RTLS系統主要利用感測器, 利用無線通訊和雲端運算技術來確定帶有標籤的「物體」的位置. 授權使用者可以在追蹤貨物等應用程式中透過本機電腦和雲端平台存取標記物件的位置數據, 汽車, 人們, 寵物, ETC. 這篇文章讓你對RTLS有個清晰的認識!
1. 什麼是即時定位系統?
即時定位系統主要利用感測器, 利用無線通訊和雲端運算技術來確定帶有標籤的「物體」的位置. 授權使用者可以在追蹤貨物等應用程式中透過本機電腦和雲端平台存取標記物件的位置數據, 汽車, 人們, 寵物, ETC.
RTLS適用於覆蓋物流供應鏈的各種應用場景, 物體和人. 然而, 該系統有一些限制. 例如, 部署在偏遠地區的設備需要能夠保證數月穩定運作的電力儲備; 交通樞紐或生產線中快速移動的設備需要更高的更新率; 當談到高價值時 資產追蹤, 安全非常重要.
2. 即時定位系統的工作原理
RTLS 是一種基於訊號的系統,透過無線電技術定位物體或人員. 可分為主動式RTLS與被動式感應式RTLS. 主動RTLS可分為AOA, 總時差, TPA, 時間飛行時間, 國家核能研究中心, ETC.
1. 藍牙即時定位系統
藍牙室內技術利用安裝在室內的藍牙區域網路存取點,使網路保持為基於多用戶的基本網路連線模式,並確保 藍牙區域網路 接入點仍然是這個微網路的主要設備. 然後透過訊號強度測量對新添加的盲節點進行三角測量.
現在, 使用藍牙 iBeacon 進行定位主要有兩種方式: 基於 RSSI 的一種和基於指紋的一種, 或兩者的混合.
2. 無線即時定位系統
定位技術有兩種類型 無線上網. 一類是透過行動裝置的無線訊號強度,透過不同的演算法更精確地對人和汽車進行三角測量 3 無線網路存取點. 另一種是預先記錄多個已確定的位置點的訊號強度,然後透過將新增設備的訊號強度與充滿資料的資料庫進行比較來確定位置。.
優點: 整體精度高, 硬體成本低,傳輸速率高; 適用於進行複雜、大範圍的定位, 偵測和追蹤任務.
適用領域: WiFi定位可用於定位人或車輛,應用於不同需求定位的情況 & 像醫療中心一樣導航, 一個主題樂園, 植物, 購物中心, ETC.
3. 即時定位系統RFID
射頻識別 指一種無線通訊技術,無需系統與特殊物體之間存在機械或光學接觸,即可透過射頻定位特殊物體並讀取相關數據.
RFID室內定位技術利用射頻固定天線的方式將無線電訊號調諧成電磁場. 然後貼在物品上的標籤在產生感應電流後進入磁場將數據傳輸出去,在多對雙向通訊之間交換數據,從而實現識別和三角測量.
無線電訊號是調諧到 RF 的電磁場, 從附加到物件的標籤傳輸資料以自動確定和追蹤它. 多個標籤在識別過程中從識別器發出的電磁場收集能量,無需電池. 有些標籤配備了不同的電源,能夠主動發射無線電波(調諧至射頻電磁場).
標籤, 包含在以電子方式儲存的資訊中, 數米內可識別. 與條碼不同, 射頻標籤可以嵌入被追蹤的物體內,無需處於辨識機器的範圍內.
4. Zigbee 即時定位系統
紫蜂 (基於IEEE802.15.4標準的低功耗LAN協定) 室內定位技術在多個待測量節點與參考節點和網關之間建立一個網絡. 網路中的待測量節點發送廣播訊息並從各個相鄰參考節點收集數據. 然後選擇訊號最強的參考節點的 X 和 Y 座標. 在那之後, 計算與參考節點關聯的更多節點的座標. 最終, 運算定位引擎中的數據,查看最近參考節點的偏移值,取得大型網路中待測節點的真實位置.
