스마트 제조란?? 이익, 응용 분야 및 과제

목차 보여주다

IoT 기술은 스마트 제조, 스마트 팩토리의 핵심 기술입니다., 기업 제조정보시스템 구축에 적용할 수 있는, 장비 통합 관리, 물류시스템 혁신, supply chain integration and other aspects. 현재, 많은 연구자들이 산업에 사물 인터넷 기술을 적용하는 방안을 모색하고 있습니다., 그리고 산업 발전에 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다.. 업계에서는, UPS가 사용한 교통 추적 기술 사물인터넷을 지원하여 공급망의 비용을 절감하고 효율성을 향상시키는. 따라가서 알아보세요!

1. What is meant by smart manufacturing?

What is meant by smart manufacturing?

사물 인터넷 (IoT) 가정과 직장 모두에서 점점 인기를 얻고 있습니다.. 보고서에 따르면, 무려 79% 의 미국 소비자가 하나 이상의 홈 스마트 기기를 보유하고 있습니다.. 사물인터넷(Internet of Things)의 인기가 높아지면서, 제조업이 그 장점을 활용하고 활용하기 시작한 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다.. 제조업체는 지난 10년간 변화하는 경제 상황에 적응해야 했습니다.. 다행스럽게도, the Internet of Things gives these companies the tools they need to modernize. 하지만, despite the ongoing digital transformation of manufacturing, not every company is using and taking advantage of the 산업용 사물 인터넷.

Making the Internet of Things Today, several companies in manufacturing are integrating the Internet of Things into production and supply. Many manufacturers believe that integrating digital devices into production will be beneficial. It just goes to show that the Internet of Things is a very lucrative market for employers and manufacturers. What can the Industrial Internet of Things achieve?

Here are a few things that can be achieved with the industrial Internet of Things:

1. 예측 유지보수

Every year, manufacturing companies around the world spend millions of dollars on operations and maintenance costs.

Most manufacturers are used to a piece of equipment failing during production. You are advised to maintain the device in time.

But what if companies can’t even predict outages before they happen? That’s easy.

With IIoT facilities such as sensors, data and device analytics, manufacturers can easily detect and predict failures before they occur.

2. Monitor the Internet of Things in real time

Manufacturers are allowed to monitor their assets. Everyone involved in the production process can keep abreast of any event or incident.

Manufacturing is speeded up by improving communication in the production chain.

3. Remote management

Manufacturers had to be present in person to assess the state of equipment and machinery. But any manufacturer can now monitor and evaluate devices remotely.

4. Gather consumer insights

IoT helps companies and manufacturers demand patterns. 이것으로, manufacturers can easily spot user complaints and subsequently modify products to improve customer satisfaction.

2. The application of IoT in smart manufacturing industry

The application of IoT in smart manufacturing industry

From reduced costs to improved maintenance to enhanced security, the Internet of Things offers many benefits to manufacturing. This article delves into some of the best IoT use cases in manufacturing.

The manufacturing sector is currently undergoing the fourth industrial Revolution and is growing with advances in the Internet of Things, 인공지능, and robotics. 조사에 따르면, manufacturers worldwide will invest $70 billion in internet of things solutions by 2020, and many are implementing IoT 장치 to leverage sophisticated data analytics and predictive maintenance to increase availability, 생산력, and add value to their products.

Companies must understand how these devices transform traditional ways of working into connected and dynamic systems. By leveraging the Internet of Things, IoT 센서 can minimize challenges in manufacturing processes and throughout the supply chain.

Improved security

Equipment failures are a key factor in safety incidents, with the study finding that about 151 workers are involved in workplace accidents every 15 초. 마지막으로, one of the main ways IoT technology can help secure manufacturing is by saving time. Field data can be transmitted directly to the control room or appropriate area. By implementing AI, data analytics can immediately notify employees of current or pending issues, simplifying the process. By analyzing the data over time, long-term risk indices can be calculated and potentially hazardous situations detected in advance to ensure workers wear protective gear when necessary.

Improved inventory maintenance

It can have a positive impact on inventory maintenance by effortlessly monitoring supply chains and providing businesses with a clear view of moving parts. It allows accurate calculation of supply and effective tracking of products to prevent any stock shortages. 와 함께 IoT 애플리케이션 such as sensors, alerts can be sent when products are out of stock.

