什麼是智慧電錶, 智慧電錶的好處


智慧計量是指採用數位化計量方式, 網路化的, 自動化的, 智能及其他 現代資訊科技現代測量技術 to form a deep integration of the modern measurement service model. This article brings you an integral knowledge of what is smart metering.

1. 智慧電錶是什麼意思?

what is smart metering

Intelligent metering is the reconstruction and innovation of the traditional metering model. It is the important practice of “Internet +” in the field of metering. Through the deep integration of modern information technology and advanced metering technology, it is able to achieve the integration of metering management science, metering technology intelligence, digitalization of metering means as well as metering information integration. 所以, it provides scientific and efficient metering solutions for economic and social growth.

Intelligent metering is mainly manifested in two aspects. The first one is the intelligence of metering instruments, which utilizes new technologies such as 人工智慧 to achieve smart detection without human involvement in the metering and testing process, while the instrument has a variety of network interfaces in order to achieve network connection. The second one is the intelligence of lab management, which realizes functions including paperless business management, paperless original records, paperless lab management, intelligent instrument management and big data analysis.

2. 什麼是智慧計量系統?


Smart metering management system is an intelligent weighing system integrating data weighing, anti-cheating modules, weighing image instant capturing systems, infrared positioning systems, IC or ID card swiping modules, Bluetooth electronic license plate automatic recognition system, automatic voice-commanded system, traffic light control system, road gate control system, remote supervision system and contract financial settlement into one comprehensive system. In the whole process of metering, the system achieves automatic and reliable collection of metering data, automatic judgment & recognition, automatic command, automatic processing, and automatic control to minimize the drawbacks and working intensity brought about by manual operations, thus enhancing the information-based function and automation of the system.

3. What is Smart Meter and How does it work?

How does Smart Meter work

As an advanced metering device, 智慧電錶 conduct the accurate collection, analysis and management of information data including electric energy, water energy and gas energy relying on modern computer technologies, communication technologies and computer technologies. Based on the metering chips or A & D converters, it collects the user’s voltage, current, water flow and gas pressure in real time, and then realizes the precise calculation of electric energy, water flow and gas flow after the CPU refines the analysis and processing lags, finally giving outputs of the electricity, water and gas quantity in the form of display and communication. 現在, compared with traditional inductive meters, smart meters have great differences in terms of working principles and components.

4. 智慧電錶使用了哪些無線技術?

wireless technologies being used in Smart Meter

The popular smart meter communication methods in the current market can be broadly classified into five types.


4G communication technology is based on 2G and 3G with some new technologies added to the communication to make the signal in wireless communication more stable, make data transmit faster, 讓相容性更流暢,通訊品質更好. 另外, 4G通訊所使用的技術已經發展到2G和3G, 讓訊息傳遞更加迅速. 4G是當今通訊設備的主流.


數據通訊頻率範圍 850-890-1800-1900 兆赫4. 它的通訊是透過資料包來傳輸的 (包包), 而用戶承擔的價格是根據其傳輸的數據流量來計算的,所以理論上相對便宜.

然而, 在目前的情況下, 三大業者正籌劃實施2G退網. 所以, 這種方法正在逐步停止使用並被淘汰.


物聯網是物聯網產業的一項新技術,可為低功耗設備透過廣域網路進行蜂窩數據連接提供支援, which is also known as a low-power wide area network (低功耗廣域網). NB-IoT supports long standby times. 也, NB-IoT devices can extend their battery life by at least 10 years and provide very comprehensive internal cellular data connectivity.

CAT-1 通信

Category1 is the grade of customer configured under the lowest version parameters, which enables the industry to develop low version 4G terminals at a low price, which is often considered as Cat1. 所以, the growth of Cat1 networks and relevant fields is crucial to complement the requirements of major IoT cases. 然而, the NB-B-IoT industry ecosystem has been well-prepared. If Cat1 can function now, it is indeed a great opportunity to advance mobile mobility.

CAT-1 communication, as a top-down communication method, is gaining attention and application from all mainstream vendors.


