什麼是蜂窩網絡或行動網絡: 權威指南 2022


行動網路是蜂窩網路的別稱, 屬於行動通訊硬體架構. 它分為兩種類型: 模擬蜂窩網絡和數位蜂窩網絡. Because the signal coverage of each communication base station constituting the network coverage is hexagonal, the whole network is like a cell, so it is named as such.

1. 什麼是蜂窩網絡?


The cellular network includes three portions: mobile station, base station subsystem and network subsystem. 他們之中, the mobile station is the network terminal equipment, such as our mobile phones; digital devices, ETC。, it can be seen as a converter between wireless networks and wired networks.

The commonly used cellular mobile communication adopts the cellular wireless networking method, which connects the terminal and the network device through a wireless channel, thereby realizing the mutual communication between users. Its domain characteristic is the mobility of the terminal. Its functions are to switch across local networks and to roam automatically. 隨著各種通訊技術的發展, 一些報告預測蜂窩設備的數量將達到 350 未來萬, 特別是透過訪問的蜂窩設備 LTE 和5G. 在這樣的情況下, 迫切需要更有效率的蜂窩設備測試.

2. 蜂窩技術如何運作


蜂窩電話系統 用於在行動站和公用電話系統之間建立連接, 或另一個蜂窩系統的移動站之間的另一個連接.

行動站和蜂窩網路之間的資訊透過無線電波傳輸, 無需傳統電話中的電話線, 以便行動用戶可以自由移動, 例如, 在車上, 或步行.

3. 為什麼稱為蜂窩網絡?


蜂窩是無線通訊技術. This technology divides a geographic area into several cells, called “cellular” (ie Cell); hence, the technology gets its name, the cellular. Cell phones (or mobile phones) use this technology and are therefore often referred to as cellular phones. It can reach full advantage of the limited wireless transmission frequencies by dividing a huge geographical region into several cells. Each group of connections (或者, in the case of wireless phones, each group of sessions) requires a dedicated frequency, while there are only about 1000 available frequencies in all. To enable more conversations to take place simultaneously, cellular systems assign a certain amount of frequency to each “cell” (ie, each small area). The same frequency can be achieved and active by different cells; 所以, the wireless resources that are limited could be fully applied and utilized. 全球行動通訊系統 (The Global System for Mobile Communications) and CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access) are cellular systems that are common and ordinary to see. They are 2nd-generation communication technologies.

4. 蜂窩網路包含哪些無線技術?



In wireless communication cellular technology, the spatial modulation method can be used to make the wireless network antenna layout more scientific and reasonable. Spatial modulation itself is a form of information technology that enhances network transmission performance by correlating network data with antenna locations.


Large-scale antenna technology, in the wireless network cellular technology, forms a transmission channel that can transmit and receive through the solidified facility of the antenna. As a component type based on electronic technology, 天線本身可以實現無線訊號的傳輸功能. 通訊網路中大規模天線技術的使用可以為蜂窩系統的整體組成奠定基礎.


無線電是網路的基礎. 在無線網路技術的應用中, 透過無線電頻譜可以形成高效率的傳輸通道. 在廣播網路中, 可以辨識網路使用者的使用需求, 然後可以為使用者自主分配合適的網路頻道. 當某個頻段被佔用時, 使用者的網路使用需求將被拒絕, 其他頻段將取代.

4.1 什麼是1G技術?

1G基本上是第一代行動通訊技術 (1G). 在此之上, 它通常指的是原始模擬, standards for voice-only cellular telephones. It was developed in the 1980s. Nordic Mobile Telephony (NMT) is one such standard. It was applied in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Nordic countries. Others contain Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) which is located in the US, Total Access Communication System (TACS) which is situated in the UK, JTAGS which is operated in Japan, C-Netz which is worked in West Germany, Radio com 2000 in France, and RTMI that was first serviced in Italy. In many places, analog cellular services are slowly being eliminated.

4.2 什麼是2G技術?

2G stands for the 2nd generation of technology in the area of mobile communication. GSM is an example of it. The core of the technology is the transmission of digital voice. GSM is a standard introduced in 1992 by the European committee for standardization. It adopts digital communication technology and unified standards of network for all. By doingcommunication quality and development of new services for users would be ensured. The GSM mobile communication network has a transmission speed of 9.6 k/s. 現在, there are more than 500 million GSM mobile subscribers in the world, covering 1/12 of the population, and GSM technology occupies more than 70% of the global digital mobile phone field. GSM is the technology relative to analog mobile communication technology.

4.3 什麼是3G技術?

3G stands for the 3rd generation of technology. It was compared with the previous generations (1G and 2G) of GSM, 碼分多址, and other types of digital mobile phones.

一般來說, 3G refers to a new generation of mobile communication systems which integrate wireless communication with multi-media communication, and the Internet is a representative example. It can process all types of media forms and provide various types of information services. The form can be music, video streams, or pictures, and the services can be teleconference, web browsing, and e-commerce. To offer this type of service, the wireless network must be able to support different data transmission speeds, 即, 2 Mbps and 384 kbps in respective environments, such as inside of a room, outside of the building, and in mobile environments. 另外, the transfer speed is 144 kbps.

4.4 什麼是4G技術?