5. 超寬頻即時定位系統
超寬頻 (超寬頻) 定位技術是一項與傳統通訊、定位技術有顯著差異的新技術. 它利用預先安排的給定位置的錨定節點和橋接節點來與新添加的盲節點形成連接. 然後它用“指紋”對它們進行三角測量或定位以識別位置.
最近, 超寬頻無線 (超寬頻) 技術已成為一種高精度提出的室內無線定位技術. 其時間解析度可達奈秒. 結合基於到達時間的測距演算法, 理論上可以達到公分級的定位精度, 滿足工業應用的定位需求.
6. 紅外線實時定位系統
紅外線室內定位有兩種. 第一個表示使用紅外線IR標記作為移動點來定位目標, 發射調製紅外線, 透過安裝在房間內的光學感測器進行定位; 第二個是用幾對發射機覆蓋要估計的空間 & 接收器編織紅外線網絡直接判斷運動目標.
7. 超音波即時定位系統
超音波定位技術是根據超音波測距系統開發的. It consists of several transponders and main rangefinders. The working process is: chief rangefinders are put on an object to be measured and transmit radio signals to transponders in a fixed location, and transponders transfer ultrasonic signals to chief rangefinders after taking the signal, which can help determine the location of the objects using algorithms such as reflective-ranging method and triangulation.
8. iBeacon 即時定位系統
iBeacon Positioning
Equipped with Bluetooth 4.0, iBeacon is a new indoor micro-location technology. It is currently available for iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry devices, all of which are embedded with Bluetooth Low Energy (低功耗藍牙) 科技. When your handheld device gets close to an iBeacon base station, the device is able to acquire the iBeacon signal (UUID and RSSI), which can range from a few millimeters to 50 米, 透過加權三環定位演算法可實現精確定位,精度一般可達2m.
3. 即時定位系統的挑戰
鑑於 RTLS 可以有效追蹤物聯網設備, 為什麼不給每一個都安裝定位功能? 主要原因在於傳統的成本高昂 GPS技術 用於 地理定位, 成功部署的某種技術挑戰以及運行功耗較高.
1. 即時定位系統成本
一套解決方案系統收集設備位置需要多長時間? 位置是每天收集還是每分鐘收集? 設備收集頻率與成本和電池壽命直接相關. 在很多情況下,
2. 電池壽命
傳統GPS定位模組功耗極高. 也, 每年必須多次更換模組電池. 在某些情況下, 資產追蹤器安裝在一些難以進行維護的位置或安裝在車隊內部. 這樣的部署導致更換電池的成本極高. 特別是如果現場部署了數千個追蹤器, 更換電池會費時費力.
3. 後期維護
設備維護甚至大規模維修是必不可少的,因為幾個 物聯網設備 壽命為 5 年, 10 乃至 20 年. 然而, 如果連接的裝置因電池耗盡而無法發送通知或更改企業所有權,則可能會“遺失”.
4. 分期付款
部署物聯網設備時很容易出錯. 例如, 當您手動將感測器組裝到建築物中時,很容易出錯. 更重要的是, 定位模組可以從一個地方轉移到另一個地方,無需手動更新追蹤日誌.
4. 即時定位系統的好處
提到定位系統人們會先想到GPS. 基於 GNSS 的 (全球導航衛星系統) 衛星定位已經無所不在. 然而, 衛星定位有其主要缺點, 那是, 訊號無法穿透建築物實現 室內定位.
所以, 如何解決室內定位問題?
隨著室內定位市場需求的不斷成長, 無線通訊技術, 感測器識別技術和大數據互聯技術, 解決方案正在增加. 產業鏈持續發展.
消費定位主要應用於室內人員引導等商業功能, 消費者推動, 安全監控, 智慧家庭, ETC;
工業級可用於消防安全, 人員監控, 設備指導, 財產安全, 智慧工廠, 以及智慧化工地等.
