Saturday, February 22, 2025
What is Artificial Intelligence(AI): The Definitive Guide 2022

What is Artificial Intelligence(AI): The Definitive Guide 2022

The abbreviation of artificial intelligence is AI. It is a late-model technology science that researches and exploits methods, technologies, theories, and application systems for mimicking, extending, and expanding human intelligence. 1. What...
What is RFID and How it Works, The Definitive Guide 2022

What is RFID and How it Works, The Definitive Guide 2022

Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) technology generally stands for wireless radio frequency recognition, also named RF recognition. It is a kind of automated recognition technology, which conducts contactless two-way data communication with the aid of the wireless...
What is NFC and How It Works: A Complete Guide?

What is NFC and How It Works: A Complete Guide 2022?

The full name of NFC refers to Near Field Communication technology. Based on the contactless Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID), Near Field Communication technology offers a quite secure and quick way of...
What is LPWAN(Low-Power Wide-Area Network): Applications and Solutions?

What is LPWAN(Low-Power Wide-Area Network): Applications and Solutions?

How to define LPWAN Technologies? LPWAN is one wireless telecommunication WAN that is developed to allow long-range communication at a lower bit percentage. A majority of LPWAN technologies are capable of achieving network coverage of several kilometers or even tens...