什麼是物聯網解決方案? 定義和主要範例.

目錄 展示

IoT 解決方案正在使用物聯網(物聯網) 用於收集和利用捕獲的數據的硬體和軟體程序, 並應用到現實生活中. 物聯網就是隨時隨地, 任何地方, 任何東西都可以透過網路訪問. 例如, 這 智慧家庭 系統是物聯網的集合. 可以利用網路遠端控製家裡的每一個設備 (燈, 電視, 空調, ETC。). 下面我們就來看看.

1. 什麼是物聯網  


什麼是物聯網? 隨著資訊科技的發展, 物聯網的概念開始出現. 物聯網是新一代資訊科技的重要組成部分,也是「資訊」時代的重要發展階段. 物聯網是將現實世界中的物件連接到互聯網, 這樣, 人和物可以方便地互相溝通.  


感測器將配備電網, 鐵路, 橋樑, 隧道, 道路, 建築物, 供水系統, DAMS, 石油和天然氣管道, 家用設備, 和其他真實物體, 透過網路連線, 然後運行特定的程式來實現遠端控製或實現物件之間的直接通訊。物聯網, 那是, 透過射頻識別裝置 (射頻識別) 在各種物體上, 感應器, QR 圖碼, ETC.  


物聯網就是隨時隨地, 任何地方, 任何東西都可以透過網路存取。例如, 智慧家庭系統是物聯網的集合, 可以利用網路遠端控製家裡的每一個設備 (燈, 電視, 空調, ETC。).  

簡而言之, 物聯網就是透過電子資訊科技將世界上所有的物體連結起來,形成一個大網絡.  

前往車聯網 (這是相對較多示範區的研究), 例如, 到全國每輛車 (包括公共汽車, 汽車, 火車, ETC。) 由唯一的身份頒發, 就像我們每個人都有自己獨特的ID一樣, 每輛車都有唯一的電子車牌號, 然後所有有很多感測器的道路,  能夠讀取出現在路上有哪些汽車 射頻識別技術, 射頻識別技術 (就像我們在超市付錢一樣, 這是RFID, 只需輕掃一下即可知道我們要買什麼), 然後有一個覆蓋全國的大型中央資訊處理平台,  這個東西就是利用現在的雲端運算, 海量儲存技術, 該平台可以接收所有感測器返回的所有車輛所有路段的信息, 因為數據比較特殊, 大量操作, 對速度要求非常大, 所以使用雲端運算, 海量儲存技術.  

透過這樣一個中央資訊平台, 管理部門可以快速找到具體列車在哪一路段運行, 順便可以找到這輛巴士的一些其他信息 (例如有多少人做了, 運行速度, 目的地, ETC。), 它可以實現一些功能, 以便能夠及時向居民報告下一班公車何時到達,  現在哪條路擁堵 (如果任何一段路段車速較慢,則表示道路被堵塞), 你還可以把每班車和車主的銀行卡, 這樣就可以在高速公路上直接透過汽車讀取電子車牌號碼,無需停車,直接刷卡支付, 減少空氣污染和交通擁堵, ETC.  

A車主還可以透過中央資訊處理平台查詢其他汽車的運行信息,使全國所有汽車形成一個龐大的網絡, 這就是所謂的汽車網路。物聯網是一個比車聯網更廣泛的概念, 不僅適用於汽車的唯一標識符, 但對於電器, 圖書, 橋樑, 房屋, 和其他一切, 然後使用相同的技術將它們連接成一個龐大的網路。物聯網概念現在很火, 但要完全實現還需要很長時間, 當它實現時, 世界將發生不可估量的改變.  

2. 什麼是物聯網解決方案


IoT 是“萬物互聯的互聯網”, 是在現有互聯網基礎上的網絡的延伸和擴展. 滿足消費升級的商業需求, 擴大客戶業務範圍, 挖掘用戶潛在價值, 塑造品牌形象, 等等。將各種網絡資訊感測設備與互聯網結合形成一個巨大的網絡,實現機器的互聯, 事物, 以及任何時間、任何地點的人.  



Sensing devices such as RFID and smart sensors can be used to gain all kinds of information of objects.  


The object information can be transmitted in real time and accurately via the integration of the Internet and wireless network.  


All kinds of smart technologies are used to analyze and process the data and information sensed and transmitted to realize smart control and monitoring.


1. Mobile terminal application system: support APP/ service number and other forms, better user experience;  

2. PC operation and maintenance management system: complete data system, real-time tracking;  

3. Remote communication control service: third-party integration service and API access service;  

4, terminal control system: signal stable coverage of a wide area, built in a variety of protocols, a wide range of uses;  


Manufacturing industrial IoT solutions are a proven network architecture for a variety of manufacturing environments. The integration of manufacturing industrial automation networks and business systems ensures flexible and real-time communication. Improves visibility and recovery, reducing costly unplanned downtime. Quickly adapt to changes, including new product introductions, planned line shifts, component supply adjustments, and changing requirements for different products. Real-time perception of change, with the help of mobile devices, video monitors, and HMI that communicate using converged networks, multi-aspect control of all changes from the entire enterprise to a single workshop. Real-time information is fed back to the entire supply chain to ensure rapid response to every step in the entire manufacturing value chain, from supply to distribution. The network’s built-in end-to-end security provides multiple layers of security to help you build a secure factory.  

Smart Campus 物聯網應用  

Wisdom campus Internet solutions based on Internet of things technology can be used to analyze through the Internet of things platform bracelet to collect data, sports, health, and behavior for the school to provide a terminal, access, platform, and application of the overall wisdom campus Internet solutions, various supporting auxiliary teaching in the class of students’ health, such as the development of the business, the problem of campus safety and effective monitoring and early warningSo as to improve the efficiency of school teaching and management.  


