什麼是智慧供應鏈? 價值觀 解決方案, 及應用.


現代物流快速發展推動智慧供應鏈演進. The integration and application of the traditional supply chain with 5G, 大數據, 人工智慧, and other new generation of information technology becomes the so-called smart supply chain. The smart supply chain starts with lean production and helps enterprises realize intelligence, digitization, networking, and automation in all aspects of logistics. 本文帶您深入了解智慧供應鏈如何改變物流產業和人們的生活.

What is smart supply chain?

What is smart supply chain?

智慧物流 指的是智慧硬體的使用, 物聯網, 大數據, 等智慧技術,提升物流系統的分析能力, 決策, 和智能執行。其最終目的是提高整個物流系統的智慧化、自動化水平. 透過物質流和資訊流的高效運作, 智慧物流降低成本,更好整合社會資源.

The working principle of smart supply chain

The working principle of smart supply chain

智慧供應鏈自上而下分為三個部分, 包含 智慧平台, 數位化營運, 和自動化操作. 如果我們把智慧物流比喻成人, 那麼智慧平台就是“大腦”, 數位化營運是“樞紐”, 而自動化操作就是“肢體”. 智慧供應鏈利用智慧平台進行運算, 思考並量化供應商的供應數量, 價格合理, 儲存量, 倉儲地點, 使用者偏好, 等等透過數位化營運平台. 智慧供應鏈指導企業營運, 倉儲, 運輸, 以及其他自動化操作.

以消費者需求為驅動, 智慧供應鏈技術滲透力強,更注重與客戶、供應商的資訊分享與互動。在一定程度上, 智慧供應鏈借助資訊技術優化業務流程, 有利於降低企業成本,使供應鏈透明化, 靈活的, 和敏捷. 強化各部門之間的協作能力有利於企業建立自身的核心競爭力.

將來, 無論線上或線下, 智慧供應鏈可以感知和預測使用者需求, 習慣, 和興趣, 從而指導研發, 製造業, 定價, 以及產業鏈上游的庫存. 並引導下游銷售, 晉升, 倉儲, 後勤, 和分佈, 賦能全產業鏈科學運行.

Five processes of supply chain management

Five processes of supply chain management

01. 分析市場競爭環境,辨識市場機會

競爭環境分析是識別企業面臨的市場特徵和市場機會. 為了完成這個過程, 我們可以對供應商進行深入的研究, 使用者, 現有競爭對手, 透過調查發現潛在競爭對手, 面試, 根據波特模型提供的原理和方法進行分析, 從而掌握第一手準確的數據和資料. 一方面, 這項工作取決於企業管理人員的素質和對市場的敏感度; 另一方面, 企業應建立市場資訊收集和監測制度, 發展複雜資訊分析與決策技術. 例如, 一些企業建立的客戶服務管理體係是掌握客戶需求、進一步開拓市場的強大武器.

02. 分析客戶價值

供應鏈管理的目標是降低總交易成本並提供更好的客戶體驗. 管理者應該從顧客價值的角度來定義產品或服務, and seek the lowest transaction costs while continuously improving customer value. According to the definition of marketing master Kotler, customer value refers to all the benefits that customers expect from a given product or service, including product value, service value, personnel value, and image value. 一般來說, finding a market opportunity does not mean really understanding the value of a product or service in the minds of customers. 所以, the specific characteristics of the product or service must be defined from the perspective of customer value. Only by continuously providing customers with value-added products can we meet their needs of customers, and the pull of customer demand is the source of driving the operation of the entire supply chain.

