智慧零售: 讓您的商店更智能.


智慧零售是指傳統購物方式與現代科技的結合, 例如 物聯網 和網路預測消費趨勢, 感知消費習慣, 為消費者提供多元化、個人化的產品與服務, 並指導生產製造. 他認為實體零售和傳統電商都需要改變, 而且都需要線上線下的融合.


1. 什麼是物聯網智慧零售?



阿里巴巴稱其為“新零售”, 京東稱這是“第四次零售革命”, 蘇寧稱其為“智慧零售”, 網易稱這是“新消費”.

每個企業對於零售都有自己的看法, 以及對企業的不同解讀或從另一個維度思考零售. 這可能是自電子商務一詞出現以來對零售業的最新思考, 我們先不討論這些概念的細微差別, 但要了解它們為何出現.

不管網路巨頭如何解讀, 零售業正在改變. 這項變化的原因是顯而易見的. 核心, 零售業有四個主要原因:

1. Mobile Internet and social networking drive consumers to become the new masters of buying and selling relationships;

2. The new trade mode represented by cross-border e-commerce and the globalized lifestyle carried by commodities are affecting the retail industry;

3. The promotion of international discourse power of Made-in-China endows Made-in-China brand value and promotes industrial upgrading;

4. The largest class migration in human history promoted the urgent demand for quality and aesthetics;

In fact, China’s new retail environment is far richer and more diverse than any other country. 尤其, the convergence of business forms makes the boundaries between Internet companies, retail companies and technology companies increasingly blurred.

尤其是中國將行動互聯網技術和智慧硬體技術加入場景創新中, 並考慮到中國龐大的用戶基礎, 任何新的商業模式似乎都擁有極為富有想像的商業前景.

但無論零售業如何變化, 使用者體驗仍然是零售的核心.

2. 智慧零售的歷史



工業時代,重點首次從人力工作轉向機械的使用. 自那以後, 每一項技術創新都以這樣或那樣的方式應用於零售業.

今天, 零售的每一步都可以自動化, 軟體產品確保自動化不僅僅是大型企業的專利. 小型和成長型零售商也可以找到更好地服務客戶的方法.

世紀之交至 20 世紀 70 年代

There was also a big piece of machinery that made them happen while malls themselves were considered an innovation at the time. We mean the elevator, of course. It’s no exaggeration to say that the elevator was the first example of retail automation. It is now possible to open many stores in the same location and customers can move around more easily.

Another reason malls are so successful is that they are comfortable hanging out in hot weather! Air conditioning has been around for so long that it feels natural today. This novelty is making shopping malls bigger than ever and starting to become places where people are happy to spend the whole day and hope they make a lot of money.

So that’s how the story of retail automation began — with elevators and air conditioning. At the time, no one could have predicted that in less than 20 years shopping centers would face a new threat – the absolute convenience of shopping directly from our own couches.

零售自動化是 90 年代的黃金時代

The nineties were an interesting time to be in retail, just as advertising was a strange one. Leaving aside the fact that Mr Bezos could hardly recognise him as the big-headed retail genius we now know, could he have foreseen what Amazon would do to automation?

This vision had become what the brand logo sums up today by the year 2000. With brands evolving rapidly, we certainly need to give their strategy due credit, as well as payment automation due credit. To make such innovations possible.

Online payment is a form of automation because the payment gateway takes care of receiving money and processing transactions. 今天, even bills are automatically generated. Imagine if you had to process millions of orders manually every day, so collecting money and making change was done manually.

The penetration of the Internet into people’s homes, supported by secure payment systems, has replaced telephone shopping as our preferred way to shop conveniently at home.

從 2000 到現在

Some companies can believe that most retailers will choose to automate multiple aspects of their business. ERPs or Enterprise resource planning systems had gone beyond basic functions by 2000.

For the first time, retailers can do more with their business because their clients are connected to the inventory side.

這段時間, API和整合開發也有所增加, 幫助標準軟體產品做得更多. 例如, SaaS 產品可能是庫存管理系統, 但它可以使用API​​與其他軟體產品整合以實現不同的零售功能.

迄今, 零售自動化遵循演算法模型. 它沒有考慮現實世界中的異常情況,這些異常情況可能會導致模型在大多數情況下都有效,但會失敗.


正如機器是工業時代最偉大的創新一樣, 人工智慧是知識時代的偉大突破. 另外, 我們的系統可以使用真實模型來理解這些數據.