LoRa通訊技術是基於LoRa射頻晶片設計製造的通用通訊互動設備, 廣泛應用於物聯網產業. 其特點是遠距離, 低功耗, 多節點、低成本已被物聯網界所接受. 也, 它們廣泛應用於物聯網, 集中抄表, 工業控制等領域.

5. 智慧電錶系統的主要優勢是什麼?


– 儀器自動收集數據,確保稱重數據的準確性 (防止人類作弊);

– 內建資料警報功能;

– 智慧編碼, 無需記住, 快速進入;

– 稱重數據語音提示功能;

– 支援多種減重操作, 例如水的扣除, 雜項扣除, 減重, ETC.

– 自動計算磅差, 噸損失, deduction amount, real-time statistics of freight and coal charges, and accurate data calculation.

– Quick printing of multiple-pound sheets, avoiding manual billing miswriting, with the ability to write pound sheets.

– Support multiple weighbridges networking.

– Support cash weighing and contract order weighing.

– Providing overweight capture, automatic capture, image association with pound sheets and video recording.

– Install electronic Bluetooth wireless license plate to transport fleets, and automatically identify transport vehicle numbers when pounding.

– Strict authority control, responsibility implementation to the person, to eliminate over-authority operation, log records all operations;

– Multi-account management, realize the group subsidiary independent account management;

– Automatic early warning of coal mine balance shortage, and can send SMS to relevant leaders;

– Infrared anti-cheating function; use an infrared ray to determine the positioning of the overweight vehicle to prevent the vehicle from passing the scale before it is fully loaded.

– Data stabilization writing function; Data cannot be recorded before the data is stabilized to ensure the authenticity of the data;

6. 智慧電錶有什麼缺點?

drawbacks of a Smart Meter

Smart meters have higher installment costs than traditional meters.

Smart meters still have faced under-developed technologies, reports said.LED lights generate a sine wave pattern with a fast pulsing that makes the smart meter think that more current is drawn. 因此, even if you are not using a lot of electricity the bill is likely to increase a lot.

這使得智慧電錶認為您消耗的電流更多, 所以即使你沒有用很多電, 帳單可能會上漲很多.

智慧電網也面臨安全問題,因為它收集的數據如此頻繁且如此詳細,以至於許多人擔心自己的隱私受到攻擊. 另外, 他們擔心駭客攻擊並擔心駭客會破壞電力系統.

在健康方面, 因為智慧電錶需要與其他電子設備交互, 智慧電錶全天候產生高水平脈動 EMF 輻射, 這可能會導致健康問題, 比如癌症, 心臟病, ETC.

7. 智慧電錶的安全性如何?


隨著自動化解決方案在自動抄表器中的廣泛應用, 自動計量基礎設施和智慧電網基礎設施, security attacks such as data hacking, system malware, along with cyberattacks, are gradually increasing. Other vulnerable areas in automated metering devices contain insecure data buses, serial connectivity or online port access. Here comes an issue. How can we guarantee data security and user privacy in a smart meter and intelligent energy gateways? The types of attacks on smart meters can be broadly classified as physical attacks (external tampering, bypassing the midline, missing midline, ETC。), electrical attacks (over or under voltage, circuit detection, ESD, ETC。) and software & data attacks (spyware insertion, network attacks). In addition to physical tampering with meters, most of the known vulnerabilities are related to communication media and communication protocols since the grid has already been interconnected.

Solutions for physical tampering include the use of magnetic sensors (to detect the presence of strong magnetic fields that can affect the current transformer meter readings) and tilt sensors, which can detect if a meter at an authorized location has been removed or physically tampered with. It helps tamper algorithms in the firmware to help ensure continuous billing, and also tamper switches that can be placed on the meter cover, triggering tamper notifications when the cover is opened.

Automated metering systems include the software, the hardware, communications, a user-connected system as well as the meter data management (MDM) 軟體. As meters become more intelligent and networked, the meter software must provide adequate security functions to prevent illegal changes to software configurations, readings of recorded data, 以及對校準數據的修改. 解決方案中需要融入安全技術,確保通訊通道安全,確保資產物理安全,讓智慧電網更加安全可靠.