To solve the problem of centralized monitoring of infusion, quantitative management and standardize the services, reduce the work intensity of medical staff and solve in the process of infusion in patients with anxiety and worry, we provide our hospital transfusion management system, with an intelligent infusion monitor, IoT unit and medical communication data management platform, an intelligent monitoring and management process. The intelligent medical IoT solution is suitable for any infusion scenario, and its main functions are infusion monitoring, functional alarm, and intelligent device management. Infusion management can also use clinical mobile terminal PDA to further realize mobile monitoring of infusion.

3. 為什麼選擇物聯網解決方案  


現在, most enterprises and industries are adopting the Internet of Things, especially expanding its use in industries including manufacturing, 運輸, and smart places.


It can improve productivity and operational efficiency. In fact, the two main reasons companies say they are adopting IoT are to improve operational efficiency (55 百分) and increase employee productivity (50 百分).  The ability to track inventory and manage warehouses is pretty significant in transport organizations. The most common reasons for IoT adoption in utility and power organizations are also efficiency-oriented. Almost half of the manufacturing companies list industrial automation as their primary use for IoT.  


As reported, one-third of organizations use IoT to improve customer products and services. Of those companies, 50 percent reported increased revenue, compared with 39 percent who did not use technology to improve customer products and services.  

邊緣運算, 智力, 和數位孿生  

Related IoT technologies such as edge computing, digital twinning, 和 人工智慧 will get increasingly easy to use once they are included in the IoT initiative. Companies that use such emerging technologies in IoT solutions are generally more successful with it. Artificial intelligence is the most widely adopted emerging technology.  


Another use of the Internet of Things is to collect essential information that is helpful in improving organizational sustainability. The carbon emissions and environmental impact generated by the organization can be mitigated and reduced by monitoring power quality and usage. It can also help reduce unnecessary waste and observe the habitats of endangered species. Thirty-four percent of the organizations surveyed in the IoT Signal report said they are targeting sustainability as part of their development over the next few years, 和 50 percent of those organizations expect to be net carbon zero by 2025. What’s more, sustainability tends to be satisfied when it is implemented when organizations adopt the technology to reduce costs or increase efficiency.  


When organizations use the Internet of Things, they can improve the security of their work environment, giving systems the opportunity to process what’s happening in real time. Disasters can be prevented by predicting whether machines are broken or dangerous, or whether workplace safety is compromised in any way. Monitoring workplace air quality and other factors can also improve space safety. In fact, improving security is one of the top three reasons many companies are adopting the Internet of Things. In the smart place industry, 46 percent of businesses are also using IoT to secure buildings. More than a third of manufacturing organizations use the technology to ensure factory safety.  


With the rapid implementation of IoT across industries, getting ahead now gives organizations a competitive advantage as it optimizes productivity, saves costs, and protects the environment.


While most things have slowed down during the COVID-19 pandemic, technologies like the Internet of Things can help many businesses stay alive. One in three decision-makers said during the pandemic that their organizations would increase their investments in IoT due to COVID-19. The ways IoT helps organizations include sales support and sustainability, with nearly half of organizations reporting increased revenue as a result of IoT.


Predictive maintenance provided by the Internet of Things analyzes production systems in real-time and predicts when and how problems will occur. Such potential problems can then be proactively identified and mitigated. This increases the productivity of the system, saves on replacing machines, and alerts workers to potential safety hazards.


They can track their goods globally in real-time when organizations use the Internet. IoT can help smart place organizations with space management and optimization, as well as supply and inventory monitoring. When supply chains are more transparent, they are more attractive to customers and businesses.  

4. 為什麼物聯網解決方案很重要  


The Internet of Things refers to a networked capability that allows the use of the Internet to send and receive information to objects and devices, such as fixtures and kitchen appliances. This paper identifies 4 essential dimensions that are increasingly evolving and will keep having a huge impact on the evolution of the Internet of things revolution.  


今天, hardware and sensor costs have dropped so much that devices large and small can easily connect to the Internet. The need for more effective sensors seamlessly integrated into existing architectures and devices is forcing a shift among hardware developers. As more IoT sensor technology vendors enter the market, the cost of these devices has been significantly reduced and will continue to be.

另外, the speed of innovation in reducing costs and power consumption while creating new sensors and actuators is impressive. The MEMS market is anticipated to grow to $122.83 十億 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 11.30%, according to Allied Market Research. This innovation will continue to provide new capabilities and further expand the adoption of the Internet of Things.  

Device manufacturers, IoT platforms, and companies need to understand how ever-smaller hardware can be integrated with actuators and sensors to address specific use cases, and how different components will affect functionality and cost. Keep these metrics and questions in mind when selecting vendors and partners to power your solution.  


With the variety of network connectivity options available, finding an affordable solution to meet your device and business needs has never been easier. Nowadays, you can choose from specific LTE options from traditional cellular carriers to dedicated LPWAN for the Internet of Things.  

The number of connected devices number is set to reach 29.3 十億 2023, prompting widespread discussion on social media and in large organizations about new use cases and approaches to integrating this vast amount of data.  

A strong network connection is always critical for your iot devices. When designing your solution, pay attention to cost, geographic coverage, and data to keep up with user needs.  


Location is a key element of many Internet of things solutions, and there are many different options to ensure that your data contains location information. These positioning solutions go far beyond traditional GPS/全球導航衛星系統 capabilities and come with different power consumption, network profiles, and precision. These options include BLE, cell-based location systems, and Wi-Fi.  

Consumers expect a location solution on their connected devices, where they can locate them anytime, anywhere. With a wide variety of high-performance positioning solutions available on the market today, deciding which is the best fit can be tricky. It is important to clearly consider the requirements and limitations of use cases so that you can choose the best location technology for integration.  


The falling cost of data storage has been one of the main drivers of advances in the Internet of Things. In 1981, each gigabyte of storage cost as much as $300,000. In 2021, the cost per GB of storage will be about $0.02, making it a cost-effective solution for enterprises. But the rate of data generation is accelerating rapidly. IDC predicts that by 2025, there will be 175 ZB of data globally, with the Internet of Things being the fastest-growing data segment.  

The evolution of the available solutions and cloud computing running on top of it provide a usable and convenient environment to deal with your data needs. The cloud computing market is expected to reach $832 billion by 2025.

