Was ist Global Positioning Systems (Geographisches Positionierungs System): Ein maßgeblicher Leitfaden


Mit den Eigenschaften Allwettertauglich und raumorientiert, Global Positioning System(Geographisches Positionierungs System) refers to a kind of navigation system which is able to satisfy the requirements of the demands of continuous and precise determination as well as locating of three-dimensional positions and three-dimensional movement and time for military users located anywhere around the globe or in near-Earth space. With the features of medium-range and circular, it is an orbit satellite navigation system.

The article will introduce to you the definition of the Global Locating System and its application environments.

1. How to define Global Positioning System?

How to define Global Positioning System?

GPS is the short term for Global Positioning System (Geographisches Positionierungs System), and its Chinese short term is “Ball system”. Being a new generation of space satellite navigation and locating systems, Global Positioning System is jointly invented by the Army, Navy and Air Force departments of the U.S. in the 1970s. Die Funktionen von GPS müssen mit drei Elementen einbezogen werden: Geographisches Positionierungs System Terminals, Übertragungsnetzverbindungen und Überwachungsplattformen. Diese drei Arten von Komponenten sind unverzichtbar. Mit dem 3 Komponenten, Das System ist in der Lage, Dienste wie die Diebstahlsicherung von Fahrzeugen anzubieten, Raubwiderstand, die Überwachung von Fahrtrouten sowie die Führung von Rufen.

2. The Working Principles of GPS

The Working Principles of GPS

Die grundlegenden Funktionsprinzipien des GPS-Navigationssystems beziehen sich auf die Messung der Entfernung zwischen den Satelliten mit bekannter Position und einem Benutzerempfänger, Anschließend werden die von mehreren Satelliten gesammelten Daten umfassend analysiert, um die genauen Positionen der Empfänger zu ermitteln. Um die Absicht zu verwirklichen, the location of the satellite can be checked out in a satellite ephemeris on the basis of the times gathered by the onboard clocks. The distance from the users to the satellite is acquired by recording the time that the satellite signal propagates to the users and multiplies it by the speed of light (Owe to the interference of the ionosphere of the atmosphere, the distance is not the actual one between a user and a satellite but the pseudo-range (PR), which means that if the GPS satellite works normally, it will constantly transfer navigation messages with a pseudo-random code that is composed of 1 Und 0 binary code elements (pseudo-code for short).

3. The composition of the Global Locating System

The composition of the Global Locating System

The part of space

GPS satellite

With a cylindrical body as well as solar sails on both sides, the GPS satellites are able to automatically orient to the sun. Every satellite is equipped with multiple atomic clocks, offering high-precision time standards to the satellites. With fuels and spraying nozzles on board, the satellites are able to regulate their orbits under the control of the ground control systems.

The basic functions of GPS satellites involve:

  • Receive and store navigation messages from the ground control systems and then the messages are modulated on the carrier wave to broadcast to the users.
  • Adjust the orbits and the satellite clocks, repair faults or activate spare parts to maintain the normal operation of the entire system on the basis of the commands of the ground control systems.

GPS satellites can be categorized into two types: test-type satellites and working satellites.

Satellite Constellation

The collection of GPS satellites that can be launched into orbit and work properly is named the GPS satellite constellation. The total number of satellites that is currently in operation is 24, which are scattered over six orbital planes, with four satellites in every orbital plane, ensuring that users at any position can observe four to eight satellites at any time. In order to replace the malfunctioning satellites in a timely manner, three additional satellites that have been launched into orbit and are working properly have been issued as backup satellites, and the 24 plus 3 constellations are viewed as the basic constellations.

The part of ground monitoring

The ground facilities which can provide support for the proper operation of the entire system are referred to as the ground controlling parts, which are comprised of the master control station, the monitoring station, the injection station as well as communication and support systems.

Main control station

The master control station functions as the administrative and technical center of the entire ground monitoring system, which is playing the main role of managing and coordinating the operation of all parts of the ground monitoring system.