現在, 電網各方使用各種數據交換協議. 傳輸控制協定 (傳輸控制協定), 和網際網路協定 (智慧財產), 超文本傳輸協定 (HTTP協定), 和文件傳輸協定 (文件傳輸協定) 在國際資訊科技領域廣泛應用. 這些資料不是很安全,容易受到攻擊,因為傳輸的資料很容易被駭客竊取. 適用於電網或智慧電錶, 非安全協定必須替換為包括網際網路協定安全在內的協議 (網路安全協定), 安全通訊端層 (SSL協議), 傳輸層安全 (傳輸層安全協定), 和安全外殼 (SSH), ETC. IPSec uses encryption technologies to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data between communicating parties on a private network.

8. 這 Smart Metering 應用領域

Smart Metering Applications


Kiwi Technologies has developed a LoRa sensor-based smart city network to better manage facilities in Southeast Asia. Kiwi has enabled digital wireless networks to gain wider acceptance in Asia, enhancing the management of smart utilities. Kiwi has provided hardware and complete solutions, including end-to-end applications, network routers, platforms and other applications to generate sustainable solutions. With the features of remote operation, low energy consumption and easy deployment, LoRa devices can regulate city electricity consumption to maximize energy use to lower costs.


The global smart water metering market has exceeded $2 十億 2020. On the basis of LoRa technology, metering sensors can be deployed into every current infrastructure, providing robust connections in densely populated cities. Other IoT services and devices that can be integrated into the network include water leak detectors, hydrant monitors and water quality detectors.


Since the implementation of smart connectivity solutions in smart gas meters, utilities have decreased gas usage by approximately 25%, using a remote platform of LoRa devices to connect to the cloud and monitor consumption data, battery power and valve status.

9. 智慧電錶的市場有多大?

the market for Smart Metering

智慧計量儀表市場 & 產業成長趨勢分析

As a lawful measuring appliance, smart meters are primarily utilized in the supply procedure of water, heat, 氣體, electricity and oil and other alike gas or liquid, and are universally applied in many areas such as plants, 政府, residential areas, a school, companies and other user groups, which raise the residents’ awareness of energy-saving and the efficiency of centralized management to be in line with the overall economic development direction.

Compared with the traditional mechanical meters, the smart meters, are mainly based on electronic technology, integrate electricity, 資訊, 軟體, 溝通, and electromechanical to control a number of technologies, which can realize the measurement of energy consumption, 監控, grove billing, charging, 控制, statistics of intelligent or remote automatic management to boost efficiency, avoiding door-to-door meter reading and realizing grove charging and energy saving.


With the continuous development of microelectronics technology, the integration of CPU, 記憶, timer/counter, parallel and serial interface, watchdog, preamplifier and even A/D, D/A converter and other super-large-scale integrated circuit chips come into being. With a microcontroller as the main body, the computer technology and measurement and control technology are composed of the so-called “intelligent measurement and control system”, 那是, intelligent instruments.


To promote intelligent manufacturing equipment to the middle and high-end level. Six-axis robots, double-wrist robots, double-rotation robots and other industrial robot segments are focused to improve the degree of flexibility and low-cost production capacity of products. Relying on the robot testing and assessment center, the robot inspection and certification system are further improved to accelerate the robot testing and certification work in the western region towards institutionalization and standardization. 所以, it can help expand the application fields of industrial robots such as welding, spraying and flexible polishing.

Miniaturization. Microelectronics, micromechanics, information technology and other integrated applications make the instrument small, fully-functional intelligent instruments to complete the signal acquisition, 加工, control signal output, 放大, interface with other instruments and other functions, which plays a unique role in automation technology, aerospace, military, biotechnology, medical fields.

Multi-functionalization. The multi-functional service itself is a feature of intelligent instruments such as a function generator with the pulse generator, frequency synthesizer and arbitrary waveform generator, which has higher performance (such as accuracy) than a dedicated pulse generator and frequency synthesizer and provided a better solution in a variety of test functions.