保險公司, 醫院, 家庭, 患者, 醫生從醫療保健領域的物聯網中受益. 物聯網無疑正在透過重新定義人和人與醫療保健解決方案互動的空間來改變醫療保健產業.
1. 什麼是醫療保健中的物聯網
醫療保健專用品的激增 物聯網產品 提供了一個巨大的機會。 產生的數據往往會改變醫療保健.
物聯網有四步驟架構, which is basically a phase in a process. All four phases are connected in a way that captures or processes data in one phase and generates value for the next. The combined value in the process brings intuition and provides a dynamic business vision.
步 1: The first step involves deploying interconnected devices, including actuators, camera systems, 感應器, monitors, 偵測器, ETC, which collect data.
步 2: 通常, the data received from sensors and other devices are required to be converted into digital form.
步 3: Once the data is aggregated, it is preprocessed and moved to the cloud or a data center.
步 4: Manage and analyze the final data at the required level.
物聯網 is ensuring taking better care for patients, as well as providing healthcare providers with, improved performance, better patient experience, and workflows.
2. 面向患者的物聯網
例如, 患者可以根據個人情況創造適合自己的最佳康復環境 使用智慧型手機上安裝的應用程式控制照明和百葉窗.
在美國, 藥品違規是最大的可避免成本, 因為不遵守規定的患者會出現併發症,費用約為 $105 每年十億.
這種物聯網解決方案可以幫助藥物依賴者堅持他們的處方治療. 該瓶子可以長時間充電,並可以透過呼叫來提醒患者, 當他們需要服藥時發短信或眨眼。
智慧藥丸是最新的 物聯網解決方案 用於治療依從性. 患者可以在智慧型手機上監控他們的藥物攝入量,並允許他們的護理人員透過基於網路的入口網站存取資訊.
它節省時間。輕鬆連接患者和醫生, 簡化和組織醫療程序。減輕患者工作量, 以免他們去醫院檢查等不必要的麻煩。透過消除預約來降低醫院費用。為醫生提供準確的患者信息,以便在無需面對面會議的情況下跟進治療適應症。當生命徵象惡化時, 醫師可以建議患者調整用藥.
它使患者免於重複去看醫生。為患者提供即時存取與其健康相關的資訊。同時, 它提供醫生可以輕鬆評估的準確醫療資訊。醫生即時向患者提供醫療建議,以改善治療結果和福祉.
3. 醫生的物聯網
遠距醫療包含多種用於提供診斷和管理的技術和策略, 教育, 及其他相關醫療保健領域.
最初, 遠距醫療僅限於對缺乏醫療專業人員的農村地區的人們進行遠距診斷和治療。以下是一些實用的遠距醫療應用:
即時串流 (同步): 面對面醫生預約的替代方案.
非同步: 指健康史記錄的傳輸。醫生無需與這些資源即時互動即可提供護理.
轉速: 是指透過連接的感測器收集的個人醫療和健康數據 穿戴式裝置. 收集的數據透過 WIFI 發送到患者的 EHR 或應用程式。平價醫療法案 2012 美國對再入院率高的醫院進行處罰。 RPM 是醫院降低成本並避免此類處罰的有效解決方案, 同時不影響患者獲得醫療保健.
基本上, 連接的監測設備允許醫生在不實際看到患者的情況下收集和分析患者的健康狀況。 因此, 醫師可以了解患者的病情 24/7 並可以發現問題的早期跡象並採取預防措施。 最終, RPM 簡化了慢性病患者的治療,減少了再住院率和住院時間.
Remote diagnosis: 通過電子健康記錄傳輸數據,可以更快,更準確地診斷和治療多種疾病 (EHR).
MHealth: 物聯網應用 收集臨床健康數據, 提供醫療保健信息, 監視患者生命體徵並使用移動設備提供護理。
通過伸縮技術允許醫生對患者進行操作。 由於基於高速數據連接的系統,患者和外科醫生之間的距離障礙已被刪除, 管理信息網絡和機器人技術。患者不再需要離開當地醫院來受益於專業外科醫生的專業知識.
Da Vinci Si手術機器人為外科醫生提供了一種微創手術程序的最低侵入性方法。
腹腔鏡中嵌入的微型攝影機將影像發送到手術室的視訊監視器,以指導醫生完成手術。 機器人提供增強的 3D, 手術區域的高清視野, 組織和解剖結構的視覺清晰度, 手術靈活性和比人手更高的準確性.
4. 醫院物聯網
醫院和手術中心需要穩定可靠的電力來為醫療設備供電; 一天的停電可能會對醫院造成超過 $1 百萬.
美國大多數醫院都超過 30 歲了。 在英國, 年齡明顯上升.
根據德勤, 智慧建築 可以節省超過 $18 與傳統非物聯網建築相比,營運費用節省百萬美元.
醫療保健組織需要面向未來的 BMS 解決方案,以確保其設施舒適, 高效、安全.
這意味著它必須是開放的, 可擴充, 靈活的, 並充當自動化, 軟體, 和IP骨幹網路連接能源.
當智慧型 BMS 連接整個企業的關鍵系統時,可以管理數據以優化營運績效.
