NB-IoTとは、 IoT技術 ナローバンドの. NB-IoT, 世界中で使用されている新しいテクノロジー, 主に次のIoT市場をターゲットとしています。 低電力 & 幅広いカバレッジ((LPWAN). NB-IoT導入といえば, 継続的な発展を通じてコミュニケーションの進化の歴史を見ることが重要です。 2G, 3G, 4G, そして5G, スマートフォンの普及と簡素化された即時送信も相まって (声, ピクチャー, HDビデオ) 人と人との間. この記事では、NB テクノロジーについて詳しく完全に説明します。!
1. NB-IoT技術とは?
NB-IoT通信とは? Nb-IoTとモバイル通信の違い (2/3/4/5G) とその特徴
1. 幅広いカバレッジ. 従来のものとは異なります GSM, 基地局は 10 倍のエリア カバレッジをサポートできます.
NB-IoT 基地局は 10km の通信範囲をカバーできます, 小さな郡でも. その間, NB-IoT は、LTE および GPRS 基地局よりも 20Db 多くの帯域幅を獲得. 加えて, NB-IoTは、地下のガレージなどの場所にも信号を送信できます, 地下室, 地下のパイプ, など通常, 地下では電話を受けることはできません. しかし, NB-IoT を使用すると、引き続き誰かに電話をかけることができます!
2. マスコネクション. 200KHz 周波数は 100,000 の接続を提供可能
提供される接続が増えるほど, 建設される基地局が少なくなるほど. 建設される基地局の数が少なくなる, より多くのお金が節約されます! 一人の先生が教えられる 200 生徒を一度に、別の教師が教えることができます 20 学生. したがって, 二人とも教えていたら 1,000 学生, 雇用することだけが必要です 5 先生たちと 200 学生ですが、 50 先生たちと 20 学生.
3. 低消費電力, 単三電池の使用(いいえ. 5 バッテリー) NB-IoT は 10 年間無料で動作します
10年間無料! 冗談じゃないよ, あなたは? 携帯電話は毎日充電しなければなりません! NB-IoT には、eDRX 省電力テクノロジーと PSM 省電力モードが導入されており、消費電力を削減し、バッテリ寿命を延長します。. PSMモード時, 信号が到達できない間も端末はネットワーク上で利用可能です, 消費電力を抑える目的を達成するために、端末を長時間スリープ モードに移行させます。. eDRX省電力技術により、アイドルモード時の端末のスリープサイクルを延長し、受信ユニットの不必要な起動を削減します。. また, ダウンリンクのアクセシビリティを大幅に向上させます, PSMとの違いは.
DRX (間欠受信) EDRX は拡張間欠受信であるのに対し、は間欠受信を指します。.
EDRX /PSMの消費電力例
図に示すように, DRX とは、継続的に信号を受信せず、ほとんどの時間休止する方法を意味します。. 例えば, 連続受付とは、何か異常がないかどうかを確認するためにドアを真剣に見つめながら、一日中仕事をしなければならない警備員のことです. 受付が途切れると、警備員は 1 時間ドアを監視し、休憩時間は 10 分間だけ過ごすことになります。.
省エネモード (PSM) 省電力モードと同じです. ほとんどのIoT端末はほとんど無料だった. メーターを読んで時計を発行するだけで済みます. その後, 彼らはちょうど休んだところです, デバイスが休眠状態に入ることを意味します.
結論は, NB-iotの電力保全機能は、1時間で50分間のお茶を飲む警備員として機能します. つまり, 彼は1日3時間しかありませんが、残りの時間は休憩します.
4. 単純化されたモビリティ. 携帯電話とは対照的です, 車や電車の速度が非常に速いため、携帯電話がベースステーションを常に切り替えるという理由で、車や高速列車の悪い信号を示しています. リレーレースのようなものです. バトンでの良好な中継は通常の呼び出しを表し、逃したバトンは断続的または落とされたcalに等しくなります.
ほとんどのシナリオで, IoT端子にNB-IOを使用することは静的です. 例えば, プロトコルの複雑さとモジュールコストも削減できるインテリジェントメーター読み取りを実施できます.
5. ハーフデュプレックスモード
It means I’m talking and you must listen and never interrupt! Vice versa.