03. Determine the competitive strategy

從顧客價值的角度找到企業產品或服務的定位後, 管理者應決定相應的競爭策略. 競爭策略形式的決定可以使企業清楚知道選擇什麼樣的合作夥伴以及合作夥伴的聯盟模式. 根據波特的競爭理論, 企業獲得競爭優勢的三個基本策略: 成本策略, 差異化戰略, 和目標集中策略. 例如, 當企業確定應用成本策略時, 往往會與擁有相似資源的企業結盟,形成規模經濟. 當企業決定應用差異化策略時, 會選擇創新能力強、適應力強的合作夥伴. 商業企業的連鎖經營是成本的典型例子. 它集成了製造商, 批發商, 採用大規模集中管理模式,將商品流通全過程中的零售商與零售商融為一體. 透過商品配送中心, 配送中心將生產廠商的貨物及時、妥善地配送至分支機構,再提供給消費者. 這樣的做法減少了流通環節, 讓企業更直接面對消費者. 結果不僅提高了流通速度,也提高了回饋速度, 從而達到降低成本的目的.

04. 分析企業核心競爭力

核心競爭力是指企業的研發能力, 設計, 製造業, 行銷, 服務, and other aspects that are obviously superior and not easy to be imitated by competitors. Supply chain management focuses on the core competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprises concentrate their internal intelligence and resources on activities with core competitive advantages and transfer the remaining business activities to professional companies with advantages in this business to make up for their own deficiencies so that the whole supply chain has competitive advantages. 在這個過程中, the enterprise should answer such questions as whether the enterprise’s resources or capabilities are valuable; Whether the resources and capabilities are rare or not. Only those with more scarce resources can gain a temporary competitive advantage. The resources and capabilities that make it difficult for competitors to imitate are the keys to a company’s sustainable competitive advantage. Enterprises should carefully count their own businesses, and select core businesses that have a major relationship with the survival and development of the enterprise and can give full play to the advantages of the enterprise while stripping off those non-core businesses and leaving them to other enterprises in the supply chain to complete. After picking out the core business, companies should also rebuild their business processes.

05. Evaluate and select partners

The process of establishing a supply chain is actually a process of evaluating and selecting suppliers. Selecting a suitable enterprise as a partner in the supply chain is the most important basis for strengthening supply chain management. Enterprises need to comprehensively assess their partners in terms of product delivery time, supply quality, after-sales service, and product prices. If an enterprise chooses a partner improperly, it will not only corrode the profit of the enterprise but also make the enterprise lose the opportunity to cooperate with other enterprises, thus impeding the improvement of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The role of the Internet of Things(物聯網) in supply chain management

The role of the Internet of Things(物聯網) in supply chain management

01. Understand the real value demands of supply chain customers

Understanding the real value demand of supply chain customers is the premise of the supply chain, which requires enterprises to truly understand the deep economic and emotional demands of customers, 而不是外部產品和業務需求. 在實際的供應鏈改革或最佳化中, 我們可以使用“價值雷達”來實現這一點. 「價值雷達」指企業供應鏈所實現的效益和客戶所獲得的價值, 其中包括三個方面:

(1) 從供應商角度實現最高性價比的產品與服務, 當需求者獲得使用價值時.

(2) 供應商可以降低供應鏈的擁有成本, 而需求者可以獲得情感價值.

(3) 供應商不僅可以降低供應鏈的擁有成本,還可以幫助客戶降低各種機會成本, 而需求方獲得開發價值.

02. 借助資訊技術,供應鏈管理全流程視覺化

供應鏈全程視覺化管理是指供應鏈各參與者能夠及時反映供應鏈全過程, 國內外市場狀況及運作狀況, 並追蹤物流和交易活動, 從而及時偵測並控制供應鏈的運作過程.

03. 中號圓形的 s供應鏈營運架構 

企業可以採用模組化的方式整合供應鏈,使供應鏈具有良好的緊急應變能力和流程處理能力, 那是, 提高組織靈活性的能力.

04. 即時供應鏈計畫與執行連結系統

Real-time supply chain planning and execution linkage systems refer to the connection between supply chain planning and execution systems that can be effective at both data and process levels, 這就要求企業實現資料、資訊的共享和同步, 以及相關的組織和流程管理.

05. 完善的報告和績效管理, 以及良好的供應鏈預警

06. 建立和營運智慧化、敏捷化, 高效率的, 和精實供應鏈敏捷性

The value of smart supply chain

The value of smart supply chain

01. 科技更具滲透性

智慧供應鏈通常採取互聯網, 雲端運算, 大數據, 人工智慧, 等新一代資訊科技為支撐點, 在數據資訊的取得上也採用了可視化的方式.