All of this data should be stored in an easily accessible way. With the cost of data storage falling, you can now think more worry-free about what data you need to capture and how you can use it to continue optimizing your business.  

5. 頂部 10 物聯網解決方案


物聯網解決方案 - 智慧家庭


Origin of the concept of the 智慧家庭 early, first appeared in the United States and the United States in 1984 joint technology company (UnitedTechnologiesBuildingSystem) construction equipment informatization, integration concept was applied to Connecticut, hart Buddha city, city construction, the first rubber “intelligent building”Then opened the whole world to build the prelude of the intelligent household.  


Smart home is a kind of ideal living environment, it combines video surveillance, intelligent anti-theft alarm, intelligent lighting control, intelligent control, intelligent doors, and Windows, intelligent video control into an organic whole, with supporting software, people through the tablet, tablet mobile phones, smartphones, and laptops, not only can watch the home remote monitor screen, but It can also control the lighting, curtains, appliances and so on in real-time.  

The smart home is often a residential platform, with the use of network communication technology, automatic control technology, integrated wiring technology, and design of security technology to construct a family daily affairs management system and efficient residential facilities.  

SmartHome is often used to denote SmartHome. Smart home uses IoT technology to connect various devices like curtain control, security system, audio and video equipment, lighting system, air conditioning control, digital cinema system, network appliances, and three table copy together, providing a variety of intelligent control and other functions and meanscommon intelligent control means are home appliances control.  


第一的, practical and convenient

The basic goal of the smart home is to offer people a safe, 高效率的, comfortable, and convenient living environment. The most important for smart home products is practical as the core.  

The design of smart home system, should be based on user demand for intelligent household function, integration of the following is the most practical, the most basic household control function: including smart home appliance control, intelligent lighting control, electric curtain control, burglar alarm, access control intercom, gas leak, ETC。, also can extend the area of value-added services such as video on demand. Smart home control mode is very diverse for many personalized modes, the goal is to make people get rid of cumbersome affairs, and improve efficiency if the operating processes and procedures set too trivial, easy for users to create resistance. Hence, we must fully consider the user experience for many personalized modes.  

第二, 可靠性

Each intelligent subsystem throughout the building should be able to operate 24 hours a day. Take corresponding fault tolerant measures in system backup and power supply to ensure good quality, normal and safe use of the system and good performance.  

Three, the standard

The design of a smart home system should be carried out according to regional standards and relevant national to ensure the scalability and scalability of the system. Standard TCP/IP protocol network technology is used in system transmission to ensure interconnection and compatibility between different producers. The front end of the system is an open, extensible and multi-functional device. For instance, the terminal, module, and multi-functional system provide an integrated platform for external vendors of the smart home system. When the function needs to be added, there is no need to dig a pipe network, simple, reliable, convenient, and economical. Systems and products are designed and selected to interconnect the system with future developments in third-party control equipment.  

第四, convenience

Wiring installation is simple and directly related to the cost, scalability, and maintainability, must choose a simple wiring system, construction can, and community broadband cable, simple and easyThe device is easy to learn, operate and maintain. The convenient design of the system is also very essential in commissioning and engineering installation. Debugging, maintenance and installation workload is very large. To address this problem, the system should be designed to facilitate installation and maintenance, such as remote debugging and maintenance over the Internet. Not only the family can realize the control function of the home intelligent system, but also the engineer can diagnose the system’s fault. Thus, the system can be set and updated in different places.  

Five, lightweight

It is a lightweight smart home system. “Simple”, “practical”, and “smart” are its biggest characteristics, but also its biggest difference from the traditional intelligent living system. Therefore, we usually do not need to structure deployment, the function can be free collocation, and the price is relatively cheap, which can directly face the final consumer sales of smart home products, 即, “light” smart home products.


Smart Education - 物聯網解決方案


Artificial smart education is a broad concept. 現在, any combination of education and AI can be regarded as artificial intelligence education. In popular words, artificial intelligence education can be described as Artificial intelligence and traditional education will be integrated, with the help of artificial intelligence and big data technology, to create an intelligent education ecology, through the combination of online and offline learning, so that students can enjoy personalized education.  

A solid foundation in algorithms, 一體化, programming, and mathematics with other disciplines is required for artificial intelligence. Therefore, building a training system for artificial intelligence talents from an early age is pretty essential. The real connotation of artificial intelligence education lies in learning various kinds of knowledge under the background of artificial intelligence and integrating them to form specific technical abilities and accomplishments of making intelligent hardware, improving intelligent programs, and promoting intelligent life.

In the field of basic education, ARTIFICIAL intelligence education has also begun to receive attention, and many places are actively exploring the implementation of ARTIFICIAL intelligence education in the compulsory education stage, and artificial intelligence-related courses and textbooks in primary and secondary schools continue to emerge. So how to carry out artificial intelligence educationThere are three ways to start.  

1. 洞察力

It mainly focuses on popularizing ai education in primary and secondary schools and cultivating “AI +” thinking and interest. Artificial intelligence-related high-quality popular science resources are infiltrated into daily courses to enhance students’ understanding of the basic knowledge of artificial intelligence and cultivate students’ interdisciplinary innovative thinking.  

2. 應用程式層級

Carry out artificial intelligence project experiments, implement the learning of artificial intelligence knowledge into various disciplines of STEAM, and carry out interdisciplinary practical applications. Students make full use of the ai open platform to form teams and build models to solve practical problems.  

3. 創新

It is mainly engaged in artificial intelligence research and innovation, and applies artificial intelligence to other fields for cross-innovation.  

Ya learn to cloud intelligent education to form the government guidance and overall consideration, social forces to participate in the sustained and effective education informatization technology, service supply model, aims to set up the mechanism of sustainable development of education information, establish a large platform of cloud data, use the power of science and technology, the teacher in the teaching process to realize precision “teaching”, let the child is full of interest in learningFrom passive learning to active learning, fully develop their own personality and hobbies, show infinite creativity, grow up to meet the requirements of the new era of talent, to achieve standardization, refinement, intelligent education management and scientific decision-making!  


