IoT Applications for Smarter World

Koléksi solusi anu dikurasi kami mangrupikeun tempat-tempat anjeun pikeun mendakan, panalungtikan, sareng vet solusi anu sampurna pikeun kabutuhan bisnis anjeun.
Koléksi solusi anu dikurasi kami mangrupikeun tempat-tempat anjeun pikeun mendakan, panalungtikan, sareng vet solusi anu sampurna pikeun kabutuhan bisnis anjeun. Kumpulan solusi anu dikurasi kami mangrupikeun toko-stop anjeun pikeun mendakan, panalungtikan, sareng vet solusi anu sampurna pikeun kabutuhan bisnis anjeun.

Wireless IoT Téhnologi


1. Naon aplikasi IoT dina kahirupan nyata?

Aplikasi IoT praktis ayeuna di industri:

IoT applications in Consumer

There are a growing number of IoT devices available to consumers, including connected vehicles, automation imah, wearables disambungkeun, connected health monitoring devices, and remote monitoring devices.

IoT applications in Industrial

The Industrial application of the IoT is IIoT. Internét Industrial of Things (IIoT) focuses on machine-to-machine (M2M) komunikasi, making use of big data, kacerdasan buatan, komputasi awan, and other technologies to make industrial operations more efficient and reliable.

IoT applications in Agricultural

Applications of the Internet of Things in agriculture include collecting, analyzing, and applying data on temperature, precipitation, kalembaban, laju angin, pests and diseases, and soil composition. This approach, called precision agriculture, uses decision support systems to analyze the data collected precisely to improve the quality and quantity of output and reduce waste.

Commercial IoT application

IoT applications in Healthcare

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is the Internet of Things applied to healthcare, including data collection, analisis, panalungtikan, and monitoring applications, to create digital healthcare systems. IoT devices can be used to activate remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems, ranging from simple devices such as blood pressure monitors and portable physiological monitors to devices implanted in the body such as pacemakers and cochlear implants. The WORLD Health Organization (WHO) plans to use mobile devices to collect and analyze healthcare data to create an m-Health system.

Internet of things applications in Angkutan

The Internet of Things can help integrate information processing, komunikasi, and control. IoT applications can be extended to all levels of transportation systems, kaasup kandaraan, infrastruktur, and drivers. Information transfer between IoT components enables communication within and between vehicles, enabling applications such as intelligent traffic lights, parkir calakan, electronic road pricing systems, logistics and fleet management, active cruise control, and safety and road assistance.

Internet of things applications in Infrastructure

The application of IoT in infrastructure is mainly to monitor and control various kinds of infrastructure, such as railway tracks, Sasak, offshore and onshore wind farms, ngokolakeun runtah, jsb. Arrange repair and maintenance activities efficiently by monitoring any incidents or changes in structural condition.

Internet of things applications in Military

Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Military field. The purpose is to detect and monitor combat-related targets, mainly affected by future combat in urban environments. Military IoT-related areas include sensors, kandaraan, robotika, weapons, wearable smart products, and the use of related smart technologies on the battlefield.

2. Naon Internet of things(IoT)

Internét tina hal, or IoT for short, nyaéta sistem anu ngitung hubungan antara mesin, alat-alat, jeung mesin digital. Mibanda identifier unik universal (UID) jeung kamampuhan pikeun nransper data ngaliwatan jaringan tanpa interaksi jalma-ka-jalma atawa jalma-ka-alat.

Panalungtikan nilai Internet of Things

IoT ngadigitalkeun dunya nyata sareng ngagaduhan rupa-rupa aplikasi. Internet of Things tiasa ngahijikeun data anu sumebar sareng ngahijikeun inpormasi digital ngeunaan objék. Widang aplikasi IoT utamina kalebet logistik, manufaktur industri, angkutan, palayanan Kaséhatan, widang pribadi jeung sosial, lingkungan calakan (imah, kantor, pabrik), jsb.