비용 절감

Companies are waking up to the potential to save money and boost profits through the Internet of things. Despite the huge cost of implementing the technology, the result, in the long run, is substantial cost savings. It is reducing costs by reducing failures and saving more than 12 percent on repairs. Organizations are enabled to plan better so they can serve customers more effectively. 게다가, the ability to implement predictive maintenance results in additional cost savings.


The Internet of things continues to improve communication and optimize manufacturing processes. Microsoft recently announced that it is teaming up with BMW Group to transform digital productivity across the industry through an open manufacturing platform for the Internet of Things. It is clear that many companies are beginning to leverage this powerful technology, resulting in increased efficiency and a greater understanding of customer behavior needs. Companies will benefit greatly from being trained in the Internet of Things and having in-house staff who are experts in the field, and giving them the right tools to build a better future.

3. The impact of IoT on manufacturing

The impact of IoT on manufacturing

The integration between the manufacturing industry and the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in four specific aspects: 지능형 제품, 지능형 물류, monitoring and management of production process and after-sales service management.

Professor Kai Yang, Department of Industrial and Systems engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, published an article entitled “Hyperlinks — How Ecosystems including the Internet of Things will Transform Product Innovation and Quality” in the August issue of QualityProgress, a respected journal of the American Society for Quality Management.

그 중, the article specifically to Haier of home smart manufacturing practice case analysis as the key, by the clean air conditioning from demand interaction design to the intelligent manufacturing, research and development of the whole process, detailing how the Haier interconnected factory to the user as the center, construct the whole process the user and networking device, three interconnected architecture, realization of Internet of things “hyperlinks” the whole process of the era, quick meet with Personalized customization of the best experience.

From the production of an air conditioner to the customization of clean air

“How to ensure that the air blown out of the air conditioner is clean?” “How do I turn down the air conditioner when I have a new baby?” … In the past, such customer demand could not reach the manufacturing end in the first place. 오늘, the Internet of Things has changed the relationship between users and producers: mass manufacturing led by enterprises is gradually shifting to mass customization driven by user needs. As mentioned in the article, the self-cleaning air conditioner developed by Haier Zhijia is a typical case of the impact of the Internet of Things on product development.

가장 먼저, in the concept generation stage, Haier Smart home had more than 150,000 user interaction, understand the comfort, 건강, quiet and other air conditioning needs; At the design stage, designers, r&d personnel and resource side participated in the innovative design, and carried out 5 iterations according to user needs. In the stage of virtual experience, users evaluated virtual products and redesigned them 56 times with designers. 23 technological breakthroughs were achieved in this process. The last stage is the feedback stage, haier Zhijia according to the user 1.5w+ feedback and discussion, continuous iteration of the product. Data shows that the out-of-stock rate of Haier’s connected factory products can reach 72%.

지금, Haier’s connected factory has transformed from mass manufacturing to mass customization, realizing high efficiency driven by high precision. Behind the birth of a self-cleaning air conditioner, the connected factory realizes the “hyperlink” with users in three aspects: first, the whole element of the connected factory, so that users’ orders can be directly placed in the factory, and the production of products can be transparent and visible; Second is the networking device, through user experience information to promote better research and development upgrade and iteration; 동시에, it also integrates the whole ecology. The upstream and downstream of the enterprise as well as all resources should be connected in parallel with users to interact with them at zero distance, so as to meet users’ best experience.

From the manufacturing factory of the enterprise, to the smart manufacturing platform of the whole society

In the context of new infrastructure, more and more powerful devices, components and technologies are entering the smart manufacturing process. Every industrial revolution will cause profound changes in quality management practices, and Industry 4.0 is no exception.

So how will “digitization” change production processes? Under the continuous upgrading of flexibility, digitalization and intelligence, Haier Zhijia officially released the world’s first intelligent +5G interconnection factory in July last year, to redefine the future intelligent manufacturing with the innovation and transformation of enterprise organization, business model and ICT technology, and the deep integration of artificial intelligence, 5G and other key technologies. In Haier’s smart +5G connected factory, when the operator of the production line encounters an emergency difficulty in production operation, he/she can carry out remote real-time audio and video communication with technical experts by wearing AR glasses. Experts at the other end can carry out AR labeling, frozen screen labeling and other operations in real time, and feedback the guidance information to the operator’s line of sight in the first time.

