什麼是地理圍欄? 權威指南.


地理圍籬類似於 LBS, 雖然有一點差異. 它以特定區域的中心點並覆蓋相鄰的半徑 3 或者 5 公里. 地理圍籬更著重描述區域邊界而不是特定點來建立圓心和外部等距. 它勾勒出了實際的形狀, 範圍, 以及辦公大樓、住宅區等精確座標區域. 本文將討論地理圍欄並幫助您了解這項技術的含義.



地理圍欄是一種新的LBS應用程序,它使用虛擬圍欄創建虛擬地理邊界. 當電話進入時, 樹葉, 或在特定地理區域內移動, 它可以使用地理圍籬技術自動接收警告和通知.

具有地理圍籬技術, 用戶現在可以使用基於位置的社交網站在進入某個區域後自動登錄. 雖然和LBS略有不同, 地理圍欄仍然是一種 LBS. 它以特定區域為中心,覆蓋其相鄰半徑 3 或者 5 公里.

地理圍籬主要強調區域邊界的解釋, 而不是使用特定的點作為圓心和外層等距. 它精確地框架了實際形狀, 範圍, 以及辦公大樓、住宅區等具體座標區域.



作為基於位置的營銷策略, 地理圍籬技術用途 GPS訊號 確定潛在客戶何時進入邊境. 當企業想要追蹤其實際位置周圍的潛在客戶時,幾乎可以在任何地方設置邊界.

地理圍欄是一種極其複雜的行銷策略,允許企業根據客戶所在的位置來定位目標客戶. 頻繁地, 公司在某些企業附近設置地理圍欄, 會議, 甚至事件. 它完全依賴公司的主要目標. 例如, 如果企業有新的銷售並希望注意到目標客戶, 當潛在客戶進入地理圍欄區域時,它可以自動向他們發送短信.

而且, 您可以在事件和簡訊周圍使用地理圍欄, 廣告, 或每當目標市場中的某個事件吸引潛在客戶時向目標個人推播通知.



隨著智慧終端的快速成長, 基於智慧終端的地理圍籬技術可以出現在人們的視野中. 作為一個應用程式 基於位置的服務, 地理圍欄在虛擬地理邊界上為他們應用虛擬圍欄. 每當終端進入虛擬地理邊界時,就會透過應用程式顯示通知或警報訊息.

由於收集資訊服務的感知和模式, 地理圍籬技術主要應用於智慧家庭等領域, 私人助理, 購物, 和個人位置.

基於位置服務的地理圍欄 (位置服務) mostly attains the terminal’s location information over GPS. 因此, the application of geofencing requires real-time positioning. 有了這個, it is now easier to cause privacy leakage of a user and impact the user’s security location information.


A new geo-fencing feature is about to be set on Wi-Fi signals in case MIT scholars have their approach to this new fantastic technology. This new project is also known as Chronos. It seeks to regulate the coverage of Wi-Fi signals with an accuracy of hundreds of centimeters. This is attained by scrutinizing various Wi-Fi bands, linking the information gathered, and computing the exact signal’s distance and location to the user’s device.

另外, the Wi-Fi geo-fencing technology can also be used in other applications. 例如, 它的計算可用於無人機以避免與用戶碰撞. 也, 企業可以透過智慧型手機使用它來確定是否阻止其公司 Wi-Fi 網路的入口.

除了, 該技術預計將與無人機的交付齊頭並進,當它識別出房屋時 無線網路 一位顧客的, 可以使用地理圍欄權限來存取它,然後將其精確地停靠在您的入口處.


  • 使用者「零操作」-顧客進店只需確認身份,即可利用地理圍欄在店內快速支付.
  • 社群網路整合-地理圍籬可連結微博和推特帳戶,查看好友評論.
  • 鄰近貿易商目錄 – 貿易商可以使用地理圍欄技術添加信息, 而顧客可以用它給商家留下“卡片”.
  • 商家評論功能-利用地理圍籬技術, 顧客可以查看該區域附近最喜歡和最常光顧的商店.
  • 商家精準行銷-商家可以利用地理圍籬來保存和分析使用者的偏好,並鼓勵潛在使用者配對商家. 該技術還可用於在顧客進店時向其推送折扣和新產品訊息,以提高其購買程度.



標準地理圍欄 permits a user to put a pin on a building and form an imagined “fence” over a point of interest. The radius of the fence is mostly 90 米, although some can cover more miles. The user can then cookie any device detected within that enclosure and aid them with ads for the subsequent 30, 60, 或者 90 days.

If a user thinks about this in retail surroundings, high chances are that the store is located in a high-traffic area. 因此, all the devices passing through a store, driving past a store, and nearby merchants can detect cookies within a radius of 90 米. This means more unnecessary traffic and misused viewings in the series of ADs. 而且, the number of unrelated devices netted using this strategy can rapidly increase to thousands in highly populated regions.


Unlike the traditional techniques of digital tracking used for the last two decades, which depended greatly on online interactions and cookies, the geographic framework relies exclusively on offline behaviour to create audiences. Consumers in a market can be examined by the geographic framework whenever they go out shopping and form audiences based on the decisions of their near-real-time. The geographic framework is 100 percent free from cookies.

最近幾年, ads based on cookies have turned out to be more undependable because of Google and iOS updates. The cookie profile of a user is not essentially a precise depiction of them as potential customers. Individuals pass cookies in their profile whenever they geo-fence or click on an ad. This causes clustering in the standard cookie pool, 從而導致展示次數的浪費.

