

智慧灌溉是針對當前農業水資源浪費的嚴峻形勢,現有主要農業灌溉模式. 農業智慧灌溉技術 能夠實現局部灌溉. 更重要的是, 除補充土壤水分外,還可用於肥料、農藥的溶解,滿足植物生長的需求. 與注射幫浦等現代化施肥設備混合, 灌溉技術可實現施肥、噴藥.

1. 什麼是物聯網中的智慧灌溉?


智慧灌溉是現有的主流 agricultural irrigation model in response to the current severe situation of agricultural water waste. 農業智慧灌溉技術可實現局部灌溉. 更重要的是, 除補充土壤水分外,還可用於肥料、農藥的溶解,滿足植物生長的需求. 與注射幫浦等現代化施肥設備混合, 灌溉技術可實現施肥、噴藥. 也, it can avoid soil salinization. Regarding the soils that have been salinized, irrigation can be used to flush salt inside the soil to enhance the soil quality. 另外, scientific irrigation can play a role in preventing vegetables from being frozen and damaged by dry conditions and hot wind as well as protecting soil from wind erosion.

Under a lot of conditions like water conservation, fertilizer-saving, gas and heat-saving, intelligent irrigation maintains a good state of water, fertilizer, gas and heat in the soil in an effective manner, which contains various benefits such as water-saving, labor-saving, energy conservation, fertilizer-saving and the increase of yields, ETC. 因此, smart irrigation has been gradually welcomed and employed by people. 然而, due to the lack of funds and relevant technologies, it is still necessary for many counterparts in the field to take great efforts to further develop the technology.

2. 如何定義智慧灌溉系統?


The traits of the smart irrigation system

1) 高可靠性, simple & convenient operation of the irrigation system

2) Easy learning as well as mastery of the interfaces for all the 軟體hardware; simpler operational processes.

3) The system is applicable for a variety of irrigation models (dripping irrigation, sprinkling irrigation, micro-area irrigation and ground irrigation, ETC。)

4) Various control connection models: the system is equipped with a lot of control connection models that are able to satisfy distinctive demands (the terrain, the layout, the scale, ETC。). Every control device can be connected with the use of wireless and wired ways.

5. Strong system expandability and flexibility, be able to achieve sub-regional, centralized as well as decentralized intelligent control. 那是, it is suitable for small-area as well as simple irrigation control. 也, it can be applicable for large-area as well as complicated irrigation network control.

6. The system contains the functions such as data analysis completion and decision-making. The control system has the ability to cope with the data information of sensors and to utilize the sensor or condition input devices as the control conditions of irrigation operation to fulfill intelligent irrigation.

7. The system has the capability to achieve central control, cell phone SMS, on-site remote control and on-site manual control functions.

8. The system can control other equipment apart from the irrigation system including roads, 這 燈光 of public areas, gates, fountains, pumps, ETC.

9. 低價 (only half the price of imported products), post-maintenance as well as easy & convenient maintenance.

3. How Dose smart irrigation system 工作

Dose 智慧灌溉系統的工作原理

The types of smart irrigation system

Bus-controlled irrigation

A bus-controlled irrigation system means that the entire irrigation system is controlled by a bus control as a measurement and control terminal. In the bus-controlled irrigation system, every measurement and control terminal is also relatively independent, and can independently collect, integrate and judge the water demand information of the gardens, as well as the basic irrigation operations. The water demand information of vegetation is firstly gathered by every measurement and control terminal, 然後訊息將傳輸至中央電腦監控系統, 對其進行分析處理,產生園林灌溉參數,用於自動啟動和調整灌溉系統進行灌溉. 更重要的是, 該系統包含一個專家系統. 可以邀請相關專業人士,結合系統儲存的資料和植被的實際生長情況,對園林灌溉進行個人化指導,達到更科學的效果。, 直觀高效以及更直觀的灌溉. 與無線遙控器相比, 總線控制覆蓋範圍更廣,整體投資成本更低. 所以, 應用價值極高.


