What is WiFi? Denifition, Applications, Solutions, and FAQs

什麼是無線網路? 定義, 應用領域, 解決方案, 和常見問題解答

This article gives you a comprehensive overview of WIFI technology and its applications, solutions, and FAQs in the Internet of Things. In the era of the Internet of Things, when machines need...
GPRS Technology: Authoritative Guide of General Packet Radio Service

什麼是GPRS? 通用分組無線業務權威指南

如今行動通訊網路無所不在, 它為我們提供了無限的便利, 而行動通訊網路的主要陣地之一就是GPRS, 這個GPRS到底是​​什麼?...
What is 5G in IoT in 2022?

物聯網中的 5G 是什麼 2022?

This article brings you a comprehensive understanding of 5G in the field of IoT applications. 隨著時代的不斷更新和科技的不斷進步, the communication...
What is LTE (Long-Term Evolution)? The Definitive Guide

什麼是LTE (長期進化)? 權威指南

長期進化(LTE) 是一種行動通訊技術,旨在滿足專注於機器對機器的應用程式的要求 (機對機) 或物聯網 (物聯網) 連接性. 1. What is a LTE meaning? LTE was intended...
An authoritative guide on Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

什麼是全球定位系統 (全球定位系統): 權威指南

全天候、針對空間的特點, 全球定位系統(全球定位系統) refers to a kind of navigation system which is able to satisfy the requirements of the demands of continuous...
(Narrow Band IoT)NB-IoT Applications, Solutions and Use Cases

(窄頻物聯網)窄頻物聯網應用, 解決方案和用例

節省實施成本,方便升級, 基於蜂窩網路的NB-IoT應用, 可以直接在GSM上實現, 通用行動通訊系統, 或 LTE 網絡,僅使用約 180KHz 頻寬. 網際網路...
What is GNSS: An Authoritative Guide 2022

什麼是全球導航衛星系統: 權威指南 2022

什麼是全球導航衛星系統? 全球導航衛星系統, 又稱全球導航衛星系統, 代表所有衛星導航系統, 覆蓋全球, 區域和增強衛星導航系統. 例子包括美國的 GPS, GLONASS in...
what is Z-WAVE technology

什麼是 Z-Wave 技術: 終極指南 2022

Z-wave refers to a radio system used by many smart home devices. Smart home is essential technology of the 21st century that can help you always to connect one end of...
beidou systems feature picture

北斗衛星導航系統: 權威指南 2022

北斗衛星導航系統 (北斗系統簡稱) is a global satellite navigation system that is set up and operated independently by China to satisfy the requirements of national security and the growth...
LoRaWAN applications featured pictured

LoRa/LoRaWAN應用與趨勢 2022

本文將告訴您什麼是LoRa技術和LoRaWAN應用. LoRa is a type of low-power wireless LAN standard. 速度越低, 傳輸距離越長. Low...

