Indoor Positioning System featured picture

室內定位系統使管理人員能夠準確定位人員或資產的位置, 使用智慧型手機在建築物內, 藍牙信標, 追蹤標籤, 網關或其他 物聯網設備. 是物聯網的基礎應用之一. 當衛星定位難以在隧道、地下室等室內複雜環境使用時, 室內定位系統可以作為衛星定位的輔助定位,定位物體目前位置,解決衛星訊號無法穿透建築物的問題. 根據應用場景, the satellite positioning system can facilitate the operation of enterprises and provide users with a more satisfactory experience. The purpose of this article is to give you a preliminary understanding of indoor positioning techniques.

1. 什麼是室內定位系統?


The system works as the outdoor 全球定位系統 to provide positioning services. The difference is that GPS can only be used outdoors and it has no signal when comes into indoor space. So indoor positioning came into being to solve people’s indoor space positioning services. 現在, indoor positioning technology usually refers to some indoor positioning technology means based on wireless communication technology (such as Wi-Fi, low-power Bluetooth BLE, 紫蜂, 超寬頻, ETC。), through which the person working and living in the indoor space can be provided with positioning and navigation, 人員定位, 資產追蹤, 和其他服務.

室內定位系統是室內定位技術的熱門應用. 可以提供人們即時位置引導,讓使用者隨時了解自己的位置和方位. 可以滿足商場的需求, 醫院, 機場, 甚至大型體育場館等大型公共建築的使用者引導.

人員/資產 位置監督或 室內定位追蹤 是為了滿足室內空間人員/資產安全管理的需要. 需要即時了解室內空間中人或物件的位置,以便管理者更好地調度和指揮. 現在, 人員定位常用於隧道, 管道走廊, 工廠, 公園, ETC。, 而資產定位則常用於倉儲, 後勤, and other fields.

2. 室內定位系統如何運作?


隨著科技的快速發展, 有無數的室內無線定位技術被發明, 包括無線網路, 藍牙, 紅外線的, 超寬頻, 射頻識別, 紫蜂, 動作捕捉和超音波定位, 等等.

01. Wi-Fi定位技術

WiFi定位技術依賴現有的WLAN網絡,利用接收到的訊號強度來追蹤和監控複雜的環境. 基於網路節點的位置資訊 (無線存取點), 它結合經驗測試和訊號傳播模型來定位所連接的行動裝置的位置, 最高準確度約為 1 米到 20 米. WiFi定位技術最大的優勢就是方便、成本低. 然而, 同時, WIFI接收的訊號容易受到周遭環境的干擾, 從而降低了定位精度. 所以, WIFI positioning technology is not suitable for real-time tracking scenarios with high accuracy requirements. 另外, 這 無線上網 access point coverage range is relatively limited and generally can only cover a radius of about 90 米.

02. 藍牙定位技術

“Bluetooth” technology is a new wireless communication technology jointly announced by five world-renowned companies in May 1998. Bluetooth positioning is based on RSSI values, and it locates through the principle of triangulation. A positioning system that uses Bluetooth to confirm the physical location of a device involves a complex infrastructure arrangement.

Bluetooth indoor positioning technology is to install a certain number of Bluetooth beacon reference points in the area that needs to be located. By wearing the positioning tag, the personnel will send the signal strength-ranging data to the base station in real time and transmit the data to the solution through the base station. In the calculation server, the positioning calculation algorithm installed in the calculation server realizes the position calculation and realizes the real-time positioning of the target point.

03. 紅外線定位技術

Infrared positioning technology is mainly used in optical sensors. Its technology is very mature, while the price is also low. It is very suitable for moderate upgrades and transformation of the existing equipment, with relatively high indoor positioning accuracy.

然而, because the light cannot pass through the obstacles, the infrared ray can only propagate at line-of-sight, which is easy to be interfered with by other lights. 而且, the transmission distance of infrared rays is short, so the indoor positioning effect is very poor. When mobile devices are placed in pockets or hidden by walls, they do not work properly. It requires the installation of receiving antennas in every room and corridor, resulting in a high overall cost.

04. 超寬頻定位技術

UWB positioning technology is a new technology that is very different from traditional communication positioning technology. It not only has centimeter-level positioning accuracy but also has super resistance to environmental interference. It can be used for indoor precise positioning. 例如, it can be widely used in detention centers, 醫院, 工廠, 和其他地方, so as to obtain the precise location information of people or objects in space in real time. It is conducive to the positioning, tracking, or navigation of indoor moving objects. 另外, the UVB tag is rechargeable and has a long standby time, typically lasting about three months.

05. RFID定位技術

RFID is radio frequency identification positioning technology. The system does not require mechanical or optical contact with the target. 所以, RFID is also called contactless automatic identification technology. It is very suitable for long-term tracking and management of the target person or object. With the rapid development of 物聯網技術, RFID technology will also be the most promising information technology in the new century.

