Intelligentes Wassermanagement: Eine vollständige Einführung in 2022


Intelligentes Wassermanagement bezieht sich auf ein umfassendes Managementsystem, das Clouding-Computer und Big Data nutzt, um eine intelligente Wahrnehmung zu erreichen, Intelligente Simulation, Intelligente Diagnose, Intelligente Warnung, Intelligente Planung, Intelligente Verarbeitung, Intelligente Steuerung und Service, mit der Kombination einer neuen Generation von Informationstechnologie, Sensorik, das Internet und das mobile System, Kläranlage und das Informationssystem der Wasserwerke.

Dieser Artikel vermittelt Ihnen ein umfassendes Verständnis dessen, was intelligentes Wassermanagement ausmacht IoT-Technologie und die entsprechenden Anwendungen und Arbeitsprinzipien.

Was ist ein intelligentes Wassermanagementsystem??

Was ist ein intelligentes Wassermanagementsystem?

Intelligentes Wassermanagement bezieht sich auf ein umfassendes Managementsystem, das Clouding-Computer und Big Data nutzt, um eine intelligente Wahrnehmung zu erreichen, Intelligente Simulation, Intelligente Diagnose, Intelligente Warnung, Intelligente Planung, Intelligente Verarbeitung, Intelligente Steuerung und Service, mit der Kombination einer neuen Generation von Informationstechnologie, Sensorik, das Internet und das mobile System, Kläranlage und das Informationssystem der Wasserwerke.

Mit 24 Stunden dynamische Überwachung der Wasserversorgung, Das System kann digital erreichen, intelligente und standardisierte Betriebsführung von Wasserversorgungsunternehmen sowie Kläranlagen. Die betriebliche und logische Analyse von Kläranlagen kann die Angemessenheit relevanter Daten beurteilen, um eine abschließende Situationsanalyse von Kläranlagen zu erstellen. Zum Beispiel, ob die Wasserqualität den Standards entspricht; ob die Kläranlagen ordnungsgemäß funktionieren; ob die Betriebsindikatoren angemessen sind. Datenüberwachungspunkte im Prozess der Abwasseraufbereitung, die aus den Wasser- und Abwasseraufbereitungstechnologien gesammelt werden, können grundlegende Datenmodellanalysen bis hin zu intelligenten Wassermanagementmodellanalysen und Betriebsdiagnosen bieten. Die Diagnose von Vorwarnmanagementmethoden zur Betriebsverfolgung und -verfolgung von Wasser- und Abwasseraufbereitungsanlagen trägt dazu bei, dass Benutzer die Anomalien klar kennen, die Behandlungseffizienz verbessern und automatisch Betriebsdiagnoseberichte erstellen können, Dies erleichtert die Analyse des Betriebs von Wasserfabriken und Abwasseraufbereitungsanlagen.

Was sind Bestandteile eines intelligenten Wassermanagements??

Komponenten eines intelligenten Wassermanagements

Installiert mit Sensoren, Controller, Datenerfassungsinstrumente, Gateways in jeder Pumpstation, Pipelines, Aquädukte, Kläranlage, Das intelligente Wassermanagementsystem ist in der Lage, die Produktionsbetriebsdaten in Echtzeit an die Datenplattformen zu übermitteln. Anschließend werden den relevanten Verantwortlichen die Analyseergebnisse angezeigt und über die Datenplattform informiert, die alle Arten von Schlüsseldaten intelligent überwacht und analysiert und Warnungen unterschiedlicher Art und Ebene bereitstellt. Auch, Den Verantwortlichen können relevante Ergebnisse als Entscheidungshilfe zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Welche IoT-Technologien werden in intelligenten Wasserleitungen verwendet??

IoT-Technologien werden in intelligenten Wasserleitungen eingesetzt

(1) Internet der Dinge

IoT ist ein entscheidender Bestandteil einer neuen Generation von IT. Es bleibt auch eine wichtige Entwicklungsstufe im „informationsbasierten“ Zeitalter. Vor-Ort-Daten der Abwasseraufbereitung werden mithilfe von IoT-Technologien auf die Clouding-Plattform hochgeladen, um Echtzeit vor Ort zu erreichen, Fernsteuerung und Intelligenz der Wasseraufbereitung zur Realisierung eines intelligenten Wassermanagements.