Arsitéktur IoT sareng téknologi palaksanaan dina sadaya tingkatan


Arsitéktur IoT biasana dibagi kana tilu atanapi opat lapisan. Arsitéktur tilu lapis diwangun ku lapisan jaringan, lapisan aplikasi, jeung lapisan sensor ti handap ka luhur. The four layers of architecture from bottom to top are the platform tool layer, sensor layer, network connection layer, and application service layer. The difference between layer 3 and layer 4 architecture is that Layer 4 divides the “lapisan aplikasi” of layer 3 intoplatform tool layer” jeung “application service layer”, and makes a more detailed distinction between software applications.

The sensing layer

Addressing resources

The implementation of the Internet of Things requires that each object connected to the Internet of things be assigned a unique identity or address. After the IoT is connected to the Internet, it is estimated that a large number of IP addresses are needed. Ayeuna, the mainstream IPv4 address space is limited, so the objects in the Internet of Things tend to use the next-generation Internet Protocol (IPv6) to provide enough address space.

Network layer

Aya rupa-rupa téknologi jaringan pikeun Internet of Things pikeun dipilih, nu bisa dibagi kana nirkabel jarak pondok, nirkabel jarak sedeng, nirkabel jarak jauh, jeung téknologi kabel nurutkeun jarak transmisi éféktif:

Komunikasi nirkabel jarak pondok

Bluetooth Jaringan Jala – Ngabakukeun jaringan bolong nganggo téknologi Bluetooth, ningkatkeun jumlah titik sareng nyayogikeun lapisan aplikasi standar.

Wifi – Ngagunakeun lampu katempo pikeun rubakpita ngaronjat. nyaéta téknologi komunikasi nirkabel nu sarupa jeung standar Wi-Fi.

NFC — Protokol komunikasi anu ngamungkinkeun dua alat éléktronik pikeun komunikasi dina 4 cm silih.

RFID – Téknologi anu ngagunakeun médan éléktromagnétik pikeun ngaksés data dina idéntifikasi frékuénsi Radio (RFID) tag.

Wifi – Téknologi LAN nirkabel dumasar kana IEEE 802.11 standar.

ZigBee – A personal network communication protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4 standar, featuring low power consumption, low data rate, sareng biaya rendah.

Z-waveA wireless communication protocol primarily used in smart homes and security applications.

Mid-range wireless communication

5G – a new generation of mobile communications technology that provides reduced latency, high data rates, large-scale device connectivity, energy savings, and increased system capacity.


LPWAN – Provides Low data rate and remote communication, reducing Power consumption and transmission cost. Available LPWAN technologies and protocols include NB-IoT using licensed bands, LoRa, Sigfox, Teu beurat, Random Phase Multiple Access (RPMA), AND IEEE 802.11ah using unlicensed bands.

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) – communication technology transmitted through satellites using a Small dish antenna.


Ethernet – A technology based on the IEEE 802.11 standar nu bisa disambungkeun ka hub atawa jaringan switch maké kabel twisted-pasangan jeung serat optik.

PLC — Téknologi komunikasi anu ngirimkeun data sareng kakuatan ku kabel, kalayan standar sapertos G.Hn sareng HomePlug.

Lapisan aplikasi

Lapisan aplikasi bisa dibagi kana “application service layer” jeung “platform tool layer” dina arsitektur opat-lapisan IoT. Lapisan alat platform nyaéta platform parangkat lunak lapisan handap, nu boga fungsi minangka panganteur antara lapisan jaringan jeung lapisan layanan aplikasi pikeun ngarojong rupa aplikasi software. The “lapisan platform-parabot” ngawengku data badag, blockchain, jaringan software-diartikeun, neundeun software-diartikeun, puseur data software-diartikeun, komunikasi aman, software anti virus, patali kecerdasan jieunan (misalna., ngolah basa alam, pangajaran jero, pangakuan ucapan, pangakuan pola, visi komputer…) Teras salajengna; The application service layer directly presents the original data for different application requirements, or through value-added processing, provides users with a human-machine interface, or the corresponding hardware/software target to get the desired information. Can be categorized as anapplication services layerincluding VR/AR, HCI, service-oriented architecture, sustainable development-related (life cycle assessment, hemat énergi, carbon footprint…) Teras salajengna.