5. 物聯網在醫療保健領域的優勢和好處
更快的疾病診斷: 即時數據和持續的患者監測有助於根據症狀及早診斷疾病
醫療器材和藥品的管理是一項重大挑戰。 透過連接設備, 這些設備可以有效管理和利用,同時降低成本
透過物聯網設備產生的數據不僅有助於做出有效的決策,還可以確保醫療保健運作順利進行,同時減少錯誤, 廢棄物和系統成本
醫療物聯網並非沒有挑戰. 支援物聯網的連接設備可擷取大量數據, 包括敏感資訊, 引發對資料安全的擔憂.
實施適當的安全措施至關重要。 物聯網透過即時健康監測探索患者護理的新維度。 事實證明,準備好利用這種數位力量將成為日益互聯的世界中的差異化因素。
6. 物聯網在醫療保健領域的挑戰
These devices require powerful platforms to be neatly integrated into existing systems and infrastructure. The following conditions must be met.
Network failures are unacceptable in devices that require real-time access to data. Maintaining connectivity is particularly challenging in mobile devices such as wearables, which can travel anywhere a patient is, across borders and coverage areas.
IoT devices can automatically switch between networks with, non-directed SIM cards and open roaming. JT has established global roaming relationships with over 500 networks in 210 國家和地區
You must also match the type of network to the speed, 影片, voice capabilities, and price point required by the device.
這些工作包含專用網路上和遠離通用網路的資料。他們採用強大的數據管理實踐, 明確的所有權邊界, 以及您組織打擊違規行為的安全規則, 駭客, 和洩漏.
醫療保健物聯網必須得到支援並無縫整合到更大的系統中 健康醫療體系. 醫生, 患者, 和其他授權專業人員必須能夠使用這些感測器遠端監控其狀態和/或進行故障排除.
由於上述要求, 醫療的 物聯網專案 很快就會變得成本過高, especially in a highly competitive environment where different sectors must make demands on limited funding.
7. 醫療保健中物聯網的關鍵設施
For now, the medical establishment is focused on sensors embedded in the body, worn on the body, and in the home. Various forms of sensors can be used to provide real-time patient status updates, and set comfortable waiting room temperatures.
The availability of tracking hospital beds is an essential remote patient monitoring tool. Smart IoT devices can help track availability around the hospital.
Simple remote monitoring of beds can help reduce patient wait times. The technology could also be utilized to track nurses’ distance from each bed around the facility.
Nurses’ workflow can be optimized by using smart sensors in hospital beds.
Healthcare organizations usually perform tests with expensive medical equipment. When these machines are not operating at an optimal level, they may provide wrong results or not work at all. Maintenance can be expensive.
Smart iot devices can track environmental factors and monitor machine performance. If a preset threshold is exceeded, an alert can be sent.
The latest example of storage temperature is for COVID-19 vaccines.
If certain refrigerators, freezers, or other refrigerated areas exceed certain temperature thresholds, medical personnel can be alerted immediately and they can ensure that items that need to be refrigerated do not spoil.
The wearable tech sector has indeed been booming recently. The Apple Watch is leading the way.
MedTech uses wristbands to monitor valuable information such as minutes of activity, heart rate, and steps taken.
Smart Belt technology help detect falls. Older people can live alone with the help of this. They can rest assured that they can call for help when accidents occur.
Smart sensors can help simplify the process. Previously, patients had to travel for tests, or they had to check their blood pressure, temperature or other variables regularly themselves and had to share that information with their doctors.
This advance optimizes patient care workflows by reducing in-person visits to doctors’ offices and optimizes healthcare decisions by providing more comprehensive and accurate health data.
The insidious thing about both respiratory diseases is that they can lead to attacks that seem to pop up without any notice.
智能藥瓶提供相同類型的 物聯網庫存管理 對個人的能力。 智能藥瓶可以幫助患者自動補充處方,以提供其他個性化的醫療支持,並為遺漏劑量發送警報。 保險公司一定會喜歡的東西.
睡眠對於健康的生活很重要。然而, 許多人無法獲得所需的適當睡眠。 智能物聯網床技術使用戶能夠了解其環境和睡眠方式。 這些床和其他醫療設備可以捕獲大量與健康相關的數據.
Recent developments using this smart technology have been focused on cribs.
8. 物聯網醫療保健應用
1. 氣喘和慢性阻塞性肺病的病人管理
Consumers can better manage their COPD symptoms and asthma. Amounts of companies provide connected inhalers.
2. 改善糖尿病
Patients can also regulate their blood sugar levels with an automatic insulin delivery system.
3. 用藥依從性
Medication compliance is an issue. However, people can now even make sure they take their medication when they need it via devices with IoT.
4. 患者健康監測
Wearables help people monitor their medical conditions and health in real time. This kind of monitoring has proven to be very beneficial for many diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, mental health problems and heart disease.
5. 醫療保健提供者對患者進行監測
Wearable devices could help healthcare professionals monitor their patients. The devices also enable doctors to treat patients proactively. By keeping people at home and away from hospitals, these medical IoT devices are providing much-needed beds for more critically ill patients.