(2) Große Daten

Mit der Einführung der Big-Data-Technologie, Wasserunternehmen können die organische Kombination traditioneller strukturierter Datenverwaltungsmodelle und unstrukturierter Datenverwaltungsmodi erreichen, um eine effektive Tiefenanalyse von Big Data und die Entdeckung neuer Erkenntnisse zu erreichen und so aussagekräftigere Entscheidungsdaten für den Geschäftsbetrieb bereitzustellen.

(3) Cloud-Computer-Technologie

Cloud Computing ist ein internetbasiertes Modell für die Ergänzung, Nutzung und Erbringung damit verbundener Dienstleistungen, Dabei handelt es sich typischerweise um die Bereitstellung dynamisch skalierbarer und häufig virtualisierter Ressourcen über das Internet.

(4) Mobiles Internet

Die Wasserindustrie hat begonnen, die Vorteile der Kundeninteraktion zu verstehen und zu nutzen. Durch mobile Internet-Technologie, Wasserabteilungen können direkt mit WeChat eine bidirektionale Kommunikation aufbauen, Weibo, Websites und Smartphone-Apps, um die Servicequalität zu verbessern und Kunden vor möglichen Wasserausfällen zu warnen, Lecks, Verschmutzung und so weiter. Interactive technology will play a more vital role in the future, and the available solutions will become more customized.

(5) Building Information Management

BIM is a 3D building mode on the basis of the information data of construction projects and simulates the actual information of a building through digital information simulation. It has eight traits of information completeness, information correlation, information consistency, visualization, Koordinierung, simulation, optimization and mappability.

(6) Geographical Information System

GIS is also sometimes named “Geographic Information System”. It is a specific and very crucial spatial information system and technical system, welche, with the support of computer hardware and software systems, collects, Shops, manages, computes, analyzes, displays and describes data about geographic distribution in the space of the whole or part of the earth’s surface (including the atmosphere).

Welche Bedeutung hat intelligentes Wassermanagement??

the importance of smart water management

Der Anwendungswert eines intelligenten Wassersystems

As the water shortage, water environment pollution and other issues become increasingly prominent, “smart water” came into being with the boost of a new generation of information technology. It becomes the main direction for the transformation and upgrading of traditional water services. Auch, it can achieve intelligent management of water from water control and scheduling, resource management and coordination, safety production and environmental protection, energy management and optimization and other aspects of business innovation.

(1) Social benefits of smart water management system solutions

1. The system plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of urban water supply, achieving the stable development of society and building a harmonious society.

2. The system can significantly enhance the quality of urban water supply, thus improving the quality of life of residents and promoting the overall growth of the urban economy.

3. The system can greatly improve water supply services. Intelligent water system is helpful for water supply units to manufacture qualified water products but also to strengthen the security of their own water supply and raise the sense of service so as to ensure the quality of water supply and water supply security under the premise of making water supply services more intelligent and modern.

(2) The benefits of smart water management system solutions for companies

Der Einsatz eines intelligenten Wassermanagementsystems kann die Qualität der Wasserversorgung erheblich verbessern und die Sicherheit der Wasserversorgung gewährleisten. Daher, Das intelligente Wassermanagementsystem kann, in einem gewissen Ausmaß, Verbesserung des gesellschaftlichen Images von Wasserunternehmen, Steigerung der Managementeffizienz, Reduzieren Sie die Verwaltungskosten und tragen Sie zum Aufbau der städtischen Infrastruktur bei, Dadurch wird das allgemeine Wirtschaftswachstum der Stadt gefördert.

Intelligente Stadt Intelligentes Wassermanagement

Smart City Intelligentes Wassermanagement

Die Hauptziele städtischen ökologischen Wassers sind die Vegetation, Landschaft, städtische Flüsse und Seen sowie wilde Wassertiere. Es ist dieser Fall, Unsere Produkte übernehmen die Rolle der Überwachung, Messung, frühe Warnung, Kontrolle und Auswertung. Für die Bereiche, in denen eine Überwachung der Wasserressourcen erforderlich ist, können professionelle Geräte und Soft-Systemplattformen bereitgestellt werden. Als intelligentes System, the equipment and procedures can complete the M2M closed-loop self-control, measurement and control methods, and any configurations can be set up. It is a hope that when the system is up and running, it will automatically sprinkle irrigation when the vegetation is dry and automatically recharge the ecological water when the groundwater is over-extracted. Just like human beings, when they are thirsty, it is as simple and natural as drinking a glass of fresh water.