06. ZigBee定位技術

ZigBee technology has the advantage of low power consumption. Zigbee has extensive and rich application scenarios, and the target market mainly includes PC peripherals, home intelligent control, medical care, industrial control, and other fields. ZigBee and Bluetooth also have the characteristics of extremely low power consumption and two-way transmission. They are all part of the Personal Area Network (PAN) architecture. When there is a demand for data transmission, it is immediately transmitted. And Zigbee systems do not require additional hardware support, which is greatly reducing the cost.

07. 超音波定位技術

現在, most ultrasonic location is based on the reflection ranging method. There are two popular indoor positioning technologies based on ultrasound. One is the combination of ultrasonic and radio frequency technology for positioning. Because the radio frequency signal transmission rate is close to the speed of light, which is far higher than the radio frequency rate, 然後可以利用射頻訊號啟動電子標籤,然後利用時差法測距使其接收超音波訊號. 該技術成本低, 低功耗, 和高精度的特點. 另一種是多超音波定位技術. 該技術採用全球定位,可安裝在移動機器人中 4 方向與 4 超音波感測器. 可以全面掌握數據, 抗干擾性強、精度高, 並且可以解決機器人遺失的問題. 超音波定位精度可達公分級, 而且精度比較高.

08. 動作捕捉定位技術

NOKOV動作捕捉系統屬於視覺定位. It covers the capture area of the indoor space through the motion capture lenses arranged in the space and accurately captures the three-dimensional space position of the reflective markers (Markers) placed on the capture target. After processing and computing, the system can obtain the three-dimensional space coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the reflective marker points. The system can also set the rigid body of the target, and further process and calculate the data through professional analysis software. The motion capture positioning technology can obtain the precise position and posture of the target object, which is suitable for scientific research.

3. 室內定位系統的準確度如何?


01. WiFi定位技術

The data acquisition of WIFI positioning requires a lot of manpower costs. 另外, WIFI systems require regular maintenance, so the technology is difficult to scale. Another well-known disadvantage of WIFI positioning technology is that it has a relatively weak anti-interference ability to the environment. It is easy to be affected by the surrounding environment when collecting data, so the positioning accuracy of moving objects or people is relatively slow.

02. RFID定位技術

The system covers a short distance, and the longest distance may be tens of meters. It can get centimeter-level positioning accuracy at a low cost. 同時, due to its non-contact and non-line-of-sight advantages, it is expected to become the preferred indoor positioning technology.

03. 紅外線技術

This technology can achieve high precision in an open room. The significant disadvantage of infrared technology is that the transmission distance is relatively short, and the obstacles in the environment are easy to block the infrared during transmission. 所以, the sensors need to be densely deployed, resulting in high hardware and construction costs.

04. 超音波技術

超音波定位精度可達公分級, 而且精度比較高. But the effective range of ultrasonic localization is relatively limited, ultrasonic attenuation is obvious in the process of environmental transmission.

05. 慣性導航技術

With the increase in walking time, the error of this positioning is also accumulating. A higher precision external data source is needed to calibrate it. 所以, inertial navigation is generally combined with WiFi fingerprint, and indoor location is requested through WiFi every period of time, so as to correct the error caused by MEMS. 現在, the commercial application of this technology is also relatively mature, and it is widely used in sweeping robots.

06. 超寬頻 (超寬頻) 定位技術

UWB can be used for accurate indoor positioning, such as the location of soldiers on the battlefield, robot motion tracking, 等等. As a newly developed indoor positioning technology, UWB positioning technology uses non-sinusoidal narrow pulses of a nanosecond to microsecond level to transmit data and realize positioning, which has the advantages of high precision, 大容量, and low power consumption. It also has better anti-interference and security than the traditional narrowband system. 所以, UWB technology can be used where very precise positioning needs are required. Such as prisons, public security stations, 和其他地方.

4. 為什麼室內定位系統很重要?


01. 提升使用者消費與服務體驗

Indoor positioning provides consumers with a good consumption experience, such as searching for empty seats and searching for cars in the reverse direction when parking. There are a lot of consumers and commodities in shopping malls. Google’s market research points out that consumers crave more information about products and a personalized experience while shopping.

In addition to shopping guides in shopping malls and reverse car hunting in parking lots, indoor positioning can also be used in exhibition halls, 博物館, scenic spots, 機場, stations, 醫院, government centers, courts, and other scenes to enable users to have a better service experience.

02. 提高企業行銷和營運效率

Indoor positioning monitors the flow of people and presents movement lines in crowded places such as shopping malls and airports. Through the collected data, the enterprises can discover the user’s consumption behavior more accurately, and understand the interest preference behind it, so as to improve the efficiency of operational decision-making and obtain higher business value.