And such application scenarios, with the perfect integration of AI+5G technology, are all over the connected factory. 동시에, through the simulation modeling based on the data validation, precision production efficient coordination, quality control, Haier interconnected factory exploring practice more scenes of iot intelligence products, intelligence combination solution and application of AI technology, realize the production efficiency, manufacturing costs, not RuKuLv capacity indexes such as maximum optimization, the formation of strong competitiveness of manufacturing industry intelligence.

If Haier Zhijia successfully contributed a global brand for China in 36 연령, then in the era of 산업 4.0, Haier Internet Factory relying on the industrial Internet platform Kaos COSMOPlat to explore the mode of mass customization, there is no doubt that the “Chinese model” will have the opportunity to lead the era of smart manufacturing.

Development strategies of manufacturing enterprises under the environment of Internet of Things

(1) Correctly understand the impact of the integration of the Internet of Things and manufacturing. Internet of Things is a new Internet technology strongly supported by China, which has a very important impact on the manufacturing industry and plays a very important role in promoting the development of the manufacturing industry. 그러므로, enterprises must correctly understand the impact of the integration between the Internet of Things and the manufacturing industry, and actively respond to the new situation in the change, which is conducive to the development of the manufacturing industry.

(2) Promote the application of IoT in the manufacturing industry and develop the informatization construction of enterprises. For self-made enterprises, they must actively promote information construction, so as to promote the integration of Internet technology and information technology, which is conducive to the improvement of economic benefits of enterprises, and also to provide technology and power for sustainable development of enterprises.

The informatization of manufacturing enterprises is a very complicated system engineering, which is beneficial to improve the flexibility and agility of enterprises, enhance the comprehensive competitive strength of enterprises, and realize the leapfrog development of enterprises. Informatization can improve the r&d practice, 비용, environment and knowledge content of enterprise products.

(3) The Internet of Things must pay attention to information security in the application process. 현 단계에서는, the control system of manufacturing enterprises generally operates through LAN or private networks. The network itself compares external signals and blocks potential external attacks. Industrial communication tends to put encryption in the second function. In the context of the Internet of Things, many equipment signals need to be realized through the public network, which causes a huge hidden danger to the network of manufacturing enterprises. To ensure information security, 가장 먼저, to ensure the security of perception nodes. 두번째, to ensure customer privacy security and data security. Data collection and transmission are vulnerable to the destruction and theft of illegal competitors, if not fully paid attention to, will bring huge economic losses.

4. Advantages and benefits of smart manufacturing

Advantages and benefits of smart manufacturing

첫 번째, what is smart manufacturing?

가장 먼저, let’s understand what smart manufacturing is.

Intelligence is believed to be the sum of intelligence and knowledge, the former is the ability to obtain and apply knowledge to solve, and the latter is the basis of intelligence.

Smart manufacturing systems and intelligent manufacturing technology compose smart manufacturing. Intelligent manufacturing systems enrich the knowledge base in practice with self-learning functions. 게다가, it also collects and understands information about the environment and itself, and analyzes, judges and plans its own behavior.

The theory and method of multi-agent systems in distributed artificial intelligence are applied to realize flexible smart manufacturing units and networks under the distributed manufacturing network environments.

두번째, the benefits of smart manufacturing

After knowing what smart manufacturing is, let’s talk about the benefits of smart manufacturing. There are five main benefits: higher quality, higher precision, better customization and personalization, better forecasting, and better monetization returns.

1. Higher yields

Smart manufacturing uses better control methods to control machine production (including AI, 로봇, batch control, 등.), which is more efficient than traditional manufacturing. 게다가, the application of big data in smart manufacturing can help manufacturers understand the production process more effectively and help improve production operations. 그러므로, intelligent manufacturing brings higher output is the main reason.

