什麼是物聯網平台? 定義, 好處和如何選擇?


You’ve learned a bit about IoT platforms and have some ideas about how you can benefit from them. But going from idea to implementation is not an easy task, especially given that IoT systems will become increasingly complex and massive. 即使是已經在該領域擁有豐富經驗的開發者或資深企業家也很難意識到 物聯網 唯有願景.

1. What is the Platform of IoT?

What is the Platform of IoT

一般來說, 物聯網平台是管理物聯網系統的工具. 它是物聯網生態系統的重要組成部分.

硬體, 軟體, 網路, 和使用者介面是物聯網系統的四個組成部分. 這四個部分連接成一個可管理和解釋的系統. 平台統一資料採集功能, 設備管理, 和溝通. 該應用程式運行非常流暢.

不僅, 但物聯網平台也為您提供了建立框架,因此您不必從頭開始建立物聯網系統. 它使物聯網系統的開發速度更快, 更輕鬆, 而且更實用.

總結, 物聯網平台是讓您的想法成為現實的墊腳石.

2. What are IoT platforms examples?

What are IoT platforms examples

01. Industrial manufacturing scene

工業製造 由人組成, 商品, 機器, 研討會, 和企業, 覆蓋設計, 研究與開發, 生產, 管理, 服務, 和其他連結. 在這個過程中, 網路系統擔負著全產業鏈廣泛深度互聯; 作為連結樞紐, 平台系統負責資料匯總, 加工, 和分析; 應用系統是平台永續運作的關鍵, 也是建構完整產業鏈生態的關鍵.

02. Smart Life scenario

智慧生活涉及的場景非常廣泛. 與上述工業製造相比, 屬於生產場景, 這 智慧家庭, 智慧地產, 智慧社區, 等應用可以概括在智慧生活領域. 調查得知,物聯網平台在智慧生活場景的應用主要分為兩個階段:

首先是物聯網設備階段. 很多早期公司圍繞著智慧硬體做了很多投資, 而從商業智慧家居產業來看並沒有像當時預想的那麼成功, 甚至很多企業三年內轉型或死亡, 左邊的公司趁機打通了從底層硬體到雲端的存取能力. 在此期間他們累積了豐富的客戶資源.

第二是資料運算階段. 智慧生活領域的設備物件比工業製造簡單得多. Whether the family home appliances/智慧照明/smart sheet or the entrance guard in the community/camera/parking brake/security system, platform enterprise believe the field content problem has been solved, at least item intelligence and imagination have been intelligent linkage. The next stage is to connect the devices and systems and think about how to provide customers and operators with the best smart service.

3. 什麼是 5 types of IoT Platforms?

什麼是 5 types of IoT Platforms?

There IoT platforms are basically divided into five types:

01. Network connection platform

The main responsibility of the network connection platform is to ensure the stability of the terminal network channel and to provide users with software and data support needed to keep the device online. The operation of the network link platform usually uses 無線上網 or the service network of the operator.

02. Equipment management platform

設備管理平台主要負責遠端監控, 設定和升級, 以及物聯網終端故障排除. 它專注於與相關的繁重工作 物聯網設備. 平台可提供即時應用狀態並給予監控警報回饋. 它確保所有設備都連接且安全,並提高客戶服務滿意度. 物聯網平台負責您設備的日常工作,平台收集的所有設備相關資料都可以儲存在雲端.

03. Cloud platform

雲端平台為使用者提供物聯網基礎設施. 它們是所有後端流程和資料生存和運作的中心. 雲端平台以其可擴展性而聞名. 即使您只有一個小型企業雲端平台也可以與您和您的物聯網系統一起成長.

04. Application support platform

The app provides everything the platform needs. They provide you with the equipment, 軟體, development, and deployment you need for your IoT system. They are a one-stop shop for implementing systems, saving you from having to manage developers, network configuration, and hardware engineering yourself.

The application support platform architecture is based on the CMP platform. They are one-stop services for realizing the Internet of Things system, such as terminal management, connection management, ETC。, reducing the cost of development.

05. Advanced analysis platform

An advanced analytics platform is a form of PaaS, a data-driven 物聯網平台. It can also provide SaaS solutions for sophisticated analysis tools that can interpret and process collected data to extract actionable scenarios from IoT data.