物聯網解決方案 - 智慧交通

Transportation is regarded as one of the most promising applications of the IoT in all application scenarios. Traffic problems are more and more serious with the development of urbanization, and the traditional solutions can not meet the new traffic problems. Intelligent transportation refers to the use of data transmission technology, computer processing technology and advanced information technology effectively integrated into the transportation management system. Hightopo summarizes the following eight application scenarios based on actual industry applications:  

The following eight application scenarios are summarized based on actual industry applications:  

1. 智慧公車

Through RFID, sensing and other technologies, the real-time understanding of the bus position, to realize the curve and route reminders and other functions. At the same time, it can combine the characteristics of bus operation, through the intelligent scheduling system, planning and scheduling of lines and vehicles, to achieve intelligent scheduling.  

2. 共享單車

Shared bikes use smart locks equipped with GPS or 窄帶物聯網 modules to upload data to the sharing service platform to achieve precise vehicle positioning and real-time control of vehicle running status.  

3. 車聯網

Advanced sensors, 射頻識別, cameras and other equipment are used to collect information about the environment around the vehicle and the vehicle itself, and the data is transmitted to the vehicle system to monitor the running status of the vehicle in real time, including fuel consumption and speed.  

4. 充電樁

Sensors are used to collect charging pile electric quantity, state monitoring, charging pile position and other information, and the collected data is transmitted to the data platform in real-time to achieve unified management and other functions.  

5. 智慧交通燈  

Through the installation of a radar device in the intersection, real-time monitoring of the number of traffic, distance and speed of the intersection, monitoring the number of pedestrians and external weather conditions, dynamic control of traffic lights signal, improve the intersection of vehicles pass rate, reduce the empty time of traffic lights, ultimately improve the bearing capacity of the road.  

6. 汽車電子識別  

Automotive electronic identification, also known as electronic license plate, through RFID technology, automatically and contactless to complete the identification and monitoring of vehicles, will be collected information and traffic management system connection, to achieve vehicle supervision and solve traffic accidents, escape and other problems.

7. 智慧停車

In the field of urban transportation, due to limited parking resources and low parking efficiency, smart parking arises at a historic moment. Based on parking space resources, intelligent parking realizes license plate recognition, parking space search and reservation, automatic payment, and other functions by installing geomagnetic induction, camera and other devices.  

8. 高速無感充電

The license plate information can be recognized through the camera, and the license plate can be bound to WeChat or Alipay. According to the mileage, fees can be automatically collected through WeChat or Alipay, so as to achieve insensitive charging, improve traffic efficiency and shorten the waiting time of vehicles. New technologies represented by the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence can effectively solve problems such as traffic congestion, limited parking resources and unreasonable changes of traffic lights, and ultimately make intelligent transportation possible.


物聯網解決方案 - 智慧物流

智慧物流 is based on big data processing technology, using a software system to better combine people and equipment, the system constantly improves the level of intelligence, so that people and equipment can play their advantages, to achieve the best state of the system, and constantly evolve.  

In the context of “Internet plus”, smart logistics has become the consistent pursuit of the industry, and the basis of smart logistics is big data-related technology. Smart logistics based on big data will have great advantages in efficiency, cost, user experience, 以及其他方面, and will fundamentally change the current mode of logistics operation.  


Data processing in traditional logistics systems, also known as BI (Business intelligence) analytics, is often done after the fact. It starts with data, runs through the application of data, and is a circular ascending process with data as the endpoint. On the basis of reliable data sources and processing technology, we can gradually build an intelligent logistics system based on big data.


The first step is to restore business accurately and timely through big data technology, 那是, to collect business operation data timely and accurately and display them according to different levels of demand. Offline data such as daily business reports, weekly business reports, and monthly business reports are the basis of business management. If it cannot be timely and accurate, the digital operation cannot be carried out, let alone intelligent.  

For the logistics system, graphical display is very important, usually, a picture is worth a thousand words. In the dimension of time, a real-time display of the production of each node and the difference between adjacent nodes can well control the business. We’ve also found that mobile development is very helpful to the business. Therefore, geographical dimension display is also very helpful.  


The second step is to evaluate your business through big data. In the era of big data, we can conduct a business evaluation based on socialized data, and we can use the method of the Internet grayscale test to conduct process optimization evaluation, which can enable us to have a deeper understanding of business. For this labor-intensive industry of logistics, the use of real-time data in the industry ranking can also play a good incentive role on site.  


The third step is to use big data to predict the business after real-time monitoring and accurate assessment of the business. Prediction has always been at the heart of big data applications, and the most valuable. The prediction of big data is mostly based on correlation. 因此, making a completely accurate prediction is difficult. The higher the tolerance of the application for accuracy, the easier it will be to make predictions. For the logistics industry, if the volume of business can be predicted in advance, then it is very meaningful for resource scheduling, which can not only achieve better timeliness but also avoid waste.  


Step 4: Make intelligent decisions based on big data. Largely depending on the business for the accuracy of the prediction accuracy and comprehensiveness, it can be concluded that the four quadrants, for business high prediction accuracy and comprehensiveness, the more likely it is to realize intelligent decision, the best way is still the man-machine combination, can use big data and artificial intelligence technology, to provide artificial auxiliary decision-making, let human decision-making more reasonable. At present, deep learning technology based on big data has made breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence, such as the case of Google’s AlphaGo, thus providing great imagination for intelligent decision-making.  

Smart logistics is based on big data processing technology, using a software system to better combine people and equipment, the system constantly improves the level of intelligence, so that people and equipment can play their advantages, achieve the best state of the system, and constantly evolve.  