Based on the materials sent by every monitoring station, the satellite orbit, as well as the satellite clock correction numberwill be calculated and predicted, and then a navigation message in the prescribed format will be compiled and transferred to the ground injection station.

The satellite orbit and the satellite clock readings will be adjusted. When the satellite fails, Das System ist für die Reparatur oder Aktivierung der Ersatzteile zuständig, um deren normalen Betrieb aufrechtzuerhalten. Und wenn der Satellit nicht repariert werden kann, Der Ersatzsatellit wird aufgerufen, ihn zu ersetzen, um den zuverlässigen Betrieb des gesamten Systems aufrechtzuerhalten.


Die Überwachungsstation fungiert als unbeaufsichtigtes automatisches Datenerfassungszentrum. Seine Hauptfunktionen umfassen

  1. Die Pseudo-Entfernungsmessung jedes GPS-Satelliten im Sichtfeld,
  2. Die automatisierte Messung und Aufzeichnung meteorologischer Elemente wie der Temperatur, Luftdruck und relative Luftfeuchtigkeit mit Hilfe von meteorologischen Messungen Sensoren.
  3. Der Korrektur von Pseudoentfernungsbeobachtungen folgen Bearbeitungen, Glättung und Komprimierung, und dann an die Hauptkontrollstation übertragen.


Die Injektionsstation fungiert als Bodenanlage, die Navigationsmeldungen und andere Befehle an GPS-Satelliten eingibt. Es kann die empfangenen Navigationsnachrichten in einem Mikrocomputer speichern und diese Navigationsnachrichten und andere Befehle dann mit einer Sendeantenne mit großer Apertur in den Satelliten einspeisen, wenn der Satellit darüber hinwegfliegt.

Kommunikations- und Unterstützungssystem

Die Kommunikations- und Hilfssysteme sind die Agenturen und Einrichtungen im Bodenüberwachungssystem, die für die Datentransformation und die Bereitstellung anderer Hilfsdienste verantwortlich sind. Das Kommunikationssystem von GPS ist eine Mischung aus terrestrischen Kommunikationsleitungen, Unterseekabel und Satellitenkommunikation.

Die Benutzerteile bestehen hauptsächlich aus Benutzern und Geräten wie GPS-Empfängern.


Das Instrument und die Ausrüstung, die gesammelt werden können, Verarbeiten und messen Sie GPS-Satellitensignale für die Navigation, orten, Orbiting und Timing werden als GPS-Empfänger bezeichnet. Der GPS-Empfänger besteht aus einer Empfangsantenne mit Vorverstärkern, Signalverarbeitungsgeräte, Eingabe- und Ausgabegeräte, Stromversorgung sowie Mikroprozessoren und andere Komponenten.


Mit der Zusammensetzung einer Antenne und eines Vorverstärkers, Die Antenneneinheit trägt eine Empfangsantenne, die als Gerät fungiert und die Energie des vom Satelliten ausgesendeten elektromagnetischen Wellensignals in elektrischen Strom umwandeln kann. Aufgrund der extrem schwachen Satellitensignale, Der erzeugte Strom muss immer durch den Vorverstärker verstärkt werden, bevor er in den GPS-Empfänger gelangt.


The components of receiving units contain receiving channels, storage equipment, microprocessors, input & output devices and a power supply.

Being a component of the receivers, the receiving channel is applied to track, process, and measure the satellite signals. The channel is comprised of wireless radio components, digital circuitry and other hardware and specialized software, which is referred to as channels for short. A channel can only track one signal of a certain frequency in a satellite at a certain time. Being the vital functions of the receiver channels, the pseudo-range measurement acquires the satellite navigation messages and rebuilds the carrier waves for the measurement of carrier phases.

4. What are the types of Global Locating Systems?

What are the types of Global Locating Systems?

