什麼是室內 GPS 技術


室內使用的好處 GPS物聯網技術 定位的優點是擁有充足的衛星覆蓋範圍並提供免費的導航訊號. 本文將討論室內定位所使用的技術和應用場景.

什麼是室內 GPS 技術, GPS可以在室內使用嗎?

什麼是室內 GPS 技術

全球定位系統 (全球定位系統) 是最常用的室內定位技術. 在戶外環境中, GPS接收器的訊號減弱主要是因為建築物的影響, 使得定位精度非常低. 而且, 像在戶外一樣直接從衛星廣播中提取導航資訊和時間數據很困難.

為您獲得高靈敏度訊號, 延長所有延遲代碼的停留時間至關重要. 輔助全球定位系統 (輔助全球定位系統) 科技可以充分解決這個問題. 室內 GPS 技術使用許多相關器來尋找潛在的延遲代碼,並有助於實現快速定位.

使用GPS進行定位的好處是提供免費的導航訊號和大有效的衛星覆蓋範圍. 它的缺點是不能穿透建築物, 到達地面後定位訊號變弱, 而且定位終端價格高.


在 AGPS 中, 其基本概念是將各個位置的GPS接收器固定在衛星訊號接收效果良好的位置,利用AGPS伺服器透過終端互動來取得終端的不均勻位置. 然後,它使用行動網路發送終端所需的星曆和時鐘等輔助訊息,終端在行動網路中進行 GPS 定位測量.

測量完成後, 終端單獨計算定位結果或將測量結果傳回AGPS伺服器. 伺服器稍後計算並將結果傳回終端. 同時地, 後台SP取得其他服務用例的位置數據.

AGPS技術可迅速提升GPS衛星定位系統的效能. 它廣泛應用於具有GPS功能的手機,因為營運基地台可以透過行動通訊快速追蹤它. GPS 使用衛星的無線電訊號來定位人員. 然而, 多個不規則結構可能會削弱訊號, walls, or trees in poor signal conditions, like in a city. Under such conditions, a navigation device that is non-AGPS cannot locate as quickly as an AGPS system that uses carrier base station information for locating.


The AGPS technology comprises a mixture of GPS data for positioning technology in mobile stations and data for network base stations. AGPS can be in WCDMA, GSM/GPRS, and CDMA2000

When used on a network, the AGPS technology needs the addition of a module GPS receiver in the mobile phone, mobile antenna modification, a reference station for differential GPS, a different location server, and other devices to its mobile network. For enhancing the scheme’s localization efficiency in indoor settings like shielding of GPS signals, the scheme also offers to add a little measuring unit (LMU) 就像EOTD計劃一樣.

AGPS工作原理指出; AGPS 行動裝置首先使用網路將其基地台位址傳輸到定位伺服器.

根據手機的預估位置, 與位置關聯的GPS輔助資料由位置伺服器傳輸到手機. 這包括 GPS 星歷, 俯仰角, 和方位角. 手機的 AGPS 模組可取得與輔助資料相關的唯一 GPS 訊號,以提高 GPS 訊號中首次鎖定時間的 TTFF 能力.

一旦接收到原GPS訊號, 訊號由手機解調. 獲得唯一的GPS訊號後, 手機解調訊號,從而計算從手機到衛星的偽隨機數. A network is later used to transfer important data to the location server. Pseudoran is the distance affected by several errors in GPS.

The data of a GPS is processed by a location server in line with the pseudo-range data of a GPS and the secondary data from other positioning devices like the differential GPS reference station and approximates the mobile phone’s position. A location server transmits the phone’s location through a network to the application platform or the location gateway.


The main benefit of the AGPS solution is to obtain positioning accuracy. Its highest positioning accuracy is attained in open and outdoor areas. It has an accuracy of up to about 10 meters in the usual GPS working environs. Another benefit of the AGPS technique is that the first attainment of its signal typically takes just a few seconds, different from the first attainment of a GPS signal, which can take even 2 到 3 分分鐘.

Even if the positioning accuracy of the AGPS technology is high and has a short time acquisition for its first GPS signal, the technology also has some disadvantages. 現在, it isn’t easy to satisfactory solve the indoor positioning challenges. 而且, the AGPS positioning implementation is needed to be conducted through numerous one-way network transmissions of up six. This is considered an essential overhead for operators. The main challenge with AGPS is that users find it hard to change their mobile phones to use mobile location services.