2. NB-IoT テクノロジーの仕組み?
NB-IoT stands for the IoT tech of Narrowband. NB-IoT, 世界中で使用されている新しいテクノロジー, 主にローパワーのIoT市場をターゲットにしています & 幅広いカバレッジ((LPWAN).
NB-IoT utilizes License frequency bands. It is applied in three channels to exist within the network, including in-band, protected band and independent carriers.
Nb-IoT is revised on the basis of FDD LTE technology. A large part of the physical layer designs adopts LTE systematic technology like SC-FDMA used for uplink and OFDM for downlink. The high-level design of the protocol abides by the LTE protocols with its features of a tiny packet, low power consumption and large connectivity enhanced. Part of the core network is connected through the S1 interface and provides support for independent and upgrade deployment.
Terminal: User Equipment (UE), connected to base stations (eNodeB (進化したノードB, E-Utran基地局) 空港経由.
無線ネットワーク: それは含まれます 2 種類のネットワーク モデル. 1 つ目は統合型ワイヤレス ネットワークです。(単一RAN), 2G/3G/4G および NB-IoT ワイヤレス ネットワークを含む, もう1つはNew NB-IoTネットワークです, 空港のアクセス処理を主に請け負う会社, 細胞管理, およびその他の関連する役割. 次に、S1-Lite インターフェイスを介して IoT コア ネットワークへの接続を作成します。, 非アクセス層データを高レベルのネットワーク要素に転送する.
コアネットワーク: EPC – 進化したパケットコア (EPC) 端末の非アクセス層との対話を担当し、IoT サービスに関連するデータを IoT プラットフォームに転送します. 要約は広範囲ではありません, 次の情報を参照してください.
プラットホーム: 主に通信プラットフォーム
アプリケーション・サーバー: 通信プラットフォームを例に挙げます. アプリケーション サーバーは、HTTP または HTTPS 経由でプラットフォームとの通信を形成し、プラットフォームのオープン API を呼び出してデバイスを制御します。. プラットフォームはデバイスからサーバーにデータをディスパッチします. プラットフォームはデバイス データを分析し、それらのデータを標準の JSON 形式に変換します。.
デフォルトの状態では, NB-IoT の動作条件には 3 種類あり、その 3 つの状態は異なる設定パラメータに基づいてシフトされます。. これらの状態がNB-IoTの特性に大きな影響を与えていると考えています。. だからこその特徴です. そのうえ, 将来的にNB-IoTを利用し、関連プログラムを設計する際に, 開発要求と製品の機能に応じて 3 つの動作状態をカスタマイズする必要があります.
以下は 3 つの動作状態です:
It can send and get data after the registration of the module and the connected state finish. After a period of no data interaction, it will enter Idle mode for a configurable time.
It can send and receive data and go to the Connected state while collecting downlink data. Interaction without data for some time makes it transit to PSM mode for a configurable time.
PSM (省エネモード)
In this mode, the terminal closes the signal transceiver and doesn’t monitor the paging on the wireless mode. したがって, the terminal is still connected to the network, but the signal cannot cover or be reached, which leads to no access to downlink data and results in low power consumption.
The time scale is under the configuration of the core network (T3412). 転送する必要のある上りデータがある場合、または TAU サイクルが終了した場合, 接続状態になります.
3 つの NB-IoT 動作状態の一般的な移行プロセスは次のように要約できます。:
(1) 端末がデータ送信を終了したとき, 接続状態にあり、「非アクティブ タイマー」が開始されます。, デフォルトでは 20 秒の設定があり、1 秒から 3600 秒まで設定できます;
②「非アクティブタイマー」が時間切れになったとき, 端末はアイドル状態に変わります, その後、アクティブタイマー T3324 が動作します。. タイムアウト期間は 2 秒から 2 秒までの範囲で設定されます。 186 分.
③アクティブタイマーが時間切れになったとき, 端末がPSM状態になる. TAUタイムサイクル終了時, 接続状態になります. TAU タイムスケール[T3412] is configured from 54 mins to 310 hrs.
[PS: タウタイムサイクルは、アイドルモードからPSMモードの終わりまでの期間を表します]
1. データの送信プロセス中, NB-Lotはアクティブな状態です. 次に、「不活性カウンター」の構成の下でタイムアウトの有効期限が切れた後、アイドル状態に変化します.