4G technology is short of the 4th generation of mobile communication in the technology area. It is a technological product that combines 3G and WLAN. It can transmit high-quality video images, and the quality of image transmission is equivalent to that of HDTV.

The fundamental purpose of 4G mobile communication technology is to send and receive signals from the other end of the terminal product, and to find the fastest and most efficient communication path between different network systems, platforms, and wireless communication interfaces in the fastest transmission, receiving and positioning action.

4.5 什麼是5G技術?

5G is a brief of the 5th-generation of technology of mobile communication. It is the newest generation. It is also an extension of previous generations of the systems, such as 4G. South Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. first successfully developed the fifth-generation mobile communication technology in 2013 and began to commercialize it last year.

4.6 什麼是6G技術?

6G is an expansion of 5G, which is the 6th generation mobile communication standard. Also called the 6th generation of technology of mobile communication. The main promotion is the growth of the IoT. 6G base stations can simultaneously access more than hundreds of wireless connections. The capacity of these stations reaches 1,000 times that of 5G base stations.

5. 蜂窩網路技術的安全


Wireless cellular networks play an important role in upgrading the coverage of wireless networks. In the broadband wireless metropolitan region network, a mesh structure can achieve coverage of a large area that is low-cost and high-efficiency. The mesh structure is great in many aspects like offering effective circuitous routing when the network can not ensure smooth communication. It is more flexible and reliable than private lines or daisy chains, and the network has the capabilities of self-configuration, self-organization, and self-healing.

無線網路長期以來一直採用集中控制模式, 這也帶來了傳輸瓶頸等潛在風險, 遺留系統, 或單點故障. 儘管如此, 無線網路正在成為另一種無線交換技術. 蜂窩網路可以透過有組織的方式將情報從交換機分發到接入點 網狀拓撲.

由於蜂窩網路依賴管理, 控制, 和資訊的發現, 他們必須保護自己的流量和使用者的流量. 帶內資訊透過加密隧道傳輸, 可以防止竊聽或類似的攻擊. 基於標準的安全技術, 例如 802.1x, 以及高級加密標準等加密技術, ensure that only authorized wireless network devices and nodes can connect and be properly encrypted.

6. 蜂窩網路技術的市場是什麼?


Counterpoint Research, a world-renowned research institution, has released the newest forecast of global cellular IoT modules: by the 2030s, global shipments of cellular 物聯網 modules will exceed 1.2 十億, with a compound yearly growth rate of twelfth percent. The develin shipments will be primarily driven by the 5th generation, 窄帶物聯網, and 4th generation Cat 1 bis technologies. Between 2022 和 2030, 5G technology will be the fastest growing technology, followed by 4G Cat 1 bis technology.

同時, according to a report released by research firm Juniper, the market size of cellular IoT will reach 31 billion US dollars in 2022, and by 2026, the market size of cellular IoT will exceed 61 billion US dollars!

7. 蜂窩技術的歷史


Since the development of cellular mobile communications, a landmark technological innovation has been completed about every ten years, and it has experienced a leap-forward development from voice services to high-speed broadband data services. In the early 1980s, the 1st generation mobile communication system, the cellular mobile phone system, was born. The 1G mobile communication system introduced the concept of a cellular network (ie cell system) for the first time, realized space division multiplexing of spectrum resources, and adopted Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) technology to improve system capacity.

在 1991, the 2nd generation mobile communication system or digital mobile communication technology came into being. The 2G mobile communication system adopts TDMA and CDMA technology (time division multiple access \ code division multiple access). The system adopts digital modulation technology. Its system capacity, confidentiality, and voice call quality were greatly improved, resulting in great commercial success.

With the development of the network, data and multimedia services are developing rapidly. 在 2001, the 3rd generation mobile communication system for the purpose of digital multimedia mobile communication entered the commercial stage. The 3G mobile communication system adopts the more advanced wideband CDMA technology and uses a larger system bandwidth for data transmission in higher frequency bands, so its data transmission rate is further improved. Its main representatives are CDMA 2000 in North America, the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) mobile communication system proposed in Europe and Japan, and the Time Division-Synchronization Code Division Multiple Access (TD-SCDMA)) technologies in China.

在 2011, 3GPP released the 4th Generation mobile communication system which is broadband data mobile Internet communication technology. The 4G mobile communication system is designed based on flat network architecture and upgraded on the basis of 3G’s Long Term Evolution (LTE). The LTE system adopts Key technologies, such as OFDMA, AMC, and MIMO, are adopted by the LTE system (The abbreviations stand for orthogonal frequency-division multiple access, adaptive modulation and coding, and multiple-input multiple-output). The spectral efficiency is improved, and the peak uplink/downlink rate reaches 50Mbps/100Mbps.

Unlike previous generations of technologies that only provide broadband mobile communication between people, 5G, as a mobile communication system for the needs of the human information society after 2020, will penetrate into the Internet of Things and other fields, and will be closely related to industrial facilities, medical equipment, 運輸. It brings in-depth, fully implements the Internet of everything into equal participation. It meets the information service needs of vertical industries in effective ways. Transportation, 產業, and health care are examples of meeting the demand. In addition to supporting traditional human-to-human communication, it will also support large-scale machine-type communication, becoming an important driving force for promoting national economic and social development and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. Worldwide, a number of organizations and institutions have emerged to carry out active research work on 5G.