The four great satellite navigation systems are divided into Global Positioning System in the United States, Die GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM developed by Russia, Galileo Satellite Navigation System from Europe and the Beidou satellite navigation system in China.

1. Global Positioning System in the United States

GPS refers to a new generation of satellite navigation and locating system with all-rounded and three-dimensional navigation and locating functions in real time at sea, on land and in the air, which was researched and developed by the United States in the 1970s and was fully finished in 1994 mit 20 years of development time and the cost of $20 Milliarde.

The utilization of China’s mapping and other departments in the past ten years has suggested that GPS has been warmly welcomed by the majority of mapping workers with the features of all-weather, high-precision, automated and high-efficiency. Was ist mehr, the system has been victoriously utilized in geodesy, engineering surveying, aerial photogrammetry, navigation and control of carriers, the monitoring of crustal motion, the monitoring of engineering deformation, resources discovery, geodynamics and more disciplines, thus bringing an overwhelming technical revolution to the industry of mapping.

2. “GLONASS” system developed by Russia

GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM was first developed during the Soviet era, and the program was continuously developed by Russia. After gaining independence, Russia started to develop its GNSS technology in 1993.

The system started to be operated in 2007. Damals, it could only be utilized for satellite locating and navigation services only within Russia. Von 2009, the service range of the system was extended to the entire world. Die Hauptdienste des Systems umfassen die Identifizierung von Koordinaten und Informationen, sowie die Geschwindigkeit der Landbewegung, See- und Luftziele.

3. Galileo-Satellitennavigationssystem aus Europa

Das Satellitennavigationssystem von Galileo bezieht sich auf das von der Europäischen Union entwickelte und eingerichtete globale Satellitennavigations- und Ortungssystem. Das Programm wurde im Februar von der Europäischen Kommission angekündigt 1999, und unter gemeinsamer Federführung der Europäischen Kommission und der ESA. Das System besteht aus dreißig Satelliten mit einer Umlaufhöhe von 23,616 Kilometer mit den Komponenten von 27 Arbeitssatelliten und drei Ersatzsatelliten. Die Umlaufbahnen der Satelliten befinden sich in einer Höhe von etwa 24,000 KM und liegen im 3 Ebenen der Umlaufbahnen mit einer Neigung von 56 Grad.

5. The application cases of the Global Locating System

The application cases of the Global Locating System

The application of GPS has been very extensive. Zum Beispiel, GPS signals can be applied to navigate we can at the seaand in the air. Auch, it can be applicable for missile guidance, the precise locating of geodesy and engineering measurement, time transfer and speed measurement, usw. In terms of the field of mapping, GPS satellite positioning technology has been utilized to establish a high-precision national geodetic control network with the purpose of determining the global dynamic parameters of the earth. Was ist mehr, the technology has been applied to set up a land and ocean geodetic datum to carry out high-precision island and land joint surveys and ocean mapping. Auch, it is to monitor the state of the earth’s plate movement and crustal deformation and is applicable for engineering measurement. It has been developed as the major way to set up urban and engineering control networks.

GPS is utilized to locate and measure the camera positions at the moment of aerospace photography, enabling rapid mapping of aerial surveys with only a little or no ground controls, thus leading to a technological revolution in GIS as well as global environmental remote sensing monitoring.

A lot of commercial and governmental institutions also make use of GPS devices to track the position of their vehicles, which generally requires the assistance of wireless communication technology. Several GPS receivers integrate radios, wireless phones and mobile data terminals to adapt to fleet management requirements.