Compared to a general mobile phone, 具有 AGPS 功能的手機還有一個額外的特殊問題,就是功耗. 它間接地減少了手機的待機時間. 關於效率, 因為美國政府擁有並控制 GPS, 民用 GPS 服務主要會在恐怖主義戰爭等令人震驚的時期受到影響, 海灣戰爭, ETC。). 這使得 AGPS 正常運作變得更具挑戰性. 高通及其子公司 Snaptrack 是 AGPS 解決方案的領先服務供應商. 除了, AGPS技術目前只能在iDEN和CDMA網路市場使用. 然而, 預計定位技術將很快應用於 GSM網路.


  1. 轉到設定應用程式, 點擊連接, 然後是接入點, 並設定設定和名稱 GPRS. 設定完成後, 確保您可以使用 GPRS 存取互聯網.
  2. 轉到設定應用程式, click on Connections, then Packet Data, and key in “GPRS” inside the access point as the input name.
  3. Go to settings, tap on General, then Location. The location method is based on a network and in-built with GPS.

室內 GPS 所使用的技術

The rapid technological growth in wireless communications has primarily contributed to the emergence of wireless network technologies, like Bluetooth, 無線上網, 超寬頻, and ZigBee, all of which are widely used in homes, offices, and industries.

輔助全球定位系統 (輔助全球定位系統) 科技

The AGPS technology combines mobile station location technology, GPS data and network base station data. It is used mainly in WCDMA, GSM/GPRS, TD-SCDMA, and CDMA2000 networks. When used on a network, the AGPS technology needs the addition of a module GPS receiver in the mobile phone, mobile antenna modification, a reference station for differential GPS, a different location server, and other devices to its mobile network. To enhance the scheme’s localization efficiency in indoor settings like shielding of GPS signals, the scheme offers to add a little measuring unit (LMU) 就像EOTD計劃一樣.

紅外線的 室內定位技術

The principle of this technology is that; For positioning, 房間光學感測器接收到的紅外線 IR 釋放調製紅外線的標記.


超音波定位技術利用三角測量反射測距等演算法來獲知物體的位置. 因此, 它發射超音波並接收被測物體形成的回波,根據發射波與回波之間的時間方差計算出測量距離. 有些使用單向測距技術來測量距離. 超音波定位系統由主測距儀和多個轉發器組成. 測距儀位於測試物體上, 在計算機指令訊號的作用下, 使用無線電訊號頻率發送應答器的靜態位置. 應答器同時接收無線電訊號和臨界放電超音波測距儀訊號, 測距儀和應答器的距離.


藍牙技術透過測量訊號強度來定位物體. 它是一種使用低功耗的短距離無線傳輸技術. 在室內安裝適當的藍牙區域網路存取點, 多用戶基本網路連線方式構成網路配置的基礎. 它確保藍牙 LAN 的存取點始終是微微網的中央設備, 可用於取得使用者的位置數據.


無線電頻率 (射頻) 用於 射頻識別 (射頻識別) 科技 交換資訊, 執行非接觸式, 雙向通訊, 並達到定位和識別目的. The action of this technology is of a short range, the longest being 10 米. 儘管如此, it acquires data with a positioning accuracy down to a centimeter level in milliseconds. 也, its cost is low and has an extensive range of transmission.

超寬頻 (超寬頻) 科技

This is the newest communication technology, which varies widely from the other traditional communication technologies. Rather than using carries like in the traditional communication systems, the ultra-wideband technology conveys information by sending and receiving narrow pulses of a magnitude less than a nanosecond. 因此, the UWB technology has a GHz bandwidth. This technology can be used for correct indoor positioning, 例如, robot motion tracking, locating soldiers on the battlefield, and many other applications.

Wi-Fi 技術

The wireless Local Area network (無線區域網路) is a new platform for attaining data. This technology identifies various applications’ intricate large-scale localization, 追蹤, and monitoring. 這裡, the premise and basis of most applications is the localization of network nodes.


ZigBee is a developing wireless network technology for short ranges and low rates used for indoor positioning. It is a cross between Bluetooth and RFID technologies. For accurate positioning, the ZigBee technology has the radio standard it uses to communicate and coordinate with thousands of tiny sensors.

