Logistik pinter nujul kana pamakéan alus informasi jeung téknologi calakan, facilitating individu jeung populasi dina sistem logistik boga kamampuh persepsi, kalakuan, analisis, jeung nyieun kaputusan, jeung paling importantly, ngarengsekeun masalah tangtu logistik ku sorangan ngaliwatan learning. Sangkan éféktif ngahontal sinergi jeung sistem ékonomi jeung sosial lianna, sarta pamustunganana ngalayanan perbaikan sustainable sarta optimasi sistem logistik sakabéh sistem ékonomi jeung sosial
1. Naon anu Smart Logistics
Logistik pinter ngandung dua harti. kahiji, Sistem logistik tiasa ngawujudkeun inpormasi sareng intelijen ngalangkungan téknologi canggih. Bréh, sakali data mega sareng téknologi calakan dipasang dina logistik, aranjeunna bakal transformasi industri logistik tradisional kana formulir brand-anyar, kalawan parobahan téhnologi, bentuk usaha, sareng mode dina waktos anu sami.
Kecerdasan persepsi jeung disiplin
Logistik pinter tiasa nganggo rupa-rupa téknologi canggih pikeun kéngingkeun seueur inpormasi dina prosés produksi logistik dina sadaya tingkatan. Pangumpulan data sacara real-time parantos direalisasikeun, ngamungkinkeun sakabeh pihak pikeun akurat nangkep informasi dina produk, kandaraan, gudang jeung sajabana. Sumawona, ku cara ngarsipkeun data nu geus dikumpulkeun, eta bisa ngawangun database kuat. Sanggeus klasifikasi, sagala jinis data diatur nurutkeun sarat pikeun ngawujudkeun dinamis, buka, jeung pamakéan gabungan. Sareng ngalangkungan standarisasi data sareng prosés, ngamajukeun integrasi sistem sakuliah jaringan, ngawujudkeun persépsi jeung kawijaksanaan teratur.
Kacerdasan diajar sareng nalar
Ngaliwatan analisis model saméméhna, logistik pinter bisa dilatih pikeun kaluar kalawan leuwih "pinter" solusi pikeun masalah. Marengan nambahan pangaweruh dina sistem, eta bisa nyingkahan masalah anu geus lumangsung sarta nyieun kaputusan optimasi leuwih, sahingga nyieun sorangan sampurna terus, pikeun ngawujudkeun pembelajaran anu cerdas sareng nalar.
Kecerdasan pembuatan kaputusan sareng dukungan sistem
Ku ngagunakeun data mega, komputasi awan, jeung téhnologi kecerdasan jieunan, evaluate unggal link dina sistem logistik, pikeun ngahijikeun sareng ngaoptimalkeun sumberdaya, sahingga unggal link bisa nyambung jeung tukeur informasi, babagi data, jeung ngaoptimalkeun alokasi sumberdaya. Pikeun nyadiakeun pangrojong sistem pangkuatna pikeun logistik unggal link, unggal hambalan ngajadikeun kolaborasi, koordinasi. Nurutkeun kana kabutuhan béda unggal bagian tina sistem, eta adaptively nyaluyukeun sistem, ngurangan biaya tanaga gawé, sumberdaya bahan, sarta ngaronjatkeun kualitas layanan.
2. Prinsip Kerja Smart Logistics
aspék téknis
Dumasar kana internét, logistik pinter loba ngagunakeun Internet mahluk, data mega sareng komputasi awan, jeung téhnologi informasi generasi anyar lianna. Ngaliwatan integrasi jero antara Internét sareng industri logistik, unggal link logistik teu ngan bisa ngawujudkeun persepsi sistem tapi ogé ngawujudkeun kecerdasan industri logistik, sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi operasi logistik sareng tingkat jasa tina bisnis anu muncul
Aspék operasional
Logistik pinter nujul kana robot, téhnologi kecerdasan jieunan nu ngajadikeun gudang, asihan, angkutan, distribusi, sarta layanan palanggan sakabeh ranté suplai bisa dilaksanakeun tanpa humanization, promosi industri logistik pikeun kahiji kalina leres-leres bébas tina konstrain manusa.