Systemic technology is primarily providing locating navigation for moving objects like boats, Schiffe, Autos, planes and so on. Cases like:

  • The ocean navigation of vessels and inbound pilotage.
  • Aircraft route guidance and landing.
  • Autonome Fahrzeugnavigation.
  • The Ground tracking of vehicles and city smart traffic management.
  • Lifesaving when emergencies occur.
  • Individual travel and wild adventure.
  • Personal communication terminals (integrated with PDA, electronic map, usw.).
  • Time synchronization for power, post and telecommunications networks
  • The access to accurate time.
  • The access of accurate frequency.
  • Geodetic survey and control survey of all types of grades.
  • The release of roads and a variety of lines.
  • Topographic surveys under the water.
  • The measurement of crustal deformations, the deformation monitoring of dam and large constructions.
  • GIS applications.
  • The control of construction machinery (Reifenkräne, Bulldozer, usw.).
  • Precision and fine agriculture.
  • Vehicle GPS positioning management system is primarily comprised of vehicle GPS autonomous locatingwith the combination of wireless communication systems for vehicle scheduling management and tracking.

6. The solutions for Global Locating System

The solutions for Global Locating System

With the growth of the times and the development of society, locating systems has been an indispensable part of our lives. The locating system functions as a collection or a device that is interrelated with the aim of determining space locations. It is primarily applicable for vehicle navigation, Notfallmaßnahmen, missile production and guidance, aviation rescue and manned spacecraft protection detection.

Satellite Locating System

The satellite locating system refers to a satellite system with the coverage of the accumulation of twenty-four satellites. This system ensures the realization of navigation, positioning and other functions with the features of high precision, automated measurement, three-dimensional fixed speed and timing, fast and time-saving, hohe Effizienz, wide application, as well as multiple functionalities. Auch, the system is integrated into a variety of case industries of the construction of the national economy, the construction of national defense and social growth. The fields cover atmospheric physical observation, geophysical resource exploration, engineering measurement, deformation monitoring, and urban planning, which mainly offers locating systems for ships, Autos, aircraft and other moving objects. Gleichzeitig, the locating system utilizes the radio locating system used by the satellite for achieving an active locating model.

Global Positioning System

The Global Positioning System carries an atomic clock with great stability and then is synchronized with the ground clock. Due to the constant speed of radio waves, the time delay between a GPS signal transmitter and a receiver is proportional to the time of flight using the navigation equation. The Global Positioning System is comprised of a spatial component, a control component and a user component.

Based on GPS standards, the action of mobilizing satellites is not precise and accurate. After a satellite is mobilized, engineers track the new orbit from the ground, and then upload the new ephemeris and mark the satellite available again. The information assurance is significantly enhanced compared to the current Operational Control System (OCS).

Security Guard Locating System

The location information is collected based on the demand of key location monitoring, and the real-time position information of the security guards that are on duty can be queried more precisely. Property management engineers, security personnel, and management personnel need to contact each other inside buildings. The ways to contact include the intercom, fixed-line telephones, Handys, and radio search (inside the mall), which are the traditional and older means. Problems will occur such as the distance limitations of intercoms, high-power radiation and interference, the inconvenience of fixed-line telephones, unstable signal and high cost of cell phones, the interference to the guests when using radio search and so on.

7. How does the precision of the Global Positioning System look like

Global Positioning System features highly precise, all-weather, highly efficient, mehrere funktionen, easily operated, widely applied and so on. The application practice has proved that the relative locating precision of the Global Positioning System is able to reach 10-6 meters within 50KM, 10-7m from 100-500KM, and 10-9m from 1000KM. In the precision locating of the range from 300 to 1500M project, the plane of its plane position error is less than 1mm for more than one hour of observation. Compared to the length of the edge measured by the ME-5000 electromagnetic wave rangefinder, the biggest difference in the length of the edge is 0.5mm, and the calibration error is 0.3mm.

8. Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen GNSS und GPS??

How does the precision of the Global Positioning System look like

With the traits of all-dimensional, all-weather, all-time and high precision, GPS is a satellite navigation system developed and established by the Department of Defense in the United States. Featuring low-cost, highly precise three-dimensional position, high speed and precise timing, navigation information is offered by the Geographic Positioning System and then send to users around the globe. The Geographic Positioning System remains an application example of satellite communication technologies in the navigation field, which substantially enhances the information-based development of countries around the globe to inject a strong impetus to the growth of the digital economy.