02. 資訊整合更強

依托最高開放共享的智慧資訊網絡, 智慧供應鏈系統有效解決企業各職能部門資訊系統異質問題, and realizes the seamless docking of business flow, 後勤, information flow, and capital flow, so that the information in the supply chain has stronger integration and sharing.

03. More collaborative

The high integration and sharing of information enable enterprises to understand various information inside and outside the supply chain in a timely and effective manner. Enterprises communicate with upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain at any time according to the actual situation and make targeted adjustments and collaborations, 從而大大提高供應鏈的運作效率與效益.

04. 更具可擴展性

智慧供應鏈以先進的互聯網資訊技術為支撐, 且供應鏈中的各類資訊具有更強的流動性, 一體化, 和分享. 企業可以隨時與供應鏈上下游其他成員溝通與互動, 從而大大增強供應鏈的延展性. 這有效解決了傳統供應鏈中資訊層級傳遞帶來的效率下降問題.

Challenges of smart supply chain

Challenges of smart supply chain

01. 加強企業對智慧供應鏈的理解

如今, 我國智慧供​​應鏈管理仍處於較低水平. 所以, 企業不僅需要加深對智慧供應鏈的理解, 但還需要明確明確的智慧供應鏈發展策略. 明確個人化供應鏈發展方向,有利於確保公司利潤目標的實現,引領公司生產向智慧化升級.

02. 完善建設 聰明的 物流系統 並提高資訊化水平

如今, 大多數物流作業仍處於手工階段. 物流各環節資訊溝通程度較低. 製造業物流體系建設落後, and the road to logistics automation and intelligence still has a long way to go. So manufacturing enterprises need to improve the application of new technologies like the Internet of Things, and cloud computing in logistics systems.

03. Collaborate with the whole supply chain to create a smart platform

The building of a smart supply chain requires the joint cooperation and efforts of all enterprises in the supply chain. So manufacturing enterprises should build a smart supply chain platform through the integration of new technologies like IoT and traditional manufacturing technologies. These will realize the integration and sharing of human beings, 資訊, staff, and machines, and finally will form a smart supply chain system.

04. Introduce and cultivate professional supply chain talents

專業供應鏈人才培育是建立智慧供應鏈的核心. 現在, 大多數製造企業還沒有認識到這一點,沒有足夠的專業人才.

Smart Supply Chain Solutions

Smart Supply Chain Solutions

01. 儀表化

工具化是指管理中的資訊必須由自動化或感測設備產生, 例如 射頻識別, 標籤標籤, ETC. 沒有有效的資訊通信技術的支持, 管理資訊將無法取得. 所以, 工具化是智慧建造的首要特徵.

02. 互聯

它指的是所有參與者, 資產, 資訊系統, 和管理階層中的業務必須高度關聯. 智力意味著不同學科, 企業, and elements can form interconnected and interdependent network relationships through information and communication technologies.

03. Intelligent

It means ICT can achieve large-scale optimization decisions and improve management performance. 管理的智能化在於透過資訊和通訊技術實現資訊的集成, 從而優化決策流程,有效引導生產經營朝向高效率、高競爭力方向發展.

04. 自動化

這意味著業務流程可以由資訊設備驅動, 然後替換其他低效率資源, 特別低效率的人工幹預. 管理中人為因素的頻繁幹預往往導致效率低下. 這不僅是因為人為幹預延遲了反應時間, 但往往是因為人們有道德風險, 增加資訊不對稱和機會主義的可能性.

05. 融合的

情報可以促進不同參與者之間的協作, 包括共同決策, public system investment, information sharing, 等等.

06. Innovative

The smart supply chain can drive management innovation, create new value by providing integrated solutions, or satisfy existing value demands in new ways.