6. 老年人護理和獨立
The Internet of Things could also allow older people to remain independent for longer through remote monitoring.
7. 保持清潔標準
IoT can be utilized to trigger appropriate health process alerts when staff enters a ward. The Internet of Things can also provide customized reminders if certain cleaning measures are needed based on patient needs.
8. 可攝入感測器
For some medical procedures, doctors can avoid invasive probing of the human gut. Ingestible devices save time and provide convenience and comfort for patients.
9. 機器人手術
Using the Internet of things, surgeons can perform complex surgeries via robots. Hospitals, can shorten hospital stays and shorten recovery times.
10. 穩定的應急通信
Allerio is providing onboard network solutions for first responders. Portable wireless routers with multiple cellular connections provide redundant communication, so first responders’ equipment always has a network connection.
Patients often don’t accurately report how they feel.
These challenges can be addressed by “Emotion-aware” IoT devices. The device can infer information about a patient’s mental state.
The core challenge here is that indicators do not predict depressive symptoms. But neither can a traditional face-to-face psychological evaluation.
Healthcare providers must be able to assess how the severity of their symptoms fluctuates.
物聯網感測器 simplify this task by keep collecting data about Parkinson’s symptoms. Meanwhile, these devices give patients the freedom to live in their own homes without having to spend long periods of time in the hospital for observation.
9. 網路醫療保健機構
頂部 10 companies in the IoT medical device market by revenue
西門子公司 (收入: $66.3 十億)
German tech giant Siemens AG is a leading provider of IoT healthcare solutions. The company specializes in digital health solutions and instant testing.
雅培實驗室 (收入: $34.6 十億)
雅培實驗室, based in Abbott Park, Illinois, is a leading U.S. healthcare company. The company is rapidly integrating emerging Internet of things technology into its core sign monitoring, cardiovascular, and neuromodulation devices.
霍尼韋爾生命照護解決方案 (收入: $32.6 十億)
霍尼韋爾生命護理解決方案的醫療保健解決方案提供即時患者護理並簡化臨床工作流程。 霍尼韋爾 CT40 HC 行動數據終端幫助他們提供簡化的醫療保健服務。 該設備符合 FIPS 標準 140-2 等級 1 安全標準並為患者資料提供高品質的保護.
美敦力 (收入: $30.12 十億)
美敦力公司 (Medtronic Plc) 是醫療設備和解決方案的全球領導者。 該公司致力於提供創新且具有成本效益的醫療保健解決方案。
波士頓科學公司 (收入: $9.913 十億)
波士頓科學公司是介入放射學醫療設備的領先製造商, 神經血管介入, 週邊幹預, 電生理學, 婦科, 和心臟手術, 腫瘤學。 該公司因將新興技術整合到其成像系統和遠端患者監護設備中而獲得認可。 波士頓科學公司 (Boston Scientific) 的 LATITUDE™ NXT 遠距病患管理系統.
通用電氣醫療集團 (收入: $4.472 十億)
GE醫療致力於數位醫療基礎設施並專注於診斷, 和患者監護設備。
歐姆龍公司 (收入: $6.237 十億)
歐姆龍公司, 總部位於京都, 日本, 是一家領先的電子公司,由 Tachikeshi Kazuma 在 1933 隨後於 1948 年成立。
百多力 (收入: $1,257.8 百萬)
百多力是一家跨國心血管技術公司,因其血管介入治療解決方案和強大的診斷而受到廣泛認可, 電生理學, and rhythm management. The device uses Internet of Things technology to provide doctors with the latest information related to the implanted patient.
約翰遜 & 約翰遜 (收入: $995.2 百萬)
約翰遜 & Johnson specializes in the manufacture of medical devices, consumer products and pharmaceuticals. With approximately 250 subsidiaries and operations in more than 60 國家, 約翰遜 & Johnson ranks 36th on the 2021 Fortune 500 list by revenue.
飛利浦醫療保健 (收入: $59.5 百萬)
Philips Healthcare improves patient care and management at a lower cost offering caregivers and patients and healthcare providers innovative solutions. The company specializes in mobile patient monitoring solutions, diagnostics, respiratory care, advanced imaging, oncology, and central.
11. 醫療保健領域的物聯網市場
IoT in healthcare market was valued at $49 十億 2022 and is projected to reach $89.6 billion by 2026. The key drivers of the iot market are improved device accuracy, 連接性, ETC.
物聯網 (物聯網) technology tends to revolutionize traditional paper-based healthcare treatment. In addition, it can not only provide doctors with remote patient monitoring but also serve as a fitness and health tracker for athletes and dose reminders for patients.
Big data analysis is a rapidly emerging topic in the Internet of Things. While these efforts are still in their early stages, they are expected to work together to help address industry-related issues related to inconsistent healthcare quality and rising healthcare spending.
Tracking, tracking and monitoring patients are critical to strengthening healthcare systems.
Drug management is anticipated to grow the fastest
The pharmaceutical management sector is anticipated to show significant growth.
The growing focus of market participants on developing innovative solutions.
The trend toward a shift from a fee-for-service model to a value-based model, d