Aspék ngajalankeun
Logistik calakan hartosna yén mega data sareng intelijen buatan bakal ngadorong tautan lengkep intelijen angkutan gudang sareng distribusi, salaku ngawujudkeun perenah jaringan calakan, manajemén gudang, perencanaan routing angkutan, tata distribusi terminal, jsb. Sangkan jaringan logistik anu ageung tiasa beroperasi sacara teratur sareng éfisién.
Aspék kolaborasi jaringan
Logistik pinter nangtung pikeun pamakean Internét anu hadé, data mega sareng intelijen buatan bakal ngarobih cara kolaborasi logistik ayeuna ku kituna kolaborasi sosial sadayana janten langkung mungkin.. Optimasi global tiasa dihontal tina sadayana ranté pasokan, nu bakal mawa lompatan kualitatif kana alokasi sumberdaya jeung efisiensi sirkulasi komoditi.
Aspék manajemén
Data mega sareng blockchain sacara komprehensif didorong pikeun gaduh kontrol komprehensif kana tautan operasi sareng ngalaksanakeun panyisir inpormasi pasar. Koordinasi tingkat luhur antara pembuatan kaputusan makro sareng manajemén mikro mastikeun realisasi tujuan strategis..
3. Genep tujuan logistik
variasi minimum, respon gancang, angkutan terpadu, inventory minimum, pamastian kualitas, and life cycle support are six main objectives of logistics management.
variasi minimum
The purpose of minimum variation is to try hard to control any unexpected events that could disturb the performance of the sistem logistik, salaku conto, delays in receiving orders from customers, delivery of goods to the wrong address, unexpected damage in the shipping process, jsb. The traditional solution to these unexpected problems is to use high-cost transportation or have enough reserve stocks. Ayeuna, with the support of computer technology, the use of management information technology makes it possible to have an in-time and active response to these problems.
Respon gancang
Rapid response requires the ability of the company to meet customers’ service requirements in time. Kamampuhan pikeun ngaréspon gancang peryogi perusahaan pikeun mindahkeun fokus inventaris sareng produk pikeun ngaréspon gancang kana syarat pengiriman pelanggan. Ngembangkeun logistik calakan sareng téknologi inpormasi parantos ngamungkinkeun perusahaan pikeun ngarengsekeun prosés logistik dina waktos anu paling pondok sareng ngirimkeun inventaris sareng barang ka konsumén pas aranjeunna tiasa..
Integrasi transportasi
Sakumaha urang tiasa terang, transportasi mangrupikeun salah sahiji biaya anu paling ageung pikeun perusahaan logistik. Leuwih saluyu, Upami aya skala produk anu langkung ageung dina transportasi sareng barang dikirim ka jarak anu langkung jauh, biaya angkutan bakal boga ongkos handap dibandingkeun barang skala relatif leutik sarta pengiriman barang jarak pondok. Ieu ngabutuhkeun perusahaan gaduh rencana sareng kamampuan struktur sareng ngahijikeun kiriman sareng skala sareng volume anu langkung ageung.
Inventory minimum
Inventory minimum sareng paningkatan inventaris tiasa ngirangan tekanan kauangan perusahaan logistik. The elehan tinggi of inventory ngamungkinkeun duit spent dina inventory dileupaskeun gancang-gancang, jeung tujuan inventory minimum kudu complemented ku tujuan nyadiakeun layanan kualitas ka konsumén.
Kualitas produk sareng daur hirup
Kusabab operasi logistik kedah diolah dina sajumlah ageung daérah sareng iraha waé acak, lolobana ogé dilaksanakeun di luar pangawasan pangawas. Ku kituna, the quality of products should be paid more attention to and strengthened since the cost of redoing the order is quite large if any damages occur due to the incorrect operations in the shipping process. Ku kituna, logistics is a major component of developing and sustaining continuous improvement.
4. Tantangan logistik calakan
Biaya logistik tinggi
The logistics industry is in a phase of rapid development and change. The operation cost climbs unceasingly and the logistics cost is on the high side. The main link of logistics still works with the traditional manual mode, the structure of the logistics industry is not complete, and the cost of logistics resources management is high. Autonomous distribution equipment has not been put into large-scale application, the main reason is that intelligent distribution equipment needs regular maintenance and repair, sarta hese ngajaga kasaimbangan antara biaya produksi jeung kauntungan.
efisiensi logistik low
Dina fase automation, Cara pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi logistik nyaéta ningkatkeun investasi dina armada, tanaga gawé, jeung neundeun. Kusabab pangaruh wates, pangaruh pamutahiran efisiensi teu idéal. Ayeuna, darajat jaringan logistik, intensifikasi, jeung babagi sumberdaya masih low.