The wireless remote control irrigation system stands for a system that supports irrigation using the remote terminal units as an information relay station. Specifically speaking, the remote terminal is in charge of gathering information on vegetation fertilizers and water requirements. Then the information will be transferred to the central control system through GSM, the Global System for Mobile Communication. After the analysis of the collected information, a series of automatic irrigation operations will be finished through remote operation. The most vital feature of this kind of irrigation system is the integration of advanced technologies and modern traits, taking full advantage of the GSM network 科技. It not only covers a simple structure and few transmission lines but also has a low price in post-maintenance as well as a relatively low overall investment in the system. 因此, it can be widely popularized.

Irrigation using solar power

Using solar power as the initiated energy source, solar power irrigation stands for the utilization of water resources such as streams and groundwater for landscape irrigation. The solar power irrigation system is mainly comprised of a rain detector and a solar panel. The function of the rain detector is to detect rainy weather. If any rainy days are detected, then the system will be automatically shut off. The major role the solar panel plays lies in absorbing solar energy and then converting it into electrical pump power, which provides power for the electric pumps to extract water. The solar power irrigation system extracts water and then transfers it to the storage tank for preservation. Then it will be irrigated by sprinklers in the uphill direction. The irrigation system is mainly applicable for irrigation in remote areas as well as those regions without access to running water.

4. 智慧灌溉系統要多少錢?

The traditional irrigation water utilization rate remains extremely low, only ranging from 30% 到 40%. 然而, the micro irrigation utilization rate is able to register more than 90% and the water utilization rate has increased by 2.3 次. 事實上, in agricultural planting, the irrigation demand for each mu of land irrigation requires 20 tons. Each ton of water is charged at $0.5 and then the cost per mu of land is 60 yuan. If 4 times a year is needed for irrigation, then the annual cost is $60. 然而, if intelligent micro irrigation is utilized, the annual cost of around 136 yuan for each mu can be saved. Assuming that your planting area is 50 acres, then you are able to save $1000 per year.

Are you surprised when you do the calculation? The intelligent irrigation system also has a great benefit, which represents that a soil moisture sensor is installed in the field, which is able to achieve real-time monitoring of the soil moisture of agricultural planting by using the smart control functions. If the soil moisture being monitored is below the standard values, the system will automatically open up the irrigation system to water the agricultural planting. When the soil moisture that is monitored comes up to the standard values, the system will correspondingly shut down the irrigation system. 只有在調整好土壤濕度標準值後,灌溉系統才會實現自動化灌溉。.

事實上, 合理灌溉不僅可以提高每年灌溉利用率、節省灌溉成本,而且透過灌溉系統的自動化控制,可以實現更合理的農業種植灌溉。, 及時有效地對農作物進行灌溉,確保農作物生長,提升農作物品質. 現在, 智慧灌溉系統不僅可以實現灌溉自動化,還可以實現施肥控制自動化. 實現手機的對接, 您將在手機上了解土壤濕度和土壤養分的即時情況. 更重要的是, you can direct the irrigation system and fertilization system on the cell phone, which greatly boosts planting efficiency.

5. 智慧灌溉的優勢


(1) water conservation. The smart irrigation system consists of various irrigating methods including dripping as well as sprinkling, which saves 50% more water than traditional irrigation and also enhances the uniformity of irrigation.

(2) The reduction of labor costs. Smart irrigation can realize a reduction of 90% of the labor force. A worker is able to manage the irrigation of dozens of and even a hundred mu of land.

(3) It is easy to integrate water into the fertilizer. Combined with intelligent agricultural systems like water and fertilizer integration systems, meteorological and environmental monitoring systems and soil moisture monitoring systems, the smart irrigation system can support coming up with relevant irrigation strategies according to the requirements of flowers at different growth stages, combining a number of detection parameters.

(4) Centralized irrigation. The communication range between the structural terminal equipment and the smart gateways can be 3 kilometers with the use of LoRa wireless communication technology. A Juying intelligent irrigation system can accommodate 32 sets of control terminals and 32 collection terminals, which are fitting for irrigation demands of various types of small and large areas.

(5) Auto warning. The terminals send the warning notifications and then instantly cope with relevant situations based on the status information set up by the managers such as the collection parameters and the voltage as well as the battery of the devices.

