Intelligentes Lager: Der endgültige Leitfaden 2022


Smart Warehouse ist ein Lagerverwaltungskonzept. es ist ein Intelligente Logistik durch IT erreicht, IoTs und Elektromechanik, um die Lagerkosten zu senken, Verbessern Sie die Betriebseffizienz und verbessern Sie die Speicherverwaltungsfähigkeit. Dieser Artikel vermittelt Ihnen ein klares Verständnis von Smart Warehouses

1. Was ist ein Smart Warehouse?ing?

Was ist ein intelligentes Lager?

Intelligente Lagerung ist ein Teil des Logistikprozesses. Der Einsatz intelligenter Speicher gewährleistet eine schnelle Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit der Dateneingabe in allen Bereichen der Lagerverwaltung. It also ensures that enterprises can understand the actual data of inventory in a timely and accurate manner, so as to reasonably maintain and control the inventory of Companies’ products. The management function of the WMS system is conducive to knowing the current location of all inventory goods in time, which helps improve management efficiency. RFID smart storage solutions are also equipped with RFID channel machines, inquiry machines, readers and much other hardware and equipment.

2. Vorteile von Smart Warehousing

Vorteile von Smart Warehousing

1. When the smart warehouse equipment is working, the system automatically receives external orders as well as other orders that need to be dispatched. Danach, the equipment automatically finishes the process of storage and takeout of relevant goods. During the whole storage process, Es besteht kaum eine Abhängigkeit der Lagerung von Arbeitskräften, was die Arbeitskosten erheblich senkt.

2. Automatisierte Maschinen in intelligenten Lagern arbeiten effizienter als manuelle Arbeiter und halten zudem den effizienten Betrieb des Lagers über einen langen Zeitraum aufrecht. In der Zwischenzeit, Die Intelligentes Lagersystem ist in der Lage, weitaus kompliziertere Arbeiten zu bewältigen, im Vergleich zu den Arbeitskräften.

3. Anders als herkömmliche Lagerhäuser, Intelligente Lagerung kann nicht nur die Arbeitskosten senken und Personalressourcen schonen, sondern kann auch unter besonderen Umständen wie toxischen Umgebungen eingesetzt werden, extreme Wetterbedingungen und höhere Sicherheitsanforderungen. Ein intelligentes Lagersystem ist ein brandneues Lagersystem, das aus verschiedenen Arten fortschrittlicher Technologien besteht, die als die fortschrittlichste Wissenschaft und Technologie im Bereich Lagerregale gelten können.

3. Funktionsprinzipien von Smart Warehousing

Wie funktioniert intelligente Lagerhaltung?

Die Prinzipien eines intelligenten Lagerverwaltungssystems variieren je nach Standort. Unterschiedliche Arbeiten führen auch zu unterschiedlichen Arbeitsprinzipien:
1. Das Ein- und Ausgangsmanagement eines Lagers: Zur Lagerein- und -ausgangsverwaltung werden UHF-Lesegeräte eingesetzt, die den Ein- und Ausgang von Gegenständen schnell identifizieren kann
2. Durch den Einsatz der UHF-Lesegeräte, Der Gabelstapler ist in der Lage, schnell und genau zu erkennen, ob die Ware versendet werden muss oder nicht. Auch, Es stellt die exakte Lieferung von Artikeln sicher, wenn die Mitarbeiter in Eile sind oder neue Mitarbeiter hinzukommen.
3. Aufruf und Zuteilung von Logistikfahrzeugen: Das Internet der Dinge wird genutzt, um die zentrale Planung von Logistikfahrzeugen zu verwalten und so die Effizienz des Transports zu maximieren.
4. Lesegeräte, die als intelligente Logistiksortiersysteme eingesetzt werden, können die Effizienz deutlich steigern und Präzision garantieren.
5. Verwenden Sie Handgeräte, um Produkte zu prüfen und Vermögenswerte zu verwalten.

4. Welche Technologien werden im Smart Warehousing eingesetzt?

Welche Technologien werden im Smart Warehousing eingesetzt?


Mit Hilfe des automatischen Identifikationssystems, das mit dem Radarreflexionsprinzip des UHF-RFID-Systems ausgestattet ist, Das Lesegerät sendet über die Antenne ein Mikrowellen-Abfragesignal an das elektronische Etikett. Dann kann die Mikrowellenenergie des Lesers das elektronische Etikett aktivieren. After the reception of the microwave signal, the reader responds and sends out the echoing signal with the tag that includes data information. The fundamental feature of Radio Frequency Identification Technology is to recognize stationary or moving objects using radio technology, with the purpose of ensuring the objects are identified as well as extracting the objects’ feature information (or identification information).