Tingkat digitalisasi henteu rata
Aya sajumlah ageung perusahaan logistik di Cina, jeung tingkat hardware patali, software, sareng infrastruktur perusahaan logistik sanés henteu rata, nu ngabalukarkeun efisiensi low babagi informasi jeung kasusah dina masihan muter kana kaunggulan data badag, kacerdasan buatan, sareng téknologi canggih anu sanés, sareng henteu mampuh ngadamel sistem logistik digital sareng pinter. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, nampi perusahaan pikeun aplikasi téknologi canggih kedah ningkat.
Peryogi urgent pikeun ningkatkeun palayanan calakan terminal
Ladenan calakan terminal teu acan dinormalisasi, sareng kamampuan koordinasina kirang. "The kilométer panungtungan" ogé pisan gumantung manusa, nu consignee atanapi consignor tingkat layanan calakan goréng.
5. Mangpaat Smart logistik
Pangurangan biaya transportasi sareng paningkatan kauntungan perusahaan
Logistik pinter ngagaduhan dampak anu ageung pikeun ngirangan biaya, sareng sacara efektif ningkatkeun kauntungan perusahaan. Pabrikan, grosir, sareng pangecér kedah gawé bareng sareng ngabagi inpormasi ngalangkungan logistik pinter supados perusahaan logistik tiasa ngahémat langkung seueur biaya. Pikeun sacara efektif ngawujudkeun manajemén jadwal logistik pinter pikeun nguatkeun rasionalisasi manajemén logistik, jeung paling importantly, ngurangan biaya teu perlu salila prosés, téknologi konci sapertos idéntifikasi obyék sareng tracking, positioning, and other new information technology should be applied widely. By reducing the cost, the profits of the companies will be increased accordingly.
Pangrojong téknis sareng akselerator pikeun industri logistik
The construction of smart logistics will speed up the development of the local logistics industry since it can integrate each link into one. The benefits include breaking the restrictions between cross-industry, realizing efficient operation, coordinating cross-departmental interests, and optimizing the allocation of logistics resources. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, these enterprises can also share infrastructure and information, reducing operating costs and expenses. Sumawona, the integration of logistics enterprises, will give full play to the overall advantages and scale advantages, and realize the modernization and specialization of traditional logistics enterprises.
Barang anu saé pikeun konsumén pikeun ngahémat biaya sareng nikmati balanja anu saé
logistik calakan, ku cara nyayogikeun rupa-rupa jasa sapertos naroskeun diri sareng nyukcruk di sumber barang, utamana pikeun sumber kadaharan, bisa nyieun konsumen betah meuli jeung dahar. Éta tiasa ningkatkeun kapercayaan pameseran konsumen sareng ngamajukeun konsumsi, sarta pamustunganana boga dampak positif kana pasar sakabéh.
Hiji cara éféktif pikeun ngaronjatkeun efisiensi pamaréntah
Logistik pinter tiasa ngawaskeun produksi, angkutan, jeung prosés jualan, nu greatly ngahemat tekanan gawé dina departemén pamaréntah relevan sarta ngajadikeun pangawasan nu leuwih teleb tur transparan. Ngaliwatan aplikasi komputer jeung jaringan, efisiensi gawé departemén pamaréntah bakal greatly ningkat, nu kondusif pikeun reformasi sistem pulitik urang jeung ngurangan pengeluaran pamaréntah.
Akselerator pikeun pangwangunan ékonomi lokal
Logistik pinter ngahijikeun rupa-rupa operasi sistem, saluyu jeung karakteristik operasi ékonomi modern, nu nekenkeun gancang, sareng operasi lancar inpormasi sareng produksi. Ieu mangrupikeun cara anu saé pikeun ngirangan biaya sosial sareng ngahijikeun sumber daya sosial.
6. Ciri tina logistik Smart
Hiji platform informasi diropéa
Éta mangrupikeun platform logistik anu ngahijikeun transaksi online, pamayaran, pangawasan, release informasi, tampilan produk, promosi, jeung aplikasi terminal pamasaran salaku hiji fungsi komposit.