Indoor positioning has various limitations, whether using GPS positioning technology, wireless sensor networks or any other positioning technique. It is anticipated that the combination of wireless positioning and satellite navigation technologies will form the indoor positioning technology trend soon. The biological blend of GPS positioning and wireless positioning technologies offers a full play to their benefits, which provides enhanced accuracy and covers a wide range to attain the correct positioning.




Underground tunnels and indoor spaces like shopping malls and city rail transit have inaccurate or no positioning signals for indoor navigation. This is because of the drift in satellite signals, untimely updates of the map POI data and many other circumstances. Its intrinsic weaknesses are persistent obstacles in indoor navigation, mainly with the broad advancement of satellite navigation applications.

而且, the worldwide navigation satellite system, like GPS, is at risk because of its circular orbit system (the altitude of an orbit is around 20,000 公里). Due to the high orbit altitude, 衛星訊號到達地面時訊號總是很弱. 而且, 訊號的定位是一個關鍵事件和全球挑戰.

另一方面, 衛星訊號主要受建築物影響, 地形, 丘陵, 植被, 城市峽谷, 以及所有類型的覆蓋範圍和障礙物, 大部分在室內, 橋下, 隧道, 和所有陰影環境. 這使得衛星的訊號無法進入並到達該位置.


室內空間環境 定位涉及的設備較多,較複雜, 而人們對定位精度的要求遠高於戶外. 這主要適用於一些涉及高速行動裝置定位的產業. 使得精確度和定位的時延標準更加苛刻. 另外, 室內導航應用場景碎片化, significantly increasing the cost of updating and maintaining indoor maps.

Indoor positioning is essential technology of coming artificial intelligence. It is anticipated to play an essential part in the impending era of artificial intelligence. The growth of the operative indoor positioning technology is a study hotspot in the academic and industrial sectors. 儘管如此, it is still hard to attain accurate, 可靠的, real-time indoor positioning because of the impact of intricate indoor settings, spatial arrangement and topology changeability.



Similarly to the GPS scheme, AGPS requires an extra GPS receiving module and a modified antenna in the mobile phone. 儘管如此, the mobile phone does not compute the location data. Still, it sends the location information data of a GPS to the mobile communication network, where the network’s location server calculates the location. 同時地, the mobile network is in line with the GPS secondary data reference network like the differential correction data, and the running state of a satellite is passed to the mobile phone from a database. It then realizes the estimated location and positioning information to a mobile phone, which quickly captures the GPS signals. In the first capture, time reduces significantly, usually with only a few seconds. The first capture time lasts 2-3 分分鐘, and the accuracy is only a few meters, unlike GPS, which has a higher accuracy measurement.

AGPS 相對於 GPS 的優勢

The primary benefit of the AGPS solution is its accuracy of positioning. While in open and outdoor areas, 輔助全球定位系統 attains the highest positioning accuracy of up to 10 meters in the usual GPS working setting. 因此, the AGPS is far behind the GPS due to the weather and high-rise buildings in cities, which leads to instability of the received GPS signal. This results in a more or less inevitable deviation in positioning. Due to base station auxiliary positioning, the accuracy of positioning in AGPS is enhanced with an accuracy of about 10 米.


Application Examples of Indoor GPS


The integrated module and system planning of indoor and outdoor navigation is completed using multi-sensor data combined skills. The unified indoor and outdoor navigation blend is accomplished from the module’s upper to bottom level. Information is sent back via a carrier’s wide area cell (4G/5G), thus eradicating the need to deploy a different base station. It efficiently solves the challenges of inaccurate positioning, high pricing, multiple tools, and difficult swapping between outdoor and indoor in the placement of positioning systems in a wide area setting.


The adaptive mode conversion in outdoor and indoor positioning can be attained by combining GPS and indoor positioning technologies. The construction cost can only be reduced effectively by minimizing the placement of base stations and beacons. A broad area setup is ideal to efficiently resolve the challenges of the Dachang positioning system, like inaccurate positioning, high pricing, multiple tools, and difficult swapping between outdoor and indoor deployments.

Some of the most well-known indoor GPS service companies are;

  • Google公司.
  • 蘋果公司.
  • 這裡 (諾基亞公司)
  • Shopkick公司.
  • 米塞洛公司.
  • 航空偵察兵
  • 惠普企業服務有限公司
  • 斑馬技術
  • Broadcom Corp
  • Aisle411 Inc.
  • Cisco Systems Inc.
  • CommScope Holding Company Inc.
  • Ericsson Inc.
  • FastMall
  • Microsoft Corp