正在嘗試開發軟體的商店可以在出現問題時修復自己的商店. 例如, 如果結帳系統出現問題, 系統可以在幾分鐘內解決問題並使其發揮作用.

Amazon Go 是將自助結帳提升到新水平的一個例子. 收銀台通常是商店裡每個人最不喜歡的空間.

零售業可以完全自動化嗎? 按照目前的速度, 我們敢說是. 感測器的使用, 線上購物網站和商店中的熱圖和攝影機被吹捧為零售業的下一個​​重大事件,但同時也存在爭議.

但如果透過攝影機觀察顧客可能只是在追踪,我們需要能夠解決隱私問題. So are people willing to sacrifice their privacy for better convenience and intuitive shopping experience?

Advocates argue that it is espionage only when individuals are in the spotlight, and that heat maps often look at data from a few people at a time to understand general trends. Some critics also say that not many customers even know that their movements in the store are being tracked.

3. 智慧零售有哪些特點?


1. 生態

New retail business ecological building will cover page, entity shop, online payment terminals, data system, logistics platform, marketing path and so on many aspects, and embedded diversified functions such as shopping, entertainment, reading, learning, and promoting enterprise online service, offline experiences, financial support, logistics support and so on four big ability to improve;

So that consumers can better meet the comfort and requirements of convenience and comfort in the shopping process in the shopping process, and thus increase user engagement. 當然, the commercial system built under the guidance of the natural ecosystem thought is inevitably composed of the main enterprise, the symbiotic enterprise group and the consumers, and shows a state of close connection, dynamic balance and mutual dependence.

2. 無界

Through the efficient integration of online and offline platforms, tangible and intangible resources, enterprises remove all kinds of barriers between retail channels in an “all-channel” way, blur the existing boundaries of each subject in the business process, 打破過去傳統商業模式中存在的時空邊界、產品邊界等現實壁壘. 促進人員合理順暢流動, 首都, 資訊, 科技和商品, 進而實現整個商業生態鏈的互聯共享.

依托「無界」零售的企業體系, 消費者購物門戶將變得非常分散, 靈活的, 變數和多元, 人們可以隨時, 地方, 以任何可能的方式, 去享受, 例如實體店, 網路商城, 電視行銷中心, 自製媒體平台和智慧家庭等一系列豐富多元的管道, 進行全方位的諮詢與互動, 交流討論, 產品體驗, 場景模擬以及與企業和其他消費者一起購買商品和服務.

3. 聰明的

「新零售」商業模式發展和存在的重要基礎在於人們對即時性要求的逐步提高, 碎片化, 個人化, 交互作用, 協助, 以及購物過程的精確性. 為滿足上述要求, 在某種程度上, 取決於「智慧」購物模式.

以通路整合為特徵的「新零售」時代, 客戶至上, 以及人們體驗的購物場景, 購物流程將具有典型的「智慧化」特徵. 語音購物, 表空間感知, 智慧適配, 無人物流, 虛擬助理, 照片搜尋, VR購物, 及自助結算, will truly appear in front of consumers.

Online dimension

Online, in the “new retail” ecosystem, shoulders the important functions of sorting, information collection, and decision-making of consumers and merchants.

One of the main objectives of many commercial enterprises to implement the “new retail” strategy is to provide customers with a new way of shopping. 這樣, customers can always and everywhere meet their purchase, social, leisure, entertainment and other needs in the whole consumption process, and the achievement of the above goals mainly depends on the innovation of online business models and technology application of enterprises.

4. 智慧零售有哪些優勢/好處?


New consumption era, offline traditional consumption channels have been unable to meet consumer demand, more and more stores began to make wise retail stores, such as Ali’s box 7 fresh Ma Xian birth, jingdong, century lianhua, choose the future of the whale, yong hui super species new retail formats such as stores. What are the benefits of smart retail?

1. In terms of customer acquisition cost, smart retail mini program can accurately locate potential customers and save publicity costs.

2. Standardizing the order process will enable businesses to greatly save material resources and manpower. Unified processing orders, unified logistics distribution, easy to manage.

3. It can deliver the goods in a unified manner, which has obvious advantages in terms of logistics costs.

4. In terms of labor cost, the smart retail mini program includes the leader mode, which can mobilize community residents to serve as the leader, achieve better publicity effect and reduce labor costs.

5. From the perspective of service experience, pre-sales and after-sales customer service, order inquiry, reservation pickup, group killing, coupons, limited time and limited quantity and other marketing methods will give users a better use experience, effectively facilitate transactions, improve community conversion rate, and realize resource realization.