(6) The establishment of the flower irrigation database. The accumulated of all sets of data about the flower planting environment are uploaded for only one minute and then stored to generate an all-rounded and multi-dimensional database of the growth status of flowers. The database can be applicable for the adjustment and research of irrigation strategies.

6. 智慧灌溉主要應用哪些技術?


Personnel is unnecessary for real-time control of intelligent agricultural irrigation. 反而, the system can realize automatic monitoring of environmental parameters such as soil moisture or illumination.

The irrigation can be automatically controlled with the help of the irrigation strategy set on the Juying intelligent agricultural cloud platform which can decide what time and what conditions to open the valves for irrigation, how long to irrigate, to what conditions or how long of irrigation to turn off the valve.

Compared with traditional irrigation methods, the hardware and equipment that are necessary for the smart agriculture irrigation system are all manufactured domestically. The cost is similarly the same while the water is saved obviously more than 50%.

With the composition of 感應器, automation control, big data computing, and wireless communication in the Juying intelligent agricultural irrigation system, the irrigation strategies are intelligently monitored and controlled based on plant categories, soil type and moisture as well as the level of sunlight to realize the transforming agriculture pattern from the traditional labor-intensive to technology-intensive.

同時, irrigation and fertilization can also be integrated. The water-soluble fertilizers can be transmitted to crops in a precise way according to the nutrient content of the soil and the fertilizer requirement rules and traits of crop species with the help of pressure systems, which provides balanced water and fertilizer, saves time and labor as well as water and fertilizer, control temperature and adjust moisture, enhance yields, mitigate crop diseases, enhance quality improvement and economic benefits.

7. 智慧灌溉用的是什麼設備?


Wireless Collection Terminal

The wireless collection terminal refers to the equipment that is utilized to gather the environmental parameters of the irrigated area. LORA collectors which can be applied for soil temperature and moisture, 濕度, wind level and direction, liquid level, degree of sunlight, voltage, pressure or flooding, are equipped with batteries with low power consumption operation.

Wireless valve controller

The controller supports the remote turn-on and turn-off of valves, which contains various types of butterfly valves, pulse valves, or ball valves. A suitable pipe diameter such as DN15-DN250 can be selected on the basis of the actual application scenarios.

Smart gateways

The smart gateways can be applicable for data transmission of collection terminals. Working with start-stop valve controllers, the gateways can access up to 250 nodes, with automatic address configuration and mutual logical control between the nodes.

The wireless collection terminal detects and transmits the soil temperature and moisture data to the controller, which enters the control terminal and processes the signals sent by the wireless collection terminal (e.g. conversion, filtering, amplification) and then convert them. When the measured moisture is lower than the pre-setting value, the wireless valve controller is turned on and then irrigation starts. 同樣地, when the moisture is at the set value, the valve controller automatically turns off the irrigation. With the coordination of the smart irrigation system, intelligent control of irrigation can be fulfilled, thus effectively boosting automated production efficiency, reducing labor and management costs as well as significantly boosting efficiency.

8. 智慧灌溉應用案例


Dripping Irrigation

Dripping irrigation means that water and nutrients required for crop growth are delivered directly to the soil surface or the soil near the roots of the crop at a small flow rate in an even and accurate manner through the low-pressure pipeline system equipped with a special irrigator based on the crop’s requirement for water. Dripping irrigation can be mixed with fertilization and utilize the fertilizer applicator to apply soluble fertilizers with water to the root zones of the crops in order to timely replenish the water and nutrients that are necessary for the crops, thus enhancing crop yields. The main equipment includes a dripping pipe of irrigation, dripping head, filter, fertilizer application devices, pipe connection props, and control and measurement devices. The strengths contain that dripping irrigation saves water by 33%, conserving 33% more water than sprinkler irrigation and 81.6% more water than border irrigation. Compared with flood irrigation, dripping irrigation can enhance crop yields by 30%. 更重要的是, the dripping irrigation features water-saving, energy-saving, and labor-saving. 也, the soil is not easy to plate and weed growth is inhibited, as well as fertilization and watering can be finished at one time using the irrigation system.

This drawback is prone to blockage, which results in salt accumulation and root growth limitation.