In the application layer, applications are usually written in multiple programming languages, using HTTPS and OAuth protocols. Use various forms of database systems on the back end of the platform, such as time-series data or back-end data storage systems (Cassandra, PostgreSQL, jsb.).

Most IoT systems are built on cloud computing, where event queuing and messaging systems are available to handle communications at all levels. Some experts classify the three layers in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) as edge, platform, and enterprise, which are connected through adjacent networks, access networks, and service networks, masing-masing.

3. What are the ways that IoT applications can be deployed

The deployment of IoT includes

1. Private IoT, which provides services within a single organization;

2. Internet of Public Things, providing services to the public or large user groups based on the Internet;

3. Community Internet of Things;

4. Mixture networking.

IoT deployment modes include:

Private IoT

Services provided within a single organization may be implemented and maintained by the organization or a third party entrusted by the organization. The control engineering network is copyrighted, mainly in the internal network of the organization, but also outside the organization.

Public IoT

Ladenan basis Internét pikeun umum atawa grup pamaké badag ilaharna dioperasikeun ku hiji organisasi (atawa, ka extent Lesser, pihak katilu dipercayakeun ku eta).

Komunitas IoT

Pikeun nyadiakeun layanan ka grup lembaga (misalna., rupa-rupa komisi dina pamaréntahan kota: biro angkutan, biro panyalindungan lingkungan, Biro kaamanan umum, Biro manajemén urban, jsb.) atawa pakait “masarakat”. Operasi sareng pangropéa tiasa dikoordinasikeun ku dua atanapi langkung organisasi, utamana dina Intranet jeung jaringan.

Hybrid IoT

Éta mangrupikeun kombinasi dua atanapi langkung tina IoT di luhur, tapi ku éntitas operasi ngahiji di tukangeunana.

Naon téknologi anu dianggo pikeun panyebaran IoT

Nalika milarian solusi anu pas, Kadé nyadiakeun pilihan sabab unggal kasus pamakéan boga syarat sambungan béda. Early adopters of the Internet of Things have used cellular, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi connectivity, especially in use cases that require ultra-high reliability, extremely high availability, and low latency. Each solution will play a key role in determining the best deployment of iot networks.


Sedengkeun 5G offers data rates, lower latency, higher capacity, and a core network of software designs, it also has a short-range across the mmWave spectrum, can be costly to deploy, and comes with a complex ecosystem.


The benefits of taking advantage of Wi-Fi include simplified cost-efficient deployment, can be seen as a strong alternative to 5G, and offers open roaming. Sanajan kitu, Wifi offers limited coverage, limited security, and high energy consumption.


The advantages of deploying Bluetooth include low cost, ease of deployment, and no hardware required to take advantage of the technology. Sanajan kitu, mibanda ciri jarak pondok, rubakpita low, jeung waktu sambungan pondok.


LoRa berpungsi saé dina kasus pamakean anu meryogikeun konsumsi batré anu lemah sareng kamampuan jarak jauh tiasa disebarkeun ku cara anu épéktip sareng nyayogikeun modél bisnis terbuka pikeun panyebaran umum sareng swasta.. Sanajan kitu, Téhnik ieu henteu idéal nalika kasus pamakean merlukeun laju data anu luhur atanapi aplikasi anu ngabutuhkeun latency anu rendah.