The full name of GNSS refers to Global Navigation Satellite System which is the same term for BeiDou system, Geographisches Positionierungs System, GLONASS system, Galileo system and other single satellite navigation systems. Was ist mehr, the Global Navigation Satellite System stands for the augmented systems and the mixture of all these satellite navigation systems and locating systems as well as the enhanced systems. Das heißt, GNSS is a large system comprised of a few satellite navigation and locating systems as well as enhanced systems. It is a star radio navigation system that utilizes artificial satellites as the navigation station, offering all-weather, highly precise location, velocity and timing messages for a variety of military and civilian carriers on the land, Meer, Luft und Himmel rund um den Globus. daher, it is also considered a space-focused locating, navigation and timing system.

9. What are the differences between GPS and the Beidou satellite locating system?

What are the differences between GPS and the Beidou satellite locating system?

The most eye-catching difference between GPS and the Beidou satellite locating system is that GPS has not been equipped with the function of sending and receiving short text communication while the Beidou satellite locating system supports the function of sending and receiving short text communication. Jedoch, it is vital to note that cell phones generally cannot support the function of sending and gathering texts of the Beidou satellite locating system for the reason that the locating chip on the cell phones can only support obtaining locating information from satellites.

GPS nutzt ein Zweifrequenzsignal. Jedoch, the Beidou satellite locating system makes use of a triple-frequency signal. Theoretisch gesehen, GPS has comparable locating precision globally while the locating precision of the Beidou satellite system is specially strengthened for China and its surrounding areas.

GPS has been equipped with 32 Satelliten. Je mehr Satelliten es gibt, desto mehr redundante Daten werden erhalten, desto zuverlässiger sind die Daten, und desto kleiner wird der DOP-Wert sein. Im Augenblick, the Beidou satellite locating system has been only equipped with sixteen satellites. Je mehr Satelliten es geben wird, desto mehr Beobachtungsdaten werden erfasst, und desto vermeidbarer wird die Präzision verbessert.

GPS ist einseitig ausgerichtet, Das bedeutet, dass der Empfänger nur die Standortsignale erfassen und nur wissen kann, wo Sie sich befinden. Andererseits, the Beidou satellite locating system is two-way oriented, Dies bedeutet, dass das System Ihre Position an Ihre Freunde übertragen kann, um diese über Ihren Standort zu informieren und gleichzeitig Signale zu empfangen. Allgemein, GPS and the Beidou satellite locating system both function as navigation and locating systems but they make use of distinctive locating technologies and therefore have different locating ranges. The Beidou navigation system is expected to be equipped with global locating and navigation functions by 2020. Jedoch, GPS ist ein Allwetter-Ortungssystem, das Gebiete auf der ganzen Welt abdeckt.

10. The History as well as Development of the Global Positioning System

The predecessor of GPS was a meridian satellite locating system researched and developed by the U.S. Army in 1958. The system worked with a network of five to six satellites that circled the Earth up to 13 times per day. Jedoch, it could not provide altitude information and was not as accurate as it could be in terms of locating precision.

GPS originated from a U.S. military project that started in 1958 and was put into use in 1964. Die USA. Army, Navy and Air Force departments jointly invented a new generation of the satellite locating system, also named the Global Positioning System in the 1970s.

The major intention of the design of GPS is to provide real-time, all-weather worldwide navigation services for the 3 main areas including the land, Meer und Luft. It is utilized for some military intentions such as INTEL collection, the monitoring of nuclear explosions and emergency communications. With more than twenty years of research and experiments as well as with the cost of $30 Milliarde, a constellation of 24 GPS satellites had been laid out by 1994, with global coverage of 98%. Global Positioning System carries another definition in the mechanical field, das ist, Geometrical Product Specifications – GPS for short.