智慧物流, as a new social infrastructure, connects consumers at one end. By meeting consumers’ more diverse needs, it provides better consumption experience and constantly promotes consumption upgrading. The other end is connected with suppliers, which further optimizes the supply chain. 所以, smart logistics has broad prospects for moving forward. We will see more and more wonderful applications based on big data.  


iot solutions - 智慧禀賦

Wisdom endowment using Internet, Internet, mobile Internet technology, intelligent call, cloud technology, and advanced information technology such as GPS positioning technology, to create “system + 服務 + old man + terminal” the wisdom of the endowment service mode, meet the old man in the security, emergency relief, health care management, life care, rehabilitation therapy, spiritual comfort, humanistic care needs. Here are the advantages of smart pensions.


So-called wisdom endowment platform, is the use of Internet, the Internet, mobile Internet technology, intelligent call, cloud technology, advanced information technology such as GPS positioning technology, research and development to meet family endowment and community endowment and institution endowment pension in the form of a platform, to create “system + 服務 + old man + terminal” the wisdom of the endowment service modeTo meet the needs of the elderly in safe care, emergency assistance, health management, life care, rehabilitation physiotherapy, spiritual comfort, humanistic care and other aspects, improve the quality of elderly care services for the elderly, create a new healthy elderly lifestyle, and can share the government’s worries, reduce the social burden.  


With the change of pension concept and the development and progress of science and technology, smart pension is coming into people’s life. The so-called intelligent elderly care, also known as intelligent elderly care, is the process of using intelligent control technology to provide elderly care services. Relying on the Internet and the Internet of Things, it develops the Internet of Things system and information platform for the elderly and the community, providing the elderly with more real-time, 安全的, convenient, efficient and low-cost intelligent, connected and interconnected elderly care services, making community care and home care possible.  

Smart elderly care refers to the use of advanced IT technology to develop the IoT system platform for the elderly in communities, institutions, and homes to provide fast, real-time, 高效率的, intelligent and connected elderly care services. Families, operators, medical services, individuals, and service providers are connected to meet the multi-level and diversified needs of the elderly with the help of the “pension” and “health” integrated service platforms. Intellectualization and technologization have become the new development hot spot of the pension industry and an important direction in the development of China’s pension industry.  

Based on the Internet of Things technology, the smart care system implants sensor devices in nursing homes, community and home care facilities, so that the daily life of the elderly is in a remote and real-time monitoring state. It can be extended to all aspects of old-age life, such as diet and living, medical care, fire security, leisure and entertainment, alarm and call for help, so that old-age life is more safe and convenient. This is also the inherent requirement of the aging age.  


Smart pension products mainly include “smart pension platform and system” and “smart pension intelligent terminal”, among which there are many smart pension intelligent terminal products.

1. Smart pension platform and system

Wisdom endowment platform and the system is based on information, 智力, such as a new generation of information technology, such as the Internet of things, 雲端運算, mobile Internet technology, innovative applications O2O mode of operation, through the perception of the transmission, elderly service demand information, distribution and integration of service resources sharing, operators, service providers, medical services, and individuals.

2, smart retirement intelligent terminal

Smart retirement intelligent terminal refers to the intelligent equipment embedded with modern advanced technology, with different forms of wearable, mobile, portable, fixed, non-contact and unconscious touch, timely and efficient to provide all-round, multi-level and diversified retirement services for the elderly.  

(1) Wearable intelligent retirement intelligent terminal. Wearable devices are portable, highly sensitive and interactive, and can be divided into four categories according to the position of wearing: head, upper limb, hand and foot. The head category includes smart glasses and smart headbandUpper limbs include intelligent chest band, intelligent arm ring, intelligent broochHand category includes smart bracelet, smart watch, smart ring and so onFoot category includes intelligent shoes, intelligent foot ring and so on. Wearable smart old-age terminal can provide old-age services such as positioning, navigation and emergency call for help.  

(2) Mobile intelligent retirement intelligent terminal. It is installed on mobile tools to provide elderly people with intelligent positioning, emergency call, 導航, lighting and other old-age services. 例如, smart crutches can be equipped with a flashlight and a radio for lighting and listening to radio, in addition to assisting elderly people to go out.  

(3) Portable intelligent retirement intelligent terminal. It is divided into two types: home portable and doctor portable. Family portable for monitoring and monitoring, doctors portable for diagnosis, such as portable electrocardiograph, regular medical measurement of the elderly body state.  

(4) Fixed intelligent pension intelligent terminal. Fixed in a place that cannot be easily removed or removed, to achieve the required monitoring management, rehabilitation and life care services, such as intelligent sofa, enjoy massage while watching TV, monitor and record the physical condition of the elderly, automatically adjust the height of the seat and the Angle of the back of the chair through data.  

(5) Non-contact smart pension intelligent terminal. Using sound and light sensing technology, non-contact endowment service for the old man, such as smart TV, the elderly can by voice and gesture of simple and convenient manipulation of the television screen, 同時, the Internet connection can easily talk with their children on TV, intelligent av system can automatically adjust the volume, the volume and pattern according to the atmosphere. At the same time, smart TV can also choose programs freely through voice, according to the surrounding light intensity, automatically adjust the brightness of the screen, in line with the visual changes of the elderly.  

⑥ Unconscious touch type intelligent pension intelligent terminal. Use all over the bed, sit implement, such as wireless sensor, analysis and trajectory tracking the old man in the family activities, such as infrared alarm, installed in the bathroom or the old man often go to the place.  

Smart prevention and control, smart combat, smart law enforcement, and smart management will be implemented to truly achieve early detection, early detection, early elimination, and early response, and build a “firewall” from the city to the family. As an important part of the smart city security field, it has gradually changed from market behavior to the urban development mode supported by the government, and has become a project of local governments serving the people.  


iot solutions - 智慧消防

Intelligent fire protection cloud platform is also called intelligent fire safety service cloud platform, which is an important part of intelligent fire safety service monitoring system. The integration of emerging technologies such as Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data with the fire protection industry has also opened the road of “intelligent” development of fire protection products. An important feature of “intelligent” fire-fighting products is systematic fire-fighting problem solutions. Just like the intelligent fire protection cloud platform, it is an important part of the urban intelligent fire protection Internet of things system solution. Through the Internet of things technology, the fire protection construction of the whole city is connected together and the urban fire protection ability is comprehensively improved.  