Spraying Irrigation

Spraying is one way of irrigation in which pressurized water is sprayed into the air through a pipe with a nozzle, forming droplets and sprinkling them onto the farmland. This irrigation area not only saves around 40% more water than traditional ground irrigation but also has the strengths of soil, water and fertilizer conservation as well as labor-saving and the improvement of the microclimate of farmland.

同時, the use of mobile pointer-type water-saving sprinkler irrigation and water-saving equipment can better boost the utilization of water resources.

Micro Spraying

Micro-sprinkler is a low-pressure pipe system that sprays a small amount of water to the soil surface. There are two types of micro-sprinkler systems: fixed and mobile sprinklers. It is a water-saving irrigation technology between sprinklers and dripping irrigation, which requires less water pressure, high atomization, uniform spraying and less water. 更重要的是, water droplets are not as easy to be clogged as drip irrigation, but less water is discharged.

Under-Membrane Irrigation

Under-membrane irrigation is a technique of dripping irrigation which is under the membrane for irrigation. This technique features simple equipment, easy installation, easy use, and water and labor-saving, and not easy to be slabbed for the sol. Common gravel concrete pipes and plastic pipes are used as percolation pipes with certain pore space in the pipe wall to let water seep into the soil. Compared with ground irrigation, it consumes less water. 然而, it is slow down growth because of high cost, easily clogged and difficult maintenance.


Infiltration is one kind of porous tube or microporous pipe with small holes buried below the ground surface to let irrigation penetrate into the soil in a slow and even way as well as make the soil wet by the action of capillary force. The technique has the traits of water saving, energy saving, easily mid-tillage, soil structure protection, as well as weeds, diseases and insect prevention.

9. 時間he solutions for the smart irrigation


smart water conservation irrigation system solutions take up with advanced information technologies such as the Internet of Things, the mobile Internet and cloud computing as well as highly precise environmental data collection equipment (intelligent weather station). Wireless data centers and smart controllers achieve smart decision-making of agricultural irrigation with water and remote or automatic control of irrigation devices. 更重要的是, it integrates video monitoring equipment, real-time status monitoring for irrigation areas, irrigation abnormal status warning and pipeline pressure monitoring, which can effectively tackle the issues of a wide distribution of farmland, multiple monitoring points, wiring and power supply difficulties in agricultural and forestry mountainous regions so as to realize the intelligence and automation of agricultural and forestry production.

時間he composition of the smart irrigation system

The system is comprised of hardware devices such as an intelligent weather station, wireless intelligent gateways, intelligent irrigation controller, pump controller, control solenoid valves, camera, ETC. All of these devices are applicable for soil temperature, 濕度, air temperature, moisture, wind speed, wind direction, CO2, rainfall, 燈光, soil Ph value, soil salinity monitoring, ETC. And it is also composed of system management software such as PC and mobile applications.

Systematic Functions

The system collects three layers of soil moisture data through a smart irrigation controller. Based on the data analysis and decision-making, it intelligently controls the valve switches in the area to realize on-demand irrigation. 更重要的是, users can set up the upper and lower limits of soil temperature and moisture in the area. When the soil temperature and humidity are below the set lower limits, the valve will automatically be turned on regardless of whether the irrigation program is set or not. When the soil humidity exceeds the set upper limits, the valve will automatically be turned off no matter whether the valve performs the irrigation program or not. 同時, every valve can set the irrigation programs independently without affecting each other. 更重要的是, every valve sets the irrigation cycle time and controls the start-close of the valve, which is easy to realize cycle and automatic irrigation.

The system realizes real-time monitoring of data such as pipeline pressure, the flow rate of every valve, the opening time of every valve, soil moisture in every area and system power consumption and then displays it remotely through a mobile application. If the malfunction occurs, an alert message is transferred to notify the management to take appropriate measures. 更重要的是, the system can be externally connected to smart weather stations and video surveillance equipment to maximize the integrity of environmental data collection and provide a scientific basis for the decision-making of intelligent irrigation.

The benefits of the smart irrigation system

1. Remote wireless data transmission with a transmission distance of 5 km.

2. The single control system can cover 50,000 acres. Less investment, more harvest!

3. The system is solar-powered wireless control, which indeed achieves a minute deployment! Plug and play!

4. Achieve on-demand watering automatically and intelligently. Truly unattended!