Proposisi nilai pasar anyar
Éta ngahijikeun alur kerja logistik khusus sareng netepkeun platform logistik jasa terpadu hiji-eureun kalayan partisipasi organisasi jasa pihak katilu sareng éntitas sanés..
Ngadegkeun sareng ngenalkeun sistem kiridit
Chengdu Logistics Public Information Platform parantos ngadegkeun sistem kiridit logistik anu lengkep sareng ngenalkeun organisasi jaminan pihak katilu pikeun ngabéréskeun kamampuan platform nanggung sareng nolak résiko..
Téknologi kontrol anu kuat sareng jaminan kaamanan
Dina watesan positioning teknis, it adopts cloud computing, Internét tina hal, three-network integration, and other new-generation technologies to create a logistics platform intelligent logistics system.
The logistics public information platform will bring unprecedented service experience to the logistics industry, and the information released will be authoritative in the industry.
7. Naon Logistik Smart dina Téknologi IoT
Stowage technology is a key technology that integrates and optimizes the constraints of time, ongkos, resource, efisiensi, and environment to achieve low cost and high efficiency of modern logistics management under the premise of accomplishing one or more operation objectives. It is also the key to effectively combining logistics operation plan and actual operation.
Modern logistics has been widely regarded as the third important source for enterprises to reduce costs, ngaronjatkeun integrasi jeung utilization sumberdaya tanaga gawé, sarta ngaronjatkeun kauntungan sarta daya saing.
Distribusi mangrupikeun tautan penting dina sistem logistik. Ieu nujul kana kagiatan logistik ngadistribusikaeun sarta ngadistribusikaeun barang di puseur logistik nurutkeun sarat urutan customer sarta ngirim barang ka consignee dina waktu..
Dina bisnis distribusi, téhnologi stowage, téhnologi optimasi jalur stowage, sareng téknologi penjadwalan kendaraan distribusi mangrupikeun faktor penting pikeun ningkatkeun kualitas palayanan, ngurangan biaya logistik, jeung ningkatkeun kauntungan ékonomi.
Téknologi optimasi tina stowage
Optimasi tina stowage, assembly kargo, sareng jalur pangiriman mangrupikeun konci pikeun optimasi sistem distribusi.
Umumna, Distribusi Vehicle Scheduling Masalah digolongkeun kana VRP (masalah routing kendaraan), VSP (masalah routing kendaraan), masalah routing kendaraan (masalah routing kendaraan), masalah routing kendaraan (masalah routing kendaraan), and vehicular routing problem (masalah routing kendaraan). The vehicle scheduling problem) and MTSP (Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem, i.e., multiple traveling salesman problem). Solving the related problems will apply Operations research, Applied mathematics, and Combinatorics to support and realize distribution routes from different execution perspectives.
Téknologi loading sareng unloading
According to the traditional definition, loading and unloading technology refers to the activities carried out within the same geographical place, with the main content and purpose of changing the storage state and spatial location of the object, specifically including loading, ngabongkar momotanana, mindahkeun, picking, asihan, stacking, gudang, gudang, and other activities.
Loading and unloading technology directly affects the cost, efisiensi (time control), and quality management of logistics management.
Prinsip rasionalisasi téknologi bongkar muat
- The principle of energy saving: if you can go down, do not go up; if you can go straight, ulah ngahurungkeun; upami anjeun tiasa nganggo mesin, teu make tanaga; lamun bisa level, ulah nanjak; lamun bisa neruskeun, tong eureun; lamun bisa ngumpul, ulah bubarkeun.
- Ngaleungitkeun angkat anu teu sah;
- Ningkatkeun kalenturan transportasi;
- pamakéan rasional mesin;
- Prinsip continuity;
- Jaga logistik saimbang sareng lancar;
- Prinsip Unit Aggregation;
- Prinsip personifikasi;
- Ningkatkeun pangaruh sakabéh salaku tujuan.
Palaksanaan loading na unloading téhnologi sagemblengna pribadi karya, jeung teu bisa nyalin pola batur. Éta peryogi perencanaan sareng desain anu komprehensif.
Téknologi bungkusan
Téknologi bungkusan kalebet téknologi bungkusan, bahan bungkusan, rarancang bungkusan, nguji bungkusan, nguji bungkusan, jsb. Aplikasi téknologi bungkusan dina logistik raket patalina sareng téknologi bungkusan, bahan bungkusan, jeung desain bungkusan.