LPWAN cocog pikeun konsumsi kakuatan jauh sareng rendah

Pikeun kasus pamakéan anu merlukeun sambungan jauh jeung low-daya, LPWAN mangrupikeun pilihan anu pangsaéna. Téknologi tiasa disebarkeun di laut, di rohangan, jeung di darat, ngamungkinkeun sensor pikeun ngirimkeun informasi sacara nirkabel ngaliwatan wewengkon lega tanpa loba usaha. Internét tina hal solusi kalawan jarak jauh, low-power capabilities provide connectivity for traditional internet of things applications and incredible bandwidth for critical infrastructure across a variety of use cases worldwide

World’s top 10 aplikasi Internet of Things

The top 10 IoT applications are equipment monitoring, machine and infrastructure maintenance, logistics and tracking, container environment, machine management inventory, network data for marketing, identification of dangerous websites, driverless trucks, WAN monitoring, and GPS data aggregation.

Ten applications:

Equipment monitoring

Things like monitoring or adjusting a building’s thermostat can be done remotely, even to save energy and simplify maintenance procedures. The beauty of this IoT application is that it’s easy to implement, easy to tease out performance benchmarks, and get needed improvements.

Machinery and infrastructure maintenance

Sénsor tiasa dipasang dina bahan sareng peralatan infrastruktur, such as railway tracks, pikeun ngawas kaayaan komponén ieu sareng ngangkat alarm bari aya anu salah sareng aranjeunna. Sababaraha otoritas lalu lintas kota parantos ngadopsi téknologi IoT ieu pikeun sacara proaktif ngajaga kasalahan sateuacan lumangsung.

Logistik jeung tracking

Industri transportasi ayeuna nempelkeun sensor kana treuk pindah sareng bagian individu anu diangkut. Sistem sentral ngalacak kiriman ieu ti mimiti nepi ka ahir. Lakukeun kitu nyegah maling di lokasi terpencil sarta ngajaga ranté suplai perusahaan dina jalur sabab manajemén jelas bisa ningali dimana kendaraan téh. (jeung kudu) iraha wae waktos.

Lingkungan wadahna

Ogé dina industri logistik sareng transportasi, containers carrying perishable goods are monitored for ambient conditions, and sensors sound an alarm if they are outside the temperature or humidity range. Sumawona, the sensor sounds an alarm when the seal is broken or the container is disturbed. This information is sent directly to decision-makers via a central system in real-time so that situations can be remedied, even if the goods are in transit around the globe.

Machine management inventory

Portable stores and self-service vending machines that offer consumers a variety of items can now send automatic replenishment alerts when specific items fall below reorder levels. This saves retailers money as they only need to have field workers restock when it’s required.

Web data is used for marketing

Companies can choose to use their own analytics to track customer behavior online, or they can outsource the task to a marketing firm with a reputation in the field. In site navigation mode, visitors to and from your site, the types of devices they use, and other relevant data about visitors can be aggregated to get a fuller picture. The combination of transaction data and IoT data will enrich your marketing analytics and forecasts, which can be implemented quickly.

Identifying dangerous Websites

Security services offered by commercial companies allow network administrators to track Internet site visits, track machine-to-machine communications from corporate computers, and uncover IT addresses anddangerouswebsites regularly visited by corporate computers. Practice reduces the risk of malware and malware on your network.

Driverless truck

In remote areas with no road infrastructure and harsh weather conditions, companies in the gas and oil extraction industry are using driverless trucks that can be remotely communicated and controlled.

WAN monitoring

Businesses can well monitor and modify their network traffic, but when that traffic is routed through a wide area network or the Internet, it sometimes seems to be out of their control. Routers at the edges of offices in different locations around the world now show a significantly different quality of service, depending on whether the office is in Singapore or Rio de Janeiro.

GPS data aggregation

GPS data aggregation is one of the most popular data collection methods for the Internet of Things. Businesses like it because it lets them count weather data, graphical data, infrastructure data, demographic data, and any type of data that can be pinpointed to a specific geographic location.