Wisdom retail small has developed since 2016, the outbreak this year, fueled by a lot of the growth of the industry, which also contributed to wisdom and retail, to a great extent stimulated the growth of the performance, let users group buying more accepted wisdom retail booking + to the mode, also get more new users involved at the same time, the whole market to expand at a draught N times.

5. 智慧零售如何運作?



Intelligent menacing retail era, both traditional offline retail enterprises, 並依托互聯網誕生新品牌, 需要面對個人化產品設計與產能之間賽局的現實, 顧客的個性需求與供應鏈成本的效率發生衝突, 可利用智慧零售供應鏈分析系統實現數位生產模式.

一方面, 企業借助數位化技術即時掌握上游供應鏈運作狀況; 企業, 另一方面, 借助智慧型系統整合和部署在企業互聯網感知製造設備, 即時數據、同步取樣, 為企業管理人員提供高速的生產資訊分析結果, the acceleration information of upstream and downstream of the iterative approach can make manufacturing enterprises could obtain the precise current business status and to make decisions.


The purpose of digital transformation of enterprise production mode is to realize the decentralization of product and service payment modes. Digital transformation runs through warehousing, e-commerce, retail and digital transformation, and then carries out omnichannel marketing coverage centering on the life and work trajectory of enterprise customers.

也就是說, (especially chain retail enterprises) in the face of retail sales in the process of the transformation of wisdom, all hope with the help of intelligent technology of science and technology to achieve unlimited time space, target groups to meet consumer demand, and the original offline store is more focused on consumer experience, depth, marketing services, Through O2O mode, online and offline service resources can be integrated.

The O2O delivery model of online consumption and offline delivery also makes it possible for brick-and-mortar chain stores to become the delivery interface of offline goods. 另一方面, online customers can also be guided to brick-and-mortar stores, thus opening the possibility of in-depth brand marketing. This kind of delivery experience is not only the improvement of consumer services, but also provides the “entrance” for the chain retail industry to integrate all channels of service resources.

Retail enterprises quickly build intelligent retail analysis systems through 人工智慧技術, and build decentralized digital interactive offline marketing experience scenes, such as large interactive screens in new and first-tier shopping malls, which not only protect consumers’ privacy, but also provide them with an intuitive and interesting way to understand products in depth.

6. 智慧零售相關軟體


POS 和即取即走系統

Mobile POS solutions enable retailers to process sales transactions anywhere in the store. Retailers can improve the in-store shopping experience with smart POS systems.

Customers can buy items without interacting with a cashier with the “pick and go” system. The solution allows retailers to reduce time spent in-store.


Deliver compelling new consumer experiences via smart Retail engagement systems. The system not only allows you to create VIP customer programs to increase consumer loyalty, but also provides you with the data you need to track the performance.

The system’s fast and accurate facial recognition and analysis software support headcount, age, gender detection, and mood.


Quant offers various solutions for the retail industry. You can effectively combine management of shelf maps, retail space, shelf labels, reporting, and marketing materials with task management in an integrated software system.


Simple, fast and reliable multi-channel EPoS one-stop service

With our combination of easy-to-use in-store EPoS, a fully integrated responsive website, the expertise of our digital marketing team and UK support, you will have everything you need to help you grow your business.

7. 智慧零售應用了哪些技術



These devices emit Bluetooth signals that can be used to drive sales through the store app by sending personalized alerts and push notifications about special offers and push notifications directly to customers’ smartphones. The technology is relatively cheap and can be applied to any existing retail business without major modifications.


These technologies allow retailers to improve the shopping experience by virtually bringing customers directly into their stores. Ikea’s virtual reality app allows shoppers to preview furniture in their homes before buying.

These solutions benefit retailers with physical stores because customers can personally experience the store and view the products on display or for sale. Customers can even visit stores virtually before they arrive at their destination with smart retail.

Fashion and beauty retailers can also let customers try on clothes virtually before making a purchase to see what suits them best. Virtual try-on also benefit customers with disabilities. 同時, these solutions can enhance the customer experience by providing personalized recommendations.


Retailers use this AI technology to automate certain processes in their businesses. 例如, retailers can use AI to analyze customer behavior and preferences in real time.

有 4 main areas where AI smart retail solutions can come in handy:

Anticipate demand: AI solutions can track customer behavior on store websites, in-store or social media channels. 零售商可以透過分析這些數據來預測哪些產品會受歡迎,並相應地調整庫存.