With the functions of safety protection and all kinds of mobile and loading transport, AGV is transport vehicles that are installed with automated guided devices that are equipped with electromagnets or optics. These kinds of vehicles can be driven following prescribed guided paths. It is an unmanned transport vehicle that is powered by rechargeable batteries and applied in various industries. An AGV is generally monitored by computers to control its travel route and behaviors, or the route can be established by an electromagnetic track. The movement and operation of the unmanned vehicles are controlled by messages conveyed from the electromagnetic track which is attached to the ground.
The Robotic Palletizer
A pallet stack robot refers to a robot that is able to automatically palletize(or dismantle) goods with different dimensions and shapes on the pallet in a neat way. In order to take full advantage of the area of the pallet and ensure the stability of the piling of goods, the robot has been installed with a sequence setting machine that can control the order of goods for piling. Based on the different palletizing mechanisms, robotic palletizers can be divided into two types: multi-layer type and right-angled coordinate type. It can also be categorized by slide-clamp type, bottom-up dragging type and vacuum suctioning type depending on the different forms of clamps.

Three Dimensional Warehouse

A three-dimensional warehouse, also known as a high-level shelf storehouse, is called Automatic Storage& Retrieval System (AS/RS). Normally a dozen or even dozens of layers of high selves are included in the warehouse, in which automated transport vehicles handle goods that need to be shipped out and stored. The three-dimensional storage is generally comprised of high-rise shelves, material transport equipment, controlling and management devices, public facilities for land construction, usw.

Warehouse Management System

A warehouse management system (WMS) refers to an information management system that consists of a series of functions including the warehousing business, outbound business, warehouse management, allocation of inventory management, virtual inventory and so on. Using these functions, the storehouse integrates batch management, material corresponding, inventory check-out, quality inspection management, virtual warehouse management and just-in-time inventory management functions into the information system. A warehouse management system effectively controls and tracks the whole process of logistics and cost management of warehouse business to realize the improvement of warehousing information management. The system can perform logistics and warehousing inventory operations independently, and can also improve the intelligent integration of logistics and warehousing with enterprise operation, Produktion, procurement and sales.

Warehouse Control System

The warehouse control system (WCS) is the intermediary between the warehouse management system (WMS) and the logistics devices. The system is in charge of the coordination and schedule of all types of logistics equipment so that the bottom logistics equipment is able to follow up on the business process of the warehousing system. Auch, this process is completely executed exactly based on the pre-setting of the program. It functions as a core system to ensure the smooth operation of the entire logistics and warehousing system.

5. Was ist ein intelligentes Lagersystem und was sind intelligente Lagersysteme?

what are smart warehouse systems

Smart warehouse system is the result of collaborative work of various interconnected warehousing technologies which creates a technical ecosystem that is able to automatically receive, identify, sort, organize and pick up goods. The well-developed smart warehouse solutions can provide almost the automation of the entire operation from supplier to customer with the fewest errors. You should pay more attention to the traits that help mark a successful smart warehouse system while considering smart storage. Some of these traits are:


The warehouse control system (WCS) is the intermediary between the warehouse management system (WMS) and the logistics devices. The system is in charge of the coordination and schedule of all types of logistics equipment so that the bottom logistics equipment is able to follow up on the business process of the warehousing system. Auch, this process is completely executed exactly based on the pre-setting of the program. It functions as a core system to ensure the smooth operation of the entire logistics and warehousing system.


SaaS solutions do not encounter this limitation. Updates can be done immediately, and new content can be rolled out without compromising productivity. Implementing new features simply requires bringing in IT to solve unexpected problems, mit denen sich intelligente Lagerbetreiber befassen möchten.

Ein intelligentes Lager sollte in der Lage sein, mit zukünftigen Veränderungen und Anforderungen Schritt zu halten, da die Lager- und Lieferkette immer komplizierter wird. Intelligente Lager müssen gut auf den Empfang zahlreicher Produkte und die Veröffentlichung neuer Artikel vorbereitet sein, Das führt uns zurück zur Diskussion anderer Merkmale der SaaS-Lösungen.

Wenn Sie bereits Pläne für den internen Einsatz haben, Es kann für Sie schwierig sein, dem Smart-Warehousing-System neue Funktionen hinzuzufügen. Bei manchen Gelegenheiten, Das gesamte System kann nach Abschluss der Aktualisierungen demontiert werden, was möglicherweise zu einer erheblichen Verlangsamung des Betriebs des Systems führt.

Jedoch, SaaS-Lösungen funktionieren ohne solche Einschränkungen. The update can be completed in time while the new releases can be launched at the same time, which has no impact on the efficiency. Only the introduction of IT is needed to implement new functions so as to tackle new emergencies, which are the actual issues handled by smart warehouse operators.

Data Visibility

As technology continues to evolve, data visibility has become a necessity for most software that is relevant to the functions of supply. This is of great importance nowadays since supply chain and warehousing operations have more complex changes and instant updates as well as data storagewhich should be ready for software solutions. Customers and stakeholders tend to be aware of the exact location of their products based on the real-time data provided by the smart warehouse system.

With smart warehouses, interested parties should be allowed to find what they want in a quick manner. If clients have the option of working with an operation that updates data overnight or keeps it up to date, you can help them make the choice.