2. EDRXメカニズムは、端子がアイドル状態にあるときに導入されます. 完全なアイドルプロセスには、多くのEDRXサイクルが含まれています, 20.48からの範囲の時間でタイマーを介して構成できます 2.92 HRS。また, すべてのEDRXサイクルは、いくつかのDRXページングサイクルをカバーしています;
3. ポケット器の時間枠 (ptw) いくつかのDRXページングサイクルで構成されています. ポケット器の時間ウィンドウは、タイマーによって設定できます, 2.56から40.96秒の範囲, 値は、ウィンドウサイズとポケットベル時間の数を決定します。ページングタイムウィンドウ(ptw), which can be set through the timer, is consisted of a number of DRX paging cycles. The time is configured from 20.48s to 40.96s. The time selected determines the scale of the time window and the amount;
4. After the Active Timer exceeds the set time, the NB-IoT terminal changes from the idle condition to the PSM condition, from which the terminal doesn’t conduct paging or obtain downlink data. Then it goes to the sleep state.
5. The TAU timer begins calculating the time when the terminal goes to the idle condition. When the timer expires, the terminal will leave the PSM state and operates TAU to go back to the activated state (see ① in the figure)
6. The terminal can also be back to the activated state through actively sending uplink data when it operates in the PSM state.
3. NB-IoT VS LoRa テクノロジー
ごめんなさい, 無線通信技術, 主流のテクノロジーを採用, NB-IoTを含む, eMTC, シグフォックス, および LoRa テクノロジー. NB-IoTは3GPPによって開発されています, 通信業界で最も権威のある標準化団体, ITUによって承認されています, 国際標準. フランスのSigfoxと米国のSemtech. SigfoxとLoRaのコア技術をそれぞれ所有.
NB-IoTとLoRaの現在の開発状況: LPWA テクノロジーは主にテキストベースのサービスを目的としており、低速レートを特徴とする IoT アプリケーションのケースに適しています。, 低消費電力, 広いカバレッジと大規模な接続. 現在, 2つの主要なテクノロジーキャンプ, NB-IoTとLoRaが中国で設立. NB-IoT を大幅に推進し、LoRa に対しては様子見の姿勢をとるために、さらなる国家政策が導入される. 現在のところ, the LPWA technology application in China is still conducted through experiments and promotion. NB-IoT as well as LoRa mainly focus their eyes on smart meters, smart buildings and other application scenarios, which are mostly similar.
Competitiveness of NB-IoT & ロラ: NB-IoT is more suitable for applications with heavy data volume and frequent communication which is in contrast to LoRa. Belonging to carrier networks, NB-IoT is more fitting to decentralized application scenarios with wide geographical distribution and mobile attributes, while LoRa can achieve flexible deployment to better meet the needs of industrial applications with more centralized terminals. Because of different design thinking and implementation methods, wireless communication technologies differ in characteristics. したがって, it is necessary to choose appropriate communication technologies according to specific application cases when deploying the networks.
Development trends of NB IoT and LoRa technologies for IoT: In terms of the application scenario demand, it is expected that the domestic NB-IoT and LoRa will tend to be divided into 6:4 による 2025. NB-IoT has a shorter development cycle, product instability, narrow network coverage, and low coverage, compared to LoRa. It is expected that two more years are needed for technological advancement and network optimization to fully bring its advantages into play. During this period, the relatively advanced LoRa are encouraged to shift to more application areas by the market demand.
4. Comparison between NB-IoT and LTE-M Technologies
LTE-M(Long Term Evolution of Machines) NB-IoTと (ナローバンドのモノのインターネット) どちらも低電力ワイドエリアネットワークに属しています (LPWAN) LTE および 5G NR よりも低いレートでデータを送信する. しかし, 機能を備えた, 低コスト, 大容量, 低消費電力と広いカバー範囲, 幅広い IoT アプリケーションに最適で、少量のデータを必要とするデバイスを接続できます。, 低帯域幅, そして長いバッテリー寿命.
遅延 Pパフォーマンス
NB-IoT テクノロジーの利点には、低消費電力と困難な領域をカバーするための高い信頼性が含まれます. LTE-Mとの比較, NB-IoT は、非常に低いネットワーク遅延を必要とする状況にはあまり適していません. NB-IoT の遅延は通常 10 秒以下です (その周り 1.6 10代まで), 一方、LTE-M の遅延は通常、 100 に 150 ミリ秒.