1. Fire access monitoring function

The video acquisition device monitors the status of the key parts of the fire passageway in real time, and sends the alarm information to the data center through the cloud platform in real time when any abnormality is found. The system sends the alarm information to the relevant responsible person through intelligent analysis, so as to timely respond and deal with it.  

Real-time monitoring: Monitor the situation of fire passageway in real time through video capture device, and deal with anomalies in time.  

Intelligent image recognition: when the fire passageway is blocked or the personnel density is large, the intelligent image recognition will send out an alarm, so that the relevant personnel can make the correct response.  

Alarm acceptance: Abnormal alarm information will be pushed to the cloud platform at the same time, and the monitoring center provides 24-hour alarm acceptance service, notifying relevant responsible personnel to respond and deal with it through telephone, SMS or mobile App in the first time.  

Data analysis: The intelligent fire protection application platform utilizes big data analysis technology to realize the intuitive display of fire protection analysis charts, the digging of the nature of fire protection faults and the accurate research and judgment of fire protection situation.

2. Fire water monitoring function

Water pressure and water level perception: collect and transmit water pressure simulation of key parts such as hydrant and spray terminal in fire water system, and timely find water pressure anomaly and equipment failure. Remote real-time monitoring of water level of fire pool and high water tank through water level meter.  

Abnormal alarm of water pressure and water level: when the water pressure and water level are too low or too high, the device will automatically push real-time abnormal alarm of water pressure and water level, so that the owner unit and maintenance department can make timely response.  

Alarm acceptance: the monitoring center provides 24-hour alarm acceptance service, notifying the water supply personnel and the personnel of networked units to check the hidden danger of fire water source in time.  

APP push: The monitoring center provides intelligent fire protection APP information service, and pushes fault information in the first time to remind water utilities personnel and network unit personnel to deal with fire water source failure in time.  

Data analysis: Intelligent fire protection APP, which can provide statistics, query reports and other information for fire departments, owners and maintenance units.  

3. Fire control facilities monitoring function

Perception of installation position and out of position: Through communication between the out of position label and the out of position base station, the information of installation status of fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, water guns, hoses and other fire fighting facilities can be found in time.  

Abnormal fire door state alarm: when the normally open fire door is closed, or the normally closed fire door is opened, the fire door alarm will issue an alarm, and the abnormal state of the fire door will be found in time.  

Alarm acceptance: Abnormal alarm information will be pushed to the cloud platform at the same time, Zhengzhou Kintelai Monitoring Center provides 24-hour alarm acceptance service, the first time through phone, SMS or mobile phone App to notify the owner unit, fire department response and processing.  

Data analysis: The intelligent fire protection application platform utilizes big data analysis technology to realize the intuitive display of fire protection analysis charts, the digging of the nature of fire protection faults and the accurate research and judgment of fire protection situations.  

4. Fire alarm function

Fire failure notification: detect fire and facility failure in time through monitoring and automatic inspection of front-end fire detection and sensing equipment.  

Fire alarm and fault alarm: when fire alarm or fault alarm occurs, the fire detector will automatically alarm, the fire host will give two alarms, and the cloud platform APP will push three alarms.  

Alarm acceptance: The monitoring center provides 24-hour alarm acceptance service, notifies the owner unit, fire department and maintenance company of response and processing through phone, SMS or mobile APP in the first time.  

Data analysis: The cloud platform uses big data analysis technology to realize the intuitive display of fire analysis charts, the digging of the nature of fire fault and the accurate research and judgment of fire development situation.  

5. Fire facilities inspection function

Key parts by means of the Internet of things, for fire safety and fire control facilities to establish identity, use their phones to scan the label for the rational fire patrol work, through the system automation tips for key parts of all kinds of fire control facilities and inspection standards and methods of implementation fire inspection and daily fire safety management of household registration, standardization, management. It can effectively promote the visual inspection of the personnel on duty, and record the contents of the inspection, and provide a strong data basis for future data statistics. The cloud platform automatically records inspection traces of inspectors and uploads data, the system stores, analyzes and manages data, and the fire safety service platform conducts visual data analysis, assessment, notification, rectification and other management. The unit shall check the implementation and compliance of its own fire safety system and safety operation rules through safety fire inspection to supervise the implementation of rules and regulations and measures.  

6. Video linkage analysis function

Once the target in the scene appeared a violation of the predefined rules, the system will automatically send an automatic monitoring workstation popup alarm information and issue a warning sound. And then, users can click the alarm information to take relevant measures.  

7. Intelligent smoke detection function

Intelligent smoke sensor, also called Internet of Things independent fire detection alarm, is an intelligent smoke detector based on Internet of Things technology. It can sense the fire information in the first time and transmit it to the owner, property management, safety supervision, fire protection and other departments in a wide area immediately, so as to effectively ensure the safety of life and property.  

8. Intelligent combustible gas detection function

Intelligent combustible gas detection is a highly stable indoor combustible gas detector launched by Zhengzhou Kintelai, which is used to prevent harm caused by gas leakage. The detector’s red LED flashes and gives an alarm sound when the detector detects combustible gas leakage. 同時, the alarm signal will be reported to the remote monitoring platform through the wireless base using the NB-iot network, so that the monitoring personnel can deal with it in time.  

9. Intelligent electrical fire online monitoring function

An intelligent electrical fire online monitoring systems can send fault alarm information of sensors of lower terminals of the machine to electrical fire monitoring equipment through the power bus communication network, so as to complete the comprehensive processing of monitoring and alarm. The detector has the characteristics of sensor fault diagnosis, high alarm accuracy, 高可靠性 (can effectively prevent false alarms, missing alarms), miniaturization, multi-function, simplicity and practicality, easy installation and so on.


iot soluitions - 智慧醫療

Medical wisdom is a new kind of treatment, is through the Internet of things technology medical informatization, intellectualization, solve the traditional medical malpractice medical form, it mainly has the advantages of ease burden of medical staff, improve the efficiency of medical service, realize the sharing and utilization of medical data, at any time to obtain information about personal health, etc. The construction of smart medical system is the general trend, but there are still some problems, such as the low level of intelligence and information, the lack of data calculation and sharing, and the potential leakage of information security.  