Application examples of smart supply Chain 

Application examples of smart supply chain

01. Innovative application of smart supply chain based on blockchain technology

With the continuous maturity of blockchain technology, the smart supply chain has been developed. 介紹區塊鏈技術如何賦能智慧供應鏈及其對應價值,有助於改善智慧供應鏈產業的現況與業務痛點. 透過多個以華為雲端為基礎的智慧供應鏈及物流產業應用創新項目, 它解釋瞭如何優化流程, 提高效率, 透過區塊鏈和物流在實際應用場景中面臨的調整和困難來降低成本.

02. 基於物聯網技術的智慧供應鏈應用

傳統供應鏈隨著資訊科技的發展而不斷演變. 尤其是隨著物聯網技術的不斷升級, the traditional supply chain is moving towards more intelligent and efficient development. The smart supply chain can better connect business flow, 後勤, information flow, and capital flow, so as to improve overall efficiency. Starting from the current situation of the Internet of Things and its smart supply chain, this paper introduces the related concepts of the smart supply chain under the Internet of Things and discusses the specific link management of the smart supply chain based on the Internet of things, and finally puts forward the prospect of the future development of the smart supply chain.

03. Intelligent supply chain application based on the service value network

The basis of the realization of the industrial supply chain is the service value network. 產業供應鏈實現的要素是智慧化手段與平台, 而產業供應鏈的實現路徑就是價值循環分析.

04. 城市智慧供應鏈發展指數建構及應用

新一輪科技革命與產業變革驅動, 智慧供應鏈快速發展. 城市智慧供應鏈的相關發展也成為當前供應鏈研究領域的重要議題. 然而, 傳統的供應鏈發展評估指標系統很難直接應用於智慧供應鏈的評價. 所以, 所以, 本文從六個構面建構了中國城市智慧供應鏈發展評估體系: urban smart supply chain infrastructure, human resource investment, capital investment, enterprise innovation, and supply chain efficiency and effectiveness. It provides a method basis for urban management departments to quantify the development level of a smart supply chain.

05. Performance application of smart supply chain for international production capacity cooperation

More and more enterprises have begun to attach importance to international production capacity cooperation and use intelligent means to optimize and upgrade their supply chains. 然而, traditional enterprise supply chain management methods have been unable to meet the needs of intelligent supply chain management. 所以, the influencing factors of smart supply chain performance will play a key role in improving the level of enterprise smart supply chain management. In order to promote the development of a smart supply chain for international capacity cooperation, we need to explore the factors that affect the performance of a smart supply chain. The study found that smart technology has a positive and direct impact on the key elements of the supply chain and the performance of the smart supply chain through the improvement of three dimensions, namely the advanced level of smart technology, the level of application, and the level of ecological development. 他們之中, in the process of ecological development to promote the development of a smart supply chain, we should start from demand and combine management methods to apply different technologies to the most suitable scenarios, which is conducive to the improvement of performance. The key elements of the supply chain, including supply chain network layout, channel integration, and collaborative sharing, will also have a positive and direct impact on the performance of smart supply chains.

The deeper the international capacity cooperation of enterprises, the greater the effect of supply chain element optimization on the performance improvement of the smart supply chain. 所以, in order to improve the performance of the smart supply chain, on the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen professional technology research and development, use special technology to open up the entire supply chain, develop multi-directional development and multi-combination, and give full play to different technical characteristics. While improving its own smart technology capabilities from three aspects: advanced level, application level, and ecological development level, it is also necessary to start from needs and combine management methods to apply different technologies to the most suitable scenarios.

World famous smart supply chain companies and software

01. E2OPEN

E2OPEN is a cloud-based provider of provisioning network solutions. Large brand manufacturers and producers in various areas use the E2open software and platform to coordinate their global supply chains to improve efficiency. The system has supply chain monitoring and analysis, order management, 存貨, and transportation functions. With E2OPEN, you can integrate existing data. E2OPEN’s supply chain analysis helps to accurately analyze and integrate transportation, 存貨, warehouse, and other data.