デバイス M柔軟性
LTE-Mとの違い, NB-IoT はモビリティに対する優れたサポートを提供しません (LTE-M技術による音声対応機能も搭載). This means that the NB-iot can also be used for mobile assets and devices that we sometimes hear about but just time-limited. Cases involve real-time NB-IoT applications with trackers, bike-sharing applications, environment applications with mobile components but low throughput, インテリジェントな物流, 等. 一般的に言えば, fixed assets, such as smart meters or point-of-sale terminals are typical but not unique areas for NB-IoT. It’s LTE-M that can achieve “true seamless mobility”.
エネルギー Efficiency
NB-IoT pays more attention to low energy and low power consumption than LTE-M. 理論的には, NB-IoT provides over ten years of battery life.
With the use of narrow bands (or narrower bandwidths or a single narrowband of 200KHz or 180KHz), it allows for increased transmission power density. Together with other coverage enhancement functions, NB-IoTの浸透がさらに進んでいる (全体的なカバレッジを強化) LTE-Mと比較した性能. LTE-M は屋内のカバレッジにも適していますが、NB-IoT の機能が優れています。. カバレッジエリアおよび浸透率またはカバレッジに関する技術情報: NB-IoT には結合損失があり、 164 dB と 20 に比べて dB 優れたリンク バジェット GPRS.
多くの点で似ていますが、, いくつかの決定的な違いがあります.
LTE-M は、NB-IoT よりも高速でデータを送信でき、遅延も短くなります。 (デバイスがネットワークへの接続を確立し、情報を送信または収集するのにかかる時間). これらの機能により、LTE-Mは音声通信やデータ通信などのサービスに加え、よりリアルタイムな通信が必要なLoTアプリケーションの提供も可能となります。, 正確な追跡や電力網の監視など. そのうえ, LTE-M offers better performance than NB-IoT for mobile IoT applications despite the mobility upgrades found in Cat-NB2.
The faster speed of LTE-M also makes it more suited for data-intensive IoT applications. Also as a natural extension of 4G LTE, LTE-M gains from out-of-the-box roaming, つまり. the capability to utilize the network operator’s SIM card on other operators’ networks in foreign countries.
しかし, NB-IoT has more strengths compared to LTE-M. Although both of them offer better coverage than other technologies, 多くのネットワーク オペレータは、最大限のカバレッジ向上を実現するテクノロジーを使用して NB-IoT ネットワークを導入していますが、LTE-M ネットワークのテクノロジーでは部分的なカバレッジ向上しか実現できません。. NB-IoT ネットワークは、倉庫内で LTE-M よりも多くの信号をカバーします, オフィスビル, 信号の損失や複数の層の障壁が接続の問題を引き起こす地面の下の場所.
こういったメリットがあるため、, NB-IoT は、シンプルな機能を備えた IoT アプリケーションにとって優れた選択肢になります。, 静的, データが非常に少ない.
5. NB-IoTを選ぶ理由 テクノロジー?
現在、モノのインターネットの主要な技術標準は NB-IoT です. 主要通信事業者は標準規格に多額の投資を行っている, 特にチャイナテレコム, NB-IoTアプリケーションをリードする. eMTCに似ている, NB-IoTは世界標準となっています, while the other two are private ones.
The biggest distinction between the two technologies is the spectrum, which serves as the most precious asset of an IoT connectivity standard. 簡単な言葉で言うと, a spectrum is the same as a legal parking lot, which LoRa inherently lacks.
Huawei has been advocating NB-IoT for many years and introduced the concept in 2015 in conjunction with Qualcomm, Vodafone, and other internationally renowned companies. Apart from Huawei, there are still many carriers showing their interest in NB-IoT.
Unlike LoRa, の NB-IoT network is an operator-built network by an enterprise independently. If you want the terminal to use NB-IoT, the NB-IoT network should be firstly used. In that way, operators will definitely promote the application of NB-IoT in an active manner.