Ngagunakeun téhnologi bungkusan: Nujul kana karton, wadahna, sareng barang bantu séjén anu dianggo ku sarat téknis anu tangtu salami transportasi pikeun ngajagi produk transportasi, ngahindarkeun karuksakan kana barang, sarta mempermudah transportasi lancar. Éta mangrupikeun titik ahir logistik produksi sareng ogé titik awal logistik sosial.
téhnologi MilkRun
Pickup siklus MILKRUN dilaksanakeun ku hiji (atawa sababaraha) kontraktor transportasi ka suppliers A, B, jeung C dina urutan nurutkeun jalur pickup dirancang sateuacanna, lajeng langsung ka pabrik atawa bagian redistribution puseur.
MILKRUN cycle pickup mangrupikeun sistem logistik anu dioptimalkeun pisan, nu mangrupakeun pickup tarikan loop katutup.
Hal ieu dicirikeun ku multi-frékuénsi, bets leutik, jeung timely narik modeu pickup, nu ngarobah mode pangiriman-push supplier aslina kana transporter logistik dipercayakeun ku pabrik pikeun nyokot - mode tarikan.
Téhnik kontrol prosés
Logistik modéren parantos condong kana tren integrasi aliran bisnis sareng aliran inpormasi. Aplikasi éksténsif téknologi inpormasi mangrupikeun fitur pangbadagna logistik modéren.
Ku ngagunakeun Internét, téhnologi barcode, EDI, téhnologi frékuénsi radio, MIS, GPS, GIS, jeung rupa-rupa rojongan téhnologi informasi, sadar transportasi, neundeun, loading na unloading, bungkusan, jeung saterusna unggal link.
Dina prosés manajemén logistik luhur, kontrol prosés geus jadi tumbu perlu rojongan manajemén logistik transparan.
Duanana logistik perusahaan sareng logistik pihak katilu peryogi dukungan dumasar kana téknologi manajemén prosés. Salaku agénsi konsultan manajemén logistik modern, perlu ngagabungkeun kaperluan ngembangkeun perusahaan ayeuna jeung nu bakal datang, and reasonably plan and design logistics operation process management implementation schemes. Integrate Internet public information platform, procurement platform, téhnologi barcode, EDI, téhnologi frékuénsi radio, MIS, GPS, GIS, jeung téknologi lianna.
Barcode sareng téknologi idéntifikasi otomatis
A bar code is a group of bar or blank symbols arranged according to certain coding rules. Bar code is used to represent certain characters, numbers, and symbols. A bar code system is an automatic recognition system composed of bar code symbol design, making, and scanning reading.
Common bar code classification: EAN code, UPC code, 39 code, Codabar code, Code128 code, two-dimensional bar code.
Téknologi logistik otomatis
Automation of logistics operations is an important way to improve logistics efficiency and an important trend in the development of the logistics industry.
International experience shows that the realization of logistics automation is not only the application of various logistics machinery and equipment but also the application of information technology. The automation level of logistics operation in our country is quite low. In many aspects of logistics operation such as handling, point goods, bungkusan, asihan, order, and data processing, the manual operation mode still occupies a dominant position.
It should be explained that many logistics enterprises and industrial and commercial enterprises in our country have some automation logistics equipment, such as automatic sorting systems, automatic stackers, automatic roadway cranes, teras salajengna, but the automation equipment has not fully played its due efficiency.
A logistics automation system is not an isolated management system. Salaku sistem manajemen dieksekusi dina situs, eta perlu ngahijikeun jeung sistem manajemen gudang (WMS), Sistim manajemén transportasi (TMS), sistem palaksanaan produksi (MES), Sistim SCM, ERP, platform informasi umum, jeung sistem lianna, tur nyambungkeun aranjeunna ngaliwatan prosés manajemén ilmiah. Pikeun ngawujudkeun efisiensi sareng koordinasi manajemén logistik sadayana.