2. Higher accuracy

In the production process, using methods such as machine vision can lead to more accurate identification. 게다가, to reduce the likelihood of failure throughout the production process, traditional manufacturing needs to adopt better equipment and train operators, but reducing failure rates are still difficult. In smart manufacturing, big data can analyze errors and prevent the failure rate caused by errors.

3. Better customization and personalization

Customization and personalization are one of the charms of intelligent manufacturing. The assembly line of traditional manufacturing is difficult to achieve customer customization or personalized customization, while the production process of smart manufacturing can realize real-time control and adjust the production robot according to customer needs, so that it is easier to customize and personalize products. Compared with traditional personal workshops, customization and personalization of smart manufacturing can utilize big data to organize production experience and batch process the customization and personalization it brings, and can also help manufacturers reverse engineer to provide familiar suggestions and solutions.

4. Better forecasting

과거에, manufacturing production was limited by orders. 동시에, it is divided into the low season and high season, high season to increase output, and low season to reduce output. Big data in intelligent manufacturing will make it easier for manufacturers to control their output and make better predictions. Produce under the most valuable production conditions. 동시에, big data can also bring information into the production process. 예를 들어, it can track product data from different suppliers to determine the quality of a supplier’s product offerings and thus predict better suppliers. 비슷하게, big data can be used to anticipate customer needs and make more rational production plans in response to customer needs.

5. Higher profitability returns

Higher output can better meet production needs, higher accuracy can ensure product quality, better prediction can ensure better sales, better customization and personality, and therefore can better expand sales. Using big data from smart manufacturing, we can better understand the efficiency of manufacturing operations. 동시에, we can calculate the return on investment (ROI) of intelligent upgrade and retrofit processes, and the manufacturing industry can better plan for future manufacturing.

5. Challenges and risks of intelligent manufacturing

Challenges and risks of intelligent manufacturing

Manufacturers are leading the way in applying product quality and employee safety. But the shorter time-to-market, stringent quality regulations and increasingly complex products are still issues that need to be resolved.

1. Artificial intelligence talent shortage

AI professionals and experienced data scientists are scarce. An interdisciplinary team of SMEs, ML engineers, data scientists, BI analysts, and software architects is required for AI projects.

2. Technical infrastructure and interoperability

Manufacturing sites usually have a variety of tools, production systems, 나머지 시스템과 호환되지 않는 오래된 소프트웨어에서 실행될 수 있는 시스템. 플랜트 엔지니어는 기계와 시스템을 연결하는 최선의 방법을 결정해야 합니다..

3. Data quality

의미를 가지기, 고품질 데이터, AI 이니셔티브의 성공을 위해서는 청결이 필수적입니다., 하지만 제조 데이터는 종종 편향되어 있습니다., 오래된, 그리고 오류가 가득하다, 이는 여러 가지 요인으로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다.. 수집된 센서 데이터는 하나의 예입니다.. 역사적으로, 공장은 서로 통신하지 않는 많은 독점 시스템을 사용하여 건설되었습니다..

4. Real-time decisions

자주, 결정을 내리려면 예상치 못한 가동 중단으로 이어지기 전에 문제를 식별하기 위해 몇 초 내에 즉각적인 조치가 필요합니다., 결함, 아니면 보안 문제. 신속한 의사결정을 위해서는 제조업체가 즉각적인 조치를 취할 수 있는 실시간 예측 서비스와 스트리밍 분석이 필요합니다..

5. Edge deployment

There are many potential use cases in manufacturing, enabling manufacturers to filter data, reduce the amount of data and process data locally, and then sent it to a central server in the field or in the cloud.

6. Trust and transparency

People without a background in data science have a hard time understanding how data science and predictive modeling work, and have little confidence in the abstract algorithms behind artificial intelligence technologies.

6. What is smart manufacturing example?

Smart factory is a manufacturing solution that offers flexibility with adaptive production processes and lower costs. Based on automation, this manufacturing solution combines software, hardware and machinery to optimize production processes and reduce unnecessary labor and resource waste.

Tesla gigafactory in Berlin

A better example of a smart factory visualization can be found in the Tesla Gigafactory example in Glenhead, 베를린. The Berlin Gigafactory will open in 2021 with Tesla promoting it as the world’s most advanced mass-production facility for electric cars.

