藍牙資產追蹤: 物聯網技術改善資產管理.


藍牙 資產追蹤 可與智慧型手機保持近乎持續的連接, 給手機的電池壽命帶來壓力 (由於整個資料交換的功耗較低). 因為追蹤小工具不斷與您的手機通信, 如果您遠離智慧型裝置及其相關物品, 電話會通知您 (使用追蹤器供應商提供的相應軟體). 發出警報很簡單.

1. 什麼是藍牙資產追蹤?


管理資產最直接的方面是透過 藍牙. Silicon Labs EFR32BG22 SoC 支援藍牙 5.1 標準和 AoA 或 AoD 技術, making this class of SOCs excellent for Bluetooth asset tagging. Bluetooth radios are now energy efficient enough to operate small batteries for 5-10 年, and specialized asset tags can be manufactured for a reasonable price.

Another appealing feature of Bluetooth low power is that it can be embedded in many assets, including medical gadgets and power tools that link to and transfer data to smartphones. These features of gadgets tracking can be activated at no extra hardware expense.

2. 什麼是藍牙低功耗資產跟踪?


Bluetooth technology as a wireless positioning technology

The fast expansion of RTLS solution shipments is made possible by Bluetooth technology, which tracks people and assets to find tools and people in a warehouse or patients and medical equipment in a hospital. Visitors may navigate complicated facilities more easily with the aid of Bluetooth IPS, which is fast taking over as the industry standard for interior navigation systems. Indoor navigation is used in 79% of Bluetooth location service deployments.

Using tags in location-based services solutions is crucial for enabling fleet, personnel, and material tracking in business and industry. According to the most recent information on the Bluetooth market for 2021, approximately 40% of Bluetooth tags were used to assist the manufacturing and logistics sectors. Bluetooth tracking tags made up the great majority of yearly location service device sales in 2021.

3. 什麼是經典藍牙技術


Classic Bluetooth is the authentic Bluetooth technology.

BR technology was used when Bluetooth first emerged. The maximum potential Bluetooth transfer speed available at the time was 721.2Kbps. 然而, 因為科技進步如此之快, BR技術已經過時. 系, EDR, 一點迴縫.

藍牙增強資料速率一詞稱為藍牙 EDR. 它聲稱它顯著提高了藍牙的數據傳輸速率, 將其增加至 2.1Mbps, 比藍牙快三倍 1.2. 所以, 除了更一致的音訊傳輸和減少電池消耗之外,它還可以充分利用同時連接多個藍牙裝置的頻寬優勢.

原廠藍牙支援哪些協議? SPP資料傳輸協定, A2DP音訊傳輸協議, HFP 電話協議, PBAP電話簿協議, AVRCP音訊遠端控制協議, HID 鍵盤和滑鼠協議是目前市場上使用最廣泛的協議.

4. 什麼是藍牙低功耗技術


藍牙低功耗 (低功耗藍牙): 低功耗藍牙技術

前述代表的是傳統藍牙技術的發展, 哪個更快. 然而, 能源是一種有限資源; 因此, 使用更多能量將使您能夠快速溝通. 然而, 還有其他應用案例,傳輸速率不如功耗那麼重要. 低功耗藍牙, 或低功耗藍牙, 在這種情況下很有幫助.

BLE技術與傳統藍牙技術的差異顯著; 它們是兩種不同的技術,只是碰巧共享“藍牙”前綴.

藍牙低功耗規格涵蓋哪些協議? 藍牙 5.2 是 BLE 標準的最新版本. 主要由資料傳輸協定組成, 說 網狀網路 協定, 信標廣播協議, LE音訊協定, 和其他東西.

5. 藍牙資產追蹤的工作原理


終端, IE。, mobile phones and other terminals with low-power Bluetooth, 藍牙信標節點, Bluetooth gateways, 無線區域網路, and back-end data servers, make up the network side positioning system. Following is the particular placement procedure:

我: 首先放置一個信標和一個藍牙網關. 

ii: The terminal can detect the beacon broadcast signal after it has entered the region covered by the beacon signal. The RSSI value beneath a beacon is then calculated and sent to the back-end data server through a Bluetooth gateway or a 無線網路. The server’s internal positioning algorithm helps with this procedure by estimating the terminal’s precise location.

The terminal location system consists of beacons and terminal devices, such as mobile phones with SDK software packages. 以下是具體的擺放原則:

  • 第一的, place the Bluetooth beacon in the vicinity. 
  • The beacon transmits signals and data packets continually to its surroundings.

iii: When the terminal device enters the range of the beacon signal coverage, its RSSI value is detected in several base stations. The precise location is then determined using the positioning algorithm included in the mobile phone.

The positioning of users on the terminal side is typically used for indoor positioning and navigation, precise location marketing, and other user terminals. The positioning of user terminals on the network side is typically used for personnel tracking, 資產定位, 及客流分析. The ease of Bluetooth locating is a benefit because positioning accuracy is directly correlated with the Bluetooth beacon’s laying density and transmitting power. And incredibly power-efficient, achieving the goal of power-saving via deep sleep, no connectivity, and a simple protocol.

6. 為什麼使用藍牙技術進行資產跟踪


Machines do most of the laborious tasks in 倉庫, but for them to function securely, they need service and ongoing maintenance. The warehouse is kept in top condition by using the same networks that monitor orders coming in and going out to track specific data on each unit. On machinery, Bluetooth tags also function. The machine’s user may set the alarm to update the maintenance time. To build particular alerts, reminders, and functionalities, any connected device may be integrated into the network and added to a data dashboard.

今天, some areas with the most significant concentrations of people are also the areas with the greatest movement of products. 例如, airports and retail centers handle not only a lot of freight but also a lot of people. A simple tracking system may be implemented to avoid inefficiencies and delays.

Many online retailers should order the proper quantity of merchandise to fulfill consumer orders; 然而, logistical issues may prevent that from happening. Even though e-commerce websites don’t directly interact with the public, they still need to keep the items in warehouses and ship them to clients. Asset tracking systems enable shop owners to precisely monitor the amount of inventory they have, preventing the sale of things they do not have in stock, even if shipping cannot be completely error-free. Companies may decide whether to attempt to stock up on certain commodities to fulfill future demand when inventories are low by rapidly determining how many assets they have.