This is of great importance when taking into account client retention. Zusätzlich, data visibility also provides a wealth of useful information for the operation itself. The operator is given a bird’s eye view of the entire warehouse and the performance of individual components according to the real-time data. If inventory or delivery times are inaccurate, you will know immediately where they come from. In diesem Fall, smart warehouse operators can take action before things get under control and put more hands on the job.

6. Intelligentes Lager Examples

Beispiele für intelligente Lager

Six common application scenarios for Smart Warehousing System

1. Pharmaceutical warehouse: the storehouse of the Pharmaceutical company contains a large variety of drugs, which need to be managed by the system.
2. Machinery manufacture: 3D warehouses of machine manufacturing plants covers a large production area with large amounts of mechanical products.
3. Tobacco warehouse: tobacco warehouses, embracing lots of items, have strict requirements for the environment so using the storage system gives big hands to manage the environment and goods.
4. Military police force: the munitions warehouse of armed police and military, covering large areas with a large quantity of goods, utilizes three-dimensional shelves.
5. Clothing warehouse: it refers to the garment factories used for the production of children’s & adult clothing.
6. Electronic-commerce warehouse: It stands for those storehouses owned by Amazon, Shopify, eBay and other e-commerce enterprises.

7. Geschichte des Smart Warehouse

Traditional manual storage
Manual warehousing works in a way where much manpower is invested to perform storage management and warehousing works. It mainly relies on the working experience of staff to manage the storehouse. Was ist mehr, employees have to go through a long period of training before they are able to do their jobs. Zusätzlich, manual storage improves the efficiency of billing records and also reduces the time of making mistakes.

Mechanized storage
During the mechanization stage, the transportation, Handhabung, and management of commodities are no longer purely conducted by manpower but with a combination of mechanical and manual efforts to complete the operations. Items can be transported by conveyors, haulers, cranes, forklifts and other machines. Danach, the storage and takeout of goods can be operated by equipment controlled by humans. Mechanical warehousing satisfies various types of needs like precision, quantity, Gewicht, handling and so on. Jedoch, as the e-commerce industry and online shopping gain popularity, warehousing and logistics in the mechanization era have faced great pressure.

Automated storage

The transition from mechanization to automation is mainly caused by the growth as well as applications of automation technology. In the 1950s, AGV, Automatische Regale und automatische Lagerroboter gewannen nach und nach an Popularität und fanden nach und nach breite Anwendung in der Lager- und Logistikbranche, was zu einer höheren Arbeitseffizienz der Lagerbranche führte. Seit damals, Automatische Identifikationssysteme und automatische Sortiersysteme wurden erforscht und entwickelt, um den Übergang von der Mechanisierung zur Automatisierung zu ermöglichen. In den 1970ern, automatisierte Geräte wie gedrehte Regale, Mobile Regale und Gassenpalettierer wurden weithin im Lager- und Logistikbereich eingesetzt, während die Steuerung und Verwaltung computergestützter Technologien für die Lagerabläufe den Gesamtnutzen weit über die zuvor erzielten Margen hinaus steigerte.

Schlau Lagerung
Die intelligente Stufe ist die weitere Forschung der Speicherindustrie auf der Grundlage der Entwicklung der Automatisierung. It develops towards the direction of intelligence. The emergence of smart warehousing mainly benefited from the growth of artificial intelligence, in which the data between plates and systems can be mutually shared, providing more convenience to deal with work.

8. Die Zukunftsaussichten von Smart Warehouse

In den vergangenen Jahren, the first echelon of logistics robot enterprises has delivered remarkable achievements. These companies, facing the issues like high renting of warehouses, developed economy, high human resources price and low manual efficiency, are mainly located in typically countries and regions where there are high automation demands of warehousing and logistics. Those countries or regions contain the United States, Europe, Australien, Japan, South Korea and so on.

As the back-end link of Intelligente Fertigung, smart warehousing and logistics undertake great duties like the improvement of efficiency, customer experience and companies’ core competitiveness with the popular concepts of product diversification and customization. Since the technologies like big data, das Internet der Dinge, robots and sensors become more advanced, intelligent storage, functioning as the carrier of the above technologies, is expected to undergo fast growth.

In den vergangenen Jahren, with the growth of the warehousing industry, the ratio of the warehousing industry in the total social logistics cost and the proportion of warehousing in GDP has witnessed a fast rise. And the warehousing industry has played a more crucial role in the overall economic operation year by year. Storage facilities are becoming more and more saturated, and the investment in the industry is turning to terminal node construction, information-based operation and intelligence (cloud storage, Große Daten, das Internet der Dinge), resulting in a slowdown in the growth of the investment.
With land utilization and labor cost continuing to increase, storage cost has also experienced a significant increase. Cost reduction and efficiency increase are the core tasks in the future development of the storage industry. Developing smart storage, reducing the use of labor and landand lowering logistics costs will become

the essential tasks that need to be resolved to achieve the development of the warehousing industry in China.