SAP system is one of the most excellent ERP systems in the world. A good ERP system can not only undertake the management and business processes of the enterprise to the greatest extent but also achieve rapid deployment and challenges in technology. 對於用戶, it is easy to uselogical, convenient, and controllable. It can perfectly understand the needs of users. SAP supply chain management leverages new technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence to provide advanced analysis to help accurately and timely source and deliver goods and materials. SAP supply chain management has SAP integrated business planning, and supply chain collaboration software.

03. Logility

Logility is supply chain management software that provides advanced analysis and optimization planning. Logility’s current digital supply chain leverages smart and intelligent solutions to help you respond positively to what’s happening in the marketplace. Logility can also be used to analyze and face difficult retail and supply chain planning challenges. The main functions of Logility include optimizing inventory and supply chain, integrating business planning, managing data, 零售, 運輸, ETC.

04. Perfect Commerce

Perfect Commerce supply chain management software helps companies simplify payment methods and maximize profits by providing solutions. Perfect Commerce provides you with solutions to save strategic resources in tactical categories so that you can control your spending. The boutique approach provided by Perfect Commerce allows you to interact with customers by providing attention and personal care.

05. Oracle SCM

As ERP products, Oracle and SAP modules differ both in terms of name and division. 第一的, SAP falls into two categories: Logistics and Finance & Controlling. Oracle is divided into distribution (SCM), Manufacturing (MFG), and Finance (FIN). The supply chain planning cloud, manufacturing cloud, and order management cloud is Oracle’s SCM products. The primary role of the supply chain planning cloud is to design growth profitability and cost reduction strategies for enterprises, enabling users to use visual analysis and intelligent advice. The supply chain planning cloud enables users to notice planning deviations, enabling even inexperienced users to plan effectively.

06. Infor SCM

As a supply management software, Infor SCM integrates all the links of the supply chain into an organic operation to improve the comprehensive efficiency of the enterprise supply chain. It has a unified and complete solution, including warehousing management, transportation management, labor management, and third-party logistics billing functions. Infor’s supply chain management system helps enterprises to build a complete supply chain and form a set of integrated and simplified business processes. By combining with Nexus Commerce, users can get a faster workable solution to supply chain problems.


JDA Supply Chain Management software uses innovative technologies to effectively analyze, plan, and monitor the end-to-end supply chain to deliver differentiated services to customer segments. JDA SCM is designed to simplify today’s consumer-driven marketplace. JDA’s cloud-based solutions for supply chain management can help businesses reduce costs and improve collaboration from planning to delivery.

08. Manhattan SCM

Manhattan SCM is a set of retail management solutions provided by Manhattan, helping retailers to open up the entire link of the supply chain, including from front-end customers to back-end manufacturing and intermediate logistics and warehousing.·

As a global leader in supply chain commerce solutions, the Manhattan company has built powerful technology solutions to solve the most complex business-critical supply chain, 存貨, and omnichannel challenges for more than 25 年. It develops, sells, deploys, and supports its solutions for retailers, 批發商, distributors, third-party logistics enterprises, and producers around the world.

09. Epicor SCM

SOA architecture of Epicor supply chain management software integrates the essence of financial management, distribution management, and manufacturing management into Epicor ERP. Epicor has worked its way up from manufacturing and is deeply involved in manufacturing management, designing solutions around the unique operational requirements of each industry. It has rich experience and successful cases, an in-depth understanding of the pain points of enterprise users, and helps to solve user needs faster and more accurately. The solution, available on-site or in the cloud, enables customers to focus on core growth activities and manage complexity. Epicor SCM features requirements management, purchase management, inventory management, and shipping management.

010. Dassault Systemes SCM

As a premium supply chain management software, Dassault Systemes SCM provides management procurement planning for suppliers and manufacturers in the automotive sector. The full tools required for the procurement cycle are critical from gathering requirements to continuously tracking and improving supply bank performance. Dassault Systemes SCM provides an outstanding solution that enables supply chains to be sorted in profiles to provide suppliers with a structure of location and functionality.

Development history of smart supply chain

The development stages of the smart supply chain can be divided into:

● The traditional supply chain management stage.

● Integration of technology and management stage.

● Convergence of technology and management stage.

● Smart supply chain stage (integrated stage of technology and management).