Smart medical care, also known as mobile medical care, is Wise Information Technology of Med, or WITMED for short. It is an emerging form of medical care. It refers to utilizing advanced IoT Technology.

Medical wisdom, mainly because of the traditional medical treatment, such as incomplete management system, high medical costs, less channels, low coverage problems, so you need to establish a set of intelligent systems of medical information network platform, make the patients with shorter healing time, pay basic medical expenses, can enjoy safe, convenient, high-quality medical services.  


智慧醫療是以病人資料為中心的醫療服務模式, 主要分為三個階段: 數據採集, 知識發現與遠距服務. 與傳統醫學相比, 智慧醫療具有以下優勢:  

1. 利用各種適合家庭使用的感測器設備和醫療儀器,自動或自行擷取人體的各種生命徵象數據, 從而減輕醫護人員的負擔並獲得更豐富的數據.  

2. 醫務人員可以使用自動收集的數據並透過無線網路傳輸到醫院資料中心來提供遠距醫療服務, 從而提高服務效率, 緩解排隊問題並降低運輸成本.  

3, 智慧, 醫療保健系統可集中管理, 使用廣泛共享和深度的數據收集的數據, 幫助解決重點病例和疑難雜症, 可以以較低的成本為健康人服務, 為老年人和慢性病患者提供長期服務, 快速穩定的健康監測和診療, 降低風險,  間接減少對床位、血漿等稀少醫療資源的需求.  

4. 智慧醫療的資訊健康系統使患者和醫生能夠在需要時訪問有關個人健康狀況的所有必要信息, 幫助醫療保健專業人員將更多的精力和時間集中在提供醫療護理和護理上.  


1. The level of information in the medical industry is not high enough, and it’s difficult to fully demonstrate the sharing and integration of medical resources.  

2. It is difficult to help doctors solve difficult problems with the advantages of machines, artificial intelligence and the Internet.  

3. In terms of data security, Internet of Things devices may pose a potential disclosure hazard to patients’ information security and privacy, leading to patients’ resistance to intelligent medical information technology.  

一般來說, with the rapid development of life quality, the development of smart medicine is the general trend of the medical field, and the application of smart medicine can provide better medical services for patients.  


iot solutions - 智慧農業

The so-called smart agriculture is the application of smart economy in agriculture. With the popularization of 5G transmission technology, big data information processing technology and other advanced technologies, the practical application conditions of Internet of Things technology begin to mature, and traditional agriculture will flexibly apply Internet of Things technology and suddenly become smart agriculture. Smart agriculture uses various sensor nodes in agricultural production areas to monitor and collect data, wireless transmission systems to transmit data and control facilities of decision control system, realizing accurate perception and control of agricultural production.  


Intelligent agriculture refers to modern and advanced agricultural production modes. It is a mode of intensive large-scale operation with advanced agricultural facilities matching open land, high technical specifications and high benefits. It integrates scientific research, 生產, processing and sales, realizing annual, all-weather and off-season enterprise-scale productionIt integrates modern biotechnology, agricultural engineering, 農業新材料等學科. 是中國農業新技術革命的跨世紀工程.  

智慧農業是基於物聯網技術的, 透過多種無線感測器即時擷取農業生產現場照明情況, 溫度, 濕度等參數以及農產品的生長等資訊來遠端監控生產環境。將採集到的參數資訊數位化轉換後, 即時傳輸網路總結整合, 採用農業專家智慧系統進行授時, 定量定位雲端運算處理, and the specified agricultural equipment is automatically opened or closed by remote control in a timely and accurate manner. For example, with the use of Internet of Things technology in agriculture, should fruits and vegetables be wateredFertilization, dosing, how to maintain accurate concentrationTemperature, 濕度, 光, carbon dioxide concentration, how to implement on-demand supplyA series of crops in different growth cycles have been “fuzzy” to deal with the problem, are real-time quantitative “accurate” information intelligent monitoring system, farmers just press a switch, make a choice, or completely by “command”, can plant good vegetables, raise good flowers.  


1. Intelligent agricultural information collection and digital resource utilization

Make full use of modern earth space and geographic information technology, sensor technology, with convenient information recognition technology to obtain all kinds of production information related to the crop production and environmental parameters, the cultivation, sowing, fertilization, irrigation, spraying and weed control field such as digital control, make the resource utilization of agricultural inputs, maximize efficiency.  

2. Agricultural information network globalization expansion

現在, information technology has deeply penetrated every corner of the world. The access and service of agricultural information resources are breaking the limit of national boundaries and accelerating toward internationalization and globalization. Through information networks and all kinds of media, the flow of agricultural information in the world is geometrically expanding, and the flow rate is also entering a high-speed era in an unprecedented way. Agricultural informatization has a profound impact on the world’s agricultural resource allocation and boosts international competition in agricultural trade. At the same time, agricultural information resource database is developing towards specialization, 一體化, sharing and knowledge-based management, ETC.  

3. Specialized division of labor in e-commerce of agricultural products

With the development of network and communication technology, the popularity of e-commerce transactions and maturity, through the network marketing of agricultural products, it can be finished in an instant information flow, cash flow and physical flow of trade, agricultural e-commerce is no longer deals is the product of supply and demand of operation, but the former order to prenatal, subsequent to the flow distribution and other comprehensive services, 即, closely around the industrial chain linkIn the information management platform to achieve information sharing, management docking and function matching.  

4. Multi-media dissemination of agricultural information

Video production and compression technology, digital animation technology, virtual simulation technology, mobile network media technology and other multimedia technology, with fast transmission, wide coverage, vivid images, rich and colorful, easy to operate and other characteristics, for the simplified expression and dissemination of complex agricultural problems provide unprecedented convenience.  