4. The most popular IoT platform List

The most popular IoT platform List

01. Google Cloud Internet of Things Platform

Google is the leading cloud provider and is growing extremely fast. 其主要重點是計算基礎設施和現代分析應用程序. 透過將其數據管理功能擴展到數據管道自動化領域, 機器學習, 和人工智慧, Google為其物聯網平台 Google Cloud IoT 平台奠定了非常堅實的基礎.

02. PTCThing Worx

PTC基於在工業軟體領域累積的經驗推出了ThingWorx平台, 其定位是為工業SaaS營運商提供現代化快速應用開發工具和服務營運能力.

該平台為工業和物聯網而生, 存在數位化.

ThingWorx® 工業物聯網 (工業物聯網) 本平台被公認為全球工業公司首選的 IIoT 平台. 這 工業物聯網 (工業物聯網) 連接工業設備, 產業參與者, 產品, and processes to power digital transformation, using IIoT platforms to connect, 監視器, analyze and manipulate data in new ways. It’s easy to get the most value out of your data for a successful digital transformation.

03. Deutsche Telekom

They are experts in the Internet of Things, especially mobile Internet of Things. Deutsche Telekom is now the largest Telecom operator in Europe and an expert in the field of mobile Internet of Things. They also provide complete solutions for narrowband IoT with numerous applications.

04. Cisco IoT Platform and Edge Intelligence

思科, as a global pioneer in networking, 連接性, and device security, has jointly partnered with IBM company, aiming to provide enterprises with real-time Internet of Things (物聯網) insights at the network edge.

05. Microsoft Azure Internet of Things Platform

Regardless of the size of your industry or organization, or whether you work with a partner or independently, AzureIoT has all the equipment, tools, data analytics, and security capabilities needed to achieve IoT goals.

06. RadixIoT Platform

RadixIoT may be a newcomer, but it will be closely watched in 2021. Built on the synergy of the MangoIoT platform and the BitBoxUSAIoT platform, it is billed as “extremely simple”, a turnkey software and hardware solution that eliminates the need for complex IoT development. RadixIoT also features a range of IoT gateways to address both small and large IoT applications.

07. General Predix

GEPredix provides a complete solution for data monitoring and management. It is unique in its understanding of manufacturing operations, providing centralized visibility, enhanced analysis, and analysis capabilities for monitoring, exception handling, and decision-making in a single platform.

5. How to choose the right IoT platform?

How to choose the right IoT platform?

While IoT platforms are diverse and very different from each other, there are some common points to consider when choosing the best IoT platform.

第一的, it’s important to understand whether your application is industrial (like oil and gas, 製造業, or asset management) or consumer (like smart homes or wearable products).

The industrial IoT platform and consumer Internet of Things platform have different needs, so there are significant differences. For the IIoT platform, the failure of the system will cost a lot of money, which may involve millions of dollars and even cost lives. In the case of consumer IoT platforms, a failure may simply inconvenience the end user.

Different applications have different platform requirements, even if they are industrial or consumer. While 物聯網應用 vary widely, some common points should be considered when choosing the best IoT platform. The picture Important things to consider when choosing the best IoT platform:

首先, you should consider the stability of the platform. With so many IoT platforms offering services on the market, some are likely to fail. It’s important to choose platforms that have been around for years, or your investment will be lost if the platform provider fails.

第二, the flexibility of the platform should be taken into consideration. Your needs will change over time, so make sure you can use the platform when you’re starting small and when you’re growing quickly and getting bigger.

第三, how platform providers handle security issues is important. Security is crucial to any IoT system, 而物聯網平台必須確保每個環節都是安全正確的.

當您詢問平台安全性時, 請密切注意雲端網路安全設備, 無線網路安全的使用者應用, 雲端安全, 設備安全, 包括認證和最新證書), 應用程式認證, 資料加密, 資料保護, 貯存, 運輸, 和雲), 會話開始, 並更新具體方案, 包括透過 OTA.

第四, 數據分析能力是選擇物聯網平台的重要標準. 數據為操作或簡單的日常活動提供建議,以提高效率或體驗.