system is advanced science and technology. Intelligent home security systems assembled a variety of techniques to achieve different functions.


People use high-end smart home security system, many devices do not need manual operation, only need to control the equipment.


Smart home security system is the product of science to create a higher and more advanced life.


Smart home security system can be used reasonably. The reasonableness is not only reflected in the reasonableness of the system operation, but also lies in the reasonableness of the equipment operation. Only when the reasonableness of standardization is achieved, can smart home equipment be better used.


Loyal butler, always on guard. Anti-gas leakage, anti-robbery, indoor anti-theft, 防火, and emergency rescue functions, fully integrated timing control, voice telephone remote control, 場景控制, wireless forwarding.

8. 智慧安防系統由哪些部分組成?


In order to be able to protect the safety of the home in a more all-around way, many families have installed intelligent security systems, including intelligent door locks, intelligent cat eyes, intelligent cameras and so on. Once these security products since intrusion into the outside world, they will activate the alarm device. So intelligent security anti-theft alarm system is composed of which parts?


Infrared intrusion detector is mainly used to prevent illegal intrusion. The detector generally uses pyroelectric human infrared sensor, and its working principle is mainly human infrared monitoring. In fact, objects in nature, such as human body, flame, ice, ETC。, can emit infrared, but the wavelength is not the same.

Using different wavelengths, the infrared radiation of human body the pyroelectric body temperature changes continuously, making it output a corresponding signal after another, the characteristics of the pyroelectric infrared sensor human body are that it only caused in external radiation temperature changes, to give corresponding electrical signal, when the temperature changes in the stable are there will be no signal outputSo the signal generator does not change with its own temperature change, but is sensitive to the movement of the human body, so as to detect the movement of the human body.


Door magnetic system is also one of the more widely used security systems, generally including door magnetic, window magnetic. Door magnetic, window magnetic is actually door magnetic switch, window magnetic switch for short. It is mainly composed of a door magnetic body and magnetic control bar.

When the control starts, once the magnetic control bar and the door magnetic body are separated, the corresponding signal will be generated and transmitted to the equipment through the network, so as to remind.


This kind of detector is mainly used to detect visible or invisible combustion products and the initial fire with slow fire speed, there are four kinds of ion type, photoelectric type, laser type and infrared wire beam type.


gas sensor is a kind of gas volume fraction into the corresponding electrical signal converter. The probe adjusts the gas sample through a gas sensor. Gas sensor is a kind of gas composition, concentration and other information into the information can be used by personnel, instruments, computers and other devices!


Based on the principle of liquid conductivity, the water sensor detects whether there is water with electrodes, and then converts it into dry contact output with the sensor. Generally divided into contact water detectors and non-contact water detectors.

The above is an integral part of smart security alarm system. With the development of Internet of things technology, intelligent security system is widely used in enterprises and residential areas.

9. 智慧安防實際案例


The main connotation of intelligent security technology is its related content and service information, image transmission and storage, data storage and processing and so on. It involves multidimensional data fusion, AI chips, 機器視覺, image sensing, algorithms, biometrics, intelligent video analysis, ETC。

1. 視訊監控系統

Smart security monitoring system, refers to image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision technology, through the increase in the monitoring system of intelligent video analysis modules, the powerful data processing ability to filter out with the help of computer video footage useless or interference information, automatically identify different objects, analysis to extract useful information in the video source, fast accurate positioning the scene of the accidentJudge the abnormal situation in the monitoring picture, and the fastest speed and the best way to send out an alarm or trigger other actions, so as to effectively advance warning, in the process of handling, after the timely evidence of the automatic real-time intelligent monitoring system.

2. 門禁系統

Indicate the forbidden permission of door access doors. Security at the door. Summary: management of what people what time can be in and out of the door, and provide query statements, 等等, common entrance guard systems are: password entrance guard system, non-contact card entrance guard system, type iris zhang biometric fingerprint entrance guard system, such as entrance guard system is developing rapidly in recent years, has been widely used in the management control system.

3. 停車場管理系統

The car park management system is a set of network systems. It realizes the comprehensive management of the vehicle entry and exit and the field of the vehicle dynamic and static by collecting and recording the vehicle entry. Lane control equipment is the key equipment of the parking loT system.