Natürlich, the city’s ecological water should also contain heavy rainfall brought about by urban flooding, rainwater storage and utilization as well as sponge cities, which are also the other part of urban ecological water. We should not forget about the floods and all the legacy problems of urban ecological water use through replenishing the ecological environment.

A lot of enterprises have already started to work on such programs. Jedoch, they have lost many chances for the reason that they produce intelligent devices without a perfect data transmission system. Then we can help solve this problem. The enterprise’s embedded low-power DTU products can complete the upgrade of the device or the transformation of the data transmission function without changing the size and appearance of the original devices so that it has perfect data transmission and communication functions to meet the functional needs of IoT devices.

Under the impact of 5G and mobile IoT, we can also provide NB-IoT terminal sensing products that support narrowband wireless IoT or embedded low-power data transmission products for equipment transformation and upgrade and wireless communication routers that support 5G communication. Like the previous hydrants of fire hydrants as well as ecological water replenishment, wireless water monitoring, metering, early warning and control can be achieved. With the transformation and integration of wireless intelligent control terminal and fire hydrant, as well as ecological water replenishment, we can complete the monitoring and control of water resources. The data collection can be completely 4G or NB-IoT wireless network transmission. Auch, it has Geographisches Positionierungs System Und Beidou communication modes that can be accurately positioned. The media of measurement and billing can be used to start, stop and measure the fire hydrant and ecological water replenishment hydrant with a special IC card.

IoT-Wassermanagement in der Landwirtschaft

IoT-Wassermanagement in der Landwirtschaft

The agricultural irrigation system with the features of high efficiency, water-saving and automation

Der agricultural irrigation system, featuring highly efficient, water-saving, Automatisierung, is composed of water and fertilizer integrated irrigation system, water and fertilizer machine monitoring system, valve control system, soil moisture monitoring system, meteorological monitoring system, solar power supply system, communication network and cloud platform. The communication between the cloud platform and each monitoring system is realized by the controller equipment of each system through 4G network, and each subsystem completes monitoring and management control through valve control, Sensoren and controllers.

Water and fertilizer integration equipment can download and implement the water and fertilizer integration irrigation solutions. It is mainly composed of control units, fertilizer proportioning units, raw liquid mixing units, fertilizer application units, filtration units and fertilizer application amount analysis units. Through the IoT terminal management controllers and monitoring instruments, the product can be remotely networked with the data centers, collecting and uploading the environment, soil and crop information on site, and automatically downloading and executing the water and fertilizer integration irrigation plan pushed by the cloud platform, thus realizing the whole chain management of irrigation and fertilization from scientific decision to accurate execution.

Die Überwachung des Wasserstandes und die Verwaltung von Talsperren

Die Überwachung des Wasserstandes und die Verwaltung von Talsperren

There are many rivers in the world. Also so many countries face the issues of frequent floods and a lack of water resources. With the in-depth development of water conservancy project construction in different countries, long-distance and ultra-long-distance water transfer and storage have emerged one after another. The existing communication means based on twisted pairs as well as carrier waves are increasingly unable to satisfy the demands of the industry. Safety monitoring, image monitoring, power information collection, control of damns, and power collection, Kontrolle, image monitoring, voice scheduling of pumping stations and gates have put forward higher requirements for communication networks.

Überwachung der Wasserqualität mittels IoT

Überwachung der Wasserqualität mittels IoT

The rapid economic growth of different nations has brought about various pollution problems. One of the most serious issues lies in water pollution.

Water is an essential natural resource for human survival, and water pollution can damage human health and endanger life safety so the protection of water resources has attracted great attention from all countries.

In order to implement the prevention and pollution control of water resources, the design and implementation of a reasonable and perfect water quality monitoring system is really key. Anfänglich, the process of water quality monitoring is and also requires an on-site operation. Was ist mehr, the monitoring of water quality is not real-time, and the water quality data cannot be intelligently classified and determined.

By using the Internet of Things, we developed an online remote water quality monitoring system.

