什麼是智慧農業? 權威指南.


智慧農業是農業專家智慧系統, 農業生產控制系統及有機農產品安全追溯系統三大系統運用 網路平台技術, 使用雲端運算方法, 實施農業資訊數位化, 農業生產智慧自動化, 農業管理, 從而建構低碳節能, 高效率、高產量, 現代農業綠色生態系統. 本文帶您全面了解智慧農業.

1. 什麼是智慧農業

智慧農業是指採用工業化生產,實現高效率的先進農業生產方式。, 可持續的, 在相對可控的環境條件下集約發展. 是先進農業設施與開闊土地相符的集約化規模經營模式, 技術指標高,效益高。 它集科學研究於一體, 生產, 加工銷售, 實現年度, 全天候、淡季企業規模生產;  它融合了現代生物技術, 農業工程, 農業新材料等學科. 依托現代農業設施, 科技含量高, 產品附加價值高, 高土地產出率和高勞動生產力. 是中國農業新技術革命的跨世紀工程.  

智慧農業是基於 物聯網技術, 透過各種無線感測器即時擷取農業生產現場的照明情況, 溫度, 濕度等參數。 將採集到的參數資訊數位化轉換後, 即時傳輸網路總結整合, 採用農業專家智慧系統進行授時, 定量定位雲端運算處理, 透過遠端控制及時、準確地自動開啟或關閉指定的農業設備。 例如, 利用物聯網技術(物聯網) 在農業方面, 水果和蔬菜該澆水嗎?  施肥, 劑量, 如何保持準確的注意力?  溫度, 濕度, 光, 二氧化碳濃度, 如何實現按需供應?  一系列不同生長週期的作物被「模糊」處理問題, 是即時定量「精準」資訊的智慧監控系統, 農民只需按下一個開關, 做出選擇, 或完全透過“命令”, 可以種好蔬菜, 養好花.  

2. 智慧農業的歷史


智慧農業於 20 世紀 80 年代初在美國興起。 由於資訊科技和智慧技術的快速發展, 農作物種植管理、土壤計量配方施肥等農業技術成為智慧農業早期發展的種子。 到了 20 世紀 90 年代, 衛星定位系統已廣泛應用, 資訊科技已廣泛普及, 農業生產取得長足發展。 在21世紀, 智慧農業發展已初具規模, 提高農業生產能力和效率, 使農業成為永續、高效率的產業.  

3. 精準農業和數位農業


1. 智慧農業資訊收集與數位資源利用

充分利用現代地球空間和地理資訊技術, 感測器技術, 借助便捷的資訊辨識技術,取得與農作物生產及環境參數相關的各類產品資訊, 栽培, 播種, 受精, 灌溉, 數位化控制等噴灑、雜草防治領域, 使農業投入品資源化利用, 效率最大化.  

2. 農業資訊網路全球化拓展

現在, 資訊科技已深入滲透到世界的每個角落。 農業資訊資源的取得與服務正突破國界限制,加速走向國際化、全球化。 透過資訊網路和各類媒體, 全球農業資訊流動呈幾何級數擴大, 而流量也正以前所未有的方式進入高速時代。 農業資訊化深刻影響世界農業資源配置,助推農業貿易國際競爭。 同時, 農業資訊資源庫正向專業化方向發展, 一體化, 共享和基於知識的管理, ETC.  

3. 農產品電商專業化分工

網路與通訊科技的發展, 電子商務交易的普及度和成熟度, 透過農產品網路行銷, 可以在即時的資訊流中完成, 貿易的現金流量和實體流量, 農產品電商不再是交易,而是供需運作的產物, 但前者為了胎教, 後續的流量分配等綜合服務, 即, 緊緊圍繞產業鏈環節,  在資訊管理平台實現資訊共享, 管理對接與功能匹配.  

4. 農業資訊多媒體傳播

影片製作和壓縮技術, 數位動畫技術, 虛擬仿真技術, 行動網路媒體技術及其他多媒體技術, 具有快速傳輸, 覆蓋率廣, 生動的圖像, 豐富多彩, 操作方便等特點, 為複雜農業問題的簡化表達和傳播提供前所未有的便利.  