優化價格: 零售商可以利用人工智慧監控競爭對手產品的價格. 例如, 雜貨店可以利用人工智慧追蹤顧客在不同地點的購買情況.

產品推薦: 人工智慧 也可用於推薦相關產品以及追加銷售及交叉銷售其他商品. 他們依賴客戶偏好數據,然後分析該訊息,以便零售商可以在正確的時間提供個人化的推薦或建議.

預測產品尺寸: 人工智慧還可以幫助零售商確定正確的產品尺寸. 例如, 它可能會根據性別和年齡組提供不同的鞋碼.


零售商現在可以自動化某些流程, 例如客戶服務, 透過智慧聊天機器人. 透過使用前台聊天機器人, retailers can improve response speed and accuracy, leading to increased consumer satisfaction.

Chatbots also allow companies to personalize their communications with customers.

Ai chatbots also allow retailers to monitor the tone of their customer service interactions, and make it easier to quickly identify key issues for real-time resolution.

8. 智慧零售的實際用例有哪些


1. 卡西歐首家新零售智慧店

Casio, which has always been leading the watch retail industry, also perfectly reflects intelligence in the layout of smart retail stores. In the stores, the queen comes to the motion sensing AR interactive game is worthy of becoming a sharp tool for store traffic diversion. Users can scan codes to get photos after interaction, which has obvious effect on attracting customers.

How to apply smart retail stores? Just look at these three application cases

Customers entering the store will be quickly attracted by the cloud shelf of Tmall interactive shopping screen, which has black technology to sense user behavior and supplement the SKU not found in the display store. Customers can browse the details of goods at will, and can place orders by scanning code directly through the mobile APP Taobao.

2. 沃爾瑪智能商店

Walmart started deploying smart retail in 2018. The Store in Long Island, New York, is called the smart Retail Lab. When you walk into the store, you can see the ceiling is covered with cameras and sensors designed to “monitor” shelf movements and help manage inventory.

They can accurately identify different items and quantities, 例如, and their internal systems will notify store employees to restock if they are about to or already out of stock. 同時, combined with real-time inventory, the shop assistant can also be clear about the purchase date and shelf life of vegetables, fruits and other goods.

3. 蘇寧智慧店

最後, when it comes to smart store layout, the concept of Suning smart retail must be mentioned, such as business robots, unmanned stores, 智慧家庭, AV/VR… All these are the tip of the iceberg that Suning smart retail shows in front of the public.

Taking Suning’s unmanned store as an example, users do not need to queue for payment when they buy goods in the store. When leaving the store, they go through an aisle and recognize the user’s identity through face recognition system, and directly realize payment transactions from Suning Yibao. Brush aside from “face” consumption, SuNing also is planning AR, 虛擬實境, such as intelligent interactive way, realize a mix way of shopping, users need not to store also can realize the virtual stroll through television or mobile phone shop, synchronous know information such as in-store merchandising and sales promotion, even Suning logistics can be controlled by unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) will be delivered goods.

9. 智慧零售市場有多大?

The global smart retail market is anticipated to grow from $21.6 十億 2020 到 $62.5 十億 2025; The compound annual growth rate was 23.6%.

Key factors driving the growth of this market are the increasing use of robots and automation.


機器人將佔據智慧零售市場最大份額 2022

機器人將佔據智慧零售市場最大份額 2022

Robots streamline the process of finding the right product for customers. 因此, an increase in the deployment of robots has been observed in hypermarkets, other retail stores and supermarkets to make the shopping experience easier for consumers.

客流監控佔據智慧零售市場最大份額 2022

The traffic monitoring market will take the largest share of the smart retail market in 2022. The dominance is attributed to retailers’ increased awareness of foot traffic monitoring. In-store foot traffic monitoring is critical as it can provide retailers with insights into different aspects of the store.

The market in foot traffic monitoring is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period

The market in foot traffic monitoring is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.

北美將主導智慧零售市場 2022

North America has a large number of hypermarkets, 超市場, and department stores. They have implemented automated storage and retrieval systems, POS solutions, smart trolleys, self-checkout systems, and ESL for their premises. 因此, North America took a major share of the smart retail market in 2019.


國際商業機器公司 (New York, 美國), Intel Corporation (California, 美國), Cisco Systems, Inc. (California, 美國), NXP Semiconductors NV (Netherlands) and Microsoft (Washington, 美國) are some of the major companies operating in the United States. Smart retail market. These companies have adopted both organic and inorganic growth strategies to strengthen their positions in the market.