Tesla is committed not only to building 스마트 자동차, but also to using smart production methods. Initial photos of the plant released by the company’s chief executive, Elon Musk, depict their vision for a smart factory in which solar panels take up the roof, creating a more sustainable way of production. Tesla’s official website mentions pushing the boundaries of vehicle safety with new dimensions of casting systems and efficient body workshops. Tesla’s relentless efforts to change the way factories operate have allowed them to revolutionize the auto industry.

Adidas Speed Factory, Ansbach

Adidas set up a speed factory in Germany. It focused on the sneaker production process in a single space. They specialize in mass customization that reduces lead times, using 3D printing technology to easily create digital replicas or models. Printing prototypes quickly helps to respond appropriately to changing consumer needs and meet customer needs in a matter of days. Adidas may have gone out of business in Ansbach, but they continue to use speed-factory technology to make sneakers in Asia.

Interconnect Factory, 보쉬, Bretia

Global manufacturing of automotive technologies requires increased productivity, and Bosch is doing just that at its leading plant in Brasach. 회사는 연결된 제조 분야에서 최첨단 기술을 구현합니다., 사용하여 20 프로세스를 추적하기 위해 하루에 태블릿, 기계 점검 및 부품 점검, 식물의 데이터 150 기계 운영자는 무시합니다. Bosch의 성능 추적 시스템은 몇 밀리초의 주기 시간 편차를 감지할 수 있습니다., 운영자가 신속하게 대응하고 조기에 개입할 수 있도록 지원.

또 다른 기술은 Bosch의 Nexeed입니다.. 회사의 연결된 산업 클러스터에서 개발, 소프트웨어는 다음에서 데이터를 읽습니다. 60,000 센서를 감지하여 적시에 직원에게 정보를 전달합니다.. 이러한 영리한 혁신 덕분에, 전 세계적으로 생산되는 보쉬의 ABS/ESP 안전 시스템은 다음과 같이 생산성을 높였습니다. 24%.

Amberg Siemens Electronics Factory

지멘스의 'Amberg Elektronikwerk' (EWA) 이겼다 2018 산업 4.0 스마트팩토리 부문 수상. 전자 공장에는 여러 팀이 있습니다., machines and robots that produce SIMATIC type programmable logic controllers (PLCS). The factory has made efforts to achieve full interconnection of machines and products in the factory.

The company relies on industry 4.0 elements to continuously improve productivity and achieve ambitious cycle times. 게다가, the capabilities of their MindSphere IoT 플랫폼 facilitate predictive maintenance by helping plant operators respond prematurely to potential system failures.

Infineon Smart Factory, Dresden

Infineon’s smart Factory facility in Dresden dazzled the world. The factory has achieved 92 percent automation, 이상으로 200 robots assisting employees. Infineon produces over 400 different products for all four divisions of the Group with high quality and high speed.

The company’s systems control, wafer shipping and production management are interconnected and controlled in real time through IT systems. The transport of wafers is automated and the smart factory is controlled by a central operation and monitoring system and algorithms.

These smart factories are the culmination of the last two decades of a combination of the digital age and ancient manufacturing practices.

7. Smart manufacturing technologies

Smart manufacturing technologies

Intelligent manufacturing combined with advanced information technology, electrical automation technology, 인공지능, AI 기술, using high-tech intelligence equipment from the factory production of the first line began to build up intelligent production line, building intelligent production workshop, factory building information intelligence, 지능형 관리, advancing the intelligence services and realize the whole value chain of manufacturing intelligence and innovation.

1. Smart Products

Software, electrical, mechanical, and electrical composes intelligent products. Intelligent equipment is also a smart product. The way to add intelligent units to products should be considered by enterprises.

2. Smart Service

It can sense the status of products for preventive maintenance. Big data of product operation can also be collected to assist enterprises. 또 뭔데, the development of customer-oriented apps is also a way of intelligent service to target users.

3. Smart Equipment

Manufacturing equipment has gone from mechanical equipment to numerical control equipment, can realize in-machine detection, improve machining accuracy, and compensate for thermal deformation.

4. Smart Production Line

Enterprises in many industries highly rely on automated production lines. But equipment manufacturing enterprises are still based on discrete manufacturing. The automatic production lines can be divided into flexible automatic production lines generally established buffer, flexible automatic production lines, and rigid automatic production lines.