5. Principles for IoT application developers

IoT projects should follow four important principles

Security is central to every solution, and the Internet of Things is no exception. Here are four guidelines integrators should follow to ensure proyék IoT are as secure as possible.

Equipment safety is of paramount importance

IoT devices are the most vulnerable part of IoT networks because they typically use simple processors and operating systems that may not support advanced security features. They are also the largest in terms of the number of units and the diversity of products and manufacturers. That makes solusi IoT that protect billions of devices potentially complicated.

To make matters worse, IoT devices lie outside the boundaries of traditional networks and are often installed and managed by non-IT organizations in open and unprotected places such as farmland, tempat parkir, and factory floors.

One particular IoT device may be secure, but another may be vulnerable,” explains Benson Chan, senior partner at Strategy of Things. With billions of IoT devices expected to be deployed in the coming years, hackers are increasingly focusing on this area.

Protect network Security

The one thing all IoT devices have in common is an Internet connection, without which they’re really justthings.” Ku kituna, networks connecting IoT devices must be protected by traditional end-security tools such as antivirus and anti-malware, firewalls, jeung pencegahan intrusion jeung sistem deteksi.

Nyaho alat Anjeun

Auténtikasi alat penting pikeun panyalindungan jaringan. Upami alat anu teu sah dideteksi, operasi kudu otomatis dimimitian. “Operasi ieu bisa ngawengku alat megatkeun sambungan, ngahalangan lalu lintas sareng ngabéjaan pangurus,” Benson Chan nyatet. Léngkah munggaran dina ngamankeun jaringan perusahaan kedah ngasingkeunana tina jaringan Internet of Things supados kerentanan anu aya hubunganana sareng internét henteu ngagaduhan kasempetan nginféksi sistem anu sanés..

Manajemén alat IoT otomatis

Ngatur alat-alat IoT pajeulit ku seueurna alat pikeun difokuskeun. Tapi manajemén kontinyu perlu sabab unggal alat boga kalemahan sorangan. “Pikeun nganggo manajemén alat IoT sareng alat automation, beuki loba alat IoT dina jaringan, beuki hese ngaturna,” Advises Benson Chan. Pamakéan alat otomatis simplifies prosés administrasi, ngurangan kasalahan jeung alat leungit, sareng mastikeun yén sadaya operasi diterapkeun sacara konsisten dina sadaya alat.

Sahenteuna, Manajemén hartosna netepkeun tingkat kaamanan anu ketat sateuacan nyebarkeun, rutin mariksa jeung ngamutahirkeun firmware, sarta digawé teuas pikeun nerapkeun patch kaamanan.

Prakték sareng alat kaamanan Iot ngembang, sareng mariksa sistem sacara rutin mangrupikeun hiji-hijina cara pikeun ngajaga alat dina jaringan anu disebarkeun aman.

6. Patarosan anu sering ditaroskeun ngeunaan aplikasi Internet of Things

Hak inteléktual

Dina prosés produksi tina Téknologi Internet of Things, Cina parantos kakurangan dina ngawasaan sababaraha téknologi konci, jadi tingkat produk teu bisa ningkat jeung harga teu bisa lowered. The lack of independent property rights for key technologies such as RFID is one of the key factors limiting the development of the Internet of Things in China.

Technical standard

Ayeuna, the industry technology mainly lacks the following two aspects of standards: interface standardization; Standardization of data model Although China established the RFID industry alliance as early as November 2005, dina waktos anu sasarengan, China’s radio frequency identification (RFID) technology policy white paper was issued the following year, pointing out that we should focus on the research and development of RFID core technology, develop technical standards in line with China’s national conditions But now, we can find that the RFID industry in China is still a mess technology strength is increasing, tapi standar teknis tapi ogé salaku eunteung bulan Dupi kawas Cina urang 3 g standar, pikeun kapentingan sagala aspek, tungtungna, urang Cina 3 g kalawan tilu standar béda tina Internet mahluk tungtungna kumaha, ngan bisa ngadagoan waktu pikeun ngabejaan urang jawaban.