Sistem POS sareng téknologi EDI Logistik
POS (Point Of Sale) sistem nyaéta Point Of Sale sistem informasi, nu hartina data dinamis tina jualan kudu timely dikirimkeun ka produksi, meuli, jeung Tumbu suplai. POS otomatis maca data ngaliwatan kasir pikeun ngawujudkeun babagi data real-time tina sakabeh ranté suplai. Efisiensi operasi di cash register bisa greatly ningkat, jeung kapuasan konsumén ogé bakal ningkat.
téhnologi GIS jeung téhnologi GPS
GPS also named the global positioning system (Global Positioning System) includes three parts: space segments – GPS satellite constellation; User equipment part – GPS signal receiver; Ground control part – ground monitoring system.
Practical technology and system in modern logistics is still the theme of the development of logistics technology. With the stimulation of the international financial crisis for the service object of the modern logistics industry, enterprises have to pay attention to advanced technology as the core of enterprise strategic development, and advanced technology in exchange for the core competitiveness of enterprises.
With the surge of social material flow and the improvement of logistics service quality requirements, the society of logistics technology will put forward higher requirements for logistics equipment and means more advanced and applicable, efficient logistics operations, high quality, and safety.
The rapid development of science and technology in the world and its full application in the field of logistics provide the guarantee and basic conditions for the development of logistics technology.
Ku kituna, the future will be a period of rapid development and the rapid progress of logistics technology. The development of modern logistics must take modern logistics technology at the core.
8. Logistik pinter Conto
Intelligent logistics stands for the application of new technologies in the logistics industry. Diantara aranjeunna, the internet of things and kacerdasan buatan are important parts of intelligent technology. Aranjeunna mempermudah realisasi persepsi sistematis sareng analisa komprehensif dina sababaraha bagian logistik. Kalayan dukungan téknologi inpormasi, waragad transportasi bisa ngurangan di sagala rupa industri, nu ngaronjatkeun efisiensi transportasi, Dina industri logistik, aplikasi utama Internet of Things nyaéta monitoring transportasi, cabinets express pinter, jeung manajemén gudang.
Sistem informasi manajemén gudang anu dumasar kana LoRa, jeung NB-IoT umumna dipaké pikeun ngalengkepan panarimaan barang, inventory jeung alokasi, nyokot, cadangan, manajemén laporan, jeung karya sejenna
Ngawaskeun lalulintas
Ngawaskeun kargo sacara real-time dina prosés operasi angkutan barang sareng status angkutan kargo, kaasup spasi kargo, status, konsumsi bahan bakar kandaraan, volume suluh, speed na ngerem kali, jsb.
kotak pangiriman calakan
komputasi awan, Internét tina hal, and other technologies are combined to realize express access and data processing in the background center. Ngaliwatan RFID or camera real-time acquisition, monitor the sending and receiving of goods and other data.
Logistik bisnis listrik
For e-commerce logistics, it is an application scenario located in the middle of factory logistics and express logistics.
Disisi lain, it is different from factory logistics. The number of individual SKUs of goods that need to be stored is much smaller than that of the factory, but the variety of products is very large. Salaku conto, a lady’s lipstick, each color number is a kind of commodity, teras salajengna.
Di sisi anu sanésna, e-commerce self-built logistics also needs to solve the packaging, asihan, distribusi, and other problems of picking and completing orders, so the cargo sorting system is also indispensable for e-commerce logistics.
Dina taun-taun ayeuna, the box-to-person picking system and KIVA-to-person picking system have been applied more and more in the field of e-commerce. These two systems solve both storage and picking problems. Compared with other logistics systems, it is a more suitable solution for current e-commerce logistics application scenarios.
The models of the picker system include Mini load, Shuttle, feeder line, manual picker station, feeder hoist, layer changer hoist, KIVA, jsb.
Logistik Smart Express
Express logistics does not need to consider too many storage problems, just as soon as possible to pick up the incoming package after loading out of the port, so the cargo sorting system is widely used in express logistics.
Models of the cargo sorting system include telescopic belt machine, matrix, single piece separator, ring cross belt sorting machine, linear cross belt sorting machine, kabayang kasaimbangan, leungeun ayun, sabuk modul, asihan slaider, serelek sabuk asihan, jsb.
9. Pausahaan Logistik Smart anu kasohor
Diadegkeun dina 1937, Daifuku (saterusna disebut "Daifuku") mangrupa salah sahiji pabrik terpadu pangbadagna di dunya sistem logistik. Daifuku parantos komitmen kana téknologi penanganan bahan sareng pamekaran alat, jeung panalungtikan. Gudang, penanganan, asihan, sarta manajemén rupa-rupa téknologi terpadu kana sistem penanganan bahan kualitas luhur, nyadiakeun ka konsumén dunya ti sagala lapisan kahirupan.