5. Smart Workshop

A workshop usually has several production lines. It is necessary to collect and analyze the material consumption, 장비상태, production status, production quality, and energy consumption in real time. 따라서, MES has become the inevitable choice of enterprises.

6. Smart Factory

A factory often consists of multiple workshops. The production process of the intelligent factory should be transparent, 자동화된, visual and it’s quality inspection and analysis, product testing, production logistics and production process should achieve closed-loop integration. Collaborative operation, on-time delivery, and information sharing should be realized among multiple workshops. Some discrete manufacturing enterprises have also established production command centers. The granularity of MES ProducTIon scheduling is days, hours, or even minutes.

7. Smart R&디

Discrete manufacturing enterprises have applied CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/EDA tools and PDM/PLM systems in product development, but e-Works has found that many enterprises do not have a high level of application of this software in the process of providing consulting services to manufacturing enterprises. Enterprises need multi-disciplinary cooperation of mechanical and electrical software to develop intelligent products; It is necessary to deeply establish a virtual digital prototype, and reduce the physical test through simulation; It is necessary to combine simulation technology with test management.

8. Smart Management

Domestic enterprises also regard OA as a core information system. MDM has been deployed in large enterprises.

9. 스마트물류 and SCM

Manufacturing enterprise internal procurement, and production are accompanied by the flow of materials; The stacking robot and application of the intelligent sorting system are becoming more and more popular. TMS and WMS are also widely concerned by manufacturing enterprises.

10. Smart Decision Making

Enterprises produce a lot of data. 한편으로는, it is the core business data collected from various business systems and business departments. These data are generally structured data. This is the domain of BI technology. 그 동안에, the Enterprise can use these data to extract the Enterprise KPI and compare it with the preset target. 그 동안에, the KPI can be decomposed layer by layer to evaluate the cadres and employees.

8. Smart manufacturing can achieve the whole

Smart manufacturing can achieve the whole

Ai in the manufacturing market is anticipated to reach $13.96 10억 단위로 2028.

The manufacturing industry has made significant progress in adopting advanced technologies for manufacturing operations and processes. The manufacturing sector is implementing ai-driven intelligent solutions and services to improve organizational automation and operational efficiency. 결과적으로, there is a significant growth in demand for the adoption of ARTIFICIAL intelligence in manufacturing for smart manufacturing processes that provide decentralized decision-making, optimize logistics and supply chains, improve production outcomes, improve process efficiency and minimize operating costs to achieve smart manufacturing environments.

There are top 10 companies in the artificial intelligence sector in the manufacturing market listed below:

Letters of the company

Alphabet is one of the global pioneers of Internet-based products and services. Computer hardware and software, 클라우드 컴퓨팅, 검색 엔진, and online advertising technology compose the company’s portfolio. Alphabet also offers G Suite to improve the management of various processes that occur in manufacturing due to its collaboration capabilities.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services offers an on-demand API and cloud computing platform. It focuses primarily on e-commerce, 클라우드 컴퓨팅, digital streaming, 인공지능, and consumer electronics. AWS helps manufacturers transform their manufacturing operations.

Microsoft corp.

Microsoft mainly provides Microsoft Windows OS, Internet Explorer, Edge Web browser, Microsoft Office Suite, 등. Its leading hardware products are the Microsoft Surface line of touch-screen PCS. Microsoft offers connected Field services solutions, smart Supply chain solutions, PTC ThingWorx, Azure Iot ConnectedFactory, 등.


Gpus for the professional and gaming markets and soCs for the mobile computing and manufacturing markets. Its main GPU product line is labeled “GeForce”. Nvidia는 연구원과 과학자들에게 병렬 처리 능력도 제공합니다.. Nvidia는 최신 신경망이 여러 고해상도 센서의 데이터를 병렬로 처리할 수 있도록 모듈의 소형 시스템을 통해 슈퍼컴퓨터 성능을 최첨단으로 끌어 올리고 있습니다..