5. 如何建立室內定位系統?


01. WiFi定位技術

As a relatively mature indoor positioning technology, WIFI technology has been put into use by many businesses in recent years. WiFi positioning generally adopts the “nearest neighbor” method to judge, 那是, which hot spot or base station is closest.

02. RFID定位

RFID location is what we call an electronic tag. RFID positioning obtains the information of the target RFID tag through readers. This information includes ID, received signal strength, 等等. Similarly, the nearest neighbor method, multilateral positioning method, received signal strength, and other methods can be used to determine the location of the label.

現在, the urgent breakthrough of RFID technology lies in how to better protect the user’s security and privacy, and establish international standardization. Compared with other positioning technologies, 射頻識別技術 has the advantages of using small electronic tags and low cost. 然而, the electronic label can only work within a short distance and cannot communicate with other devices. 所以, it is difficult to integrate data and achieve accurate positioning.

03. 紅外線技術

There are two main types of infrared targeting specific implementation methods. One way is to put a can launch infrared electronic tag positioning on the target object, and detect the electronic label emitted infrared Angle and distance by installing indoor infrared sensors to calculate the position of the object. 現在, the technology is mainly used for passive positioning of infrared radiation sources such as aircraft, tanks, and missiles in the military, and also for the position positioning of indoor self-propelled robots.

04. 超音波技術

現在, most ultrasonic location is based on the reflection ranging method. The system of ultrasonic technology consists of a core range finder and multiple electronic tags. The main rangefinder is attached to the mobile positioning target, and the electronic tags are placed in a fixed position within the monitoring range.

05. 藍牙技術

Bluetooth positioning relies on the RSSI positioning principle. According to different location terminals, Bluetooth location can be divided into network location and terminal location. The specific positioning process can be concluded as:

● Firstly, lay down the Bluetooth gateway and beacon in the zone;

● When users wander into the area, the Beacon broadcast will be transmitted to calculate the distance between users and the beacon (which can be calculated by RSSI).

The terminal positioning system consists of terminal devices and beacons. The specific positioning principle is as follows:

● Lay the Bluetooth beacon in the zone first;

● Beacons constantly broadcast signals and packets around;

● When the terminal device enters the signal range, the beacon will measure its RSSI value, and then calculate the specific location of the device through the mobile phone

06. 超寬頻 (超寬頻) 定位技術

Ultra-wideband technology is a new communication wireless technology that is very different from traditional communication technology. It can be used for indoor precise positioning. 例如, it can be widely used in detention centers, 醫院, 工廠, 和其他地方, so as to obtain the precise location information of people or objects in space in real time. It is conducive to the positioning, tracking, or navigation of indoor moving objects. 現在, many countries are studying this technology, which has a good prospect in the field of wireless indoor location.

(超寬頻) positioning technology has received high attention in the indoor positioning field due to its high transmission rate and strong penetration ability.

6. 室內定位系統的應用

01. 室內定位服務

In supermarkets, 機場, 飯店, 博物館, pavilions, and other large indoor scenes, indoor positioning is widely used. In a supermarket with a complex layout, users can find the location of the goods they need to buy and plan the path through the route navigation on the mobile terminal. In shopping malls, 博物館, exhibitions, entertainment venues, and shops that allow users to quickly locate and navigate their targets.

02. 停車場反向尋車

In the underground parking lot, indoor positioning and navigation help consumers find their cars easily.

03. 智慧樓宇定位

For a smart building, the main application aspect is visitor management and real-time trajectory tracking of visitors through visitor cards.

04. 養老院老人及服務人員的定位管理

The installation of indoor positioning systems in nursing homes is necessary because the movements of the elderly need constant attention to ensure their safety. The indoor positioning technology can realize real-time monitoring of old people. 同時, the system can playback the elderly’s movement trajectory and the elderly can call for emergency help when facing dangerous situations.

05. 獄警的定位與管理

室內定位在司法監獄領域也廣泛應用. With the help of 室內定位技術, 傳統監獄人事管理模式將變得簡單, quick, and effective. 透過為看守和犯人佩戴防拆定位手環, 可以即時定位囚犯的位置, 並可回放、查詢歷史活動軌跡.

06. 高風險產業人員定位管理

In chemical plants, 捷運建設, 隧道施工, and other high-risk construction sites, personnel positioning management is a critical need. 一方面, the staff needs to be positioned in these scenarios. When an employee is in danger and calls for help, the rescue personnel can locate the employee in time, which greatly ensures their safety. 另一方面, high-risk places need to monitor visitors to prevent visitors from entering dangerous areas. The indoor positioning system also has many application scenarios. 例如, storage logistics.