4. 人臉辨識系統

以人臉辨識技術為核心的人臉辨識系統, 是一種新的生物辨識技術, 是當今國際科技領域的先進技術。廣泛採用區域特徵分析演算法, 集電腦影像處理技術和生物統計學原理於一體, 利用電腦影像處理技術從影片中擷取人像特徵點, 利用生物統計學原理分析並建立數學模型, 具有廣闊的發展前景。人臉辨識系統應用廣泛: 人臉辨識及管理系統, 人臉辨識, 人臉辨識監控管理, 門禁考勤系統人臉辨識電腦安全, 人臉辨識, 圖片搜尋註冊, 人臉辨識, 人臉辨識, 參觀ATM智慧警報視訊警報系統, 智慧人臉辨識監獄系統, 人臉辨識RFID智慧通關系統, 人臉辨識: 公安追逃智慧警報系統系列等.

5. 入侵警報系統

入侵者警報系統 (工業自動化協會) 使用感測器技術和電子資訊技術來偵測和指示未經授權的進入或試圖未經授權進入安全區域 (包括主觀判斷被劫持、搶劫或其他危急情況). 故意觸發緊急警報裝置的行為), 處理和發出警報訊息的電子系統或網路。入侵警報系統通常由前端設備組成 (包括偵測器和緊急警報裝置), 傳輸裝置, 處理/控制/管理設備和顯示/記錄設備。前端檢測部分由各種檢測器組成, 這是入侵警報系統的觸覺部分. 相當於人的眼睛, 鼻子, 耳朵, 皮膚, ETC. 它感知溫度等各種物理量的變化, 濕度, 氣味和能量, 並依照一定的規則將其轉換成適合傳輸的電訊號。監控中心負責接收和處理來自各子系統的警報訊息和狀態訊息, 將處理後的警報訊息和監控指示分別發送至警報接收中心及相關子系統.

6. 無線對講系統

無線對講系統具有靈活的特點, 操作簡單, quick voice transmission and economical use, which is the basic means to realize the automation of production scheduling and modernization of management. Wireless intercom system for security, equipment maintenance, 將為物業管理及其他管理工作帶來極大的便利。可以實現高效, 各類事件即時處理, 並儘量減少可能的損失.

7. 巡更系統

巡更系統是各種門禁系統, 並靈活運用門禁系統。它主要用於建築物, 工廠, 倉庫和現場設備, 管道等固定巡檢作業要求的行業。同時, 系統還可以對一定時期內的巡線工作進行詳細記錄, 深受使用者喜愛.

8. pod送 (主要用於消防系統)

消防廣播系統是火災疏散和滅火指揮的重要設備, 在整個消防管理系統中扮演著極為重要的角色。當發生火災時, the emergency broadcast signal is sent out through the audio source equipment. After power amplification, the broadcast switching module switches to the speaker in the designated area to achieve an emergency broadcast.

10. 智慧家庭安防系統

Smart home security control system function introduction

Safety is a very important issue for each of us, whether it is personal safety or property safety, which we are very concerned about. In contemporary society, people are becoming more and more indifferent, and some people have low moral values. They often do things that make everyone nervous, so the security work of the family is very important, and the smart home security control system came into being. Now, let’s understand how the smart home security control system protects the safety of the home when we are not at home.

Smart home security control system, is a set of information technology, using modern broadband information network and radio network platformHome appliance control, family environment control, family monitoring, family safety prevention, family information exchange, family entertainment, community management and service as one of the intelligent system, is a family safety system based on modern science and technology developed.

The system includes wireless door sensors, a wireless infrared detector, infrared curtain detector, wireless smoke detectors, wireless gas detectors, wireless alarms and other equipment. Smart home security monitoring system, its main characteristic is safe, whether the invasion of strangers or gas leakage, and its operation is simple, suitable for all kinds of people, the most important is practical, installed in the family, can feel the presence of security, real let you don’t need to worry about the safety of their families, enjoy the warmth of home.  

Alarm and linkage function, its main function is to install door magnetic, and magnetic window, to prevent illegal invasion, the management system can be obtained by installing in household indoor alarm controller signals quickly turning to process, indoor alarm occurs, the system sent out alarm information at the same time, automatically open indoor light, start, alarm, ETC; Alarm management display function, home mode that is burglar alarm state.