IBM company

IBM 기능은 하드웨어와 소프트웨어를 만들고 판매합니다., 다양한 호스팅 및 컨설팅 서비스를 제공합니다.. 회사는 다양하고 광범위한 서비스 및 제품 포트폴리오를 보유하고 있습니다..

IBM은 엔터프라이즈 AI 분야의 세계적 리더이자 최대 규모의 사이버 보안 회사입니다.. 다양한 산업 분야의 모든 규모의 기업과 리더에게 서비스를 제공합니다..

현재 제조 시장에서 AI의 예상 성장에 대한 Meticulous Research®의 보고서는 업계에 대한 몇 가지 놀라운 예측을 제공합니다..


인텔 디자인, 컴퓨터 부품 제조 및 판매. 인텔 IT는 여러 팀과 긴밀히 협력하여 계층 전반에 걸쳐 IT 솔루션을 통합하기 위한 전략을 개발했습니다..

Siemens Ag

Siemens는 소비자 제품 및 서비스를 위한 전력 및 에너지 솔루션을 제조합니다., 건축 및 운전 기술, 에너지, 유동성, 금융. 또한 다양한 산업 분야에 시장별 솔루션을 제공합니다..


Ge는 발전에서 다양한 제품과 서비스를 제공하는 전 세계적으로 다각화된 기술 및 금융 서비스 회사입니다., 항공기 엔진, 가전 ​​제품, 수처리부터 의료영상까지, 산업용 제품, 상업 및 소비자 금융. 신재생에너지로 사업다각화, 보건 의료, 힘, 기름, 그리고 가스, 조명, 운송, 항공.

Rockwell Automation

Rockwell Automation은 전 세계적으로 정보 솔루션 및 산업 자동화를 제조합니다.. 회사는 가정을 섬긴다, 음식, 음료, 개인 관리, 생명 과학, 자동차와 타이어, mining and metals, oil and gas industries. It is divided into architecture and software and control products and solutions. The Architecture and Software division provides control and information platforms.

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..

Advanced Micro Devices specializes in semiconductor devices used in computer processing. It offers video and multimedia products, 마이크로프로세서, graphics, embedded microprocessors, and chipsets. 게다가, it serves OEMs, data centers, OEMs, systems integrators, distributors and plug-in manufacturers.

9. What is the market for IoT manufacturing

What is the market for IoT manufacturing

Digitization of manufacturing helps increase productivity and growth, reduce operating costs and improve products and services. IIoT plays a crucial role in this manufacturing revolution. 하지만, the global iot deployment process is also being challenged by the pandemic and some social factors.

A study in the United Kingdom assessed 2021

Internet of Things adoption in key vertical markets. The survey polled 500 senior IoT decision makers and implementors in the UK and US, 100 of whom work in manufacturing.

How much equipment is there in the plant and on-site?

There are only 5% of manufacturing respondents said they deployed between 10,000 그리고 100,000 장치. 오직 2% of companies deploy more than 100,000 장치. This is significantly lower than healthcare and medical devices, which is lower than smart vending (9 퍼센트) and supply chain and logistics (14 퍼센트).

More than 58% of manufacturing respondents reported deploying fewer than 5,000 장치. Smart manufacturers can benefit from Industry 4.0 and even move towards Industry 5.0.

Core challenges facing manufacturing markets

Maintaining equipment manually is expensive

Experienced engineers are required to monitor the equipment and go to the site to solve problems.


Essential to improved performance and cost savings. For companies to grow and remain competitive, they need to automate and optimize their production processes.

Real-time data

It is very essential to solve problems effectively. Data analysis and experience can facilitate predictive maintenance.

Connectivity is critical

Many manufacturers operate multiple factories and require reliable connections between factories and the cloud for data storage and analysis.

Equipment needs to be simple and easy to use

The equipment must be easy for engineers to install and operate due to the potential for large-scale deployment.

Security is critical as the gap between OT and IT Narrows. A high degree of security for IoT devices is critical.

Looking ahead — What’s next for the Internet of Things in manufacturing?

Eighty-five percent of manufacturers say IoT is a priority for their business over the next two to three years.

Almost all respondents (93%) plan to increase their IoT budgets.

It will become an important value driver for manufacturing in the future, and companies will continue to increase their IoT deployment budgets as market expectations increase.