さらに, the government provides strong assistance for the development of NB-IoT. China has launched more relevant policies to support NB-IoT. 例えば, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued the Notice on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction and Development of the Mobile Internet of Things on June 16, 2017. 14 initiatives are clearly stated in the Notice, which includes the comprehensive promotion of the construction and development of NB-IoT, the establishment of 1.5 million NB-IoT base stations, and the development of more than 600 million NB-IoT connections by 2020.
With the support of the government, NB-IoT is bound to be popular in China under the active support of China operators and the strong advocate of Huawei.
Strengths of NB–IoT
現在, the standards have been frozen, and in China, the standards have been commercially used on a large scale. NB-IoT contains four major traits, つまり, heavy coverage, 低消費電力, large connectivity, そして低コスト.
1. The impact on society
With lower power consumption, a more simplified protocol, and a suitable design, NB-IoT greatly improves the standby time of terminals. It is said that for some NB terminals, the standby time is able to last for ten years.
2. Signal Coverage
NB-IoT has relatively excellent coverage capability (20dBof gains) and doesn’t affect signal reception even if it is buried under a manhole.
3. The Number of Connections
Each unit can support 50,000 端子.
4. 料金
NB-IoT is even a highlight with extremely low cost of communication modules. Each module is expected to be priced at $5 or less, which facilitates widespread purchase and use. It can be concluded from Moore’s Law that the cost can be lowered to below $1 when it takes no more than forty months.
しかし, the impact of NB-IoT is not yet truly evident due to the current maturity of the industry. A few IoT products are only designed before the consideration of how to integrate NB-IoT, while revolutionary technology takes it into consideration when product design starts.
結果として, NB-IoT still faces dark moments before gaining an edge. While many people know that it is promising, it will not bring instant huge profits to those participants in the industry. 総括する, NB-IoT is a tech infrastructure that needs plenty of patience.
For most IoT practitioners, モノのインターネット, 一方では, requires continuous attention, especially for the emergence of some key features; 一方で, it is not necessary to have illusions about network IoT as networks serve both automation and customization. The network IoT will be utilized If there is a relevant need and the cost is suitable. Otherwise, it is a wise choice to wait for some time.
6. Advantages and disadvantages of NB-IoT テクノロジー
The Internet of Things is penetrating our life at an extremely rapid pace. The safe and reliable transmission of data serves as the basis to achieve the interconnection among different things. In most cases, 3G, 4G, and GPRS skills are chosen to finish transmitting data, leading to high usage costs and influencing the popularity of IoT services. したがって, NB- IoT skills are born to satisfy the market demand. The NB-IoT(Narrowband cellular Internet of Things) skill adopts the principles of ultra-narrowband, repetitive transmission and streamlined network protocols, and acquires the carrying capacity for low power and Wide WAN at the expense of sacrificing certain speed rate, time delay and mobile instinct.
あdvantages of NB-私ああT
With the same coverage conditions of base stations, NB-IoT technology is 50 に 100 times more accessible than other wireless technologies, and each sector can guarantee access to 100,000 端子.
Low Power Consumption
In terms of battery-powered devices, low power consumption can greatly enhance the battery life of devices from months to years, thus considerably decreasing the frequency of changing batteries.
High Coverage
NB-IoT tech has 100 times the coverage capability of LTE. This can not only satisfy the requirements of large-scale coverage in sparsely populated regions but also fit for applications underground where deep coverage is required.
Low Cost
Because of selecting cellular network skills on the authorized frequency band,s the NB-IoT does not need to rebuild the network, and RF and antennas are basically reusable. Coupled with NB-IoT’s low power consumption, 低帯域幅, and low rate, it also lowers chip and module costs.
Fewer Data Transfer
Based on its low power consumption, NB-IoT can only transfer fewer data.
Apart from the price of the NB-IoT communication module, the operator will also charge an operating fee.
Although NB-IoT technology is widely used, various kinds of failures often occur during practical applications, bringing about communication interruptions.
The IoT platform of telecom adopts CoPA protocol, which is complicated in terms of docking and often leads to a long construction time for incompatibility with traditional TCP, UDP communication, 等.
The above are the strengths and drawbacks of NB-IoT. NB-IoT is a newly-developed IoT technology that has appealed to many eyes due to its low power consumption, stable connectivity, low cost and good structure optimization. And as NB-IoT technology goes through more advanced development, it will emerge in more industries in the future.