Diadegkeun dina 1937, Winfield mangrupikeun bisnis kulawarga Jerman anu mandiri. Cai mibanda leuwih ti 50 cabang di sakuliah dunya sarta geus operasi di Asia pikeun leuwih ti 30 taun, kalawan 18 lokasi di 15 nagara, kaasup Wétan Tengah, Cina, kawasan ASEAN, jeung Australia. Komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun alat panyimpen industri kualitas luhur sareng sistem panyimpen otomatis, eta katelah "ahli dina ngarengsekeun masalah gudang".
KNAPP, founded in 1952 and headquartered in Graz, Austria, is a leading international provider of warehouse and smart logistics solutions and systems. It has 53 branches worldwide and each branch can provide the best quality and comprehensive service for local customers.
Dematic is the world’s leading logistics integrator. DeMatech can provide reliable, fléksibel, and cost-effective solutions on a global scale. There are more than 5,000 documented cases of successful development and implementation of world-class integrated systems, all based on customers, including some of the world’s leading companies. With more than 75 years of business development, DeMATech has implemented retail order fulfillment systems for more than 40% of the world’s retail companies.
Jungheinrich is one of the world’s leading suppliers of industrial vehicles, storage technology, and logistics technology. Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany since 1953, we are committed to providing forklift handling logistics equipment for the industrial field. As a supplier of high-quality logistics, neundeun, and transport equipment, Hengli has been repeatedly selected as the best partner of the judges in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, 2010 Shanghai World Expo, and Guangzhou Asian Games.
Linde Material Handling is an integrated supplier of equipment and internal smart logistics solutions, with sales and service offices in more than 100 countries and major regions.
Grup Logistik TGW
TGW Logistics Group is one of the world’s leading suppliers of high-dynamic smart logistics solutions, with local contractors and system integrators in Europe, North America, South America, jeung Asia. TGW is also an independent supplier of mechanical and electrical systems. A worldwide network of system integrators and general contractors have been established. The complex logistics center was created with partners within the network and the entire material handling and storage concept was designed.
Internot Group is the world’s leading provider of material handling solutions. Internot offers a wide range of platform-based products and services to system integrators and OEMs in categories such as rollers, electric rollers, conveyors and sorters, and dynamic warehousing systems. Internot’s solutions are used in express delivery, postal services, e-commerce, bandara, food and beverage industries, fashion, otomotif, and many other manufacturing sectors. Headquartered in Switzerland, Internot has 34 companies and 2,400 employees worldwide as of 2019, with a total order book of CHF 559.7 million in fiscal 2019.
Diadegkeun dina 1898 in Augsburg, it didn’t start as an industrial robot but focused on interior lighting. But in 1995 that Kuka Industrial Robots Co., LTD was founded. KUKA is an internationally renowned automation group company with a turnover of 3.2 billion euros and approximately 14,000 pagawé. The company is headquartered in Augsburg, Jérman.
10. Alat naon anu ngagaduhan logistik pinter
mesin asihan calakan
It realizes intelligent receiving and delivery, liberates manual operation, makes the sorting link more automatic and intelligent, and ensures the correct rate of parcel sorting reaches 99%.
Alat timbangan otomatis
Automatic weighing equipment helps to weigh parcels quickly and accurately, and precisely calculate logistics costs.
Mesin scanning visual
The visual scanner can realize the retrieval of missing scan package image photos, complete the system data entry by manual complement, and realize the scan rate of 100%.
Méja asihan calakan
The intelligent sorting desk adopts a three-dimensional sorting structure, digabungkeun sareng lampu LED pikeun ngalengkepan asihan bahan parsél sareng sirkulasi sinkron data sistem.