優勢: 緊湊型設備, 短距離, 低功耗, 輕鬆整合到手機等行動裝置中;
缺點: 藍牙傳輸不受視距影響, 但對於複雜的空間 & 環境, 藍牙系統穩定性較差, 高噪音幹擾, 昂貴的藍牙設備;
優勢: 整體精度較高, 硬體成本低, 高傳輸率; 可用於大範圍定位, 偵測和追蹤任務.
缺點: 傳輸距離短, 高功耗, 一般為星型拓樸結構.
優點: RFID indoor positioning technology works at a very close distance but it is able to gather centimeter-level positioning accuracy information in a few milliseconds; The tag is relatively small in size and low in cost.
缺點: no communication capability, poor anti-interference ability, no easy integration into other systems and under-developed protection of security & privacy and global standardization of users.
Zigbee 室內定位
好處: 低功耗, cost-saving, short delay, large capacity and high security, long transmission distance; be able to sustain structures of mesh topology, tree topology as well as star topology, adaptable networking, multi-hop channeling;
Disadvantages: 傳輸率低, high algorithm requirements for positioning precision.
UWB 室內定位
優點: with GHz bandwidth, high positioning accuracy; strong penetration, good anti-multipath effect and high security.
Shortcomings: But the newly added blind nodes also need active communication making the power consumption higher, and the system is costly
優點: high precision for indoor locating, powerful anti-interference capability;
缺點: Infrared can only be transmitted by sight, poor penetration performance; when the tag is blocked it can not function properly but be vulnerable to lighting, smoke and other environmental factors;
優點: high overall positioning precision, reach the centimeter level; relatively simple structure, good penetration ability as well as a strong anti-interference ability for the ultrasound.
Disadvantages: large attenuation in the air, inapplicable to large occasions; it is greatly affected by multipath effects and non-visual propagation when measuring reflection distance, resulting in a high cost of investment when requiring bottom hardware for precise analysis and calculation.
5. RTLS 使用了哪些技術
RTLS technology
RTLS typically is comprised of three parts: the RTLS tag, infrastructure as well as software. The performance and function of the solutions rely on the specific technology choices made during the 即時定位系統 solutions development process.
Using RFID technology, RTLS systems determine the location of “objects” with tags as it passes near a fixed reader, and then send information about the event to a server.
Bluetooth RSSI, also Received Signal Strength Indicator, is applicable for RTLS in indoor scenes. A Bluetooth beacon deployed in the monitored area “monitors and listens” to the signal from the Bluetooth tag to determine if the tagged object or person locate within the coverage of the Bluetooth signal, so as to provide “room-level” positioning precision.
Similar to Bluetooth RSSI, Wi-Fi beacons can be applied to detect nearby Wi-Fi RTLS tags, providing “room-level” accuracy. 或者, time-of-flight methods can be used to provide a more accurate location of mobile assets.
Cellular 3G and 4G LTE technologies provide rough locating information based on cellular network fingerprinting, where equipment detects nearby cellular base stations and compares them to the worldwide fingerprint database that has established geographic location mappings. Featuring higher precision, 3G and 4G LTE real-time tracking solutions depend on different mixtures of immobile and mobile network infrastructure, with more solutions to emerge as the number of 5G deployment increase rapidly.
GNSS-based RTLS systems are dependent on GNSS receivers which define their locations through the measurement of the time it spends on the GNSS satellite signal to approach them from orbit. Because of weak GNSS signals, they cannot penetrate walls and buildings so only be used outdoors.
Ultra-wideband technology and Bluetooth indoor positioning with high precision are two technologies that are able to offer sub-meter level positioning precision.
An RTLS tag is possible to cover additional sensors to collect additional messages about the asset being tracked. 具有慣性感測器的定位模組可以偵測資產何時掉落,或在 GNSS 訊號遺失時補充衛星定位. 同樣地, 溫度感測器檢測可能損壞敏感貨物的溫度變化.