Ranté industri

Dibandingkeun sareng gelar sampurna domestik urang tina ranté industri Internét, aya sela badag Sanajan domestik ayeuna tilu operator badag tur ZTE, Produsén alat sistem sapertos Huawei nyaéta tingkat kelas dunya, tapi bagian-bagian sanés anu kawilang kurangna industri IoT kedahna peryogi supplier chip sensing solusi sistem peralatan pikeun pabrik pabrik hulu sareng hilir sapertos operator sélulér pikeun gawé bareng., Ku kituna, dina raraga ngamekarkeun Internet mahluk di Cina, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of the system, such as strengthening the cooperation between competent departments of radio, television, telecommunications and transportation industries, jointly promoting the establishment of information and sistem transportasi calakan and speeding up the integration process of telecommunications network, broadcasting power grid and Internet The cooperation of the industrial chain needs to take into account the interests of all parties, and the popularization of the Internet of Things is still quite long under the background of the interest mechanism and business model of all parties not yet formed.

Industry collaboration

IoT application field is very wide, with many great and cross-industry applications, but these industries points belong to different government functional departments, pikeun ngembangkeun Internét tina hal aplikasi informasi dumasar-teknologi sensing, dina prosés industrialisasi, kudu nguatkeun departemén industri jawab koordinasi jeung interaksi jeung pikiran kabuka dina gawé babarengan pikeun megatkeun departemén wewengkon industri Ngan ku promosi babagi sumberdaya jeung strengthening optimasi institusional jeung reformasi, tiasa ngembangkeun lancar tina industri Internet of Things bisa dijamin éféktif.

Modél kauntungan

Iot kana persepsi, jaringan, jeung aplikasi tilu tingkatan, dina unggal tingkat, Aya seueur pilihan anu bakal mangpaatkeun pasar, jadi dina prosés pangwangunan lingkungan ékologis dina mangsa nu bakal datang, model bisnis mangrupakeun konci Pikeun salah sahiji revolusi industri informasi, the emergence of a new type and the business profit model is the inevitable result of the development of mature, but it is so far It is not reflected in the development of the Internet of Things, and no industry can uniformly lead the development of the IoT. Ayeuna, some economic benefits directly brought by the development of the Internet of Things are mainly concentrated in the electronic components related to the Internet of Things. It will take a long time to see the opportunities that huge data flows will bring to network operators and the impact they will have on downstream industries such as logistics and retail.

Use Cost

IoT industry is the need to connect objects and things to better control and manage This characteristic determines its hair Exhibition will bring along with the economic development and social needs and create more applications So, in the Internet of things sensing technology promotion at the beginning of the period, single function, the problems of high price is hard to avoid Because, electronic tags, reading and writing equipment is expensive, so it is difficult to form Into a large-scale application.

And because there is no large-scale applications, electronic tag and the cost of the read/write device will remain not reached the expected cost is high, there are no large-scale applications, and no large-scale applications, the problem of the high cost of more difficulty solving how to process the user in terms of cost of early barriers became the primary problem of open this a slice of the market So the cost has not been down to you can And the development of the Internet of Things will be limited.

Safety problem

In the Internet of things, the construction of the sensor network for RFID tags embedded in advance any items which are closely linked with the people can see people on the concept of life all around him, it seems, are still not very can accept items including yourself all the time is in a state of being monitored, this led directly to the embedded tags are bound to make personal privacy issues are violated. Ku kituna, the privacy of the owner of the signature is a key issue for the promotion of téhnologi RFID and the Internet of Things. And if the government cooperates with large foreign enterprises in this respect, how to ensure that business information and state secrets will not be leaked is also crucial So, at this point, the development of the Internet of Things is not just a technical issue, but more likely involves political, legal and national security issues.


Aplikasi IoT: 50+ Internét tina hal

Aplikasi Dumasar Industri

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