7. NB-IoTテクノロジー Application Cases
Being one kind of IoTs technology, NB-IoT is considered to bring a great boost, even a transforming effect, to the growth of the whole IoTs industry.
これ, 順番に, will directly affect each of our lives – through a number of application cases shaped by NB-IoT tech.
Take smart home, smart manufacturing and smart city as examples:
NB-LoT technology can be operated in smart homes, ウェアラブルデバイス, children and elderly care, pet tracking, and other consumer electronics products to give hands to enterprises developing better business models and boost innovation in this area.
NB-LoT tech supports massive amounts of sensors, including the transformation of both large and small data volumes for information, which enables the realization of the portability of computing-capable devices, substantially conducive to the growth of the amount of devices accessing the IoT.
NB-IoT technology is mixed with industrial Internet and smart manufacturing to promote integration and innovation and realize the monitoring and flexible and intelligent control of manufacturing process so that industrial production, agricultural production, transportation and other fields gain benefits from the development of IoT, which in turn facilitates the further progress of IoT.
Intelligent metering of water, 電気とガス, intelligent parking management, and information or intelligent environmental monitoring, from some areas, improve the city’s ability in public services and public management, and significantly reduce the cost of this process. To reduce costs, NB-IoT 技術は、水道のスマートメーターなどあらゆる分野で公共サービスと管理を向上させる都市の能力を強化します, 電気とガス, スマートな駐車場管理, 環境モニタリングの情報化とインテリジェンス.
NB-IoT と LTE テクノロジーが都市照明のインテリジェンスを向上, 交通機関, 環境の監視と管理. コストと伝送容量の面で有利, NB-LoT は、特定の公共エリアにおける情報のインテリジェンスと環境モニタリングを実現し、小さなデータの定期的な送信を通じて都市インテリジェンスを促進します。.
8. NB-IoTソリューション
IoTプラットフォームの構築と並行して, モノのインターネットを専門とする企業の数, 特にNB-IoTソリューション, 急速に増加する. 企業は特にセンシングに注目, メーターの読み, parking, logistics monitoring and other fields. It can be said that NB-IoT has become a pioneering tech in market exploration. 今日, the author will analyze the characteristics of several famous NB-IoT solution providers in the market.
ソリューション for の Internet of Vehicles
When it comes to the IoTs, one of the most essential parts that need attention is the Internet of Vehicles. Although some applications of the Internet of vehicles have high requirements over network connection speed, NB-IoT can still be used in the field of static transportation. In the NB-IoT smart parking scheme with the participation of Fanger Technology and China Unicom, the latest geomagnetic vehicle detection technology and wireless data transmission technology are applied, which not only reduces the production cost of equipment, but also does not require the laying of communication lines and power supply lines. 加えて, it only requires less amount of installation, a short cycle of installation cycle, and high detection accuracy. 実際の応用例では, 特に, equipped with the three-level induction screen, the intelligent parking project functions that the data collected will be released to the website, cell phone, display screen and other terminals in real-time, greatly solving the problems of facing difficulties like positioning parking location, inaccurate number, 等. 現在, with more and more vehicles emerging, NB-IoT tech will become a big tool to tackle the issues concerning parking,
Solutions forスマートメーター
The development in the field of smart meters cannot be achieved without the collaboration between Huawei, a global leader in wireless and positioning modules and chips, and one of the main contributors to the development of the NB-IoT technology (4.5 テクノロジー) 標準. In June 2017 JANZ CE announced a new generation of smart computer technology to be piloted in Portugal. Compared to its predecessors, the latest generation of Smart Computer technology is upgraded to automatically detect damaged areas faster and reduce the time needed to restore service in the event of an accident; Also the technology improves the breadth, depth and accuracy of online detection data and optimizes the efficiency of power usage.
Smart Water Meter Solutions
As China’s first listed company with water meters as its main business, Sanchuan Wisdom is believed to be a leading company in the field of smart water meter solutions. Through smart water meter manufacturing, water big data and other services, the company improves itself to become a company that offers one-stop industry chain services on water investment and operation, water-based environmental monitoring and management, R&D and sales of smart water appliances and family healthy drinking water services. In particular, relying on its special hood structure, it can still last 6 years on a single battery in a humid environment, which not only allows remote control but also greatly improves immediacy and lower management costs.
