星期五, July 5, 2024
What is a Mesh Network? The Definitive Guide 2022

什麼是網狀網絡? 權威指南 2022

網狀網路是一組相互連接的設備, 例如, 一個物聯網網關,充當您房間中的單一網絡, mesh network is multiple sources...
What is Artificial Intelligence(AI): The Definitive Guide 2022

什麼是人工智慧(人工智慧): 權威指南 2022

人工智慧的縮寫是AI. 它是研究和開發方法的新型技術科學, 科技, 理論, and application systems for mimicking, extending, and expanding human intelligence. 1. 什麼...
Cellular networks technology featured pictured

什麼是蜂窩網絡或行動網絡: 權威指南 2022

行動網路是蜂窩網路的別稱, 屬於行動通訊硬體架構. 它分為兩種類型: an analog cellular network and a...
What is NFC and How It Works: A Complete Guide?

什麼是 NFC 及其工作原理: 完整指南 2022?

The full name of NFC refers to Near Field Communication technology. Based on the contactless Radio Frequency Identification technology(射頻識別), Near Field Communication technology offers a quite secure and quick way of...