Automatic display of alarm household number and alarm type, and automatic system information archiving. After the alarm control processing, when there are illegal intruders or gas leakage in the home, the system will automatically call, 將抓拍圖片及電子郵件寄至指定用戶手機! 當用戶收到電話留言時, 他們可以使用手機和電腦查看家庭監控圖像並控製家電設置, 安裝、拆解作業,打造立體居家防護系統, 為您的家人提供360°全方位保護, 讓家人隨時保持安全!

智慧家庭安防控制系統透過現代高科技手段保障家人的安全, 家裡是否有小偷或自己的安全問題, 如出現瓦斯洩漏電路故障可第一時間做出預防, 還具有警報聯動功能, 更全面保障家人安全, So smart home security control system is a very necessary thing in our life, can make us more at ease.

11. 著名的智慧安防企業有哪些


SimpliSafe is a great choice for customers in the market. It was one of the first DIY home security companies.

SimpliSafe offers all the features that many people need in a home security system though it’s relatively inexpensive. Easy to install, professional monitors start at $14.99 a month.


With Vivint’s professionally installed smart home security system, you can get home security and home automation features. Vivint’s home security devices are compatible with security companies’ own smart home products as well as some third-party devices.


Frontpoint offers reasonably priced sensors from Alarm.com. But Frontpoint does not lock you into a long-term contract and offers monthly monitoring plans instead.

Frontpoint is easy to install, and provides excellent customer service. However, Frontpoint is integrated with some smart home devices. Also, for smart home integration and video surveillance, you will have to buy the most expensive surveillance plan. There is no option for self-monitoring.


Link Interactive offers a complete home-built system rather than a starter kit or kit. It customizes systems to your unique security needs and offers a quote online or over the phone. If you want, you can expand to home automation. You can remotely monitor and control your home and add Z-Wave smart home appliances with Link’s Alarm.com app.


Ring Alarm is a DIY security system with the option of professional monitoring without a long-term contract. A starter kit costs $199, and professional monitoring costs $10 a month. The Ring Alarm system is tightly integrated with the Amazon Alexa voice assistant to provide more complete home automation options.


Cove Security offers relatively inexpensive professional monitoring. Cove differs from some other home security systems. This increased response times by providing 911 operators with real-time information from Cove equipment.

ADT 藍色

在 2019, Blue by ADT was created by LifeShield DIY Security Systems. ADT has a reputation for providing fully functional, professionally installed home security systems. Like these systems, ADT’s Blue has excellent equipment and professional monitoring. However, 與 ADT 專業安裝的系統不同, Blue by ADT 不需要長期合約。


Abode 是一款優質的 DIY 居家安全系統。易於部署。也, 如果您想安裝智慧門鎖和燈泡等小工具, 您可以將 Abode Security 連接到各種 智慧家庭 裝置.

Abode 提供 Gateway 和 Iota。集線器沒有鍵盤, 但如果您需要的話,可以購買外接鍵盤。監控計劃的一個獨特功能是 Abode 能夠根據您的位置進行地理圍欄或調度來定位和移除系統.

所有裝置均與集線器配對, 所以它們很容易自行安裝.


ADT 已在美國運營了 145 年並為約 6 million residential customers. It uses professionally installed monitoring equipment. You can have it installed by ADT technicians if you know exactly what you need.


Brinks Home is an inexpensive DIY smart Home security system that bundles equipment and professional monitoring into a three-year contract. Brinks Home is powered by Alarm.com. It costs less than rival devices like Vivint and ADT, but it’s also less complex. The system can be installed itself, or Brinks Home will install it for you at an additional cost. Professional reviewers praise Brinks’ phone support.


In addition to home security systems, Xfinity (owned by cable provider Comcast) offers home Internet and phone service, home automation and home entertainment. It’s a handy option for those who like to work all the home technologies together as one system.


Instead of using a keyboard, you simply slide the remote key on the door sensor or 射頻識別 sticker to deploy or remove the system. While you can buy an optional keyboard for $50, the operating system doesn’t need it.