Smart Street Lightning ソリューション
With the rise of smart cities, the concept of smart streetlights is gaining popularity in first- そして二級都市. In Zhitron’s intelligent lighting management solution for streetlights, it integrates remote streetlight control, telemetry, リモコン, インテリジェントな警告, energy efficiency analysis, self-control, map display, asset management and other functions by combining NB-IoT features. また, compared with traditional street lighting solutions, managers can also formulate strategies and develop optimal energy-efficiency control strategies based on real-time conditions because they have access to more information. With the expansion of the smart street light market and the upstream and downstream connection, smart street light in the future will integrate more sensors and undertakes more functions of network nodes.
Smart Positioning Solution
The biggest appeal of the “Internet of Everything” lies in the interconnection between objects and people. During the IoTs establishment processes, there are needs for positioning everywhere. The biggest positioning market is the tracking and positioning of people. From children’s watches and pet tracking to the real-time whereabouts of firefighters, couriers and people awaiting bail, location trackers are increasingly affecting our lives. While Release 14 led by Oviphone Communications integrates the solution of base station positioning, which requires the network and terminal side support. 2番, Release 14 of NB-IoT’s cell reselection better solves the fast roaming switching problem. The high bandwidth of NB-IoT’s Release 14 ensures faster real-time performance. When Ovodan launched the first NB-IoT-based smartwatch in 2015, it provided ODM or OEM services from product development to stable mass production and a flexible and complete solution of “terminal development + application server + mobile application terminal”, which is currently the global leader of NB-IoT in smart wear and It is the global leader in smart wear and tracker products.
Smart Logistics ソリューション
Based on Huawei’s Ocean Connect IoT platform, the smart logistics solution is able to acquire data on logistics vehicles, 貨物, 人員, ノード, routes, 等, and quickly provide smart logistics-related services to assist logistics companies or personnel, cargo owners, consignees, government regulators and the public, solving the problems of five-in-one physical flow and information flow efficient management, including “vehicle, 人々, 貨物, connection mode and route”.
したがって, a large number of market solutions have emerged to provide connected cars, smart utilities, スマートシティ, smart streetlights and other market solutions that require scale and homogeneous terminals, IoT通信技術としてのNB-IoTの大きな可能性を知ることができます。. 私たちはテクノロジーが発展するにつれて、, 現在、さまざまな分野や企業が取り組んでいるNB-IoTソリューションは、上流と下流の産業をさらに統合し、さらなる発展を遂げることになります。.
9. NB-IoTの歴史 テクノロジー
で 2013, ボーダフォンとファーウェイモバイルが提携し、新たな通信規格に関する科学研究を実施, 当初は「NB-M2M」と呼ばれていました (マシンツーマシンのLTE)」.
5月に 2017, 3GPP の GERAN Institute は、FS_IoT_LC という名前の新しい科学研究プロジェクトを作成しました, これは、新しい無線通信アクセス ネットワーク システム ソフトウェアに関する重要な科学的研究であり、「NB-M2M」は新しいプロジェクトの研究コンポーネントの 1 つになりました。後で, Qualcomm submitted the technical specification of “NB-OFDM” (Narrow Band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). (3GPP, “3rd GeneraTIon Partnership Project” standardization organization; TSG-GERAN (GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network): undertakes the establishment of technical standards for GSM/EDGE (development of technical standards for wireless network access networks).
5月に 2016, the “NB-M2M” program and the “NB-OFDM” program were combined to become “NB-CIoT” (Narrow Band CellularIoT). The essential part of the combination of the scheme depends on the choice of the FDMA multiple access methods for communication and the OFDM multiple access methods for sliding.
In July 2016, Sony Ericsson, in collaboration with ZTE, Nokia and other enterprises, clearly put forward the technical specifications of “NB-LTE” (Narrow Band LTE).
In the 69th rural work conference of RAN# in September 2016, the executors of each plan combined the two technical specifications (” NB-IoT “and” NB-LTE “), and the 3GPP Project establishment was carried out for the unified specification after hot discussion and deliberation. The specification is a unified national standard called “NB-IoT (ナローバンドモノのインターネット, based on the cellular Narrowband Internet of Things)」. それ以来, “NB-M2M”, “NB-OFDM”, “NB-CIoT”, “NB-LTE ” all become history time.