5. Complete application of agricultural information

With the development of agricultural industrialization, the requirements for the correlation degree of prenatal, production and postpartum links are getting higher and higher. Information systems such as prediction and early warning, consultation and decision-making, production management, policy regulation, market analysis and promotion and marketing are organically connected and interrelated, and the implementation of whole-process service and monitoring of agricultural production cannot be separated from sensitive, accurate, reliable and systematic information services.  

6. Intelligent agricultural production management

With the new development trend of information and communication technology universality, integration and intelligence, as well as the rapid development of perception recognition technology and wireless sensor technology industrialization, agricultural intelligent technology will be widely permeated in all aspects of agricultural production management process. With the help of cloud computing and intelligent database system, massive data can be analyzed, information processing, prediction and modeling can be carried out, and information resources can be used to maximize the deep insight and accurate judgment of the production process and market dynamics, so as to make faster and better decisions.


iot solutions - 智慧站點

Smart site refers to the use of digital form, with the help of 3d design platform to carry out accurate design and simulation of engineering projects, around the engineering project process management, to build a digital ecological chain of interconnected cooperation, intelligent production and scientific management of engineering projects. And data information and virtual reality technology ring in the Internet of things technology access to project information to carry out large data mining analysis, provides the process toward the teal and expert team, project data visualization intelligent standardization management, in order to improve project management informationization level, which further completed the health construction and ecological construction.  

Wisdom site will more artificial intelligence technology, sensor technology, virtual reality technology is embedded into the high-tech new technologies such as architecture, machine commandment, staff wear device, field in and out of the gates and other kinds of objects, and is widely interconnected, form the “Internet of things technology, “Internet technology” together again, complete project management stakeholders and project construction site. The key of smart construction site is to improve the information interaction between staff of engineering projects and stakeholders in a “smarter” form

The overall structure of the Smart Site is divided into three levels:  


The first layer is the terminal layer, which makes full use of Internet of Things technology and mobile applications to improve on-site control capabilities.


The second layer is the platform layer. How to improve the processing efficiency of complex data and business large model in each systemThis has created a huge demand for high performance computing power and low-cost mass data storage capacity of servers. It makes the construction process more intensive, flexible and efficient by providing more convenient data access and collaborative work for all parties involved in the project.  


The third layer is the application layer, the core content of the application layer should always be around, so PM project management system is one of the key systems of site management. The visualization, parameterization, data-oriented, and visualization characteristics of BIM make the delivery and management of construction projects more efficient and lean.  

Display PC terminal, mobile terminal and large screen through smart site cloud platform. Among them, the cloud platform carries out data analysis and intelligent monitoring through the data collected from the site and provides corresponding management support and data services. Based on the concept of mobile office and paperless office, the App terminal provides business functions for labor personnel, project managers, groups or branches, meeting the needs of viewing, tracking and processing business of each module anytime and anywhere, and helping users improve management efficiency.  


物聯網解決方案 - 情報界

Real smart life does not only exist in the home, nor does it come from the whole city. Smart community is also an important part of it. In recent years, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence, more and more people are integrating artificial intelligence with intelligent communities to explore new forms of intelligent communities.  


Smart city is a new concept of a new mode of social management innovation under a new situation. Make full use of the Internet, 物聯網, involving intelligent buildings, 智慧家庭, road network monitoring, personal health and digital life and many other fields, give full play to the information and communication (ICT) 產業, telecommunications services and excellent information infrastructure advantages.

Through construction of ICT infrastructure, authentication, security and other platform and demonstration project, to speed up the key technology research for industry, construct the wisdom of the city (community) development environment, form based on massive amounts of information and intelligence filtering processing of a new life, the industrial development, the social management model, for the future construction of new urban area (community) form.  


Create value for the property

Reduce property management costs

Save manpower, save property notice announcement cost

Improve the “timeliness” and “coverage” of notices and announcements

Improve user intelligent experience

The life of the owner is more convenient, and the transfer of property work is easier

Realizing property value-added income: Mobile terminals and device terminals can bring value-added operating income

Elevator robot intelligent passage

Robot vertical ladder, the property has a bright spot, there are selling points

Create value for the property

The implementation of “smart community” will enhance the added value of real estate

Smart community cloud equipment construction is simple

Maintenance premium with low cost savings

Smart life services in smart communities

Help developers to enter the “post-natal market” management

To provide a full range of community owners

An interactive service platform for online and offline business circles

Create value for the government

Material management is more scientific and reduces social contradictions

Massive data collection in communities will help build smart cities

User behavior can be accurately analyzed and mined

Improve social productivity

The benefits of smart communities

From the perspective of enterprises, the construction of smart community can improve the level of enterprise management through the smart property management platform, and establish a standardized and informationalized internal property management mode. Community Intelligent Community Management Service Cloud Platform is used as an example to achieve system management of employees and improve labor efficiency. Property management can carry out information-based work communication with employees’ mobile terminals through THE BACKGROUND of PC terminal. The system realizes a series of property management such as work task management, owner information and cost inquiry, remote meter reading and patrol management through the mobile APP of employees, and realizes scientific management for each property employee. Through the powerful data statistical analysis of the platform, the systematic statistical analysis of all kinds of data reports in the community is perfectly realized, which provides the managers with a practical and reliable basis for operation and improves the management efficiency of property enterprises.  

In terms of community services, the communication barrier between property owners and property owners can be broken through the construction of smart communities. Through the mobile APP, the owner can realize the functions of online payment, timely acceptance of notices and announcements, community suggestions, and reporting for repair, which is convenient for the owner and saves a lot of manual operation for the property. In addition, 有便民服務, 社區商界, 社區活動, 健康娛樂, 車主側移動開門等功能, 可以解決社區業主的生活需求,提高物業的美譽度和滿意度.  

在民生方面, 智慧社區營造可以解決社區間溝通不良的問題, 為鄰居之間的溝通提供管道, 營造社區生活氛圍, 提高居民幸福感。另一方面, 透過智慧社區建設, 透過對接居家養老平台,可實現居家養老. 透過與週邊企業和機構合作, 可為社區老人提供居家養老服務, achieving community value-a