Forklift calakan
Forklift pinter diwangun ku kandaraan AGV, sistem manajemén sistem dispatching, sistem navigasi, sistem ngecas otonom, jaringan komunikasi nirkabel, jeung sistem pangumpulan data. Cai mibanda ciri aplikasi di handap ieu:
1. Calakan jeung éfisién: scheduling tugas optimal, jalur ngajalankeun shortest, jeung sarat spasi minimum.
2. Manajemén lean: panggero calakan paménta stasiun jeung manajemén akurat kapasitas.
3. Interkonéksi informasi: statistik data lengkep, aksés sistem basajan.
Robot mobile calakan - mobil AGV
AGV dipaké pikeun ngagentos penanganan manual sareng ngabebaskeun manusa tina operasi penanganan. The AGV trolley bakal ngangkut barang ka mesin loading husus atawa mesin unloading. It can intelligently respond to the requirements of different heights of material in and out of the workshop. It has the characteristics of easy operation without training, the targeted opening of some ports, and support for third-party commands to facilitate integrated development.
Robot tumpukan
The use of a stacking robot is conducive to orderly stacking, accurate classification, and convenience for the next step of sorting. The main applications in logistics are mechanical arms and AGV transport vehicles. The stacking and unstacking links are completed by robots, which liberates manpower from tedious and repetitive work. And the palletizing robot technology is mature, small size can effectively save the area.
parabot asihan otomatis
With the increase in logistics orders, how to realize rapid sorting is also one of the key projects included in storage planning. Ku kituna, different types of automatic sorting equipment have emerged. Ayeuna, the most advanced one is the Luhui ball module with automatic sorting equipment:
Luhui ball module with sorting system, the sorting efficiency is over 4000 pieces/hour, the sorting accuracy is 99.9%, and the cargo damage rate is less than 1/10000.
téhnologi Barcode
The bar code system is an automatic recognition system composed of bar code symbol design, making. and scanning reading. Every commodity in the library has a unique number, and so does every shelf. The warehouse personnel can thus have an intimate knowledge of the inventory situation. Current advanced bar code and radio frequency automatic identification technology, while the system supports radio frequency and electronic tag. Using these technologies, warehouse management automation, helps enterprises to improve management efficiency.
11. Sajarah ngembangkeun Smart logistik
The logistics have become intelligent to meet the internal requirements of its development in the background of the Internét tina hal, data badag, The Internet, and cloud computing. Its development process is divided into the following five stages.
[Tahap kahiji] 1950-1970 logistik éksténsif
After World War II, the world economy recovered rapidly and the market demand was booming. Enterprises focused on production and paid little attention to logistics in the circulation field. It was generally believed that maximizing output would lead to maximizing profit, resulting in a large amount of inventory. But the blind expansion of production can not be sustained soon, forcing enterprises to find a more suitable logistics business model
[Tahap kadua] 1970-1980 Logistik sistematis
As the world economic internationalization trend, the logistics industry also gradually from scattered, extensive management into system management mode, the period of the enterprises’ understanding of logistics from simple dispersed specific functions such as transportation, neundeun, and inventory management, to rise to the raw material procurement to product sales throughout the process of unified management, and logistics as integrated science, Companies are starting to focus on logistics costs and benefits.
[Tahap katilu] 1990-2000 logistik éléktronik
In this period, the emergence and large-scale application of computers have become the biggest driving force to promote the electronic logistics industry. The two most typical information technologies are bar code born in the 1970s and EDI in the 1980s. With the application of EDI expanded to online ordering, manajemén inventory, delivery management, customs declaration, pamayaran, teras salajengna, enterprises began to pay attention to the logistics effect of the supply chain and committed to improving the efficiency and benefit of the supply chain logistics.
[Tahap kaopat] 2000-2009 logistik calakan
The 21st century is an era of intelligence, and Smart logistics has begun to take shape, including intelligent warehouse logistics management, intelligent cold chain logistics management, intelligent container, and transportation management, intelligent dangerous goods logistics management, intelligent e-commerce logistics, jsb. Based on the above background, Di 2008, the laboratory of the University of Bremen in Germany summarized the basic characteristics of smart logistics as precision, kecerdasan, and collaboration.
[Tahap Kalima] Désémber 2009 Logistik pinter
Dina bulan Désémber 2009 the China logistics technology association information center, Chinese Internet of things, Kantor redaksi "teknologi logistik sareng aplikasi" babarengan ngajukeun konsép "logistik pinter", sarta nunjuk kaluar yén logistik pinter ngagunakeun téhnologi calakan terpadu pikeun ngajawab sababaraha masalah dina Tumbu logistik, sarta nyadiakeun supplier jeung kauntungan maksimum. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, eta kudu meakeun paling saeutik sumberdaya alam jeung sosial.