物聯網車隊管理指南 2023


物聯網車隊管理使車隊營運商能夠實現各種流程的自動化, 收集重要數據, 了解補貨量, 並每天追蹤營運狀況.



車隊在物流公司中是重要的職能部門, 直接影響備品備品的供應, 服務品質, 以及生產線上的物流成本.

車隊的管理, 最重要的是司機的管理, 汽車, 車輛調度與安全管理, 以及貨物資訊的日常出票登記.

負責物流運輸計畫的實施及計畫的集體實踐, 並能提出最佳化建議,具備科學邏輯, 運輸計劃的理由和效率.

用於日常物流運輸, 生產, 組織, 並科學調度車輛, 和文件交付, 確保合作單位的運作公平, 只是, 打開, 並不斷提高工作和服務品質.

運轉於工廠現場物流管理, 協調並處理各種問題, 確保現場運輸車輛的安全、秩序管理清晰, 快速加載和卸載, 掌握日常車輛行駛的各種信息, 並依規定及時報告.


2. 什麼是物聯網車隊管理?


使用物聯網進行車隊管理可以確保遵守法規, 優化維護, 減少開支, 以及許多其他優點.

任何負責將貨物從一個地方運送到另一個地方的組織都熟悉車隊管理及其帶來的問題. 車隊管理包括組織將產品從一個地點運送到另一個地點的車輛和運輸工具. 用於車隊管理, enterprises want to ensure that they will not suffer from costly failures, which can lead to product delivery delays and financial losses. In order to avoid this situation, CTO and CIO can look for intelligent solutions to help them better maintain their fleets. 物聯網技術 is a smart solution that can help businesses in many ways, and fleet management may be just another aspect that has been affected by the wave of IoT change. While there are several applications of IoT that are changing business models, leveraging IoT to manage fleets is a new thing.

3. 物聯網車隊管理的好處與優勢


A. 狀態監測和預測性維護

Predictive analytics allow fleet operators to predict and correct failures and errors that may happen, so maintenance can be kept up to date. Its internal sensors can transmit degree of wear and operating parameters of tires, hydraulics, engines and other components of mobile devices. With automatic alarm, administrators can be informed of any intolerable deviations, which indicates that an exception is about to occur. 這樣, the replacement of oil and parts can be planned in advance. It is the same as the maintenance plan, so it can avoid costly shutdown time.

乙. 資產優化

Underutilized machines that sit idle for too long lead to wasted fuel; meanwhile they increase the costs of equipment. Telematics sensors can collect Idle time data, so administrators can make informed decisions, which are about the optimal size and composition of the fleet and whether to lease or buy. 另外, unauthorized use outside working hours can be detected to avoid any attempts at tampering or theft. All in all, asset utilization data can help to improve overall equipment effectiveness (整體設備效率) and improve net profit margins.

C. 燃油消耗管理和排放控制

As climate change continues to be a top concern in global world, fleet operators face increasing regulations and pressures to reduce the amount of carbon to be released. Emission controls are also important actions to maintain a safe and healthy working environment for workers in underground mines.

4. 用於車隊管理的物聯網技術有哪些



一方面, the management of the vehicle fleet is about vehicles, 另一方面, it is about people. The driver in the cab is also the key point of fleet management. Through intelligent hardware devices, drivers can be guaranteed to drive efficiently and responsibly, and the physical condition of drivers can be monitored in real-time, whether there is fatigue driving, and whether there are any operations that affect driving safety, such as using mobile phones while driving.

同時, location monitoring, fuel consumption sensors, video monitoring and other types of equipment can also effectively solve bad behaviors such as drivers not following the prescribed route, private use of fleet own vehicles, oil stealing and oil leakage.


Through the 全球定位系統, 監控, fuel consumption, temperature control, tire pressure, and other devices and sensors, data including driving route, driving mileage, driving speed, idle speed, fuel consumption and so on will be obtained. It takes time to collect, analyze and process data, but the development of the IoT and the existence of related platforms save the trouble of manual operation. As all necessary equipment, including vehicles, systems, 軟體, and certain things are connected in real-time, it can directly collect and analyze data.

5. 物聯網應用實例(物聯網) 在車隊管理方面

物聯網應用實例(物聯網) 在車隊管理方面


A. 追蹤燃料使用情況


即時車輛追蹤還可以幫助車隊經理監控進度. 例如, 車隊經理可以查看新的可持續發展計劃已儲存和節省了多少燃料. 它還提供了公司用於報告的最新信息.

乙. 優化運輸和送貨路線

路線優化不僅涉及提供最佳方向,還涉及交通和部署的其他卡車. 例如, 如果必須在一個地區進行十次交貨, 即時數據和交通監控可以快速反應並為駕駛員提供最短路線和解決方案. In addition to reducing unnecessary mileage, customers can also have realistic expectations about delivery times.

C. 預測性維護

When vehicles perform at their best, they have fewer failures and last longer. IoT can predict potential problems that may exist and provide assistance to maintenance of vehicles in order to extend their life cycles. Real-time maintenance monitoring ensures that no harmful or unnecessary emissions occur. It can also help companies improve efficiency and extend vehicle life. Research by Deloitte Analysis Company found that on average, predictive maintenance can reduce failures by 70%. The production efficiency grow up by 25%, and the cost of maintenance was lower by 25%.

d. 省油駕駛

Throughout the vehicle’s journey, metrics such as speed, weight, and brake usage can be tracked by IoT fleet management software. These data help the team managers to inform drivers of fuel-efficient driving practices.

Inefficient driving habits consume unnecessary fuel. 例如, shutting down and restarting the vehicle waste less fuel than idling for 30 秒.

e. 智慧測量

Smart metering is a method of monitoring. It can reflect the real time consumption of resources such as fuel. 例如, it can report the electricity consumption of warehouses and offices.

Monitoring natural resources in real-time spending can help managers to reduce wasteful consumption. Smart metering is on the rise. There were nearly half of American power customers had a smart meter in 2017, according to the Energy Information Association.

F. 碳抵消報告

如今, many companies are offsetting their carbon emissions. Monitoring in real time can help companies to learn about their carbon emissions. Once they do, they can pay non-profit organizations to buy carbon and remove the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere.

G. 倉庫的可持續性

A warehouse is a good place to implement sustainable measures. IoT fleet management solutions usually include measures to make warehouses more sustainable but also make them more effective. There is an example that IoT can help to stop errors and waste in order processing. It also provides end-to-end visibility. It can also monitor shelf space for better prediction.

H. 監控溫控物品的狀態

When transporting temperature-controlled goods, the real-time monitoring of goods is especially useful. Being able to track the temperature of goods helps fleet managers to know when the goods are at risk. This kind of real-time information helps to move the goods to safe locations and effectively monitor them. This not only preserves the value of the goods but also prevents waste!

我. 監測碳是否符合政府目標

As the increasing demand for sustainable fleets, new environmental objectives and policies are also increasing. 現在, many local governments have set rapid development goals, and the Internet of Things can help companies ensure that their carbon emissions meet the requirements of relevant departments.

6. 有哪些設備可用於物聯網車隊管理

  • GPS locator
  • Lane controller
  • speed sensor
  • Microwave communication equipment
  • Wireless sensor
  • GPRS communication equipment
  • RFID reading and writing equipment
  • Camera
  • Fuel consumption sensor
  • Load cell (Load sensor)
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Door sensor
  • Dash Cam (event data recorder)