而不是使用 cookie 追蹤某個地理區域內的設備, 每個智慧型設備的唯一設備識別符 (統一識別碼) 可以提取並匹配回其主頁. 這消除了雙重流量並為零售商提供了 1:1 主場比賽店內販售.

在市場上, 除了即時觀察消費者的行為, 您也可以倒帶時間並在設備上查看觀察結果. 大多, 這對於考慮在商業週期的每個階段瞄準市場買家的大型賣家來說更有價值. 另外, 地理框架使用這些歷史資料來填充互動式儀表板, 從而將數據的力量掌握在您的手中.


  • It grids geographical regions – The criteria of gridding clustered in line with the business operations within a specific geographical area.
  • It creates an aggregated data services area – In Geo-fencing, a group map is the application requirement needed in every fence. Essential requirements in a business are clustered in a particular region, creating an aggregated data service area.
  • The terminal can either use a network to recognize or identify the fence. Fence information of the user can be shared easily between two parties and with application developers.
  • It is a key to two-way communication.
  • Like a city’s business district, the core of Geo-fencing is the business community.
  • Vital elements in Geo-fencing include; capital flow, information flow, scene integration, and value integration.



MoEngage is an engagement platform based on customers’ insights. This geo-fencing software is built explicitly for product owners and customer-obsessed marketers. It allows hyper-personalization at scale to other technologies through various channels, like SMS, 電子郵件, lives messaging, in-app messaging, mobile push, app inbox cards, web push, Facebook audience, and connectors. With the optimization and automation driven by AI, businesses can quickly examine the behaviour of an audience, engage consumers, and segment the appropriate audience via personalized communication at all touch points in the lifecycle of a consumer.


WebEngage is an operating system that is full-stack reserved with a consumer data platform that offers integrated customer views and incorporates data from various external systems and sources. It also comprises engagement stacks across over 11 頻道, such as SMS, 電子郵件, web, WhatsApp, mobile push, and Omni-channel journey choreography. WebEngage also tracks and offers market reports, a personalization engine, and analyses products and revenues. Globally, WebEngage works with over 400 customers in financial services, e-commerce, gaming, education technology, travel, fintech, 運輸, food technology, and many others.


Radar is the top leading platform in geo-fencing. It helps build application experiences based on a location and enhances faster revenues with APIs and SDKs for geo-fencing, geocoding, trip tracking, and search.

繪圖專案 SDK

With our long-term experience, the SDKs most commonly used in geo-fencing can attain low battery usage and high accuracy. As it is time-consuming to develop an advanced functionality in an application based on the location, it is now easy to install and implement your applications using the PlotProjects SDK.

It also offers you the correct information and the appropriate numbers to evaluate foot traffic in a physical store. The PlotProjects SDK has been employed and tried in various publisher applications, time management applications, 機場, airlines, and other areas.


The AirDroid Business is a modern mobile device management software (MDM) with supreme and potent monitoring devices and remote control capabilities. It enables initiatives, and IT teams to effortlessly manage, organize, and protect Android devices across all networks in their enterprise. Its main objectives are;

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
  • Enterprise Mobility and Security Management (EMM)
  • Mobile Application Management (MAM)
  • Supporting all endpoints based on an Android Privacy control and remote access Alerting and monitoring remote devices
  • Whitelisting applications and browsers


Geo-comply is a front-runner in security and location compliance. It offers numerous protection layers for various types of location data operations. It identifies and points out any possible bad traffic from VPNs, Tor, public proxies, VPN data centres, hosting/data centres, and SmartDNS proxies. Geo-comply also instantly spots and blocks advanced techniques of location spoofing, like residential IP hijacking and VPN proxies. It also provides location spoofing at an accuracy of 99.6% when presented as a database hosted locally or a cloud-hosted solution over AWS, 應用程式介面, or Akamai.


Connecteam is an application for managing a workforce that enables managers to place the processes of their business on autopilot. It emphasizes;

  • Developing a business while freeing up workers to be more flexible, productive, and cheerful
  • Saving time and enhancing efficiency with mobile-first custom reports, lists, and tables
  • Tracking working hours and scheduling shifts using GPS clocks
  • Simplifying communication among the workers Improving proficient skills
  • Managing everyday responsibilities


Bluedot allows businesses via a mobile application to control insights in the real world and identifies the correct time to send messages to clients over their ideal channels. The mobile location technology of Bluedot allows businesses and brands to amuse their customers at scale. The positioning accuracy of Bluedot is over 20 times better than that of our competitors. As it requires no 硬體, 您可以使用 Bluedot 技術來確定客戶所在的位置以及他們經常造訪的區域,並了解有效吸引他們的最佳策略.


HERE 是 Ovum 領先的應用程式位置資料服務和地圖創建 定位平台 指數. 隨著我們的結束 20 SDK 和 API, 無論規模大小,我們都可以為所有團隊提供服務, 因為我們有一致的備份, 可靠的資訊和內建工具集. 我們的免費增值幫助包括車隊管理和路線工具, 地理編碼和搜尋, 和測繪. 使用我們的資料層, 我們可以幫助您的團隊輕鬆訪問正確的, 先進的測繪數據可了解城市的地質狀況和導航能力. 而且, 我們的工具可以幫助您優化業務意識, 加強運輸, 為客戶提供優質、更好的服務.