Che cos'è l'IoT Smart Education?


L’educazione intelligente avrà un grande impatto sul concetto educativo tradizionale, modalità, e contenuto. It will promote the major reform of educational forms and learning modes in the future. Smart education can effectively promote cultural dissemination and realize national informatization. Intelligent education fully applies technological advantages such as intelligenza artificiale, grandi dati, and “Internet +” to build a new system for running schools in the future, It can provide teachers and students with tools for the in-depth understanding of knowledge; it can comprehensively and accurately monitor and evaluate the teaching process and situation.

1. What is Smart Education

What is Smart Education

“Smart Education” is to create a new pattern of education in an all-around way by use of information technology. In the field of education, comprehensively and deeply use information technology to develop educational resources, and share innovative achievements. Smart education is conducive to improving the quality and efficiency of education and teaching and promoting the historical process of educational reform and development. Smart education is an important symbol of educational modernization. It has become a strategic requirement for the development of China’s educational undertakings to drive educational modernization with educational informatization.

2. What are Examples of smart education?

What are Examples of smart education

Intelligent Classroom

The intelligent classroom can realize real-time feedback of dialogue through a virtual classroom, which will make students feel more intimate and highly accepted in the way of dialogue. Personalized dialogue guidance can also be developed according to students’ previous learning data. Through automatic detection of students’ classroom status, including the number of students, sitting posture, behavior, facial expression, eccetera., intelligent statistics of indicators such as head-up rate, mobile phone rate, concentration, and leaving rate can be realized.

Intelligent learning system

The so-called intelligent learning system refers to a system constructed with the help of technologies such as “Internet +”, intelligenza artificiale, virtual simulation, and big data. Path. The system provides an effective learning guide to help students complete the system of personalized learning activities, realizing dynamic planning of learning.

Intelligent search and homework correcting

Intelligent search and homework correcting are OCR text recognition and handwriting recognition applications.

Intelligent voice commands

Through voice recognition technology, the APP can automatically identify the instructions of students and realize the automatic page turning, query and search, page jumping, and other command functions. It can cooperate with students’ teaching content, automatically and smoothly read the contents for students. It can also automatically convert the teacher’s words into writing words and directly display them on the screen so that students can quickly and clearly understand the teaching content.

3. The future trend of IoT Smart Education

trend of IoT Smart Education

Smart education is educational informatization. In the current society, information technology has been widely used in various fields, and the education industry is no exception. Tra loro, people have begun to comprehensively use information in teaching management, educational research, and education teaching in the education industry.

“Smart education” is a modern education information service system led by the government and jointly constructed by schools and enterprises. The system consists of cloud computing, Internet delle cose, Internet, digital courseware, public service platform, and cloud equipment to form an open campus and realize cross-city and cross-local sharing of educational resources. Education authorities and schools can also achieve clean and efficient management through the system. Under the influence of artificial intelligence, grandi dati, and “Internet +” and other technologies, education has gradually changed from traditional education to intelligent education.

4. Why smart education is important?

Why smart education is important

01. Achieve remote intelligent control

Intelligent classrooms through the Internet of things technology enable the teacher or the student to control the teaching auxiliary equipment such as computers, la lavagna elettronica in classe tramite l'App, telecomando, analisi intelligente, ecc. Inoltre, il sistema ambientale come il sipario, illuminazione, aria condizionata, e anche la guardia d'ingresso può essere controllata. Gli insegnanti e gli studenti possono cambiare o regolare l'attrezzatura in base alle loro esigenze.

02. Achieve remote inspection tracking

L'aula intelligente può realizzare l'ispezione remota delle apparecchiature presenti nell'aula. Tracciamento e gestione del ciclo di vita delle apparecchiature in classe, fornire una base decisionale per decidere se sostituire l'apparecchiatura, che ridurrà notevolmente il costo della gestione del lavoro.

03. Achieve remote monitoring and teaching

L'aula intelligente può realizzare la gestione della sicurezza delle risorse dell'aula. Una volta prelevati i beni dall'aula, il centro di gestione suonerà il sistema di allarme in tempo! Anche l'aula intelligente ha capacità di analisi del consumo energetico. The system carries out energy consumption statistics and analysis according to equipment, classroom, building, eccetera. Intelligent operation and maintenance, reservation management, live streaming, recording, on-demand, and course networking are realized.

04. The teaching mode emphasizes students as the main body

The teaching model of the intelligent classroom emphasizes the use of “student-oriented, teacher-led” exploration and assisted learning methods; It emphasizes students’ autonomous learning ability. Classroom teaching should pay more attention to the process of teaching and learning, rather than the traditional form in which the whole class is taught by teachers and students only passively input knowledge. Through the assistance of Internet of Things information technology, two-way and equal communication between teachers and students can be better achieved. Ciò aiuta a raggiungere lo scopo di un apprendimento felice e di un apprendimento efficace.

5. The challenge of IoT intelligent education

The challenge of IoT intelligent education

L’educazione intelligente è di grande importanza per la promozione dell’insegnamento e dell’istruzione moderni, ma comporta anche molte sfide, principalmente nei seguenti tre aspetti:

Primo, il livello aziendale: Molti importanti sistemi aziendali richiedono elevata sicurezza e affidabilità della struttura.

Secondo, l'aspetto operativo e manutentivo: L’insegnamento intelligente richiede un gran numero di sistemi e dispositivi di rete, e allo stesso tempo ha requisiti elevati per il funzionamento e la manutenzione di questi sistemi. Anche il tempo e il consumo energetico del personale operativo e di manutenzione aumentano notevolmente.

Terzo, l'aspetto dei dati: I dati generati nel processo di insegnamento vengono raccolti nel sistema.  The data needs to be saved and backed up in time so that it can play an active role in the teacher’s teaching in time.

6. IoT Smart Education solutions

IoT Smart Education solutions

01. Intelligent education is an important step to realizing educational modernization

Smart education makes full use of modern scientific and technological methods, promotes educational information, and greatly improves the modernization level of education. The important content of intelligent education is to develop educational resources and optimize the educational process to cultivate and improve students’ quality level, so as to promote the development progress of educational modernization.

02. Smart education contributes to the improvement of people’s quality

Intelligent education is an open online education based on the construction of moderna tecnologia informatica. Learners’ time and space are no longer limited, which can well guarantee equality of education for every citizen.

03. Intelligent education can promote the cultivation of talents

Smart education enables students to choose their learned knowledge and learning process according to their personal interests and individual differences. Students can also retrieve and process the relevant knowledge they have learned, so as to find learning problems and solve them in time, which is not only conducive to improving the quality and efficiency of education but also conducive to cultivating students’ innovative spirit and creative ability. It is beneficial to innovative talents. cultivation is of great significance.

04. Smart education promotes the development of educational theories

Intelligent education is an important reform of education. It enables students to regulate and standardize their learning independently, shows respect for individual differences of students, adopts different educational methods and evaluation standards, and promotes the renewal of teachers’ teaching ideas, which effectively promotes the development of educational theories.

05. Intelligent education promotes the development of the educational information industry

Smart education involves the construction of software and hardware, institutional systems, human resources construction, application model design, evaluation and evaluation system, application services, technical cooperation, and other levels of system construction, which is conducive to promoting the healthy development of the education information industry.