向用戶提供位置數據, RTLS 需要連接到網際網路的資料管道. 戶外即時追蹤解決方案, 包括基於 GNSS 的解決方案, 為某些透過低功耗和最大覆蓋範圍改進的蜂窩通訊提供優質服務 LTE貓 1 或LTE-M.
RTLS已經在許多例子中得到了很好的發展, 準確地說,由於技術的變化,這個數字預計在接下來的幾年裡會迅速增加, 更易於訪問並更緊密地整合到營運中.
RTLS 醫療保健 / 醫療的
Staff in hospitals spend a significant portion of time on locating medical equipment, which puts additional strain on an already strained system. RTLS in hospitals is conducive to quickly locating beds and medical devices and may also help locate doctors, staff and patients.
RTLS system is useful to automatically manage inventory and locate goods on shelves.
Real-time locating services give enterprises a deep understanding of all aspects related to the process of supply and distribution. Apart from the improvement of supply chain management, companies can also use data provided by RTLS to alleviate bottlenecks and simplify its procedure as well as monitor remotely the process of their goods, thus boosting the product quality.
RTLS can give hands to fleet managers to track their vehicles, 包括卡車, cabs, 汽車, shared ones, ETC. Micro-mobile solution providers(such as those who supplies shared electric scooters) have increased their use of highly precise RTLS technology to force themselves to abide by local regulations such as bans on driving on sidewalks.
運輸 hubs including an airport and train station can track luggage trailers, passengers with particular demands, ground personnel and other passengers through Real-Time Locating System technology. Data collected from the technology can be analyzed to detect and tackle operation problems and improve the overall travel experience.
7. 即時定位系統解決方案
U-Blox has always conducted innovative R&D based on GNSS positioning algorithms, the RF and signal processing technologies since its founding in 1997. 如今, it has been dedicated to developing integration solutions on “cloud-on-a-chip”, which has enabled itself to take the lead in technological innovation. U-Blox has also grown into a company with deep market insights which allow itself to precisely understand markets and users’ needs.
In addition to providing 全球導航衛星系統 positioning solutions, U-Blox has a good grasp of the increasing demand for device communication and indoor positioning from IoT users. 所以, u-Blox has not only extended its product line of cellular communication and short-range communication but also provided the market with a mixture of modules that can achieve both GNSS positioning and cellular communication functions to help users come up with compact RTLS solutions.
With the rapid growth of big data and smart connectivity technologies, u-Blox is not satisfied with being a hardware provider of location and communication technologies. The company is considering how to leverage services to maximize the business value of location information in IoT devices and provide one-stop services to customers through a “hard and soft” approach to empower customers in various fields to achieve rapid RTLS deployment.
AssistNow decreases power consumption by shortening the first positioning time using GNSS.
when GNSS signals are not available, CellLocate can still conduct rough locating using cellular network fingerprinting technology.
CloudLocate calculates location via the cloud for application scenes requiring ultra-low power consumption where continuous tracking is not required.
PointPerfect provides GNSS-enhanced data services for centimeter-level positioning precision in seconds.
U-Blox Thingstream supports customers to tackle complex challenges of IoT connectivity with an extensive end-to-end solution according to the industry standard MQTT. This enables customers to transfer data from IoT equipment to the cloud of companies without additional communication carrier fees.
另外, U-Blox IoT “Security as a Service” brings the “end-to-end” concept to real life based on unique and immutable device identity and a reliable root of trust. It effectively stops sensitive data from being disclosed at intermediate nodes, platforms and services to ensure that your RTLS tags and other infrastructure only operate actual firmware and that the data generated during the operation is only visible to its target users.
8. 知名的RTLS公司有哪些
Siemens RTLS
Versus Technology
Ubisense Group
Axcess International
Stanley Healthcare
Savi Technology
Sonitor Technologies
Identec Solutions
Awarepoint Corporation