5. 農業資訊化綜合應用

隨著農業產業化的發展, 產前相關度要求, 生產和產後環節越來越高。 預測預警等資訊系統, 協商決策, 生產管理, 政策監理, 市場分析與推廣行銷是有機聯繫、相互關聯的, 農業生產的實施全過程服務和監控離不開敏感, 準確的, 可靠、系統化的資訊服務.  

6. 智慧農業生產管理

隨著資訊通信技術普及化的新發展趨勢, 整合和智慧化, 以及感知識別技術和無線感測器技術產業化的快速發展, 農業智慧化技術將廣泛滲透到農業生產管理過程的各個環節。 借助雲端運算和智慧型資料庫系統, 海量資料可分析, 資訊處理, 可以進行預測和建模, 並可利用資訊資源,最大限度地對生產過程和市場動態進行深刻洞察和準確判斷, 以便做出更快、更好的決策。

4. 物聯網在農業中的優勢與好處



1. 智慧農業水肥一體化技術可有效避免我國水資源浪費, 實現精準灌溉,同時節省肥料. 這 智慧灌溉 而且施肥過程還可以有效節省人力成本, 從而節省時間, 讓科技幫助農民實現時間自由.  

2. 智慧農業系統採用低功耗設計, 可減少能源消耗,實現節能環保.  

3. 環境感測器監測設備為農民帶來極大便利. It can carry out real-time detection of crops through front-end sensors and then transmit back the data to the cloud platform.  

4. With the increase of optical cable and wireless transmission technology, farmers can break through the limitations of time and region and understand the production status of crops anytime and anywhere. 同時, the increase of wireless equipment also avoids the fire hazard caused by wiring and reduces construction costs.  

5, the production status of crops can not only be displayed from the computer, but also be observed via playback and video recording. 同時, mobile phones can also observe the state of crops, making farmers’ agricultural planting more and more intelligent.  

6. Through smart agriculture, the output of crops can be greatly increased, the quality of crops can also be improved, and ultimately the income of farmers will increase, and the national economy will develop faster and faster.  

Smart agriculture is a new agricultural development model developed on behalf of the Internet of things in the field of agricultural development. Essentially, it is an agricultural technology that takes Internet-based information technology, Internet of Things technology, cloud computing and mobile communication technology as the core to realize the “Internet of everything”.  

5. 智慧農業的挑戰


At this stage, smart agriculture is mainly faced with the following five major problems.  

第一的, agricultural information communication facilities are seriously lacking. The application of modern computer technology requires basic communication facilities, but the construction of communication facilities in rural areas of developing countries lags behind seriously, resulting in a low level of agricultural digitization and limited timeliness and accuracy of agricultural information.  

第二, there is a lack of unified technical standards for the IoT. The lack of technical standards for the Internet of Things also restricts the further maturity of smart agriculture, which makes it impossible to meet the demand for resources for standardized agricultural production and comprehensive and extensive access to agricultural information for scientific research.  

第三, the quality of agricultural users needs to be improved. The relatively low quality of agricultural practitioners in developing countries and their weak ability to apply and accept modern computer technology are not conducive to the popularization of smart agriculture.  

第四, the popularization and application of modern agricultural information are insufficient. In most areas of developing countries, the intensification of agricultural planting is not high and large-scale agricultural production is not strong enough, which is mainly due to the insufficient promotion and application of modern agricultural information.  

第五, the promotion of new technology is unfavorable. Smart agricultural techniques face obstacles from the laboratory to the field, and will need to be expanded in the future.




According to FAO, 70 總量的百分比用於農業, 使其成為世界上最大的淡水消耗國。 農民可以實施精準灌溉,避免灌溉不足和過度灌溉.  

農民最多可減少用水量 30 連接感測器測量土壤濕度的百分比.  

由於農作物價格完全由灌溉水成本決定 (還有肥料, 農藥和僱用勞工), 數據驅動的成本管理有助於評估資源效率, 設定有吸引力的價格並贏得市場.  



Ultrasonic level sensors allow automatic thresholds to be configured to notify that the level is too low or too high. These sensors are autonomous and their batteries can help run for more than twenty years.