In June 2017, the Key specification of the NB-IoT was set up as an Internet of Things Technology Specific Agreement in 3GPPL-13. 9月中, the SPECIFICATION of the NB-LoT features was carried out. In January 2017, part of the specification for NB-IoT conformance testing was formulated.
10. NB-IoTに関するFAQ
NB-IoT を導入している国と NB-IoT の周波数帯域を分割する方法?
For any carriers around the globe, NB-IoT is deployed with the 900MHz band while the 800MHz band is used in parts of NB-IoT. The NB-IoT of China Unicom is equipped with 900MHz and 1800MHz bands, and currently, only 900MHz is able to be tested. To enhance the construction of NB-IoT, China Mobile acquires FOD photos and enables the re-cultivation of 900MHz & 1800MHz frequency bands. China Telecom’s NB- IoT is deployed in the 800 MHz band but with a frequency of 5 MHz only.
What is the timeline for Narrowband LoT deployment?
In the year of 2016, China Unicom conducted an NB-IoT outfield scale network trial on the basis of 900MHz and 1800MHz frequency bands in seven metropolises(Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, 深セン, Fuzhou, Changsha and Yinchuan) and introduced over 6 business application demonstrations, and full national commercial deployment of NB-IoT will begin in 2018.
China Mobile intends to launch the commercialization process of NB-IoT in the year 2017. China Telecom starts the plan of the deployment of the NB- IoT network in the first half of 2017. Huawei has joined hands with 6 carriers (China Unicom, チャイナモバイル, Vodafone, Emirates Telecom, Telefonica, 等) to set up 6 NB-IoT opening labs worldwide to concentrate on NB-IoT business innovation, industry growth, interoperability testing and verification. ZTE teamed up with China Mobile to complete the technical verification evolution of NB-IoT protocol in the 5G Joint Innovation Center laboratory.
What modulation and demodulation technologies で使用されています NB-IoT?
Downlink using OFDMA, sub-carrier spacing 15kHz. Single-tone: 3.75 kHz/15 kHz, ULTI-tone: 15 kHz. Only half-duplex needs to be supported, with separate synchronization
The signal. The terminal supports the demonstration of single-tone and multi-tone capabilities. The layer processing of MAC/RLC/PDCP/RRC is carried out on the physical layer according to the current LTE process and protocol.
How many connected and active users are included in NB-私oT base stations?
The NB-IoT has 50-100 times more uplink capacity over 2G, 3Gと4G, and can offer 50-100 times more access than current wireless technologies at the same base station.
Regarding the simulation testing data, a base station cell can provide 50,000 NB-IoT terminal accesses.
NB-IoT increases 20Db of gains higher than LTE and GPRS base stations, expecting to have hard-to-reach areas coverage such as garages below the ground, 地下室, and underground pipes. Based on the simulation testing data, NB-IoT is able to get to 164dB in the independent deployment model, and the deployments with internal deployment and protection band haven’t been simulated.
What は the transmission rate of NB-IoT’s uplink and downlink?
The RF bandwidth of NB-IoT is 200KHz. Downlink rate: 160kbps- 50kbps. The uplink rate :160kbps-250kbps (multi-tone) or 160kbps-200kbps (Single tone).
Does NB-IoT support ある re–伝染 ; 感染 mechanism?
NB-IoT utilizes a certain mechanism to improve coverage like re-transmission (まで 200 回) and low-cost modulation.
Does NB-IoT have ある voice-supported function?
With no coverage improvement, the voice application underpinned by NB-IoT is Push to Talk. In the case of improving 20dB coverage, smart support is similar to Voice Mail. NB-IoT doesn’t support VoLTE, which has extremely high latency requirements. The high-layer protocol stack needs QoS guarantees, which definitely raises the cost.
What is the range of device movement rates and network delay duration for NB-IoT?
NB-IoT is used in application scenarios where mobility is not strongly supported (例えば, intelligent super meters, intelligent parking and so on). It can simplify the complexity of terminals and decrease the power consumption of terminals. NB-IoT doesn’t provide support for mobility management when in the connected state, including relevant measures, measurement reports, shifts, 等.
NB-IoT is able to support a delay of around ten seconds.