Das System besteht aus drei Abschnitten:

1. The water quality data collection and transmission of monitored nodes. In the monitoring points, the water collection cards of the water quality sensors can be used to transfer the water quality parameter data to the on-site computers. Then after the calculation of the proportion of specific water quality parameters, the system can derive the concentration value of the corresponding parameters. Then the water quality parameters and node ID identification, monitoring time and other information are encapsulated into a JSON object sent to the backend server through the wireless network. Endlich, the data is going to be conserved in the MySql database.

2. The design and implementation of water quality classification. Most of the existing water quality classifications are based on the evaluation of a single factor so it doesn’t reflect the comprehensive water quality situation.

Der IoT-Lösungen in smart water management

IoT solutions in smart water management

(1) The reduction of water waste in water-intensive industries

A large amount of water resources has been used in agriculture, manufacturing or electricity production. In terms of agriculture alone, it accounts for seventy percent of all water consumption. According to the data provided by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, about 60 percent of its water resources have been wasted in the agricultural sector.

Agricultural producers must cope with increasingly erratic weather situations, which lead to a hotter and drier growing season.

Real-time water meter applications including an intelligent irrigation system or a water management system for crop can give hands to farmers to decrease water waste and also keep the health of soil so as to enhance water-saving and raise crop yields.

(2) Water quality monitoring for fighting against pollution and diseases

Manufacturing and other human activities are possible to pollute rivers and groundwater. The sensors and IoT technologies that can achieve real-time monitoring as well as control are conducive to detect and eliminate pollution and even boost water quality.

(3) Raise the awareness of water consumption households using smart water meters

A lot of households feel guilty for wasting water but they don’t realize the huge changes of their behaviors will bring a lot of benefits to them.

Most utility providers are now deploying smart meters to facilitate remote monitoring and billing. Infolge, the information is also prepared to be accessible to users, which is an actual encouragement for individual users to save money by reducing their water bills right now.

Die Beispiele von IoT-Technologien im intelligenten Wassermanagement

Der IoT-Anwendung in smart sewage management system

Wastewater treatment remains a very vital part of water management. The process of wastewater treatment is a biochemical process with an extremely complicated treatment process, which is very difficult to make it work consistently over time. Its operation and management are mostly carried out by professionals through their many years of experience. This requires management and operators to use their specialized knowledge of the industry. Auch, they should be on site at all times to ensure that the problem can be dealt with instantly.

Die Anwendungsrichtung des intelligenten Wassermanagements

There are a lot of specific application scenarios of smart water management. It can be grouped together by functional classification, roughly divided into three general directions: Intelligente Überwachung, integrated control, fine scheduling.

  • Smart monitoring and testing

Intelligent monitoring is the most basic function of intelligent water services. In water management services, real-time monitoring of water quality in various links should be conducted to ensure the standardized water quantity as well as water quality, and also ensure real-time monitoring of equipment in various parts of water service so as to ensure the normal operation of equipment. Various links and aspects of intelligent water services as well as intelligent monitoring make up for the lack of human resources in the work of water services. Early prevention, timely monitoring and rapid warning can also be achieved to conduct intelligent monitoring of water and rain, prevention of flash floods and also regional flash flood disasters.

  • Comprehensive control and management

Intelligent water services can comprehensively control the water process of raw water, water extraction, water production, water transmission, pressurized water delivery, water consumption, drainage and other links to achieve full process supervision and realize the whole process of remote supervision and intelligent linkage control to optimize production scheduling and ensure efficient water supply. Auch, it can promote energy saving and consumption reduction, decrease the difference between production and sales, which is an important way for the water division to achieve intelligent operation. The river-chief system management, smart water plant, sewage plant integration can effectively control the whole process of water services, real-time records, problem reporting, rectification and improvement, so that all aspects of water services can achieve closed-loop management.

  • Fine-scheduling water transfer

Der SCADA system for water supply network can meet the demand for fine scheduling of intelligent water services. With the scheduling center centrally monitoring the operation of the water supply network in the whole region, it can remotely measure flow, Druck, water level and other data, and collect, transmit and store them in real time to realize the whole-process supervision and intelligent linkage control, guaranteeing efficient water supply and promoting energy saving and consumption reduction.