Special storage conditions are required for some crops. To prevent loss of profits, smart temperature monitors provide an autonomous way to manage temperature and humidity remotely. Growers can collect and receive information on multiple units in charts and spreadsheets to easily analyze trends and act on the results. IoT technology helps ensure that temperatures remain consistent and quality is not compromised.  


今天, the Internet of Things technology has realized a strong demand for data-driven precision agriculture.  The land itself can coordinate the farmer’s best harvest conditions. Farmers can remotely access temperature data to develop customized adjustment programs with wireless networks.  

Soil moisture data help accurately predict the best planting time, reduce water use, and keep the soil healthy.


Poor pest management can lead to an unprofitable growing season.物聯網感測器 can eliminate manual time-consuming inspections by providing real-time information.  

Once a particular weather pattern is detected, alerts can be created so farmers can prepare ahead of time and mitigate losses.  

Configure tactical pest management strategies based on regular, up-to-date data to constantly adjust how, when, and where pest management plans are applied.  

牲畜監控, 地理圍欄

Farmers can use wireless iot applications to gather data about the location and health of their livestock.

下一代溫室栽培, 沒有土壤和 90% 減少水分

Vertical farming is becoming more and more popular.  

Hydroponic facilities can grow fruits, vegetables and fungi faster, cheaper and more cleanly. Vertical farms can have 12 growing cycles each year. Because it is located indoors in abandoned factories, 停車場, or warehouses, this installation does not require soil or natural light. Reuse of recycled water through the same hydroponic system without the need for fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides can greatly reduce operating costs.  

7. 智慧農業驅動第三次綠色革命

The third green Revolution refers to the era of smart agriculture and forestry. In the future, with agricultural big data and cloud services, advanced sensing technology, precision technology and equipment of agriculture and agricultural content networking technology and equipment, agricultural robot and so on five big core technology represented by the technology innovation will be increasingly mature and widely used in forest fire prevention, ecological protection, precision planting, pest control meteorological early warning, ETC.  

8. 智慧農業市場有多大


The smart agriculture market has seen significant growth in the past few years, mainly due to the advancement and implementation of technologies. The global smart agriculture market is anticipated to grow from $12.9 十億 2021 到 $20.8 十億 2026.  


Growing global demand for food and a growing focus on improving profitability and yield through the implementation of advanced technologies in agriculture are several major factors contributing to the growth of the smart agriculture market.


Farmers can analyze temperature, weather conditions, soil conditions, and water consumption with AI. Precision agriculture uses ARTIFICIAL intelligence to detect pests in plants and plant nutrients.


Feed management is anticipated to lead the precision aquaculture market during the forecast period. Factors contributing to the growth in monitoring, control and surveillance are the increasing installations of automated aquaculture farm monitoring equipment, such as iot based monitoring equipment, underwater robots and smart camera systems, as well as aquaculture farmers’ increasing focus on the effective management of fisheries to ensure increased agricultural productivity and efficiency.  


In medium-sized farms, because there are so many farms, the use of technology is growing at the highest rate. Other factors contributing to the higher penetration of technology on medium and large farms include flexibility to integrate software tools into hardware devices, significant labor cost savings through the use of automated tools, and higher return on RoI.  


The smart agriculture market in The Asia-pacific region is anticipated to grow during the forecast period. The adoption rate of smart agricultural technologies is anticipated to grow rapidly in the Asia-Pacific region. The increasing adoption of smart irrigation controllers is some of the main factors driving the growth of the smart agriculture market.

預測期內, 中國將佔據亞太地區智慧農業市場最大份額

China is expected to take the largest share of the smart agriculture market in the Asia-Pacific region. China’s smart agriculture market is also anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR.


The agricultural industry is not dominated by a few large players or a single player. The agricultural industry has a large number of small players and is very fragmented. Implementing smart farming techniques on scattered land wastes time, money and resources because of the difficulty of managing, monitoring and collecting data on scattered land.


Data management is a big challenge for users of intelligent agricultural tools. Data from farms using smart farming tools is important because it helps farmers make production decisions. Various critical data related to yield monitoring, variable speed seeding, mapping, historical crop rotation, and yield monitoring are generated on a regular basis. This data must be managed correctly.